// Get the printer on the network Function getNetprinter () {var obj = new activXObject ("wscript.network"); var netprinter = obj.enumprinterConnections (); for (i = 0; i HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE // Software // Microsoft // Windows // CurrentVersion // Run // mytest "); Alert (" Delete Success! ");} Catch (e) {Alert (" Delete Path is incorrect ");}}} // Get the computer name domain name username Function NetInfo () {var mynetinfo = new ActiveXObject ("wscript.network"); Alert ("Computer Name: MyNetInfo.computername " Domain Name: " MyNetInfo.urserDomain " User Name: " mynetinfo.UserName);} // returns the path to the directory system specific (Fonts, AllUsersDesktop, Desktop, MyDocuments, Recent .....) function getspecialfolder () {var mygetfolder = new ActiveXObject ( "WScript.shell"); IF (MygetFolder.SpecialFolders ("fonts")! = null) {Alert (MygetFolder.SpecialFolders ("fonts"));}} // Get file information calling method such as: getFileInfo ('E: // myplace // Test / /myjs.htm')function getfileinfo (para) {var myfile = new activXObject ("scripting.filesystemObject"); var fi = myfile.getfile (para); Alert ("File Type:" fi.Type "file size: " FI.SIZE / 1024/1024 " M " " last access time: " fi.dateLastAccessed);} // Acquired client information Function ClientInfo () {strclientInfo =" availheight = " WINDOW.SCREEN. AvailHeight "/ N" "AvailWidth =" WINDOW.SCREEN.AVAILWIDTH "/ N" "BufferDepth = " Window.screen.bufferDepth " / n " " colorDepth = " window.screen.colorDepth " / n " " colorEnable = " window.navigator.cookieEnabled " / n " " cpuClass = " window.navigator .cpuclass "/ n" "Height =" WINDOW.SCREEN.HEIGHT "/ N" "javaenable =" WINDOW.NAVIGATOR.JAVAENABLED () "/ n" "Platform =" window.navigator.platform "/ n" "systemLanguage =" window.navigator.systemLanguage "/ n" "userLanguage =" window.navigator.userLanguage "/ n" "width =" WINDOW.SCREEN.WIDTH; ALERT (STRCLIENTINFO);} // Dilog Helper object Using function changecolor () // DILOG HELPER object usage call system palette {var scolor = DLGHELPER.CHOOSECOLORDLG (); scolor = scolor .tostring (16); if (Scolor.Length <6) {var Stempstring = "000000" .substring (0,6-scolor.length); scolor = stepstring.concat (scolor);} alert (scolor); MyBody. Style.BackgroundColor = Scolor;} Function getFonts () // Dilog Helper object's use acquisition system support font {var strfonts = ""; for (var i = 1; i Function CreateTxtLink () // Create a link to the selected text {var stext = document.selection.createrange (); if (step.text! = ") {document.execcommand (" createLink "); if (Stext.parentelement ) .TAGNAME == "a") {Stext.parentelement (). InnerText = step.parentelement (). href; document.execcommand ("Forecolor", false, "# fff00");}}} // below BlockFormats, filling select (id is MySELECT) // and the change pattern selection function depending fillselect BlockFormat () and changeformat () // description of the point of execCommand: Executes a command over the given selection or text rangefunction fillselect () {var Item = document.createElement ("option") item.text = "Please select"; item.value = "; myselect.add (item); for (var i = 1; i } Catch (e) {Alert (E.MESSAGE);} alert (disk.volumename); // Get a volume} script> ------------------- ------