Use the Sendarp query MAC address

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  121

Send an ARP request through the SENDARP in the IP Helper API to get the MAC address, simple and convenient, and the disadvantage is that you cannot cross the gateway.




#pragma comment (lib, "iphlpapi.lib") # Pragma Comment (Int Arg, Char * Argv []) {IRGC, DWORD DWIP; BYTE BYMAC [6]; DWORD DWlen; Wsadata Wsadata; WsaStartup (Makeword (2, 0), & WSADATA); __TRY {Printf ("IP2MAC Ver 1.0 - Get Mac Address from IP Address Though ARP Request ./N"); if (Argc! = 2 ) {Printf ("Usage:% s

/ N ", argv [0]); __LEAVE;} dwip = inet_addr (argv [1]); if (dwip == inaddr_none) {Printf (" Invalid IP Address:% s. / n ", Argv [1]) ; __leave;} // Send an ARP query package to get the MAC address dwlen = 6; IReturn = Sendarp (DWIP, 0, (Pulong) & Bymac, & DWLEN); IF (IReturn! = no_ERROR) {Printf ("Error: Send ARP Request. / NBE Sure That Connectting TO% S Need No Gateway./N ", Argv [1]); __leave;} printf ("%. 2X -%. 2X -%. 2X -%. 2X -%. 2X-%. 2x / n ", bymac [0], bymac [1], bymac [2], bymac [3], bymac [4], bymac [5]);} __finally {wsacleanup ();} return 0;}


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