OpenSSL (installation and uninstall) under redhat

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  103

Recently, you have been druming Redhat Linux, you want to install your software in your source code, you don't want to install with RPM. First, start from httpd, first unloading is more easy, but later, like adding an SSL function, you need to use the OpenSSL installation directory when you find compilation, I am more stupid, I have not found it, so I want to put OpenSSL. Source code installation. First uninstall, there is a problem, the system has a lot of things depend on the OpenSSL library. I checked a lot of information and I didn't find any way. So I finally, I was uninstalled with rpm -e --nodeps, and then manually installed OpenSSL. , Then restart, this is broken, a lot of services can't get up, SMB, SSH, etc., graphic mode will not come, I want to cry without tears. Because I installed on the virtual machine, SMB can't get it, I can only reinstall the system. This time, most things have not chosen, all the way is installed, and the results are found in the text. Vi editing is not colored. Hey, I don't know if it is small. The thing is made. (Who knows how trouble tells me), You can only reinstall some things in accordance with the guess. However, fortunate VI highlights the display function is also, unfortunately, the software I am still unclear. With the last lesson, I didn't dare to remove the original OpenSSL. I found an English article installed on the online article, address at I followed the ZLIB, OpenSSL that said above. Steps, the step is as follows (afraid of forgetting) to install ZLIB

Home: package (Linux Source):

Our Configuration

Install to: / usr / local module type: Dynamical, and staticly loading modules, * .so and * .a

Build instructions

Zlib Library Files Are Placed INTO / USR / LOCAL / LIB AND ZLIB HEADER Files Are Placed INTO / USR / LOCAL / INCLUDE, by Default.

Build Static Libraries

... / zlib-1.2.1] # ./configure ... / zlib-1.2.1] # Make Test ... / zlib-1.2.1] # make install build shared libraries

... / zlib-1.2.1] # make clean ... / zlib-1.2.1] # ./configure --shared ... / zlib-1.2.1] # make test ... / zlib-1.2 .1] # make install ... / zlib-1.2.1] # cp zutil.h / usr / local / include ... / zlib-1.2.1] # cp zutil.c / usr / local / incrude / usr / LOCAL / LIB SHOULD now Contain ... -> -> / usr / local / incrude stay Now Contain ... zconf.hzlib.hzutil.h [optional] instructions for non-standard Placement of Zlibcreate The Directory That Will Contain Zlib

... / zlib-1.2.1] # mkdir / usr / local / zlib Follow the Given Procedure Above, Except

... / zlib-1.2.1] # ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / zlib

Update the run-time linker

/etc/ will need to beddated with the new zlib shared lib:

For Standard Zlib Installation ...

Add / usr / local / lib to /etc/, IF specified path is not present / etc] # ldconfig if Zlib Was Installed with a prefix ...

Add / usr / local / zlib / lib to /etc/ / etc] # ldconfig

Install OpenSSL


Home: package (source): OpenSSL-0.9.7d.tar.gz

Our Configuration

Install to: / usr / local / ssl module type: Dynamically and staticly loaded modules, * .so * .a

Build instructions

... / OpenSSL-0.9.7D] # ./config

--prefix = / usr / local / ssl [default location] shared [in addition to the usual static libraries, create shared libraries] zlib-dynamic [like "zlib", but has OpenSSL load the zlib library dynamically when needed] .. ./openssl-0.9.7d]# ./config -t [display guess on system name by ./config] ... / openssl-0.9.7d] # make ... / openssl-0.9.7d] # Make Test ... / OpenSSL-0.9.7D] # Make Install

Update the run-time linker

LD.SO.CACHE WILL NEED TO BE Updated with the location of the new openssl shared libs: and it is succient to just add these two files to / lib, but we Recommend you Follow these Instructions INSTEAD.

Edit /etc/

Add / usr / local / ssl / lib to the bottom. ... # ldconfig

Update the path

Edit /Root/.bash_profile

Add / usr / local / ssl / bin to the path variable. Re-login


...] # OpenSSL Version

Should Display OpenSSL 0.9.7d 17 Mar 2004 if An Older Version Is Shown, Your System Contains a Previously Installed OpenSSL.

Repeate the steps in Update the PATH, except place the specified location at the start of the PATH variable. [The older openssl, on most systems, is located under / usr / bin] [the command 'which openssl' should display the path of The openssl That Your System is using] / usr / local / ssl / bin] # ./openssl version shouth show The Correct Version.

But I didn't get the result of the desired result, the original OpenSSL still did not uninstall, what should I do? I continued to search for information, ha, fortunately, I found it in a domestic forum, CD / USR / local / ssl / lib ln -s ln -s libssl .sso.0.9.7 // Last dynamic connection library to refresh the system to configure echo / usr / local / ssl / lib >> /etc/ ldconfig -V, I am suddenly open, The 2 files that depend on the dependence are soft links. I change it to me now the real OpenSSL library file isn't it? So after a busy, I finally implemented rpm -e -nodeps, then restart the system, run all the way, all the green light. I feel so happy for this time. For this question, I checked the country's more large Unix / Linux websites, but I also found it from here or found (The foreign e-text is probably understandable, but it is still not found, and I don't know the better website in this area.


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