Design mode reference

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  125

Design mode website

Brian Foote's website ( is a knowledge treasure galler in learning design mode. (This website is not visited. Welcome to the World!) Martijn Van Welie mode site ( contains many modes for user interface and web availability design. Simple Policy and Property Container mode can be found on IBM's Patterns for e-Business Site (http://www The Front Controller mode is one of the useful J2EE design modes that can be found on Sun Microstems's Java Blueprints Site ( Object Management Group ( is responsible for Event Channel design mode. The Patterns for e-business site has been updated, including new Access Integration Design (, which can access more than one point login process A backend system (via the browser or through the current popular equipment client). Access Integration also allows you to personalize content based on user roles, identity and preferences. Learn more about these powerful design patterns.

Articles and tutorials

Tutorial "Java Design Patterns 101" (DeveloperWorks, January 2002, is an introduction to the design mode. It can be learned why the pattern is useful and important for object-oriented design and development, and how to write, classify, and catalog mode. This tutorial includes an example of an important mode and implementation. Paul Monday's new tutorial "Java Event Delivery Technique" (February 2002, is an expansion of JMS discussed in this article. Malcolm Davis article "Struts, An Open-Source MVC Implementation" (DEVELOPERWORKS, February 2002, http://www introduces Front Controller Design Mode-dependent MVC architecture. This article also discusses JMS and servlet technology. Use the design model to understand the place in the programming! "A Taste Of Bitter Java", (DeveloperWorks, March 2002, is about "reverse mode ( Antipattern) "New book preview, he describes" Common traps that will bring terrible consequences to developers "in this article. Mode architect discusses emerging web service technology (http://www and its impact on the mode solution. Recommended books

The first book to see: Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides, Addison-Wesley, 1995,,3828,0201633612 00.html). One of the members of Gof, John Vlissides, also wrote a book by Pattern Hatching (Addison Patternal, 1998, 1-9 / REF = SR_1_9 / 104-1891410-7851159). Pattern Almanac 2000 (Rising, Addison-Wesley, 2000,,4096,0201615673,00.html#summary) is an important reference for learning design mode. Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 2: Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects (Schmidt, Stal, Rohnert, Buschmann, Wiley, 2000,,9049, 104671,00.html is one of the books that use patterns to help you learn special domain software development. This book is also a good supplement to all mode libraries. The same series (the first part of the series) is Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 1: A System of Patterns (Buschmann, Meunier, Rohnert, Sommerlad, Stal, Wiley, 1998, Corporate / Website / Objects / Products / 0,, 104675,00.html). Forthcoming Framework Process Patterns: Lessons Learned Developing Application Frameworks (Carey, Carlson, Addison-Wesley, 2002, http: // / Ref = SR_1_2 / 104-1891410-7851159) is prepared for those who study high-grade knowledge of design patterns. It discusses how old design patterns are derived, as well as new modes that are dedicated to building a framework. One of the modes "Missed IT By That Much" gives a clear line using existing mode and discovery new mode.

James Carey and Brent Carlson, Sanfrancisco Design Patterns: Blueprints for Business Software (Addison-Wesley, 2000,,3828,0201616440,00.html) Patterns for e -business: a Strategy For Reuse (Adams, Galambos, Koushik, Vasudeva, IBM Press, 2001, can be obtained in the form of a book. Designing Enterprise Applications with the Java 2 Platform (Enterprise Edition) Also from Java BluePrints site, (Kassem, Addison-Wesley, 2000, ). Other reference materials

Articles that can be found in the IBM DeveloperWorks Java technology area (http://www can be found. Please refer to the developerWorks Java technology tutorial page (http://www, get more free Java tutorial from developerWorks List. Please refer to Guide to Developer Kits from IBM ( Get the list of the latest IBM developer tools.


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