Create a complete mail system (including four parts) in rhas3.0) revised V

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  137 Author: llzqq Posted: 2004-02-28 07:39:56

Rhas3.0 Qmail MySQL SMTP VPOPMAIL IGENUS QMAILADMIN 1, installation instructions. In order to facilitate installing my Apache, PHP, MySQL, pay attention to mySQL-Devel and MySQL-Server development package, where mysql-server can find the original code to build online. FTP Download: ftp: // Download:, I must install software development and kernel when installing Linux Develop two software groups, which avoids unnecessary installation problems due to the problem of compilation environments, this is important for Linux novices.

Second, install UCSPI-TCP-0.88 1. This is due to the problem with the version of the GLIBC of RedHat3.0, including RedHat 9.0, must have the following software and patches to compile UCSPI-TCP-0.88.tar.gz 2.3.1 / ucspi-TCP-0.88.ERRNO.PATCH 2. Install UCSPI-TCP-0.88 #TAR ZXVF UCSPI-TCP-0.88.tar.gz #CD UCSPI-TCP-0.88 #Patch -p1 <../ucspi-tcp-0.88.a_record.patch #patch -p1 <../ucspi-tcp-0.88.rrno. PATCH #PATCH -P1 <../ucspi-tcp-0.88.nobase.patch #make #make setup check 3, install qmail 1. needed software and patch .tar.gz . PATCH PATCH 2. Create a directory # mkdir / var / qma IL # mkdir / var / qmail / alias 3. Construction group and user # groupadd nofiles # groupadd qmail # usedd alias -g nofiles -d / var / qmail / alias -s / nonexistent # useradd qmails -g nofiles -d / var / Qmail -s / nonexistent # useradd qmaill -g nofiles -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent # useradd qmailp -g nofiles -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent # useradd qmailq -g qmail -d / var / qmail - S / Nonexistent # UserAdd qmailr -g qmail -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent # useradd qmails -g qmail -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent 4. Patch and finishing QMAIL #TAR ZXVF qmail-1.03 .tar.gz #tar zxvf qmail-smtpd-auth-0.31.tar.gz #cp qmail-smtpd-auth-0.31 / base64. * qmail-1.03 #patch -d qmail-1.03

../qmail-103.patch #patch -p1 <../qmailqueue-patch #patch -p1 <../qmail-mails -p1 <.patch #patch -p1 <../qmail-1.03. erno.patch #patch - P1 <../qmail-1.03.qmail_local.patch #vi qmail-smtpd.c Change the 451 in the function streynewline to 553 #make setup check #. / config-fast 5. Add alias users # Touch / Var /Qmail-Root # touch /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-postmaster # touch /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-mailer-daemon 6. If postfix and sendmail are present, they deactivate them. # / etc / rc.d / init.d / sendmail stop #cp / var / qmail / bin / sendmail /usr/sbin/qmail.sendmail #RM -F / ETC / Alternatives / MTA #LN-S / USR / SBIN / qmail.sendmail / etc / alternatives / MTA #RM -F / USR / lib / sendmail #RM -F / USR / SBIN / SENDMAIL #LN -S / VAR / QMAIL / BIN / Sendmail / USR / lib / sendmail #LN -S / var / qmail / bin / sendmail #chmod 777 / usr / sbin / sendmail 4, install VPOPMAIL 1. Download vpopmail .tar.gz 2. Creating a directory #mkdir / home / vpopmail #MKDIR / HOME / VPOPMAIL / ETC 3. Add users and group #groupadd vchkpw #useradd -g vchkpw vpopmail 4. Add mysql's vpopmail user for operation VPOPMAIL database #mysqladmin -u root password **** Set the mysql root password.

#mysql -u root -p mysql> create database vpopmail; mysql> grant all on vpopmail. * to vpopmail @ localhost iDentified by "password"; 5. Compilation installation vpopmail-5.2.1.tar.gz #CD vpopmail-5.2.1 #vi vmysql.h =========================== VMysql.h ========== ==================== #Define mysql_update_server "localhost" #define mysql_update_user "vpopmail" #define mysql_update_passwd "****" (changed to your password) # Define mysql_read_server "localhost" #define mysql_read_user "vpopmail" #define mySQL_Read_passwd "****" (changed to your password) ===================== ==================================== 6. Create TCP.SMTP # vi / Home / VPopMail / ETC /tcp.smtp ==================== =========================== ===== ALLOW ================================================================== =====================================================================================================================================================

== #CD / home / vpopmail / etc #tcprules tcp.smtp.cdb tcp.smtp.tmp

============ r ================================= #vi / var / qmail / SMTP === ================ SMTP ======================== #! / Bin / sh qmails = qmails Nofilesgid = NOFILES / USR / local / bin / tcpserver -h -r -l 0 -t 1 -V -P -X /Home/vpopMail/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u $ qmailduid -g $ nofilesgid 0 SMTP / VAR / QMAIL / BIN / qmail-smtpd / home / vpopmail / bin / vchkpw / bin / true / bin / cmd5checkpw / bin / true 2> & 1 | / var / qmail / bin / splogger smtpd 3 & === ================ SMTP ============================ #VI / VAR / QMAIL / POP3 // Edit Pop3 service startup script ====================== POP3 ================ ========= #! / Bin / sh / usr / local / bin / tcpserver -h -r 0 pop3 / var / qmail / bin / qmail-popup / Home / vpopmail / bin / vchkpw / var / qmail / bin / qmail-pop3d maildir & ====================================== ================

#CHMOD 755 / VAR / QMAIL / RC #CHMOD 755 / VAR / QMAIL / SMTP #CHMOD 755 / VAR / QMAIL / POP3 Seven, run qmail and test # / var / qmail / rc # / var / qmail / smtp # / var / qmail / pop3 #ps AUX | GREP "qmail" View Whether Pop3 and SMTP work # telnet 110 # Telnet 25 Note When setting up a mail account in Outlook, you should add a domain name, such as LLZQQ @ If Qmail has a problem, you can view the vpopmail database in MySQL, the MySQLD and Mailog logging under / var / log. Eight, install and run IGENUS 1. Download the latest installation package: IGENUS_2_20030516_Snap.tgz #tar ZXVF IGENUS_2_20030516_SNAP.TGZ -C / VAR / WWW / HTML 2. Construction Temp Folder CD / VAR / WWW / HTML / IGENUS MKDIR TEMP CHMOD - R 0755 Temp chown -r vpopmail: Vchkpw Temp Sets permissions in httpd.conf Does not allow access to the TEMP directory.

deny from all 3. Modify httpd.conf #vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf user apache group apache modified to: User VPopmail Group Vchkpw To solve the default language problem of Apache: adddefaultcharset GB2312 # / etc / rc.d / init.d / httpd restart 4. Solve individual mailbox reject mail issues (such as modified mail signature information #VI / VAR /www/html/igenus/config/config_inc.php $ CFG_BASEPATH = "/ var / www / html / igenus"; $ CFG_MYSQL_HOST = 'localhost'; $ CFG_MYSQL_USER = 'vpopmail'; $ CFG_MYSQL_PASS = '****** '; Change to your password $ cfg_mysql_db =' vpopmail '; $ cfg_temp = $ cfg_basepath. "/ Temp"; Remove "IGENUS IS A FREE Webmail Interface, No Fee, Free Download" modified to http: // www is #vi / var / qmail / control / helohost =============== ================================================================ ======== =============== HeloHost ==================== #Chmod 755 / var / qmail / control / helohost If you use the mail server is Postfix to handle this postconf -e "SMTP_HELO_NAME = My mail server domain name (A record)" If you use the mail server is Sendmail, this handles VI / ETC / CW My mail server domain (A Record) 5. Repairing the mailbox without queue problem # rm -f / usr / sbin / se Ndmail ## If you have uninstall sendmail omission this step # cd / usr / sbin # ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail If you use QMAILADMIN to manage mailboxes to enter QMAILADMIN -> Main menu "Mail account" -> Set No Default Catch All Acount is OK. At this time, the CATCHALL above the web page should be displayed as bounced.

6. Modify config_inc.php file # cd / var / www / html / iGenus / config # vi config_inc.php =============== CONFIG_INC.PHP ======== ============ $ cfg_basepath = "/ var / www / html / icnus"; $ cfg_mysql_host = 'localhost'; $ cfg_mysql_user = 'vpopmail'; $ cfg_mysql_pass = '****'; This is changed here to your password $ cfg_mysql_db = 'vpopmail'; $ cfg_temp = $ cfg_basepath. "/ Temp"; ========================= ==================== 7. Reproduction MySQL Database Table # Mysql -u root -p mysql> Use vpopmail; mysql> alter table; mysql> alter table vpopmail add column pw_id int (5) NOT NULL primary key auto_increment; mysql> create table address (id int (11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, pw_id int (5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', name varchar (64) NOT NULL Default ', Email Varchar (128) Not Null Default', UNIQUE Key ID (ID), Key PW_ID (PW_ID)) TYPE = MyISAM; 8. Add new domain and new users with Vadddomain and Vadduser if needed .Qmail limit attachment size The size of the attachment is set in / var / qmail / control / datates file, which can be implemented for qmail attachment size, which is not available, you can create it yourself.

