Top SQL October 27, 2004, 03:50 in the afternoon
Report goals: ####
Top-level SQL
(For the form of the chart, see the following data sheet)
Ratings SQL Text Each time the disk read number is performed Each time the buffer acquisition number execution number disk read number buffer acquisition number of buffers of each row, the buffer cache hits the number of buffers, the number of cache hits the number, the number of memory has been shared Processing Route The number of analytics calls Number Logging Diamatic analysis calls the loaded number of permanent memory runtime memory has been loaded version The open version Open User is being executed User Invalid Number Level Number Optimization program mode is analyzing the user ID is analyzing reserved program version ID address module hashing module hashing serialization operation of the operation suspension time elapsed CPU time outline directory 1306561092delete from enterp_info_db where id =: 117543.97297322858.3513513764912784575922858.35135123.24917606544371.03715283400100000CHOOSE212108419AC14JDBC Thin Client0000195647732587249602insert into enterp_info (id, FULL_NAME, COMP_LOCATION, COMP_POST, COMP_URL, way, relate_name, title, mobile, sex, password, question, answer, NAME, COMP_MAIL, COMP_MAIL2, COMP_PHONE, COMP_LOCATE1, COMP_LOCATE2, COMP_LOCATE3, COMP_LAW, COMP_FAX, REGDATE, CLICKTIMES, NEWENTERP, auth) select: 1,: 2 ,: 3,: 4,: 5,: 6, relate_name, title, mobile, sex, password, question, answer, NAME, COMP_MAIL, COMP_MAIL2, COMP_PHONE, COMP_LOCATE1, COMP_LOCATE2, COMP_LOCATE3, COMP_LAW, COMP_FAX, sysdate, CLICKTIMES, NEWENTERP , 1 from enterp_info_db where id =: 717538.7297322866.72973764866.729733764866.7297333.30022702324636100000CHOOSE21210841A6B7CJDBC thin Client000029874370987341707select a.full_name, a.way, a.comp_url, a.comp_post, a.comp_location, b.product, b.comp_infor from enterp_info_db a, enterp_attribute_info_db b where = and =: 117403.19767422861. 55814861496675196609422861.5581423.875715010509861.086195220020100000CHOOSE21210843B87E4JDBC Thin Client0000789903161078532078SELECT / * NESTED_TABLE_GET_REFS * / "IVP". "ENTERP_INFO_DB". * fROM "IVP". "ENTERP_INFO_DB" 15331.666667154125.1666676919909247510.11542490.05245701257780117411.06120685792100000CHOOSE2121087E61B58exp@bj169 (TNS V1-V3) 0000429045701909470160select id, full_name from enterp_info_db where Full_name Like: 1 and rownum <
213077.31196618345.920944686120182858589168141.99206328.718149063031261.046816482052100000CHOOSE21210843C02DCJDBC Thin Client00004880833931588280465select, e.thread_type, e.thread_title, e.thread_sendscore, e.pic_url, e.is_top, e.is_soul, e.create_time, e.create_user, e.click_num, e. IS_LOCK, E.STATUS, MEMO, E.THREAD_CLASS, E.LastReply_Time, E.LastReply_Person, E.Reply_Num, D. * from (SELECT B.PK As Forum_PK, BOARD_PK, C.BOARD_NAME FROM tb_forum b, tb_forum_board c where = c.forum_pk) d, (select * from (select a. *, rownum as rn from (select pk, thread_type, thread_title, thread_sendscore, pic_url, is_top, is_soul, create_time, create_user, click_num, is_lock, status, memo, thread_class, lastreply_time, lastreply_person, reply_num, board_pk from tb_forum_thread where board_pk in (select pk from tb_forum_board where forum_pk =: "SYS_B_0") and thread_content like: "SYS_B_1" and create_time between to_date (: "SYS_B_2 ",:" SYS_B_3 ") and to_date (:" sys_b_4 ",:" SYS_B_5 ") and thread_sendscore> =:" SYS_B _6 "and status =:" SYS_B_7 "order by lastreply_time desc, pk desc) a) where rn>:" SYS_B_8 "and rn <=:" SYS_B_9 ") e where d.board_pk = e.board_pk3081.574468107608.10638347144834505758112041.85952497.13629947557654200.978723461199615144100001CHOOSE21210878662CCJDBC Thin Client00001514850951233773222select count (*) from tb_forum_thread where board_pk in (select pk from tb_forum_board where forum_pk =: "SYS_B_0") and thread_content like: "SYS_B_1" and create_time between to_date (: "SYS_B_2",: "SYS_B_3") and to_date (: "SYS_B_4",: "SYS_B_5") and thread_sendscore> =: "SYS_B_6"
and status =: "SYS_B_7" 3081.574468107586.914894471448345056585109925.7608797.135735023396460.9787234617329028100001CHOOSE212108786C644JDBC Thin Client0000151311319247672292select count (*) from tb_forum_thread where board_pk in (select pk from tb_forum_board where forum_pk =: "SYS_B_0") and thread_title like: "SYS_B_1" and thread_content like: "SYS_B_2 "and create_time between to_date (:" SYS_B_3 ",:" SYS_B_4 ") and to_date (:" SYS_B_5 ",:" SYS_B_6 ") and thread_sendscore> =:" SYS_B_7 "and status =:" SYS_B_8 "2567.680435.851283840217980435.896.80788902424951.0517529168100000CHOOSE2121086887A40JDBC Thin Client0000140822213101289331select, e.thread_type, e.thread_title, e.thread_sendscore, e.pic_url, e.is_top, e.is_soul, e.create_time, e.create_user, e.click_num, e.is_lock, e.status, memo, e.thread_class, e.lastreply_time, e.lastreply_person, e.reply_num, d. * from (select as forum_pk, b.forum_name, as board_pk, c.board_name from tb_forum b, tb_forum_board c where B.PK = C.forum_pk) D, (Select * from (SELEC t a. *, rownum as rn from (select pk, thread_type, thread_title, thread_sendscore, pic_url, is_top, is_soul, create_time, create_user, click_num, is_lock, status, memo, thread_class, lastreply_time, lastreply_person, reply_num, board_pk from tb_forum_thread where board_pk in (select pk from tb_forum_board where forum_pk =: "SYS_B_00") and thread_title like: "SYS_B_01" and thread_content like: "SYS_B_02" and create_time between to_date (: "SYS_B_03",: "SYS_B_04") and to_date (: "SYS_B_05" : "SYS_B_06") and thread_sendscore> =: "sys_b_07" and status =: "sys_b_08"
order by lastreply_time desc, pk desc) a) where rn>: "SYS_B_09" and rn <=: "SYS_B_10") e where d.board_pk = e.board_pk2567.680458.45128384022928559.40425596.808786556565471.051201615168100000CHOOSE2121086882428JDBC Thin Client000011747714242083954SELECT / * NESTED_TABLE_GET_REFS * / " IVP "." TB_DOWNLOAD_LOG ". * FROM" IVP "." TB_DOWNLOAD_LOG "1505.419342.657527967130.02266592.2171790861942670091.0528682500100010CHOOSE2121087EAADC4exp@bj169 (TNS V1-V3) 0000111778823845925164select, e.thread_type, e.thread_title, e.thread_sendscore, e.pic_url , E.IS_TOP, E.is_Soul, E.CREATE_TIME, E.CREATE_USER, E.Click_Num, E.IS_LOCK, E.STATUS, MEMO, E.THREAD_CLASS, E.lastReply_Time, E.LastReply_Person, E.Reply_num, d. * From (SELECT B.PK As Forum_PK, B.forum_name, C.PK as Board_pk, C.Board_name from Tb_forum B, TB_FORUM_BOARD C Where B.PK = C.forum_pk) D, (Select * from (SELECT A. *, ROWNUM As RN from (SELECT PK, THREAD_TYPE, THREAD_TITLE, THREAD_SENDSCORE, PIC_URL, IS_TOP, IS_SOUL, CREATE_TIME, CREATE_USER, CLICK_NUM, IS_LOCK, STATUS, MEMO, THR ead_class, lastreply_time, lastreply_person, reply_num, board_pk from tb_forum_thread where board_pk in (select pk from tb_forum_board where forum_pk =: "SYS_B_0") and create_time between to_date (: "SYS_B_1",: "SYS_B_2") and to_date (: "SYS_B_3", : "SYS_B_4") and thread_sendscore> =: "SYS_B_5" and status =: "SYS_B_6" and pk in (select thread_pk from tb_forum_reply where reply_content like: "SYS_B_7") order by lastreply_time desc, pk desc) a) where rn>: "Sys_b_8" and rn <=: "sys_b_9") E Where D.Board_pk =
