Exposure compensation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  128

Exposure compensation statement: This article is reproduced from the Internet, due to multiple reprints, the original source and the author are unknown. Exposure compensation is also an exposure control method, which is generally common at ± 2-3 eV, which can increase the exposure value (such as adjustment to 1 EV, 2EV) to highlight the clarity of the picture if the ambient source is dark.

Digital cameras In the process of shooting, if you press the short shuttle, the LCD will display the pictures, focus, exposure everything starts. At this time, the exposure is the exposure of the final picture. The picture is clearly high or dark, indicating that the camera's automatic metering accuracy has a large deviation, to force exposure compensation, but sometimes, the brightness displayed in the shooting is sure to enter the actual shooting result. Digital cameras can immediately browse the screen immediately after shooting. At this time, you can see the shadow of the picture captured and will not be available. If the shooting results are clear or dark, you should re-shoot, forcibly expose exposure compensation.

The shooting environment is dim, and it is necessary to increase the brightness, while the flash can be compensated when the flash cannot work, and the exposure is increased. When the exposure compensation is performed, if the photo is too dark, it is necessary to increase the EV value, the EV value is 1.0, which is equivalent to the amount of rays that the intake is doubled. If the photo is overlighted, the EV value is reduced, the EV value is 1.0 , Equivalent to double the amount of light ingestion is doubled. The compensation interval in different cameras can be adjusted at 1/2 (0.5) or 1/3 (0.3) unit.

When the white object being photographed is gray or not white, it is necessary to increase the amount of exposure. It is simply "more white plus", which seems to be with the basic principles and habits of the exposure, which is not there. This is because the camera's test is often used by the center of the center, and the white subject will make the camera very bright, and therefore the exposure is insufficient, which is also a common problem for most beginners.

Since the camera's shutter time or the aperture size is limited, it is not always possible to reach the adjustment range of 2 eV, so the exposure compensation is not universal, and it may still be insufficient in an excessive environment. At this time, consider the flash or increase The ISO photosensitivity of the camera increases the brightness of the picture.

Almost all digital cameras have the same exposure compensation range, which can be added in positive and negative 2ev, but the addition or subtraction is not continuous, but jumps with 1 / 2EV or 1 / 3EV. Early vintage digital cameras, such as Kodak's DC215 is intervals at 1/2 EV, so there are 8 grades of -2.0, -1.5, -1, -0.5 and 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 total, and currently The mainstream digital camera component is more fine, and it is between 1 / 3EV, so there is -2.0, -1.7, -1, -1.0, 0.7, -0.3, and 0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 1.3, 1.7, 2.0 and other total 12 level compensation values.

In general, the smaller the brightening of the scene, the more accurate exposure, and the deviation is increased. The grade of the camera is low, the grade is high, and the light is relatively accurate, and the deviation is increased. If it is a conventional camera, the width of the film is relatively large, and the deviation of the exposure does not have a big problem in a certain range, but the CCD wide capacity of the digital camera is relatively small, and the slight exposure deviation may affect the overall effect.

In summary, the adjustment of exposure compensation is determined by the sensation of the color, and the user must compare the size of the picture quality, clarity, the reduction and noise under different exposure compensation, in order to take the best picture.


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