Http:// Download the related RPM package, run the following command in Linux terminal
Rpm -i mysql-server-4.0.18-0.i386.rpm
Rpm -i mysql-shared-4.0.18-0.i386.rpm
Rpm -i mysql-client-4.0.18-0.i386.rpm
Rpm -i mysql-devel-4.0.18-0.i386.rpm
The above is installed on the Redhat 9.0 and Redhat AS 3.0, but do not install MySQL when installing Redhat, otherwise there will be a problem.
If a lower version of MySQL has been installed, installation 4.0.18 is the available parameter UVH instead of parameter i.
Start Service MySQL Start or Service MySQLD START
Set password mysqladmin password your password
Enter your password with mySQL command or mysql -u root -p (if the mysql password is set)