"Method of the class member referred to by indirect call pointer", list my code as follows: (Compilation platform Windows2003, Cygwin G 3.4.1, VC 2003)
Operatorexclass.h (file) ------ // about -> * Operator Example.
Class class {public: int fun (void);
INT m_var;
Operatorexclass.cpp ------ // About -> * Operator Example.
INT class :: fun (void) {std :: cout << "call function./n"; std :: cout << m_var << "/ n"; std :: cout << "end call / n";
Return 0;}
Operatorex.cpp ------ // About -> * Operator Example.
#include "operatorexclass.h"
INT main (void) {class * pclass = new class (); int (Class :: * pfun) (void) = & class :: fun; // Note Braces Int (Class :: * PM_VAR) = & Class :: m_var;
(PCLASS -> * PM_VAR) = 321; (PCLASS -> * PFUN) ();
------ There is also a convenient skill: typedef int (Class :: * Pfun) (Void); PFUN PFUN = & Class :: fun;