The SMTP method is to create DataBytes with Qmail's Databytes and set the maximum of 4m # echo 4000000> / var / qmail / control / data 10. VI /Home/vpopmail/domains/ .qmailadmin-limiteds =========================================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== ============. qmailadmin-limited ============================= chmod 700 /Home/vpopmail/domains/ qmailadmin-limiteds chwod vpopmail: vchkpw /home/vpopmail/domains/ This is limited to 200, 50M per mailbox is 50m 11. Block Mail from Vi / Var with QMAIL / QMail / Control / BadmailFrom This control file implements rejects the mail function, and each address is a row. Moreover, it can take effect without restarting qmail.

For example: ----- Limit a specific user @ ----- Limit the message in the entire domain 12. Set the IGENUS definition allowed uploading and downloading of message size # vi /etc/php.ini max_execution_time = 60 memory_limit = 16M post_max_size = 4M upload_max_filesize = 4M file_uploads = On session.auto_start = 1 register_globals = On session.bug_compat_42 = 1 session.bug_compat_warn = 0 # vi / ETC / httpd / conf.d / php.conf setoutputfilter PHP setinputfilter php limitRequestBody 4242880 nine, edit QMail self-start script #VI /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail == =================== qmail ====================== #! / Bin / sh # chkconfig : 2545 90 90 # Description: Qmail (include SMTP and POP3) Auto Start / Stop Scripts.. /Etc/rc.d/init.d/functions case "$ 1" in start) echo -n "Start qmail:" / var / qmail / rc & echo "." echo -n "Start SMTP Service:" / var / qmail / smtp echo "." Echo -n "Start Pop3 Service:" / var / qmail / pop3 echo ";; STOP ) Echo "Stop Qmail:" KillProc Qmail-send KillProc Qmail-Clean KillProc QMAIL-RSP AWN KILLPROC QMAIL-LSPAWN KILLPROC SPLOGGER KILLPROC TCPSERVER ;; *) EXIT 1 ;; esac exit 0 ============================== ================

#chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail #chkconfig --Add qmail 10, install autorespond #TAR XzVF AutoRespond-2.0.2.tar.gz #cd Autorespond-2.0.2 #vi makefile will Install_dir = Modified to / VAR / Qmail / Bin #make #Make Install #cp AutoRespond / USR / local / bin 11, installation qmailadmin-1.0.6.tar.gz tar xzvf qmailadmin-1.0.6.tar.gz CD qmailadmin -1.0.6 ./configure --enable-cgibindir = / var / www / cgi-bin --enable-htmldir = / var / www / html --disable-ezmlmdir make make install-strip once again executed: chmod -r 0755 / VAR / WWW / HTML / IGENUS CHMOD -R 0755 / VAR / WWW / HTML / IGENUS / TEMP CHMOD -R 0755 / VAR / WWW / HTML / IMAGES Chown -R VPOPMAIL: Vchkpw / Var / WWW / HTML / IGENUS Chown -R vpopmail: vchkpw / var / www / html / iGenus / Temp chown -r vpopmail: vchkpw / var / www / html / images Chinese QMAILADMIN first delete QMAILADMIN installed menu file RM -F / USR / local / share / qmailadmin / HTML / EN RM -F / USR / local / share / qmailadmin / html / en-us Generates its own simplified Chinese menu file / usr / local / share / qmailadmin / html / en vi / usr / local / share / qmailadmin / html / EN 000 GB2312 001 Main Menu 002 Mail Account 003 Add Mail Robot: 004 Mail Robot Name: 005 Send Copy to Email Address: 006 Title: 007 Adding Forward Account: 008 Forward to Email Address: 009 Local Mail User Name: 010 The format of the email address to be forwarded is: Local mail user format is: Popaccount, for example, if you forward local users : Sales to the email address: So all sent to Sales users will be forwarded to This email address 011 Add List mode 012 Add mode to mailing list 013 Email Address: 014 Add new User to Mail Category 015 Create a new mailing list 016 mailing list 017 Mail list owner's email address:

018 Archived 019 Not archived 020 Block archive. Only moderators are allowed to access the archive. 021 Archive access is open to anyone or subscribers only, depending on the Guard setting. 022 No digest. Do not set up the digest list. 023 Prefix. Set up the list so that the outgoing subject will be prefixed with the list name. 024 No prefix. 025 Guard archive. Archive access requests from unrecognised SENDERs will be rejected. 026 Do not guard archive. Archive access request from any SENDERs will be serviced . 027 Subscriptions do not require confirmation. 028 Subscription requires confirmation by reply to a message sent to the subscription address. 029 Indexed for WWW archive access. 030 The list is created without WWW archive index 031 Unsubscribe does not require confirmation. 032 Unsubscribe requires confirmation List Subscribers. Remote Administrators Can Request A Subscriber List, And Search The Subscribb er log. 034 The subscriber list can not be obtained. 035 Message moderation. 036 Message posting is not moderated. 037 Posts from addresses other than moderators are rejected. This is applicable to message moderated lists only. 038 Others not rejected. For moderated lists, all posts are forwarded to the moderators. The switch has effects only on message moderated lists. 039 Respond to adminstrative requests and allow archive retrieval. 040 Allow only digest creation, remote adminstration, and archive retrieval by remote administrators,

(If the list is configured with this options). 041 Allow remote administrators to edit files in text directory 042 Text file editing is not allowed 043 ReQuest address is serviced 044 Do not process messages sent to the request address 045 Enables remote administration 046 No remote administration. 047 Subscription moderation. 048 Subscriptions are not moderated. 049 Trailer 050 No trailer 051 user posts only 052 Do not restrict posts based on SENDER address 053 allows the database to support 054 hostname 055 port 056 username 057 password 058 database 059 table 060 Add 061 Mail Account 062 Catchall: 063 Description 064 Modify User 065 Delete Account 066 Catchall Account 067 Create New Mail Account 068 Account Alkname 069 Alkname 070 Mail Account 071 Modify 072 Delete 073 Creating a New Alias ​​074 Forward Accounts 075 Forward 076 Creating New Forward 077 Mail Robot 078 Mail Robot 079 New Mail Robot 080 Mail List 081 List 082 Open .Qmail-Default Error 083 Add Subscriber 084 Delete Subscriber 085 List Subscriber 086 Add Moderator 087 Remove Moderator 088 lists Moderators 089 new Mail list 090 Create a mail account 091 password (AGAIN): 092 real name 093 list 094 Submit User 095 Submit new users to the following mailing list 096 Delete alias 09 7 Confirm Delete 098 Delete Mail Robot 099 Database Setting 100 Delete Forward 101 Delete Mail List 102 Delete User 103 Forward Mail 104,

Reverse it to: 105 Modify Mail robot 106 name 107 Description 108 Creating new email address 109 Modify users 110 new password 111 Modify users 112 administrator account 113 domain name 114 login 115 redirects for user 116 Current Redirects 117 Add / Replace Redirect Email 118 Delete Rediect 119 Add success 120 Unable to add 121 alias 122 Forward 123 show redirect 124 Show 125 Creating a new mail account 126 Creating a new alias 127 Creating a new forward 128 Creating a new Mail robot 129 Creating a new message list 130 catchall: Bounced 131 No users can browse, please return to the previous page 132 Default 133 Index: 134 Set No Default Catch All Account 135 Previous 136 Refresh 137 Next 138 Type in Password 139 Mail user password change success. 140 Password modification failed. 141 Successfully used to delete. 142 No certification 143 directory error 144 file permission error 145 invalid user internal error 146 Cannot Do Redirect 147 Redirect Now 148 invalid email address 149 Cannot delete Last Entry 150 file error 151 line deleted success 152 forwarding add success 153 username does not exist 154 alias Add success 155 INVALID ACTION 156 Dacted Maximum Number Limit 157 Did the maximum number of forwarded numbers 158 reach the maximum mail robot number limited 159 Invalid Dotqmail type: adddotqmail () 160 Alias ​​invalid 161 DID NOT ALIAS. POP Account Must Be an existing POP Accent. 162 Mail User Name Invalid 163 Local User Name Invalid 164 INVALID ALIAS TYPE: AddDotqmailNow () Add Mail User Alias ​​Failed 166 Add Mail User Alias ​​Success 167 Delete Users' Alias ​​/ Forward Error. 168 Add user alias / forwarding success. 169 Error deleting redirect / forward for POP Account 170 Redirect / forward for POP Account deleted successfully 171 Error: could not change to directory 172 Only one person can log in as system postmaster at one time Someone else has logged in Please only have one.. Login at a time. 173 Login Expiration, please log in 174 Invalid Mail Robot 175 User Name Existing 176 please Fill in Mail Robot Name 177 Invalid Owner Email Address 178 Please enter the title 179 please type in Something to send 180 Mail robot Add Success 181 Unable to delete the mail robot 182 Mail robot delete success 183 Mail robot to success 184 reach the maximum mailing list number 185 Unable to delete the message list 186 mailing list Delete success 187 mailing list Add success 188 Invalid mail list name 189 Mail list Address List 190 End of List 191 Mail List in Moderator User Mail Address List 192 Return to Main Menu 193 Add to Lord

