Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  115

And the Lord God Caused a Deep Sleep To Fall Upon Adam, And He Slept: and He Took One of His Ribs, and Closed Up The Flesh Instead Thereof

And the Rib, Which The Lord God Had Taken from Man, Made He A Woman, And BROUGHT HER UNTO The Man.

And Adam Said, This Is Now Bone of My Bones, And Flesh of My Flesh: She Shall Be Called Woman, Because She Was Taken Out of Man.


The Lord god made him sleep, he slept. So take a rib and hold the meat.

The LORD uses the ribs taken by the person, causing a woman to lead her to the person.

That person said, this is my bone in my bone, the meat in the flesh, can call her woman because she is taken from the man.

Therefore, people have to leave their parents and their wives, and two have become one.


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