Apache James is one of the best open source Java mail servers. In the configuration SMTP service, some steps are not allowed to send to other mail servers on the external network. 0. Start James, open the James-2.2.0 / Apps / James / SAR-INF / Config.xml file
1.Transport comment out relay-denied processor> 550 - Requested Action NOT TAKEN: RELAYING DENIED NOTICE > Mailet -> Using SMTP authentication
2.Dnsserver Enter the server's DNS IP, for example: setup Autodiscover for false If set to automatic detection If you display the DNS set on the normal loading server in the DNS log file. But when sending mail out, on my machine will complain: James.Mailet: RemoteDelivery: Temporary exception delivering mail (Mail1098776398187-0-to-somedomain.com: javax.mail.MessagingException: There are no DNS entries for the hostname somedomain.com. I can not determine where to send this message. at org.apache.james.transport.mailets.RemoteDelivery.deliver (RemoteDelivery.java:398) at org.apache.james.transport.mailets.RemoteDelivery.run (RemoteDelivery .java: 912) AT java.lang.thread.run (Thread.java: 534)
3. Modify the root password. Account login = "root" Password = "mypassword"
4.SMTPServer Open SMTP Authentication True AuthRequired>
5. Restart James6.Telnet Server-Name 4555, increase user 7. You can send mail with Outlook and so on. Interested friends can learn with me. Dlpower@163.com