Menu 194 Email Address Added As a Moderator To Mailing List 195 Remove Subscriber 196 from the mailing list Delete Moderator 197 Removed AS A MODERATOR for Mailing List 198 Login Invalid 199 Did the maximum number of mail users 200 passwords do not match, please Re-enter 201 In-memory consumption 202 WHERE The Parameters Are: 203 Remove 204 Go User 205 from the mailing list (VACATION) 206 SET Remote Catch All Account 207 Set Remote Catchall 208 Remote Catchall Address: 209 Allow Forward 210 Allow Save Copy and Forward 211 Forward Mail to: 212 Allow Holiday (VACAction) 213 Vacation Title: 214 VACATION Title: 215 Must provide forwarding address 216 Must provide Title 217 Refresh Main Menu 218 Exit 219 Moderators List 220 Moderator Address 221 Subscriber List 222 Submit Address 223 users do not exist 224 (click modification) 225 Modify mailing list 226 Mail list modification success 227 diagnostic 228 Total: 229 Unlimited 230 Subscriber Total number: 231 No List available 232 No Miles and Forwarded 233 No Mail Robot Available Simplified Chinese Menu File / USR / Local / Share / Qmailadmin / HTML / EN-US CP / USR / Local / Share / qmailadmin / HTML / EN / USR / LOCAL / Share / qmailadmin / HTML / EN- Us generate admin table mysql> use vpopmail; mysql> create table `admin` (` ID` Tinyint (3) unsigned not null auto_increment, `domain` VARCHAR (128) Not null default ',` quota` smallin T (5) Unsigned Not Null Default '0', `Total` Smallint (5) Unsigned Not Null Default '0',` Createtime` TimeStamp (14) Not null, `login` char (1) Not null default ', `cur_total` smallint (5) Not null default '0',` cur_quota` Smallint (5) Not null default '0', Primary Key (`ID`), UNIQUE Key` Domain` (`Domain`) Type = MyISAM Pack_keys = 1 Auto_Increment = 1; 12, establish a QMAIL firewall for ADSL. Echo 1> / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / ip_forward / sbin / iptables -f INPUT / SBIN / IPTABLES -F Forward ### Enable Client To Vist The Web-Server on Internet / Sbin / iptables -a Output -o P

PP0 -P TCP - Sport 1024: 65535 -D Any / 0 - Dport 80 -J ACCEPT / SBIN / IPTABLES -A INPUT -I PPP0 -P TCP! --SYN -S ANY / 0 --SPORT 80 - Dport 1024: 65535 -J ACCEPT ### set ip-masquerade / sbin / iptables -t nat -a postrouting -o ppp0 -j masquerade ### i packets limited / sbin / iptables -a forward -f -m limited - LIMIT 10 / S --LIMIT-BURST 10 -J ACCEPT / SBIN / IPTABLES -A Forward -P ICMP -M LIMIT --LIMIT 1 / S --LIMIT-BURST 3 -J ACCEPT / SBIN / IPTABLES -A INPUT -I PPP0 -P ICMP -J DROP ### Enable Some Internet-Service On Intranet for the Clients On Internet / Sbin / iptables -a Input -p TCP - Dport 80 -J Accept ### Open Some Port for ftp-users Use passive mode / sbin / iptables -a input -i ppp0 -p tcp --dport 25 -j accept / sbin / iptables -a input -i ppp0 -p TCP - Dport 110 -j accept ### disable any port you Don't want to be visited / sbin / iptables -a input -m state --state established, Related -j Accept / sbin / iptables -a input -i ppp0 -j drop3, additional instructions If you follow the steps above Installation, you also need to modify some PHP pages to suit your app, you can use the VI to open the modification directly. I will not be listed one by one, and there is a negative problem with the email take up after the Redhat AS 3.0 is installed. This is because the version of PHP is too high, you can try the version of the bottom, or on Redhat 9.0. Installation. About the package mentioned above can also be downloaded from me: ftp: // Test: later added: This article: Solve QMAIL installed on the default installed RH AS 3.0 IGENUS will have a negative problem with the mailbox. Workaround: Re-build PHP to a new version, this paper is PHP-4.3.4 Note: Be sure to install the PHP installation after complete installation, otherwise the Mail function does not define the problem Unable to use it normally. Below is the installation process of PHP: 1. Uninstall the system's own PHP components (if necessary, please use "--Nodeps" parameters): # rpm -e php-mysql # rpm -e php-wevel # rpm -e php 2. Install PHP-4.2.4 # tar -zxvf php-4.3.4.tar.gz # cd pd pHP-4.3.4 # ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / php --with-charset = GB2312 --With -Mysql --with-mail --with-apxs2 = / usr / sbin / apxs --enable-track-vars --enable-force-

CGI-Redirect --Nable-Pic --Nable-inline-Optimiation --Nable-Memory-Limit --Nable-bcmath # make # make install # cp php.ini-dist / usr / local / php / lib / php. INI # vi /usr/local/php/lib/php.ini register_global = on memory_limit = 16m post_max_size = 6M UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE = 6m 3. Configure the look httpd.conf DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php AddType application / x-httpd-php .php AddType application / x-httpd-php-source .phps AddDefaultCharset GB2312 ExtendedStatus On ServerTokens Prod ServerSignature Email 4. Limit the data size of the PHP request, plus: setoutputfilter PHP setInputfilter PHP LimitRequestBody 5640000 5 in httpd.conf. After testing whether PHP is installed successfully: # vi /var/www/html/test.php 6. Test in the browser: [Posted Reply] [View forum original] [Add to Favorites] [Close]

LLZQQ Reply to: 2004-02-28 07:42:22 Establishing the software required to establish a QMAIL server: maildrop- perl-time-hires-1.38-3.i386.rpm clamav-0.65 .tar.gz qmail-scanner-1.20.tgz Install Maildrop: tar zxvf maildrop- ./configure make make install-strip make install-man installation perl-time-hires- 1.38-3.i386.rpm rpm -ivh perl-time-hires-1.38-3.i386.rpm Installs clamav-0.65.tar.gz GroupAdd Clamav Useradd -g ClamAV-S / BIN / FALSE CLAMAV TAR ZXVF CLAMAV-0.65. TAR.GZ CD CLAMAV-0.65 ./configure make check make install Update the Virus Library Run Freshclam Add Freshclam to crontab Timed Update Virus Library, vi /usr/local/etc/clamav.conf comment EXAMPLE Execute CLAMSCAN to perform CLAMDSCAN installation Qmail-scanner-1.20.tgz groupadd qscand useradd -g qscand -s / bin / false qscand tar zxvf qmail-scanner-1.20.tgz CD qmail-scanner-1.20 ./configure --qmail-queue-binary / var / qmail / BIN / QMAIL-Queue --Admin Postmaster --domain - Notify Sender, Admin --Local-Domains --lang en_gb --debug yes --unzip yes --sc Anners Clamscan --Install Requires Perl-db_file-x.x.x.rpm during compilation, which can be found in the disc.

Chown Qscand: Qscand / Var/qmail/bin/ chmod 4755 /var/qmail/bin/ then log in with a normal user, execute / var / qmail / bin / qmail -z If there is no CAN't do setuid, congratulations, if there is a connection to the installation file directory, there is a Contrib directory, make make install additional steps: chown qscand: qscand / var / qmail / bin / Qmail-Scanner-Queue Chmod 4755 / VAR / QUEUE CHMOD 4755 / VAR / QUEUE CHMOD 0755 /VAR/QMAIL/BIN/ then log in with a normal user, execute / var / qmail / bin / Qmail-Scanner-Queue -z / var / qmail / bin / qmail-scanner-queue -g modified environment variables 1. Join QMAILQUEUE = / var / qmail / bin / if your QMAIL startup script Added steps with qmailqueue = / var / qmail / bin / qmail-scanner-queue export qmailqueue 2. Modify in MY $ CLAMSCAN_OPTIONS = "- R - Disable-Summary --MAX -recursion = 10 --Max-space = 1000000 "; MY $ CLAMSCAN_OPTIONS =" - R --MBOX --DISABLE-SUMMARY --MAX-Recursion = 10 --Max-Space = 1000000 "; Relonged QMAIL Test Here Test program /software/qmail-scanner-1.20/contrib/ main exhaust monitor / Var/spool/Qmailscan/quarantine.log / var / spool / qmailsc AN / qmail-queue.log / var/log/clamd.log / var / log / maillog

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-02-28 07:43:18 Add new features to QMail VPOPMAIL IGENUS Mail Server 1. Register new users and retrieve passwords to establish database mysql -u root -p mysql> use vpopmail; mysql> create table password (id int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, pw_name varchar (32) Not null default ', pw_domain varchar ( 64) Not null default ', problem varchar (32) Not null default', answer varchar (32) Not null default ', primary key (id)) type = myisam pack_keys = 1; Install the package password.rar There are five files signup.php, Submit.php is registered getPassword.php, getPassword2.php, getPassword3.php is used to find a password. In the middle of the default domain name. Younly modified to your own default domain name. If iGenus If you install / var / www / html / iGenus, extract these five files into the / var / www / html directory, then add the corresponding link to the INDEX.PHP file of the home page. 2. Automatic forwarding to send mail to your own mailbox to other mailbox mysql> use vpopmail; mysql> create table forward (id int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, pw_id int (5) Not null default '0', email varchar (64 NOT NULL DEFAULT ', SUCCESS INT (1) Not Null Default' 0 ', Save Int (1) Not Null Default' 0 ', Primary Key (ID)) TYPE = Myisam Pack_Keys = 1; 3. Profile mysql> use vpopmail; mysql> CREATE TABLE personal (id int (11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, pw_id int (5) NOT NULL default '0', truename varchar (10) NOT NULL default '', fax varchar (20 NOT NULL Default ', Telephone Varchar (15) Not Null Default', SEX INT (1) Not Null Default '0', Year Int (4) Not Null Default ', Month Int (2) Not Null Default' ', Day Int (2) Not null default' '

