Linux network service software installation memo

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  126

※Software version

Fedora Core 1 Yarrow □ The following software is successfully installed on this platform

Apache 2.0.48 ◇ Web Server

Mysql 4.0.16 ◇ Database Server

PHP 4.3.4 ◇ Server-side scripting language

PrOFTPD 1.2.9 ◇ FTP server

VSFTPD 1.2.0 ◇ Very secure FTP server

Unrealircd 3.2-beta18 ◇ IRC server

PPTPD 1.1.4-B3 ◇ VPN server

CNPBB 2.0.4MOD ◇ PHP written by BBS

AMPLE 0.5.6 ◇ Network Radio Server

Resin 3.0.3 ◇ Application Server

※Installation process

Apache: 1. Download: 2. Unpack: TAR XVFZ HTTPD-2.0.48.tar.gz 3. Installation: CD HTTPD-2.0.48 ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / apache --enable-so --enable-proxy --enable-rewrite --enable-cache --Nable-disk-cache --Nable-MEM -Cachemake Make Install 4. Modify httpd.conf: vi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf Directoryindex plus index.php plus a line AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3 .inc One line loadModule php4_module modules / adddefault, changed to GB2312 5. Run when starting: vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local plus a row / usr / local / apache / bin / apachectl start

MySQL: 1. Download: 2. Installation: GroupAdd MySQL UserAdd -g mysql mysql CD / USR / local gunzip

PHP: 1. Download: 2. Unpack: TAR XVFZ PHP-4.3.4.tar.gz 3 Installation: CD PHP-4.3.4 ./configure --with-mysql = / usr / local / mysql --with-apxs2 = / usr / local / apache / bin / apxs --enable-track-vars --with -gd --with-zlib --with-xml --with-xmlrpcmake make install libtool --finish /root/php-4.3.4/libscp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini vi / USR / local / lib / php.ini modified mysql.default_socket = / tmp / mysql.sockproftpd: 1. Download: 2. Unpack: TAR XVFZ PrOFTPD-1.2.9.Tar.gz 3. Installation: CD ProftPD-1.2.9 ./configure make make install 4. Run: / usr / local / sbin / proFTPD 5. Run when starting: VI / ETC / RC.D / RC.LOCAL plus one row / usr / local / sbin / proFTPD

vSftpd: 1. Download: Installation: TAR XVFZ 3. Configuration: CP EXAMPLE / Internet_site / vsftpd.xinetd / etc / xinetd .d / vsftpd cp example / Internet_site / vsftpd.conf / etc / modified /etc/vsftpd.conf modification /etc/vsftpd.conf / Etc/xinetd.d/vsftpd to set disable to NO 4. Run: Service Xinetd Restart

Unrealircd: 1. Http:// 2. Unpack: TAR XVFZ Unreal3.2-beta18.tar.gz.tar 3. Installation: CD unreal3.2 ./config ./ Make 4. Configuration: CP Doc / Example.conf ./unRealircd.conf The unrealircd.conf 5 is set according to the documentation according to the documentation: ./unreal start 6. When startup: vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local plus One-line CD /Home/hutueworm/unreal3.2;./unreal Start

PPTPD: 1. Download: 2. Unpack: TAR XVFZ PPTPD-1.1.4-b4.tar. GZ 3. Installation: CD POPTOP-1.1.4 / ./configure make make check make install 4. Configuration: ※ vi /etc/pptpd.conf Speed ​​115200 Option / etc / PPP / Options Localip Remoteip 192.168. 2.88-168 ※ VI / etc / ppp / options lock name auth request- ※ vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local modprobe ※ vi / etc / ppp / chap-secrets hutuworm ipip modprobe ip_conntrack modprobe iptable_nat modprobe ipt_MASQUERADE iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -j MASQUERADE echo 1> / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / ip_forward / usr / local / sbin / pptpd 5. after the resumption Automatic operation: rebootcnphpbb: 1. Download: 2. Unrupted: unrar x phpb204mod.rar 3. Installation: mv phpb204mod / usr / local / apache / htdocs / forum chown nobody.nobody / usr / local / apache / htdocs / -r mysql: create database forum; open http: // with your domain / forum /, page will be automatically turned to the installation page to fill in the required Parameters, press the next step to delete the forum / constall directory

AMPLE: 1. Download: http://aleron.dl.sourceForge.Net/SourceForge/ample/ample-0.5.6.tar.gz 2. Unpack: TAR XVFZ AMPLE-0.5.6.tar.gz 3. Installation : Cd ample-0.5.6 ./configure make make install 4. Configuration: Create a new file in the / usr / local / etc / directory: ample.conf content can be referred to the following example modification: # an Example of a ample config file # @ @Copyleft 2003 # # all options supported area inclished # # Boolean Values ​​Can Be Given As (Case Insensitive) # Yes, True, No, False # Port Number To Use Port = 8000 # SHOULD FILES BE Ordered? Order = false # Amount of Simultaneous Clients Allowed Clients = 5 # path to logfile = / var / log / ample # path to mp3 files mp3path = / usr / local / mp3 # mp3 files are put on this directory ? under # Should that path be recursively scanned recursive = true # Name of the server (displayed to clients in HTML and MetaData) servername = hutuworm Internet Radio The end 5. run #: / usr / local / bin / ample Access to client software such as XMMS, Winamp, Media Player access 1. Download: Resin-ee-3.0.3.tar.gz2. Unpack: TAR XVFZ RESIN-EE-3.0.3.Tar.gz3. Installation: MV RESIN-EE-3.0.3 / usr / local / CD / USR / Local / Ln -s resin-ee-3.0.3 / resin cd resin./configure --with-apache = / usr / local / apachemake make install4. Run: /usr/local/resin/bin/


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