e.board_pk581.068627266188.519608102592692715122913782.34974699.7817082046726219701.01021200083324100000CHOOSE21210878597D4JDBC Thin Client00006080916571003152929SELECT / * NESTED_TABLE_GET_REFS * / "IVP". "TB_USER_MARK_TMP". * FROM "IVP". "TB_USER_MARK_TMP" 533.58532.83333363201511970.02007693.7476810697725501861.0618082368100000CHOOSE212108636E454exp@bj169 (TNS V1-V3) 000072658891585005416SELECT / * NESTED_TABLE_GET_REFS * / "IVP". "ENTERP_ATTRIBUTE_INFO_DB". * FROM "IVP". "ENTERP_ATTRIBUTE_INFO_DB" 445.5279232.06267316753920.20911799.84045501075780117351.061146827064100000CHOOSE2121087E74934exp@bj169 (TNS V1-V3) 000044647757658187376select a.USERNAME, c.USER_EMAIL, c.USER_JOB_KIND, c .USER_CAREER, c.PK, a.DOWN_DATE, c.user_realname from tb_download_log a, tb_user b, tb_user_profile c where a.USERNAME = b.USER_NAME and b.PK = c.USER_PK and a.memo =: "SYS_B_0" order by A.DOWN_DATE DESC342.01071884.526842143769133985.56259913985.56259991.094223574161.02295629080175141533888415 (Select A.S_ID, C.user_Email, C.user_Job_Kind, C.user_career, A.PK, A. Tag, C.user_RealName, A.St_Time From Leave_Msg A, TB_USER B, TB_USER_PROFILE C Where (a.tag =: " SYS_B_0 "OR A.TAG =:" SYS_B_1 "OR A.TAG =:" SYS_B_2 ") and a.s_id = B.user_name and = C.user_pk and a.r_id =:" SYS_B_3 "Union Select A. USERNAME, c.USER_EMAIL, c.USER_JOB_KIND, c.USER_CAREER, c.PK,: "SYS_B_4", c.user_realname, a.DOWN_DATE from tb_download_log a, tb_user b, tb_user_profile c where a.USERNAME = b.USER_NAME and b. PK = C.user_pk and a.Memo =: "SYS_B_5"
) Order by est_time desc335.8571431072554.285714723517507880153222.04081699.968686738212491.073112835208100020CHOOSE2121089F1BED8JDBC Thin Client0000333770211269097881select user_name from tb_user where pk in (select user_pk from tb_user_profile where regist_time = (select max (regist_time) from tb_user_profile)) 329.4375356522.68751652715704363356522.687599.907597014590161.01635764956100020CHOOSE212108458FE60JDBC Thin Client000017362447474737120select count (*) from tb_forum_thread where board_pk in (select pk from tb_forum_board where forum_pk =: "SYS_B_0") and create_time between to_date (: "SYS_B_1",: "SYS_B_2") and to_date (: "SYS_B_3",: "SYS_B_4") and thread_sendscore> =: "SYS_B_5" and status =: "SYS_B_6" and pk in (select thread_pk from tb_forum_reply where reply_content like: "SYS_B_7") 242.333333108400.6666673727325202108400.66666799.77644733027731.03173624736100000CHOOSE212108F328A50JDBC Thin Client000048512901616742257select aa, hv from (select / * ordered use_nl (b st) * / decode St.piece,: "SYS_B_00", LPAD (to_char ((E.Buffer_Gets - NVL (B.Buffer_Gets,: "Sys_B_01")),: "SYS_B_02"),: "SYS_B_03") ||: "SYS_B_04" || LPAD (TO_CHAR ((E.Executions,: "sys_b_05")),: "SYS_B_06"),: "SYS_B_07") ||: "SYS_B_08" || LPAD (((To_char (D. " Executions - NVL (B.Executions,: "SYS_B_09"),: "SYS_B_10", TO_NUMBER (NULL), (E.Buffer_Gets - NVL (B.Buffer_Gets,: "Sys_B_11)) / (E.EXECUTIONS - NVL (B) .executions,: "sys_b_13")),: "SYS_B_14") ||: "SYS_B_15" || LPAD (("sys_b_16"