, Education varchar (4) Not null default ', Marital Int (1) Not null default', Occupation Varchar (15) Not null default ', CompanyName varchar (30) Not null default', province varchar (6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ', PRIMARY Key (ID)) type = myisam pack_keys = 1; 4. Only domain administrators can send all user notices for this domain, and all users in this domain can only view the notification mysql> use vpopmail; mysql> create table board (id int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, Num Int 5) Not null default '0', Title Varchar (50) Not null default ', Content Varchar (255) Not Null Default', Host Varchar (50) Not Null Default ', Allhost Int (1) Not Null Default '0', Primary Key (ID)) type = myisam pack_keys = 1; 5. Favorites Mysql> Use vpopmail; mysql> create table stow (id int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, pw_id int (5) Not null default '0', Name Varchar (64) Not null default ', http varchar (128 NOT NULL Default ', Memo Varchar (255) Not Null Default', Primary Key (ID)) type = myisam pack_keys = 1; 6. Contacts mysql> use vpopmail; mysql> CREATE TABLE card (id int (11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, pw_id int (5) NOT NULL default '0', addrname varchar (10) NOT NULL default '', companyname varchar (30 NOT NULL DEFAULT ', Address Varchar (255) Not Null Default' ', Job Varchar (255) Not Null Default', Telephone Varchar (20) Not Null Default ', Mobile Varchar (15) Not Null Default' , Email Varchar (50) Not null default ', bearing varchar (4) Not null default'

, Note Varchar (255) Not null default ', primary key (id)) type = myisam pack_keys = 1; llzqq Reply to: 2004-02-28 08: 00: 05Linux ADSL QDNS 1, installation dial-up package for I have installed two network cards to make sure it works properly: # ifconfig eth0 Eth0 PNITON # ifconfig eth1 Eth1 Picking ADSL Delete Default Gate: Delete Gateway = This line is deleted in file / etc / sysconfig / network, then execute : # Service Network Restart Install the PPPD package. If there is file / usr / sbin / pppd, the PPPD has been installed; if not installed, you can find this package on the RedHatlinux installation CD. # Rpm -ivh rp-pppoe-3.5.2.i386.rpm II. Configuring PPPoE client software ADSL installation is very simple, I don't have much to say #ADSL-SETUP After installation of software package / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts / IFCFG-PPP0 # vi / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts / ifcfg-ppp0, modified PPPoE-Timeout = 0 CONECT-TIMEOUT = 0 # cp / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts / IFCFG-PPP0 / ETC / PPP / PPPoE .conf II, installation Set Dynamic domain name QDNS login website, register a user, apply for a dynamic domain name, download Linux client software: EZ-iPUpdate-3.0.10-Linux-i386. TGZ installation software: # tar zxvf eZ-ipupdate-3.0.10-linux-i386.tgz # mv EZ-iPUpdate-3.0.10-linux-i386 / usr / local / ezip # chmod 755 / usr / local / ezip / ez -ipupdate # chmod 755 /usr/local/ezip/qdns.conf # cp /usr/local/ezip/qdns.conf / usr / local / bin # cp / usr / local / ezip / eZ-iPUpdate / usr / local / BIN Editor /usR /LOCAL/EZIP/qdns.conf file: # vi /usr/local/ezip/qdns.conf service-type = qdns user = Your Use RName: Your password host = interface = PPP0 MAX -Interval = 2073600 CA Che-file = / tmp / ez-ipupdate.cache updates the current IP to our application: # / usr / local / ezip / ez-ipupdate -c qdns.conf system will prompt data update success.

Automatic update domain name after dial-up connection: Modify / etc / ppp / ip-up script # VI / ETC / PPP / IP-UP In addition: / usr / local / ezip / ez-ipupdate -c / usr /local/ezip/qdns.conf setting automatically synchronize your domain every five minutes: # crontab -e then join the following line: 0-59 / 50-59 / 5 * * * * / usr / local / bin / ez -ipupdate - c /usr/local/bin/qdns.conf 4, test # adsl-start # adsl-status should contain information about PPP0 in the output, including the IP address obtained from DHCP. # Ping If the correct IP is analyzed, the dial-up connection has been established and the correct domain name can be analyzed correctly. CAMP replied to: 2004-02-28 08:17:51 Written a great, top one.

Platinum Reply to: 2004-02-28 09:25:15 is really great! Received! ! ! ! ! (I will go back to send Sendmail!)

Ashura replied: 2004-02-28 10:30: 08good, this site is included

Linux @ beginner Reply to: 2004-02-28 10:45:41 In order to facilitate installing me installed [color = red: 2B0972914D] redHat3.0 [/ color: 2b0972914d] selected apache, php, mysql, pay attention to MySQL -devel development package must be installed on two, install UCSPI-TCP-0.88 1. This is due to [Color = Red: 2B0972914D] redHat9.0 [/ color: 2b0972914d] has problems, there must be the following software and patches Can you compile the landlord, the title is to say in 3.0, is it installed at 3.0 or under RH9? I am dizzy!

Double eyelids Reply to: 2004-02-28 10:51:53 I also saw it, is it RH9 or AS3 ??

Llzqq replied to: 2004-02-28 12: 32: 28redHat 9.0 and Redhat AS 3.0 Glibc have problems, all have a patch.

Linux @ beginners Reply to: 2004-02-28 13:02:56 Oh, thank you the landlord!

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-02-28 13:26:23 Having a Doc Document Leave Mail

Mofaser Reply to: 2004-02-28 13: 56: 44Very Good.

Linux @ beginners Reply to: 2004-02-28 15:05:15 [Quote: 86E168FE30 = "llzqq"] There is a need for DOC documentation to leave mail [/ quote: 86e168fe30] 3KS

How do I reply to: 2004-02-28 15:41:19 I sent you an email I don't know if you receive no, I will post my mailbox. Thank you,

Platinum Reply to: 2004-02-28 16: 28:

DBL2 Reply to: 2004-02-28 16: 42: Thank you.

ZHQH1 Reply to: 2004-02-28 17: 38: If you have time, thank you! Good Mr. Reply to: 2004-02-29 09:01:28 It seems that everyone is also very interested in Mail. I installed it again today, and write a document that will be put on the AS3, IMAP.

Platinum Reply to: 2004-02-29 09:06:49 Good! ! ! ! ! ! Very thank you very much, and support! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Caoyang23 Reply to: 2004-02-29 10:31:09 [quote: DEA979CE1E = "llzqq"] There is a need for DOC documentation to leave mail [/ quote: dea979ce1e] If it is convenient, thank you

TSGX Reply to: 2004-02-29 10: 47:

ITIGOD Reply to: 2004-02-29 14: 03: 37tHanks.

Chinesecai Reply to: 2004-02-29 19:37:24 [Quote: C342E476B7 = "llzqq"] There is a need for DOC documentation leaving mail [/ quote: C342E476B7] I want it much much, thanks.

David5337 Reply to: 2004-02-29 20:43:18 Good information! Strong top! Have the opportunity to install it!

Shuecy Reply to: 2004-03-01 09:41:27 Ask, when you do Webmail with Igenus, an error occurred while the message with a Chinese name attachment is included in the web page mode. The specific situation is: 1. Receiving mail with Foxmail or Outlook is normal, including mail with Chinese name attachments. 2. Problem when sending: If you upload the Chinese name attachment in the webmail method, after using Foxmail, the attachment is only suffix, no Chinese. The attachment can still be opened. 3. If you receive the message when you send a message with a Chinese name attachment with Foxmail, open this message in a webmail mode, you can correctly display the Chinese name of the attachment in the "Attachment" list of the message, but when you click this attachment this attachment, Warning: fopen (/Home/www/mail. ××.com/html/temp/mmp/mmp/m/m/m/m/.doc) [Function.Fopen]: Failed to Open Stream: No Such File or Directory in /Home/www/mail. ××.com/html/mime.php on line 54 error Open! FileName error message. I log in to the system, this file actually exists in this directory (you can receive it normally) with foxmail). These problems have plagued me for a long time. Since most of us have a Chinese attachment, there is a Chinese attachment, so it brings a lot of inconvenience to everyone. Ask the landlord and all the linux enthusiasts to help solve. Many thanks! ! ! Note: The version of the installed software is the same as the version in the landlord article.

Good Mr. Reply to: 2004-03-01 09:45:23 This should be the problem of IGENUS, you look at the essence of the Mail version, as if there is this problem solution. Or you can search "attachment" SHUECY in the upper right corner Reply to: 2004-03-01 10:17:16 I have been searching for countless times, but I still have not found a solution. I just found it in the essence (in fact, I have checked countless times before, I'm looking forward to everyone.

