CVS installation and use

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  119

By Camry.Wu

CVS installation and use

Summary: Simple narrating CVS installation

Schematic steps

CVS is a frequently used thing, starting very simple, record steps, so aside forgetting.

Construction users and group $ su

# APT-GET Install CVS


# GroupAdd CVS

# ueradd -g cvs -g cvs -d / usr / cvsroot cvsroot

# UserAdd -g CVS CVSPUB

If you use xinetd, write in /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver: Service CvspServer


Disable = no

Flags = Reuse

Socket_type = stream

Wait = NO

User = root

Server = / usr / bin / cvs

Server_args = -f -allow-root = / usr / cvsroot PServer



Then run: Service Xinetd Restart If you use inetd, add: CVSPServer Stream TCP NOWAIT ROOT / USR / BIN / CVS -F -AOTOW-ROOT = / usr / cvsroot PServer

Then run: /etc/init.d/inetd Restart determines if it is running: netstat -lnp | Grep 2401 Jian library # Export cvsroot = / usr / cvsroot

# cvs init

Create CVS users # cd / usr / cvsroot / cvsroot

# Touch Readers

One-dimensional user list, where users only read permissions. (Prior)

# Touch Writer

One-dimensional user list, where the user can have write permissions.

# Touch Passwd (Password table, format as follows)

Username: Encrypted password (same as Shadow): Equivalent User Name (available CVSPUB)

Tips when using

Record some tips here.

Connect to the CVS server in Windows. Different CVS versions have different performances, you can try several times. Many CVS servers are built on the Windows machine, due to various software restrictions, CVSROOT is sometimes set to an absolute path, such as C: / cvsroot. You need to pay attention to setting CVSROOT in the CVS client: Some need to be set to: PServer: user @ Website: c: / cvsroot Some want to set it to: PServer: user @ Website: / c // cvsroot

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