* (E.BUFFER_GETS - NVL (B.Buffer_gets,: "SYS_B_17")) /: Gets,: "SYS_B_18"),: "SYS_B_19") ||: "Sys_B_20" || LPAD (NVL (TO_CHAR ((E .CPU_TIME - NVL (B.CPU_Time,: "SYS_B_21")) /: "SYS_B_23",: "SYS_B_23"),: "SYS_B_24"),: "SYS_B_25") ||: "SYS_B_26" || LPAD (NVL (NVL TO_CHAR ((ELAPSED_TIME - NVL (B.ELAPSED_TIME,: "SYS_B_27")) /: "SYS_B_29",: "SYS_B_30"),: "SYS_B_31") ||: "SYS_B_32" || LPAD (E.hash_Value,: "SYS_B_33") ||: "Sys_B_34" || Decode (E.Module, Null, St.SQL_Text, RPAD (: "Sys_B_35" || E.Module,: "Sys_B_36") || St.sql_text), st.sql_text) AA, E.hash_Value HV from Stats $ SQL_SUMMARY E, Stats $ SQL_SUMMARY B, Stats $ SQLText St Where B.Snap_ID ( ) =: BID AND B.DBID ( ) = E. DBID and B.INSTANCE_NUMBER ( ) = E.instance_number and b.hash_value ( ) = E.hash_Value and b.address ( ) = E.Address and b.text_subset ( ) = E.TEXT_SUBSET and E.SNAP_ID = : eid and e.dbid =: dbid and e.instance_number =: inst_num and e.hash_value = st.hash_value and e.text_subset = st.text_subset and st.piece <: "sys_b_37" and E.executions> N VL (B.Executions,: "SYS_B_38") Order by (E.Buffer_gets - NVL (B.Buffer_Gets,: "Sys_B_39")) Desc, E.hash_Value, St.piece) Where rownum <: "sys_b_40" 202.06006.01202600693.8437596 .636697146526641.0111560193980100000CHOOSE22220889DB1C4SQL * Plus000017474931225383154SELECT / * NESTED_TABLE_GET_REFS * / "IVP". "TOPIC". * FROM "IVP". "TOPIC" 163.166667926.166667697955570.03124482.382581081831778581.06111082460100000CHOOSE2121087DA2D30exp @
bj169 (TNS V1-V3) 00002273710339447521SELECT / * NESTED_TABLE_GET_REFS * / "IVP". "ALUMNI_MESSAGE_BAK". * FROM "IVP". "ALUMNI_MESSAGE_BAK" 150.83333326056.569051563391.01751499.42113075371536481.0618085924100000CHOOSE2121087ECB378exp@bj169 (TNS V1-V3) 00007373651193993355select, E.THREAD_TYPE, E.THREAD_TITLE, E.THREAD_SENDSCORE, E.PIC_S_URL, E.CREATE_TIME, E.CREATE_USER, E.Click_num, E.Is_lock, E.STATUS, MEMO, E.THREAD_CLASS, E.lastReply_Time, E.LastReply_Person, E.Reply_num, d. * from (SELECT B.PK As Forum_PK, B.forum_Name, C.PK as Board_pk, C.board_name from Tb_forum B, TB_forum_board c Where = c. forum_pk) d, (select * from (select a. *, rownum as rn from (select pk, thread_type, thread_title, thread_sendscore, pic_url, is_top, is_soul, create_time, create_user, click_num, is_lock, status, memo, thread_class, lastreply_time, LastReply_Person, Reply_Num, Board_pk from tb_forum_thread where board_pk in (SELECT PK from Tb_forum_board where forum_pk =: "sys_b_0") and thread_content Like: "SYS_B_1" and create_time between to_date (: "SYS_B_2",: "SYS_B_3") and to_date (: "SYS_B_4",: "SYS_B_5") and pic_url is not null and thread_sendscore> =: "SYS_B_6" and status =: "SYS_B_7" order by lastreply_time desc, pk desc) a) where rn>: "SYS_B_8" and rn <=: "SYS_B_9") e where d.board_pk = e.board_pk108.08924.03324267726693.098.7897835642541.031199615160100000CHOOSE212108BF6EC44JDBC Thin Client00008953512337515147select count (*) from tb_forum_thread where board_PK =: "SYS_B_0" and thread_content like: "sys_b_1" and create_time between to_date (: "sys_b_2",: "SYS_B_3"
) And to_date (: "SYS_B_4",: "SYS_B_5") and thread_sendscore> =: "SYS_B_6" and status =: "SYS_B_7" 108.040519.514151256727340519.599.733462021805141.01417287476100000CHOOSE2121089B8CD84JDBC Thin Client0000144866953072109460select, e.thread_type, e.thread_title, e .thread_sendscore, e.pic_url, e.is_top, e.is_soul, e.create_time, e.create_user, e.click_num, e.is_lock, e.status, memo, e.thread_class, e.lastreply_time, e.lastreply_person, E .reply_num, d. * from (select as forum_pk, b.forum_name, as board_pk, c.board_name from tb_forum b, tb_forum_board c where = c.forum_pk) D, (Select * from (SELECT * select a. *, rownum as rn from (select pk, thread_type, thread_title, thread_sendscore, pic_url, is_top, is_soul, create_time, create_user, click_num, is_lock, status, memo, thread_class, lastreply_time, lastreply_person, reply_num, board_pk from tb_forum_thread where board_PK =: "SYS_B_0" and thread_content Like: "Sys_B_1" and create_time between to_date (: "sys_b_2",: "sys_b_3") and to_date (: "sys_b_4",: "sys_b_5") and three_send Score> =: "SYS_B_6" and status =: "sys_b_7" Order by LastReply_time DESC, PK DESC) a) WHERE RN>: "SYS_B_8" and RN <=: "SYS_B_9") E WHERE D.BOARD_PK = E.BOARD_PK108. 040563.1428571415125678842167.49618399.73374814536102621.0141199213592100000CHOOSE212108B3671FCJDBC Thin Client0000149243033366650203select count (*) from tb_forum_thread where board_pk in (select pk from tb_forum_board where forum_pk =: "SYS_B_0") and thread_content like: "SYS_B_1" and create_time between to_date (: "SYS_B_2",: "SYS_B_3" And to_date (: "sys_b_4",: "sys_b_5"
) And pic_url is not null and thread_sendscore> =: "SYS_B_6" and status =: "SYS_B_7" 108.08919.6666673324267598919.66666798.78919202370131.0317329412100000CHOOSE212108A2E3C7CJDBC Thin Client00007047231061033479select, e.thread_type, e.thread_title, e.thread_sendscore, e.pic_url, e .is_top, E.is_soul, E.CREATE_TIME, E.CREATE_USER, E.Click_Num, E.IS_LOCK, E.STATUS, MEMO, E.THREAD_CLASS, E.lastReply_Time, E.LastReply_Person, E.Reply_Num, D. * from ( Select B.PK as forum_pk, b.forum_name, as board_pk, c.board_name from tb_forum b, tb_forum_board c where = c.forum_pk) D, (Select * " from (select pk, thread_type, thread_title, thread_sendscore, pic_url, is_top, is_soul, create_time, create_user, click_num, is_lock, status, memo, thread_class, lastreply_time, lastreply_person, reply_num, board_pk from tb_forum_thread where board_pk in (select pk from tb_forum_board where forum_pk =: "SYS_B_00") and thread_content Like: "SYS_B_01" and thread_type =: "SYS_B_02" and create_time between to_date (: "SYS_B_04",: "SYS_B_04") and to_date (: "SYS_B_06") and thread_sendscore> =: "SYS_B_07" and status =: "sys_b_08" Order by LastReply_time desc, pk desc) a) Where rn>: "SYS_B_09" and rn <=: "SYS_B_10") e where d.board_pk = e.board_pk93.04907.019349070.098.10474815708301.011201615168100000CHOOSE21210897A26D0JDBC Thin Client0000126558Elapsed Time
This is the amount of total elapsed time that has been used for all executions of this SQL cursor. This is a useful metric in tuning SQL. This time number includes both CPU and wait time. Wait time may include time spent waiting for I / O , or a particular Oracle wait event such as the shared pool latch. Further investigation on how to best tune a particular SQL statement can be done by using the Explain Plan drilldown, or if you are on NT, the Tune SQL Statement drilldown as well. Data Source: SELECT ELAPSED_TIME FROM V $ SQL
User Action:
IF The SQL CURSOR Is Performing Poorly, MOST LIKELY The Elapsed Time Will Be High. Determine How Much of The Elapsed Time IS CPU or Wait Related. Tune The Statement Accordingly.
This Chart Provides the Ability to Identify and show the details of the top
25 (Default) Resource Consuming Sql Statements in The Shared Pool's
Library Cache. The Default Count of Returned Rows (25) And SQL Sort
Metric Can Be Changed As Required. In AdduION, There Are 25 Filters That
Can Be Applied to Allow A HIGHLY CUSTOMIZED View of The SQL Cache.