IPBJ Reply to: 2004-03-01 10: 33: Thank you

Paulwang Reply to: 2004-03-01 10: 43: Thank you very much!

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-01 12: 33: 38Shuecy classmate this may be useful to you:

SHUECY replied: 2004-03-01 12:48:43 Very much gratitude, I will try it right away. The result is turned back and tells everyone.

Jackie god Reply to: 2004-03-01 12: 51: Thank you!

Jeffreyli Reply to: 2004-03-01 13:49:16 Also,

Knowing the autumn leaves Reply to: 2004-03-01 14: 22: Thank you !!!

Realbanhu Reply to: 2004-03-01 15:01:25 [Quote: 5718952AA4 = "llzqq"] There is a need for a DOC document to leave mail [/ quote: 5718952aa4] I want a copy: Thank you

Wqzxw Reply to: 2004-03-01 16:26:57 Thank you! can provide test users at

Xianhui Reply to: 2004-03-01 17:59:45 I also want

LLZQQ Reply to: 2004-03-01 18: 22: test: 123456

Tobaco Reply to: 2004-03-01 21: 35:

Exper Reply to: 2004-03-02 09:00:13 I also want to doc

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-02 09:13:03 Now everyone can test my qmail test: 123456 By the way, I have a problem with my FTP: // Test : Thank you!

CAMP Reply to: 2004-03-02 10: 14: 50okay

Linux-yxzjf Reply to: 2004-03-02 11:04:45 I also sent me one!

Kelvinxeon Reply to: 2004-03-02 11:18:27 I want DOC document A Thank you!

Webfox Reply to: 2004-03-03 09:26:19 I have to Thank you.

Roninlin Reply to: 2004-03-03 09:30:29 俺, thank you Reply to: 2004-03-03 11: 00: 13redHat9.0, bring your own apache, mysql, PHP, after installing qmail, I installed IGENUS, and changed the username and password in /var/www/html/igenus/config/config-inc.php to log in to Mysql, but why When I entered the home page, I will report an error: Fatal error: call to undefined function: mysql_connect () in /var/www/html/igenus/login.php on line 42 big brother help out, what are my less?

Something I replied to: 2004-03-03 11: 25: 20 rpm -qa | grep php-mysql to see.

Raad Reply to: 2004-03-03 12:16:22 I understand, I don't have mod-sql, now I have changed, thank you for your good!

Titan2002 Reply to: 2004-03-03 14:14:36 ​​Classic post, send me a one of Thank you.

ZJQYB Reply to: 2004-03-04 08: 07:

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-04 08:48:15 There is a problem with a mailbox space, and I will put the document on the FTP.

Caoyang23 Reply to: 2004-03-04 09:21:31 [Quote: 5847B6BC98 = "raad"] I understand, I have no mod-sql, now I have changed, thank you for your mother! [/ quote: 5847b6bc98] Sorry, I want to know what MOD-SQL is? What role, I just started learning, there are many lots of don't know how to

Bruceyuan Reply to: 2004-03-04 09:32:10 Give me a copy, thank you!

Mofaser Reply to: 2004-03-04 10: 19: thk

7dehao Reply to: 2004-03-04 10:49:54 Q: I will reboot the error information of the mysql startup failure, the following is the log record, but after entering the system, PS shows mysql at work, and the mailbox can be used normally (want to use Not pass!). And, the suggestion of the incorrect prompt is add Skip-InnoDB in my.cnf, restarting MySQL also reported the same error, how is this? 040304 08:44:25 mysqld started Can not initialize InnoDB as 'innodb_data_file_path' is not set. If you do not want to use transactional InnoDB tables, add a line skip-innodb to the [mysqld] section of init parameters in your my.cnf . or my.ini If you want to use InnoDB tables, add to the [mysqld] section, for example, innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1: 10M: autoextend But to get good performance you should adjust for your hardware the InnoDB startup options listed in section 2 At / usr / libexec / mysqld: Ready for ConnectionSbruceyuan Reply to: 2004-03-04 13:12:03 Give me a copy, thank you!

DBL2 Reply to: 2004-03-04 14:07:39 Can I send a revision again. Thank you.

Adhere to the end Reply to: 2004-03-04 14:30:50 Reservation:

XYLI888 Reply to: 2004-03-04 16: 10: TKS.

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-04 18:22:29 Let's go to my FTP download! FTP: // Test:

Paulwang Reply to: 2004-03-05 22:30:44 "Note When you set a mail account in Outlook, you should add a domain name, such as llzq If Qmail occurs, you can view the vpopmail in MySQL. MySQLD and Mailog logging under the database, / var / log. "Don't understand why the account must add a domain name, don't you don't do it in Foxmail / OE? why?

Blue insects Reply to: 2004-03-05 23:37:47 ask ============= Do you have such a mail system, hardware configuration and software settings how many users can you bring? I am talking about concurrency.

ZHANGWeibo Reply to: 2004-03-06 09:14:09 I also want to :)

Platinum Reply to: 2004-03-06 10:28:30 [quote: 7f5e5fa4f7 = "blue worm"] ask ============= Do this mail system, hardware configuration and software settings How many users can you bring? I am talking about it. [/ Quote: 7f5e5fa4f7] I think the main and network bandwidth is about course, CPU, MEM, DISK is also very important. I am doing this and the landlord. When I encounter a problem - IGENUS displayed by the mailbox capacity Question (there is a problem only), and when you actually send a message, if you exceed the limit, you can be returned by the server, I don't know what is wrong when IGENUS is configured ... Zibingsu Reply to: 2004- 03-06 16:08:29 I want to be huh ~! 3Q

@ @ Reply to: 2004-03-06 16:39:43 ????

@ @ Reply to: 2004-03-06 16:40:57 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Head

@ @ Reply to: 2004-03-06 16: 42: 29Linux has its own test tool

@ @ Reply to: 2004-03-06 16:43:16 I forgot what, you find it. Haha

Handsome1234 Reply to: 2004-03-07 09:03:40 Need documentation!

XCGF Reply to: 2004-03-07 14:08:14 Your ftp I can't enter, please give me a document, I am

FreeStcker Reply to: 2004-03-07 15:53:18 Great

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-07 18:50:17 Now the FTP server is available: ftp: // Test:

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-08 08:15:30 My new mail server came out Test User: Test: 123456

Good Mr. Reply to: 2004-03-08 08:19:26 [Quote: 393303287c = "llzqq"] My new mail server came out Test User: Test: 123456 / quote: 393303287C] Write a Postfix IMAP document? : EM02:

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-08 09:12:38 Basically, it is basically installed according to Wang Xingyu's "Postfix Cyrus-IMP Cyrus-Sasl MySQL IMP Full Guide".

LeopardClj Reply to: 2004-03-08 09: 25: 36: D: D: D: D

Wang_Yong Reply to: 2004-03-08 16: 14: 3qu

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-08 16:30:48 Everyone will download the document on my server later, I will not mail the document later. FTP: // Test:

Landseasky Reply to: 2004-03-08 20: 24: Thank you! ! ! Boynet Reply to: 2004-03-08 22:50:20 I also want one :)

HUGHR Reply to: 2004-03-09 10:55:31 [Quote: 4CAE629A4A = "llzqq"] There is a need for DOC documentation to leave Mail [/ quote: 4CAE629A4A]

Paulwang Reply to: 2004-03-09 12:12:12 Before doing it, use Foxmail test, find that you can send it with a password, SMTP is in the Open-Relay status, or SMTP-Auth has problems, you encounter Is this problem? Do you still need other settings, please advise. Thank you!

Linuxren Reply to: 2004-03-09 22: 44: Thank you

Pansoncn Reply to: 2004-03-09 23:05:20 Hello, my system is redhat as3, after you installed, use Outlook test, and find that you cannot connect to the mail server, then I will enter. : / var / qmail / rc / var / qmail / smtp / var / qmail / pop3 join is OK, but still can't send and receive mail! Use IGENUS to be the same, don't do it in your own domain? I don't know if you have trouble? Such a problem? What is the situation? Open it with IGENUS to see more than Sqwebmail, but can't be excited with white !!!

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-10 00:27:51 To see if the system and email log are judged except for the problem. Your QMAIL startup script is established, check the following. Try to turn off your set.

Little Eyes Reply to: 2004-03-10 10:01:29 Thank you! ! ! Johnny ◎ GLISC.COM

Pansoncn Reply to: 2004-03-10 10:46:35 My firewall is closed, I know that there is a problem with startup scripts, because I started to see a word error, but starting too fast, I can't see it. I don't know how to watch the information at the start of Linux, or the script is a grammar such as a step in step, so I know what is wrong! Any order can look at the launch log! ? ?

