Guide for official Oracle9i installed on redHat9

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  134

There are several places that need to be noted before installation: your exchange partition is best to have a G or right, the second, your hard disk partition is best enough to have enough space. Below my repost: 1. Create a user and group: [ROKO @ miniroko] Su - [root @ miniroko] # groupadd oinstall [root @ miniroko] # GroupAdd DBA [root @ miniroko] # UserAdd -g oinstall -g DBA Oracle [root @ miniroko] # passwd oracle2, preparation file directory: [root @ miniroko] # mkdir -p /opt/ora9/Product/9.2[Root@miniroko]# mkdir / var / opt / oracle [root @ miniroko] # chown oracle.dba / var / opt / oracle [root @ miniroko] # chown -r oracle.dba / opt / ora93, adjustment system kernel parameters and installation support packages: 3.1, first use command RPM -QA | GREP COMPAT view Whether there is equation in the system: Compat-GCC-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpmcompat-libgcj-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpmcompat-libgcj-debgj-devel-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpmnss_db -compat-2.2-20.i386.rpm If not, please take out your installation disk and install the above package. Don't use the APT of the original article, you don't have a solve dependency problem with the unsatisfactory person. 3.2, set the kernel parameters, adjust the signal light and shared memory: [Root @ miniroko] # echo 250 32000 100 128> / proc / sys / kernel / sem [root @ miniroko] # echo 536870912> / proc / sys / kernel / shmmax [ Root @ miniroko] # echo 4096> / proc / sys / kernel / shmmmni [root @ miniroko] # echo 2097152> / proc / sys / kernel / shmall [root @ miniroko] # echo 65536> / proc / sys / fs / file -max [root @ miniroko] # echo 1024 65000> / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / ip_local_port_ranges, of course, to automatically help you set these parameters for a boot system, or change the file /etc/sysctl.conf, join The following statement: kernel.shmmax = 536870912kernel.shmmni = 4096kernel.shmall = 2097152 Keernel.Sem = 250 32000 100 128fs.file-max = 65536NET.IPV4.IP_LOCAL_PORT_RANGE = 1024 65000 After saving, It is recommended not to change Net.IPv4.ip_local_port_range, you can use CAT / Proc / Sys / Net / IPv4 / IP_LOCAL_PORT_RANGE to see the red hat has been in line with this defined range, and the port range is smaller than this.

3.3, set Oracle to file requirements: Edit File: /etc/security/limits.conf Add the following statement: Oracle Soft Nofile 65536racle Hard Nofile 65536 Oracle Soft NPROC 16384Oracle Hard Nproc 16384 This requires the restart to take effect. But it doesn't matter when installing. 4, set the Oracle system environment: Sign in Oracle User: Su OracleCD ~ Edit It .bashrc file Add to the stuff: #oracle 9IExport Oracle_Base = / OPT / ORA9EXPORT ORACLE_HOME = / OPT / ORA9 / Product / 9.2Export PATH = $ ORACLE_HOME / bin: $ ORACLE_HOME / Apache / Apache / bin: $ PATHexport ORACLE_OWNER = oracleexport ORACLE_SID = ora9iexport ORACLE_TERM = vt100export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL = 2.4.1export THREADS_FLAG = nativeexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / opt / ora9 / product / 9.2 / lib: $ LD_LIBRARY_PATHexport PATH = / opt / ora9 / product / 9.2 / bin: $ PATH ## change this NLS settings to suit your country: # example: # german_germany.we8iso8859p15, american_america.we8iso8859p2 etc ## export NLS_LANG = 'croatian_croatia.ee8iso8859p2' (. Note that this stuff commented it because we use a Chinese system. However, in order to display Chinese add the following line: Export lc = en_us exit, prepare the three ISO files you downloaded .5, unfaze your downloaded files : 5.1 Creating a directory: mkdir /mnt/oracle5.2, copy three files to new directory: CP ln_ * /mnt/oracle5.3, extract three files: CD / MNT / ORACLEGUNZIP Gunzip LNX_920_Disk1.cpio. Gzgunzip lnx_920_disk2.cpio.gzgunzip lnx_920_disk3.cpio.gzcpio -idmv

Second Error Tip: Error In Invoking Target Install of Makefile $ Oracle_Home / CTX / LIB / INS_CTX.MK Don't choose to ignore this time, this time you have to open a terminal: log in to Oracle users, run the following Command: [Oracle @ miniroko Oracle] $ CD $ ORACLE_HOME / Install [Oracle @ miniroko install] $ tail make.log can see this, then there is an error message under which gcc -o ctxhx -l / opt / ora9 / Product / 9.2 / CTX / LIB / -L / OPT / ORA9 / PRODUCT / 9.2 / LIB / -L / OPT / ORA9 / Product / 9.2 / LIB / Stubs / /Opt/ora9/Product/9.2/ctx/lib/ctxhx .ol / OPT / ORA9 / PRODUCT / 9.2 / CTX / LIB / -LM -LSC_CA -LSC_FA -LSC_EX -LSC_DA -LSC_UT-LSC_CH -LSC_FI -LCTXHX -LC -WL, -RPATH, / OPT / ORA9 / PRODUCT / 9.2 / CTX / lib -lnls9-lcore9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lxml9 -lcore9 -lunls9 -lnls9 we run the following command to modify it: [Oracle @ miniroko] $ CD $ ORACLE_HOME / BIN [Oracle @ miniroko bin] $ GCC - O CTXHX -L / OPT / ORA9 / Product / 9.2 / CTX / LIB / -L / OPT / ORA9 / Product / 9.2 / LIB / -L / OPT / ORA9 / PRODUCT / 9.2 / LIB / stubs // OPT / ORA9 / Product / 9.2 / CTX / lib / ctxhx.o -l / opt / ora9 / product / 9.2 / ctx / lib / -lm -lsc_ca -lsc_fa -lsc_ex -lsc_da -lsc_ut -lsc_ch -lsc_fi -lctxhx -lc-wl, Rpath, / OPT / ORA9 / Product / 9.2 / CTX / LIB -LNLS9 -LCORE9 -LNLS9 -LCORE9-LNLS9 -lxml9 -lcore9 -lunls9 -lnls9 -ldl also resets this place to compile the above place. Then return to the installation interface and select Ignore the error dialog. Continue to install it. The third error will be wrong when starting and configuring the assistant program, do not take it, choose ignoring. Our steps will be picked up to the first error and the third error. 7. Modify the system: Log in as an Oracle user, perform the following command: [Oracle @ miniroko Oracle] $ CD $ ORACLE_HOME / Network / LIB [Oracle @ miniroko lib] $ make -f INS_NET_CLIENT.MK Install then edit this file: Oracle @Miniroko LIB] $ VI $ ORACLE_HOME / CTX / lib / Find line 13, the 14th line is changed from CTXHX: $ (ctxhxobj) $ (link) $ (ctxhxobj) $: CTXHX: $ ( CTXHXOBJ) $ (link) -ldl $ (ctxhxobj) $ (Inso_LINK) store exits, perform the following command: [Oracle @ miniroko lib] $ make -f $ oracle_home / ctx / lib / INS_CTX.MK Install now can restart Agents .


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