You can automatically paginize your length.
With the automatic paging feature, just tell the computer that the number of words per page per page can be.
The following attachments, convenient, convenient, easy to study:
Public Class Webform1
Protected Withevents Label1 As System.Web.ui.WebControls.label
Protected Withevents Label2 As System.Web.ui.WebControls.Label
Protected Withevents label3 as system.web.ui.webcontrols.label
Protected Withevents Label4 as System.Web.ui.WebControls.Label
#Region "The code" of the web form designer "
'This call is required for the web form designer.
End Sub
Private sub page_init (byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) Handles mybase.init
'Codegen: This method call is necessary for the web form designer
'Don't modify it using the code editor.
InitializeComponent ()
End Sub
#End region
Private Sub Page_Load (Byvale AS System.Object, Byval E AS System.Eventargs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Place the user code of the initialization page here
Pages ()
End Sub
'Long content paging
SUB Pages ()
Dim i, Start, Stops, T, Stat, Statt, PP, Pagecount, PageSize, ArticleID AS Integer
Dim Pa, Articles, Articles, ContentText, HTML AS String
ContentText = "
bbbbbbbbbb p>
cccccccccccccccccccc p>
'Variable initial value
STAT = 0
START = 0 'Start the string position of the query, initial 0
Stops = 0
PageSize = 2 'Defines at least the number of strings per page
PageCount = 0
'Get the current number of pages
PA = Request.Params ("Page")
IF (PA = "" or isdbnull (pa)) THEN
PA = "1"
PP = Convert.TOINT32 (PA)
'Get content
Articletxt = ContentText
'Determine whether the content length of the page is greater than the number of strings in each page defined
If (Articlesize) THEN 'If it is greater than the number of strings, we can display
T = articles taxt.length / pagesize 'Get a rough total page
'Recycling according to the current page number
For i = 0 to t 'If the query starts to the range of the query exceeds the length of the entire content, then don't look for breakpoints (point points); contrary to find
IF (Start Pagesize Stat = articles taxt.indexof (" p>", start pagesize) 'Find the location of the P> 'If you can't find it 'IF (stat <= 0) THEN 'stat = articles taxt.indexof (" p>", start pagesize) Find the location of the p> page point; here you can set your own judgment 'End if END IF 'Response.write ("'" & stat & "'") IF (stat <= 0) THEN 'If you can't find a page point, you can't paid, you don't need to do other labor; otherwise, 'articles kettlext = articles et et 结果 结果 结果 结果 变 导 导 变 的 'Label1.Text = ArticleText & Stat 'Exit Sub Else The location of the stops = stat 'page point is also the end point of this page. IF (start pagesize> = articles "If the start position to the range of the query exceeds the length of the entire content, then the end point of this page is the end point of the content. Stops = articles ketxt.length END IF IF (pp = i 1) Then 'If it is current, then output the content of the current page ArticleterText = articles ketxt.substring (start, stops - start) 'Take the start position of the content to the end position of this string output Label1.text = articles END IF Start = stat 'uses the end position as the starting position of the next page PageCount = PageCount 1 'Get the total number of actual pages 'Response.write ("-" & PageCount & ") END IF NEXT END IF 'Pipeline section (here is much simpler) 'Define paging code variables IF (PageCount> 1) THEN 'When the number of pages is greater than 1, we display the number of pages. 'Response.Write (PP) IF (PP - 1> 0) THEN 'Display Previous, convenient to browse HTML = " [Previous] Else IF PP = 1 THEN HTML = "[ Previous font>]" Else HTML = "
END IF For i = 1 to PageCount If (i = pp) Then 'If it is a current page, bold display HTML = " [" & I & "] b>" Else HTML = " " END IF NEXT IF (PP 1> PageCount) THEN 'Show next page, convenient to browse IF pp = PageCount Then HTML = "[ Next Page font>]" Else HTML = " [Next] p> END IF Else HTML = " [Next Page] p> END IF END IF Label2.text = HTML End Sub END CLASS