Pansoncn Reply to: 2004-03-10 10: 52: 31mar 10 10:20:33 Panson Syslog: syslogd Startup succeeded mar 10 10:20:33 Panson syslog: klogd startup succeeded mar 10 10:20:33 Panson Irqbalance: Irqbalance Successted Mar 10:20:33 Panson NFSLOCK: RPC.STATD Startup SucceEDED MAR 10 10:20:33 Panson Keytable: Loading Keymap: Mar 10 10:20:34 Panson Keytable: Mar 10 10:20:34 Panson RC: Starting Keytable: succeeded mar 10 10:20:34 Panson Random: Initializing Random Number Generator: succeeded mar 10 10:20:36 panson netfs: Mounting other filesystems: succeeded Mar 10 10:20:36 panson apmd: apmd startup succeeded Mar 10 10:20:36 panson autofs: automount startup succeeded Mar 10 10:20:39 panson cups: cupsd startup succeeded Mar 10 10 : 20: 39 Panson Sshd: Succeeded Mar 10 10:20:40 Panson Xinetd: Xinetd Startup Succeeded Mar 10 10:20:1 Panson MySQLD: Starting MySQL: SUCCEED MAR 10 10:20:41 Panson GPM: GPM STARTUP SUCCEDEDEDED SMB 10:49 Panson XFS: XFS Startup successED mar 10 10:20:49 Panson SMB : SMBD Startup SuCceeded Mar 10 10:20:49 Panson SMB: NMBD Startup Succeeded Mar 10 10:20:50 Panson ATD: ATD Startup Succeeded Mar 10 10:20:50 Panson RHNSD: RHNSD Startup SUCCEEDED system log only here, Nothing qmail related information, my maillog: [root @ Panson log] # cat maillog feb 29 10:32:42 Panson Sendmail [867]: Alias ​​Database / etc / aliases rebuilt by root feb 29 10:32:42 Panson Sendmail [867]: / etc / aliases: 63 aliases, longest 10 bytes, 625 bytes Total Feb 29 10:32:42 Panson Sendmail [874]: Starting Daemon (8.12.10): SMTP Queueing @

01:32:43 Panson Sm-msp-Queue [883]: Starting Daemon (8.12.10): queueing @ 01: 00: 00 Feb 29 10:40:55 Panson Sendmail [1572]: Alias ​​Rebuilt by root feb 29 10:40:55 Panson Sendmail [1572]: / etc / aliases: 63 aliases, longest 10 bytes, 625 bytes Total Feb 29 10:40:55 Panson Sendmail [1579]: Starting daemon (8.12.10): SMTP Queueing @ 01: 00: 00 Feb 29 10:40:55 Panson Sm-MSP-Queue [1588]: Starting Daemon (8.12.10): Queueing @ 01: 00: 00 Feb 29 10:51:04 Panson Sendmail [950]: Alias ​​Database / etc / aliases rebuilt by root feb 29 10:51:05 Panson Sendmail [950]: / etc / aliases: 63 aliases, longest 10 bytes, 625 29 10:51:05 Panson Sendmail [957]: Starting Daemon (8.12.10): SMTP Queueing @ 01: 00: 00 Feb 29 10:51:05 Panson SM-MSP-Queue [966]: Starting Daemon (8.12 Queueing @ 01: 00: 00 Feb 29 11:29:21 Panson Sendmail [958]: Alias ​​Database / etc / aliases rebuilt by root feb 29 11:29:21 Panson Sendmail [958]: / etc / aliases : 63 Aliases, Longest 10 Bytes, 625 BYtes Total Feb 29 11: 29:21 Panson Sendmail [965]: Starting Daemon (8.12.10): SMTP Queueing @ 01: 00: 00 Feb 29 11:29:21 Panson SM-MSP-Queue [974]: Starting Daemon (8.12.10) : Queueing @ 01: 00: 00 Mar 4 20:26:52 Panson Sendmail [2043]: Alias ​​Database / etc / aliases Rebuilt by root mar 4 20:26:52 Panson Sendmail [2043]: / etc / aliases: 63 aliases , LONGEST 10 BYTES, 625 BYtes Total Mar 4 20:26:53 Panson Sendmail [2050]: Starting Daemon (8.12.10): SMTP Queueing @ 01: 00: 00 Mar 4 20:26:53 Panson SM-MSP- Queue [2059]: queueing @ 01: 00: 00 Mar 9 17:58:18 Panson Sendmail [4059]: from = root, size = 0, class = 0, nrcpts = 0 , Relay = root @

Localhost Mar 9 19:32:04 Panson QMail: 1078831924.039252 Status: Local 0/10 Remote 0/20 Mar 9 19:34:00 Panson QMAIL: 1078832040.298283 Alert: Cannot Start: qmail-send is already Running Mar 9 21:27: 23 panson sendmail [1379]: i29DRN0e001379: from = vpopmail, size = 7570, class = 0, nrcpts = 1, msgid = <200403091327.i29DRN0e001379@localhost.localdomain>, relay = vpopmail @ localhost Mar 9 21:27:23 panson Sendmail [1379]: 29drn0e001379:, CTLADDR = Vpopmail (509/504), delay = 00: 00: 00, xdelay = 00: 00: MAILER = relay, pri = 37570, Relay = [] [], DSN = 4.0.0, stat = deferred: connection refused by [127.0.1] mar 9 21:30:19 Panson Sendmail [1388]: I29dujg1001388: from = vpopmail, size = 1767, class = 0, nrcpts = 1, msgid = <200403091330.i29DUJG1001388@localhost.localdomain>, relay = vpopmail @ localhost Mar 9 21:30:19 panson sendmail [1388]: i29DUJG1001388: to = panson @ eastcomservice. COM, CTLADDR = VPOPMAIL (509/504), delay = 00: 00: XDELAY = 00: 00: 00, MAILER = relay, pri = 31767, relay = [127.0.0 .1] [], DSN = 4.0.0, Stat = Deferred: Connection Refused by [127.0.1] Mar 9 22:01:18 Panson QMail: 1078840878.763543 Status: local 0/10 Remote 0/20 Mar 9 22:02:39 panson sendmail [1640]: i29E2djI001640: from = vpopmail, size = 1765, class = 0, nrcpts = 1, msgid = <200403091402.i29E2djI001640@localhost.localdomain>, relay = vpopmail @ localhost Mar 9 22: 02:39 Panson Sendmail [1640]: i29E2DJI001640:, CTLADDR = VPOPMAIL (509/504), DELAY = 00: 00: XDElay = 00: 00: MAILER = relay, pri = 31765, relay =

[], DSN = 4.0.0, Stat = Deferred: Connection Reset by [127.0.1] Mar 9 22:13:20 Panson Sendmail [1756]: i29eddci001756: from = root, size = 0, class = 0, nrcpts = 1, relay = root @ localhost mar 9 22:29:28 Panson qmail: 1078842568.245870 status: local 0/10 Remote 0/20 mar 9 22:37:30 Panson Sendmail [1432]: i29EBU3i001432 : from = vpopmail, size = 1795, class = 0, nrcpts = 2, msgid = <200403091437.i29EbU3i001432@localhost.localdomain>, relay = vpopmail @ localhost Mar 9 22:37:30 panson sendmail [1432]: i29EbU3i001432: to = Panson @, postmaster @, ctladdr = vpopmail (509/504), delay = 00: 00: xdelay = 00: 00:00, MAILER = relay, pri = 61795, RELAY = [], DSN = 4.0.0, stat = deferred: connection reset by [] mar 9 22:46:15 Panson Sendmail [1578]: I29EKFNK001578: from = VPOPMAIL, size = 1772, class = 0, nrcpts = 1, msgid = <200403091446.i29EkFNK001578@localhost.localdomain>, relay = vpopmail @ localhost Mar 9 22:46:15 panson sendmail [1578]: i29EkFNK001578: to = panson @ panson., ctladdr = vpopmail (509/504), delay = 00: 00: 00, xdelay = 00: 00: 00, MAILER = relay, pri = 31772, relay = [] [], DSN = 4.0.0, stat = deferred: connection reset by [] Mar 9 23:08:26 Panson QMail: 1078844906.014603 Status: local 0/10 Remote 0/20 Mar 9 23:11:16 Panson Sendmail [1261 ]: i29FBFgx001261: from = vpopmail, size = 1766, class = 0, nrcpts = 1, msgid = <200403091511.i29FBFgx001261@localhost.localdomain>, relay = vpopmail @ localhost Mar 9 23:11:16 panson sendmail [1261]: I29fbfgx001261: to =, ctladdr = vpopmail (509/504), delay = 00: 00: 01, xdelay = 00: 00: MAILER = relay, pri = 31766, relay = [] [127.0 .0.1], dsn = 4.0.0, stat = deferred: connection reset by [] Mar 9 23:24:50 Panson QMAIL: 1078845890.607492 Alert: Cannot Start: qmail-send is already Running

Paulwang Reply to: 2004-03-10 14:43:26 I am in ./configure --qmail-queue-binary / var / qmail / bin / qmail-que ... The following error occurred: this Script will search your system for the virus scanners it knows about, and will ensure that all external programs uses are explicitly pathed for performance reasons. Continue? ([Y] / N) y ****** ***************************** Perl doesn't Have DB_FILE MODULE - Cannot - Cannot Continue. Get it from cpan: DB_FILE ************************** ERROR REPORTED WAS: --- can't locate auto / db_file / autosplit.ix in @Inc (@ Inc contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread- Multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 / usr / lib / perl5 / site_pers /usr/lib/perl5/ndor_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi / usr / lib / perl5 / vendor_perl / 5.8.0 / usr / lib / perl5 / vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0.) AT /USR/LIB/perl5/5.8 .0 / au TOLOADER.PM line 160. AT line 184 can't locate loading object for module db_file in @inc (@Inc contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi / usr / LIB / Perl5 / 5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 / usr / lib / perl5 / site_perl / usr / LIB / Perl5 / Vendor_Perl / 5.8.0 / i386-Linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0 / usr / lib / perl5 / vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386- Linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0.) At-E line 1 Compilation Failed in required at -e line 1. Begin Failed - Compilation Aborted At-E Line 1. I am based on the landlord's instructions There is such an error when installing perl-db_file-1.804-88.4.i386.rpm: [root @

iplan03 patch] # rpm -ivh perl-DB_File-1.804-88.4.i386.rpm error: perl-DB_File-1.804-88.4.i386.rpm: rpmReadSignature failed: region trailer: BAD, tag 15872 type 2047 offset 28672 count 4238 error: Perl-db_file-1.804-88.4.i386.rpm cannot be installed [root @ iblan03 patch] # rpm -qa | grep perl_db I don't know what to do, who can help me see, Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03- 10 15:48:45 Re-download a perl-db_file-1.804-88.4.i386.rpm package trial.

