Exploration results This is some of the results I have found so far: directory / var / tmp, part of the / etc / down file stored in RAM. This RAM is the 64M RAM directory / is read-only falsh directory /.Backup/ is a complete backup of this machine, and a directory directory / diska / disk / disk file with reformatting and restoring a pre-installed program / disk file System, in the file browser is marked as "Phone" directory / ezxlocal / is a reinaborated FALSH memory, used for application configuration directory / MMC / MMCA1 / is the SD card preloader in directory / usr / sysqtapps / These procedures should all appear on the menu (Note: on the phone). "wvimps" is an IM program (although this program is yours, it may not appear in the menu), MTC looks like a telephone test command. The operating system and the Zaurus Linux system are binary compatible, although it lacks shared libraries for QTOPIA applications, so that programs like embedded console cannot be activated. I am trying to see if I can supplement these libraries and don't cause harm to the system. Here is some good news. I can describe the format of the menu (pre-loaded program columns in directory / usr / language / preloadapps / nativeDB); temporarily cannot add items without SD cards. If the SD card is good, there will be a directory / mmc/mcca1/.system/java/am/, there is another DB file in the directory (may be instremedb). If you add or change these portals (similar to the entry under NativeDB), you will run the local Linux program when you click. I have already added MTC programs to the menu. I am in glaring, if you can point out the package file used by the program, you can find a method of installing a local program.