The following listings are listed in the programming language of the programming language in 2004 and October, which can see that the usage rate of scripting languages is generally improved!
PositionDelta 1 YearProgramming LanguageRatingsDelta 1 YearStatus1C18.172% -0.14% A2Java17.050% -4.85% A3C 15.016% -1.16% A4 (Visual) Basic9.760% 2.30% A5Perl8.818% 0.47% A6PHP7.421% 1.63% A7Delphi / PASCAL / KYLIX4.465% 3.07% A8Python4.438% 2.95% A9SQL3.167% -0.55% A10C # 1.644% -0.30% A11Javascript1.267% -0.04% A12SAS 1.069% -0.04% A13COBOL0. 706% -0.33% a - 14IDL0.639% 0.10% B15LISP0.434% -0.23% B16AbAP0.419% 0.07% B17POSTScript0.383% -0.05% B18Fortran0.365% -0.37% B19ADA0.363%-0.32% B20MATLAB0.342% 0.02% B
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