Paulwang Reply to: 2004-03-10 16:37:46 Should not be the problem of the RPM package, I use this bag in another installation disc is also the same error message.

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-10 17: 40: 29 # rpm -ivh perl * .rpm

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-10 17:45:08 No this sentence: "You need to install Perl-db_file-x.x.x.rpm during the compilation process, can be found in the CD"

Pansoncn Reply to: 2004-03-10 18:14:22 My script hasn't done yet, no matter how it is the order, I can now send acceptance, email in the web interface, but use Outlook No, what should I do? Is there any article?

Sunlife Reply to: 2004-03-10 20: 40: 19Http: // T = 325

Paulwang Reply to: 2004-03-11 09:54:03 [quote: ECE106D156 = "llzqq"] # rpm -ivh perl * .rpm [/ quote: ECE106D156] Whether I re-download or find other file packages Installation is such an error message, I am crazy.

Coolwin Reply to: 2004-03-11 10:13:10

Paulwang Reply to: 2004-03-11 12:51:22 Get it, thank you for your help, or there is a problem with the RPM package, I re-downloaded the good time, and finally there is one can be used.

Paulwang Reply to: 2004-03-11 13:44:25 Help, when using Webmail, error error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect () in /var/www/html/igenus/login.php on Is LINE 42 IGENUS requires the mysql version? I am 3.xx "mysql_connect" is a function that is defined in advance?

Boynet Reply to: 2004-03-11 14:07:01 I have a

Pansoncn Reply to: 2004-03-11 14:18:41 I am also 3.23 MySQL can be used!

Paulwang Reply to: 2004-03-11 14:58:11 My PHP-MySQL-4.3.2-8 package can't be used, and you can't get it, who is you with a good download website.

Paulwang Reply to: 2004-03-11 15:43:41 Find a good place for the next AS3 RPM package to contribute / RPMS / Paulwang Reply to: 2004-03-11 15:50:31 "Set permissions in httpd.conf Not Allow access to the Temp directory. deny from all < / DIRECTORY> "Why is there any access to the TEMP directory? Whether Webmail should be IGENUS? Not understand

Pansoncn Reply to: 2004-03-11 16:32:55 is for security, because mail users can use it in the PHP program in the email!

Paulwang Reply to: 2004-03-11 16:40:33 Entering IGENUS to send and receive emails, Warning: unknown (): Your Script Possibly Relies on a session side-effect Which existed UnTil PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does not consider global variables as a source of data, unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality and this warning by setting session.bug_compat_42 or session.bug_compat_warn to off, respectively. in Unknown on line 0 Can you tell me why?

Pansoncn Reply to: 2004-03-11 18:46:08 Looking at the process of the landlord has the process of PHP settings, look, PHP usually set up, otherwise, there is such a problem!

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-11 19:30:54 Modify Your /etc/php.ini file to find this sentence set to: session.bug_compat_42 = 0

Handsome1234 Reply to: 2004-03-11 21: 27: 56Use Foxmail Sendmail with this error: Mar 11 20:36:38 mail qmail: 1079008598.431807 end msg 100138 Mar 11 20:36:38 Mail qmail: 1079008598.480762 New MSG 100290 Mar 11 20:36:38 mail qmail: 1079008598.483247 info msg 100290: bytes 1261 from <> qp 3389 uid 508 Mar 11 20:36:38 mail qmail: 1079008598.636200 starting delivery 8: msg 100290 to remote aa@ Mar 11 20: 36:38 mail qmail: 1079008598.638158 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20 Mar 11 20:36:38 mail qmail: 1079008598.700970 delivery 8: failure: Sorry._Although_I'm_listed_as_a_best-preference_MX_or_A_for_that_host, / it_isn't_in_my_control / locals_file, _so_I_don ' T_treat_it_as_local ._ (# 5.4.6) / Mar 11 20:36:38 Mail qmail: 1079008598.711780 Status: Local 0/10 Remote 0/20 Mar 11 20:36:38 Mail qmail: 1079008598.924509 Bounce MSG 100290 QP 3391 Mar 11 20 : 36: 38 Mail qmail: 1079008598.925911 End msg 100290Handsome1234 Reply to: 2004-03-11 21:31:32 [quote: F4E0E905D6 = "paulwang"] Help, error when using Webmail, log in error: Fatal Erro R: call to undefined function: mysql_connect () IGENUS.PHP ON LINE 42 IGENUS requires the mysql version? Mer 3.xx "mysql_connect" is? ..... ..... [/ quote: f4e0e905d6]. you must install package about mysql and php find remove and install package find web and mysql class, and choice all, that will be ok i meet this problem and resovle this problem by this. Way

Pansoncn Reply to: 2004-03-11 21:56:38 Thank you llzqq provides such a good article, after many studies, I have successfully achieved, really excited ing! Thank you CU, forever UNIX!

Sunyu0718 Reply to: 2004-03-12 21: 10: 307. Compile: # ./configure --prefix = / home / vpopmail --enable-mysql = y --Nable-incdir = / usr / include / mysql - -enable-libdir = / usr / lib / mysql --enable-default-domain = --enable-passwd = n --enable-defaultquota = 52428800s (10485760: 10MB, 20971520: 20MB, 52428800S: 50MB) - -ENABLE-TCPRULES-PROG = / usr / local / bin / tcprules --enable-tcpserver-file = / home / vpopmail / etc / tcp.smtp --enable-vpopuser = vpopmail --Nable-vpopGroup = vchkpw --enable -ip-alias-domains = n # make error: [root @mail vpopmail-5.2.1] # make make all-recursive make [1]: Entering Directory `/usr/local/src/vpopmail-5.2. 1 'MAKING All in CDB Make [2]: Entering Directory `/usr/local/src/vpopmail-5.2.1/cdb' make [2]: Nothing to be done for` all '. Make [2]: Leaving Directory `/usr/local/src/vpopmail-5.2.1/cdb 'make [2]: Entering Directory` /usr/local/src/vpopmail-5.2.1' make [2]: Nothing to be done for `All- AM '. make [2]: Leaving Directory `/usr/local/src/vpopmail-5.2.1' make [1]: Leaving Directory` / usr / local / SRC / VPOPMAIL-5.2.1 '[root @mail vpopmail-5.2.1] #, please leader. thank! WANGBIN Reply to: 2004-03-12 23: 53: 25UP

Lishuxi2003 Reply to: 2004-03-13 17: 09:

Moumoulrc Reply to: 2004-03-13 18:41:06 I am

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-14 13:32:07 Be sure to put compilation environment!

Handsome1234 Reply to: 2004-03-14 15: 00: 14to llzqq I logged in in the appearance: Error Create Directory / Var/www/html/igenus/../temp ,you mu g / VAR / WWW / HTML / IGENUS /. ./temp directory manual.please read the install file. And / var / www / html / iGenus has a TEMP this folder! 2 INSTALL This is not useful to solve it?

Vogel Reply to: 2004-03-15 03:01:07 floor, I want a copy of your DOCD document Thank you. Tjwfm@sina.comllzqq Reply to: 2004-03-15 10:48:39 I have on my FTP of

Bruce_woo Reply to: 2004-03-15 14: 48: is very grateful to the generosity of the landlord

Linuxsky Reply to: 2004-03-15 15:09:21 The landlord has QQ or MSN? Good instant question. Thank you.

LLZQQ Reply to: 2004-03-15 15:10:02 No longer replies to the problem related to DOC documentation. If you need a document, please come to my ftp ftp: // Test:

Zuojian77 Reply to: 2004-03-15 18:20:37 I have to be one, Zuoj @ Thank you

Linuxsky Reply to: 2004-03-15 19:08:58 faint. You are not watching. The landlord said in the ftp. Ugh. . . Landlord. Do you have QQ or MSN. If you have any questions, please ask

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-15 19:15:18 Sorry! I am very slow, so I have not used to QQ, MSN can put me in the forum, or give me mail!

