I use the format as follows:
EXEC MASTER..XP_CMDSHEC 'BCP Serp.dbo.ioData IN C: /200410/07.txt -fc: /200410/iodata.txt -usa -p' system error: error = [microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] Model instructions invalid character value
The text format is: '02 ',' 1 ',' 20041007 ',' 000330 ',' 0812 ',' A0001''02 ',' 5 ',' 20041007 ',' 003105 ',' 0812 ',' A0002 ' '01', '6', '20041007', '003415', '0447', 'A0002''01', '6', '20041007', '003417', '0239', 'A0002''01', '6', '20041007', '004422', '0799', 'A0002''02', '1', '20041007', '011803', '0005', 'A0001'
The format file is: 8.061 SQLCHAR 1 2 "," 1 door "" 2 SQLCHAR 1 1 "," 2 Control "" 3 SQLCHAR 1 8 "," 3 otime chinese_prc_ci_as4 sqlchar 1 6 "," 4 Iotime Chinese_PRC_CI_AS5 SQLCHAR 1 4 ", "5 cardno chinese_prc_ci_as6 sqlchar 1 5" / r / n "6 flag chinese_prc_ci_as
Database table format is: door intcontrol intodate char 8iotime char 6cardno char 4flag char 5