JavaScript reference tutorial
Introduction to JavaScript
What is the characteristic of JavaScript?
JavaScript enables web pages to add interactivity. JavaScript simplifies the HTML segment that regularly, reduces download time. JavaScript can respond prominend the user's operations, and make an immediate check for submitting forms without a waste of time, CGI verification. JavaScript features endless, as long as you have ideas.
What is the difference between Java and JavaScript?
Many people see Java and JavaScript have "Java" four words, think they are the same thing, even myself is the same. In fact, they are all completely different. Java, the full name should be a Java Applet, which is embedded in the web, and a small program that has its own independent running window. Java applet is pre-compiled, an applet file (.class) opens reading with NotePad, and cannot be understood. The function of Java Applet is very powerful, accessible to the HTTP, FTP and other protocols, and even a virus on the computer (a precedent). In contrast, JavaScript's ability is relatively small. JavaScript is a "script" ("script"), which is written directly in the HTML document. When the browser reads them, it is compiled and executed, so you can view the HTML source file to view the JavaScript source code. JavaScript has no standalone run window, and the browser current window is its run window. They have the same point, I think only is the same as the programming language in Java.
Developing JavaScript what software
A JavaScript program is actually a document, a text file. It is embedded in the HTML document. So any software that can be written in HTML documents can be used to develop JavaScript. Here I recommend everyone with the Microsoft Script Editor with FrontPage 2000 (at the FrontPage Menu | Tools | Macro | Microsoft Script Editor). It is a program developer like Visual Basic / C , which makes a brief message on the statement being entered. With FrontPage 2000, the workload is greatly reduced.
JavaScript language foundation
Where to insert JavaScript