[Oracle] ORA2HTML - Collect Oracle Database Information

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  119

Ordering: Fenng Date: 25-Oct-2004 Source: http://www.dbanotes.net: 0.91

Sometimes, as a DBA, you may need to collect a deployed Oracle database information. Hardware configuration, operating system, software installation path, database user information ... one item is also a headache. If there is a tool to automatically collect us, it is more convenient. ORA2HTML is such a convenient gadget.





) Is a tool for the Oracle database information that is specifically collected on the UNIX platform and outputs the report. The main program of this tool is a shell (korn / bash) script that can be used on most UNIS and Linux platforms. Using ORA2HTML requires an available Oracle environment. Although the previous version of 8i is not good, it can still be used on 8i, 10g is also similar. It is good to run in 8i / 9i. At present, fully supported platforms:

Solaris 2.7 / 2.8 Tru64 4.x / 5.x HP-UX Linux

Other platforms should be available, but there seems to be no one confirmed this.

ORA2HTML features:

Outputable for text, part HTML or all HTML formats automatically detect installed software, including configuration information and version information, automatic probe database, providing background information and related recommendations to provide operating system hardware / kernel / user information display database profile and basic Example Information Display Database Planning Display Database Performance Indicates Database Basic Security Questions Display Database Object Information, such as Directories, Jobs, Snapshots, and so on ... RAC can also use ugly HTML code: (optional output content Use convenient Open Source.GNU copyright distribution

Introduction to use

Orahtml is very simple, refer to the following operations:

[root @ foo root] # su - oracle

[Oracle @ foo oracle] $ wget http://optusnet.dl.sourceforge.net//

SourceForge / Ora2HTML / ORA2HTML_V1-45.TAR.GZ

[Oracle @ foo oracle] $ tar -zxvf ora2html_v1-45.tar.gz

[Oracle @ foo oracle] mv ora2html_v1-45 ora2html

[Oracle @ foo oracle] CD ORA2HTML

[Oracle @ foo ora2html] $ ls -ltr

Total 228

-rw-r - r - 1 Oracle Oracle 564 OCT 21 20:24 Todo

-rw-r - r - 1 Oracle Oracle 7916 OCT 21 20:24 Readme

-rw-r - r - 1 Oracle Oracle 3630 OCT 21 20:24 Password_List.sql

-rw-r - r - 1 Oracle Oracle 17979 Oct 21 20:24 Copying

-rw-r - r - 1 Oracle Oracle 13352 OCT 22 17:08 Changelog

-rwx ------ 1 Oracle Oracle 154131 Oct 22 17:14 ORA2HTML

Basic usage:

./ora2html # default option, output is HTML report

./ora2html -text # Text output to the screen (Text Output to screen) ./ Ora2html -Nohtab #html file, no HTML formatted table

./ora2html -sid foo # Collect the message specified SID

./ora2html -home all -nosid # Collect all information for installing software, but does not include the database information

The default report is very detailed, the entire page (if you choose to output HTML), divide four main parts.

1 - Basic System / Platform Information # Basic System / Platform Information

2 - OS User Configuration and Environment # operating system users and environment variables

3 - Oracle Software And Components #OrCle Software and Components

4 - Database Foo (/u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0) # instance information

There is a problem with a red font, such as a "Lazy" user (the password is too simple or user using the default password).

other problems

ORA2HTML is still in progress, there is potential to become a very convenient database information collection tool (the last update is actually OCT 22 2004, developer YCL is still very diligent :-)). The problems now exist are: CSS is not completely complete and HTML page strip (the author is also aware of this); platform support is not wide enough; no support for XML, etc.

Reference Information

Ora2html - http://ora2html.sourceforge.net/

Letter author

Fenng, a US-raising company DBA, spare time, mixed with each database, is not tired. Currently payment of how to use the Oracle database effectively build enterprise applications. A little study on Oracle Tuning, Troubleshooting. Personal technology site:


. You can contact him by email dbanotes@gmail.com.



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