For instance, you could create a top sql chart trata shows the top 50
SQL Statements Performing More Than 1000 Disk Reads By a Particular
User against a particular table or view, etc. Up to 10 filters can be
Applied Simultaneously IN The Same Query.
Once The List of Top Resource Consuming Sql Statements Has Been
Retrieved You Can Double Click ON One To Get A Detailed List of Statistics
And Full Text for a Particular Statement. Further Investigation On How To
Best Tune A Particular Sql Statement Can Be Done by Using The Explain
Plan DrillDown, or if you are all on nt, the tune sql statement drilldown
AS Well.
Improving SQL Performance IS Usually The Most Effective Way forimproving Application Performance. In Identifying Statements with the
Most Potential to Improve Performance, You May Want To Consider THE
Statements with the highest buffer gets or physical reads. buffer gets,
Or Logical Reads, IS One of the Contributors to CPU Time, AS IT Requires
Locating and retrieving buffers from the cache. Looking at poor
Performing SQL Statements by Physical Reads Gives you an overview of OF
The Number of Read Requests That Resulted in Access To DataFiles on Disk
For vect.
Another Factor Worth Considering Is The Frequency At Which T
STATEMENT IS EXECUTED. A Statement with the a high number of buffer
Gets or Physical Reads May Only Be Executed ONCE A Day, FAR Less Than
Another Statement with a Lower Number of Buffer Gets That IS Execute
Many Thousands of Times A Day.
There Are Numerous Reasons Why A Query Would Result in Excessive
Buffer gets; for example, a full table scan is being performed.
To Help Further Diagnose A Potential Problem, A Number of Drilldown
Charts Are Available INCLUDING:
PDF CREATED with PDFFactory Pro Trial Version
Tables Reference by this Query: Lists Tables
Reference by this Query As Well As Various Optimizer
Top SQL (Physical Reads): Presents SQL Sorted by
Physical reads.
Top SQL (Buffer Get): Presents SQL Sorted by Buffer
Top SQL (Sorts): Presents Sql sorted by Sorts.
Tuning these Statements Will Result In Less CPU Time for the
Application. EXECUTION Count Is Also Important When Determining Which
SQL Statement SHOULD BE TUNED First. The Statement with The Highest
Buffer Get May Be Executed ONCE A Day, FAR Less Offen Than
Another Statement in the list. Tuning The SQL Statement with thehighest country please not produted as much of an ignific for the
Application or System in this case as tuning the statement thing is
Executed Much More Frequently.
THIS Chart Will Identify The Sql Statements That Are Performing The
Most Buffer Gets. There Could Be Many Reasons Why A Query IS
Performing these Buffer Gets, With Full Table Scans Being A Common
Culprit. To help further diagnose the cause of the problem there is
Number of DrillDown Charts Available. The Sql Shown on this Chart IS
LIMITED TO A Fixed Number of Characters. To See Which Tables this Query
References and to check on the validity statistics buy by the validity statistics
Optimizer, Use the tables referened by this query chart. to see SQL
Sorted by Physical Reads, Use The top SQL (Physical Reads) Chart.
Further Investigation on Now Best Tune a Particular SQL Statement
Can Be Done by Selecting Any ONE OF SQL Statements Listed and Using
The Explain Plan DrillDown, or if you are all on nt, the tune sql
Statement DrillDown As Well.
To Determine Which Session, Program OR Application Is Responsible for
Executing a Particular Sql Statement, You Can Use the sessions
Currently Executing this SQL Statment DrillDown. This will return a list
Of sessions That Are Currently Executing The SELECTED SQL Statement. IF
There Are no sessions Executing The SQL Statement At CURRENT
Moment, No Data Will Be Returned.
This Chart include The Following Data Items:
SQL Text
PDF CREATED with PDFFactory Pro Trial Version
Disk reads per execution
Buffer Gets Per Execution
Disk reads
Buffer gets
Buffer gets per row
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio
Shareable memory
Rows ProcessedParse Calls Per EXECUTION
Parse Calls
Persistent Memory
Runtime Memory
Loaded Versions
Open Versions
Users opening
Users Executing
PDF CREATED with PDFFactory Pro Trial Version
Child Number
Optimizer mode
Parsing User ID
Parsing Schema ID
Kept Versions
Module Hash
Action hash
Serializable Aborts
Outline Category
Elapsed Time
PDF CREATED with PDFFactory Pro Trial Version