Author: lshdic
Set link1 = server.createObject ("AdoDb.Connection") 'The following is the database connection, of course you can use Access "provider = SQLOLEDB; user ID = username; password =; initial catalog = database name; Data Source = SQLServer server name
SET RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset")
RS.Open "SELECT * FROM member table Where nickname = '" & session ("who") & "'", link1, 1, 2
// By using the following program to exhaust all columns, find the right to automatically set it to the default column, program key or JavaScript DHTML script
VAR fm = Document.Forms (0)
For (i = 0; i IF (fm.tiXing.Options [i] .text == "<% = rs (" body shape ")%>") {fm.tixing.Options [i] .selected = true; Break; } For (i = 0; i IF (fm.minzu.Options [i] .text == "<= RS (" National ")%>") {fm.minzu.Options [i] .selected = true; Break;} } For (i = 0; i IF (fm.xinyang.Options [i] .text == "<= RS (" Belief ")%>") {fm.xinyang.Options [i] .selected = true; BREAK; } For (i = 0; i IF (fm.xiyan.Options [i] .text == "<% = RS (" smoking ")%>") {fm.xiyan.Options [i] .selected = true; Break;}} For (i = 0; i IF (fm.yinjiu.Options [i] .text == "<% = RS (" Drinking ")%>") {fm.yinjiu.Options [i] .selected = true; Break; } script>