Some knowledge of Tomcat3 - Tomcat Notes 1

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  129

Tomcat3.x Configuration Under Bin / Tomcat.bat Set Tomcat_Home = D: / Tomcat Indicates the root directory of the server (optional) set java_home = d: /j2sdk1.4.1_05 Indicate JDK position or Java_home has been developed in the system environment necessary)

Let Tomcat understand your web application server.xml: Between , add the following: Compiling the servlet program to be used to use Javax.Servlet. *; should put it the directory% Tomcat_Home / lib / Common / servlet.jar The method of running servlets in ClassPath is: direct directation to / web-inf / class / virtual directory to / web-inf / class / for running servlet programs such as Howjsp / servlet / morning (class name) or use action = "howjsp / servlet / morning" in Fome See the Hello.html JSP file structure and various directory features, this program is an example / howjspstore: JSP HTML / Howjsp / GlobalStore: Public introduction file or mesh file / howjsp / web-infstore: Others / Howjsp / Web-INF / CLASSSSSTORE: Servlet Calsses, Common Categories / Howjsp / ImageSstore: Storage Image File / Howjsp / CSSStore: .css file admin account configuration: : Tomcat_home / conf / apps-admin.xml Trusted Username Password Modified Tomcat_Home / conf / users / admin-users.xml


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