Linuxsky Reply to: 2004-03-16 07:55:43 Question: 1. How to deal with spam filter ... MAILDROP can do it? 2. Installation of the mailing list? 3. Is there any good suggestion? 4.ucspi-tcp-0.88 This package I only play Errno's Patch other patches? UCSPI-TCP-0.88.a_record.patch ucspi-tcp-0.88.nobase.patch 5.qmail's patch package I also have, but what does the two packs do? Do you have to play? Qmail-1.03.qmail_local.patch qmail-maildir . Patch 6.iGenus 0516 version does not seem to be good in the email size, I will be exceeded, 130% 200%, or you can send it. The landlord, this is how you deal with it. I was also sent in the mail, but no one resolved. I remember that there is a paper that the patch is not playing, the better. . So I hope to figure out what each patch is meaning. This is my current problem. I hope to answer it, thank you.

ZCYCL Reply to: 2004-03-16 09:51:15 Follow your post: "Building a complete mail system (including four parts) in rhas3.0, gradually installed to" Install VPopmail "7 Compile: # ./configure --prefix = / home / vpopmail --enable-mysql = y --Nable-incdir = / usr / include / mysql --enable-libdir = / usr / lib / mysql / mysql - -enable-default-domain = --enable-passwd = n --enable-defaultquota = 52428800S / Define the default mailbox size, 10485760 is 10MB, 20971520 is 20MB, 52428800s is 50MB --Nable-TcPrules-PROG = / usr / local / bin / tcprules --enable-tcpser-file = / home / vpopmail / etc / tcp.smtp --enable-vpopuser = vpopmail --Nable-vpopGroup = vchkpw --enable-ip-alias-domains = N # make make, the following error, I don't know how to solve it, please advise! Thank you.

I am a beginner, I hope you can detaractive! ^ _ ^ ll-recursive make [1]: Entering Directory `/usr/local/src/mailsystem/vpopmail/vpopmail-5.2.1 'Making All In CDB Make [2]: Entering Directory` / usr / local / src / Mailsystem / vpopmail / vpopmail-5.2.1 / c db 'make [2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. make [2]: Leaving Directory` /usr/local/src/mailsystem/vpopmail/vpopmail-5.2. 1 / CD B 'Make [2]: Entering Directory `/usr/local/src/mailsystem/vpopmail/vpopmail-5.2.1' gcc -i. -I / usr / include / mysql -g-^ -wall -c VAUTH.C VAUTH.C: 28: 19: mysql.h: No file or directory in File Included from vauth.c: 32: VMYSQL.H: 53: 22: Warning: Multi-line string Litrals Are Deprecated VAUTH.C : 35: Parse Error Before "MySQL_UPDATE" VAUTH.C: 35: Warning: Type Defaults to `Int 'in Declaration of` mysql_update' vauth.c: 35: Warning: Data Definition Has NO Type or Storage Class Vauth.c: 36 : parse error before "mysql_read_getall" vauth.c: 36: warning: type defaults to `int 'in declaration of` mysql_read_getall' vauth.c: 36: warning: data definition has no type or storage class vauth.c: 54: par Se Error Before '*' Token Vauth.c: 54: Warning: Type Defaults To `Int 'in Declaration of` Res_Update' Vauth.c: 54: Warning: Data Definition Has NO Type or Storage Class Vauth.c: 55: Parse Error Before '*' Token Vauth.c: 55: Warning: Type Defaults to `Int 'in Declaration of` res_read_getall' vauth.c: 55: Warning: Data Definition Has NO Type or Storage Class Vauth.c: 63: PARSE Error Before "row" vAuth.c: 63: Warning: Type Defaults to `int 'in Declaration of` ROW' VAUTH.C: 63: Warning: Data Definition Has NO TYPE OR Storage Class Vauth.c: 64: Parse Error BEFORE

row_getall "vauth.c: 64: warning: type defaults to` int 'in declaration of `row_getall' vauth.c: 64: warning: data definition has no type or storage class vauth.c: In function` vauth_open_update ': vauth. c: 108: warning: implicit declaration of function `mysql_init 'vauth.c: 111: warning: implicit declaration of function` mysql_real_connect' vauth.c: 116: warning: implicit declaration of function `mysql_error 'vauth.c: 116: warning : Format argument is not a pointer (arg 3) vauth.c: 127: warning: format argument is not a pointer (arg 3) VAUTH.C: 135: Warning: Implicit Declaration of function `mysql_Query 'vauth.c: 140: warning: format argument is not a pointer (arg 2) vauth.c: 143: warning: implicit declaration of function `mysql_store_result 'vauth.c: 143: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast vauth.c: 144: warning : Implicit Declaration of Function `mysql_free_result 'vauth.c: 147: Warning: Implicit Declaration of function` mysql_select_db' vauth.c: in function `vauth_adddoma IN ': VAUTH.C: 239: Warning: Assignment Makes Pointer from Integer WITHOUT A CAST VAUTH.C: IN FUNCTION `VAUTH_ADDUSER': VAUTH.C: 314: Warning: Format Argument is not a pointer (arg 2) VAUTH.C : 317: Warning: Assignment Makes Pointer from Integer WITHOUT A CAST VAUTH.C: IN FUNCTION `VAUTH_GETPW ': VAUTH.C: 366: WARNING: FORMAT Argument is Not a Pointer (arg 2) VAUTH.C: 370: Warning: Assignment Makes Pointer from Integer WITHOUT A CAST VAUTH.C: 375: Warning: Implicit Declaration of function `mysql_num_rows 'vauth.c: 394: Warning: Implicit Declaration of function` mysql_fetch_row'

vauth.c: 395: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 395: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 395: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 395: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 395: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 396: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 396: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 396: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 396: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 396: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 396: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 397: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 397: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 398: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 398: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 399 : Subscripted Value Is Neither Array Nor Pointer Vauth.c: 399: Subscripted Value IS Neithe r array nor pointer vauth.c: 399: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 399: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 399: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 399: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 400: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 400: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 400: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 400 : subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 400: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 400: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 401: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c : 401: Subscripted Value Is Neither Array Nor Pointer VAUTH.C:

401: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 401: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 401: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 401: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth. c: 403: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 403: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 403: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 403: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 403: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 403: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: In function `vauth_deldomain ': vauth.c: 433: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast vauth.c: 446: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast vauth.c: In function `vauth_deluser ': vauth.c: 479: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast vauth.c: 489: Warning: Assignment Makes Pointer from Integer WITHOUT VAUTH.C: IN Function `VAuth_se TQUOTA ': VAUTH.C: 521: Warning: Format Argument is not a pointer (arg 2) VAUTH.C: 524: Warning: Assignment Makes Pointer from Integer WITHOUT A CAST VAUTH_GETALL'

: Warning: format argument is not a pointer (arg 2) VAUTH.C: 565: WARNING: Assignment Makes Pointer from Integer WITHOUT A CAST VAUTH.C: 587: Warning: Comparison Between Pointer and Integer Vause. c: 588: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 588: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 588: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 588: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 588: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 589: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 589: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 589: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 589: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 589: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 589: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 590: subscripted value is Neither Array Nor Pointer VAUTH.C: 590: Subscripted Value Is Neither Array Nor Pointer Vauth.c: 591: Subscr ipted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 591: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 592: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 592: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 592: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 592: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 592: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 592: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth. c: 593: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 593: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 593: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 593: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer VAUTH.C: 593:

subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 593: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 594: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 595: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 595: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 595: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 595: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 595: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth. c: 598: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 599: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 599: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 599: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 599: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 599: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: In function `vauth_setpw ': vauth.c: 687: warning: format argument is not a pointer (arg 2) VAUTH.C: 691: Warning: Assignment Makes Pointer from Integer WITHOUT A CAST VAUTH.C: IN FUNCTION `VClose ': VAuth.c: 799: Warning: Implicit Declaration of function` mysql_close' vauth.c: in function `vread_dir_control '

: Vauth.c: 954: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast vauth.c: 959: warning: comparison between pointer and integer vauth.c: 961: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 962: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 963: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 965: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 966: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 967 : subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 969: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 970: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 971: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c : 973: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 974: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 975: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 977: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth .c: 978: Subscripted Value Is Neither Array Nor Pointer Vauth.c: 979: Subscript ed value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 981: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 981: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 981: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 981: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 981: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: In function `vwrite_dir_control ': vauth.c: 1031: warning: format argument is not a pointer (arg 2) VAUTH.C: 1035: Warning: Assignment Makes Pointer from Integer WITHOUT A CAST VAUTH.C: in Function `Vcreate_Dir_control '

: VAUTH.C: 1049: Warning: format argument is not a pointer (arg 2) VAUTH.C: 1052: Warning: Assignment Makes Pointer from Integer WITHOUT A CAST VAUTH.C: 1072: Warning: Format Argument is Not a Pointer Arg 2) Vauth.c: 1075: Warning: Assignment Makes Pointer from Integer WITHOUT A CAST VAUTH.C: in Function `VDEL_DIR_CONTROL ': VAUTH.C: 1091: Warning: Format Argument is not a pointer (arg 2) VAUTH.C : 1095: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast vauth.c: In function `vset_lastauth ': vauth.c: 1114: warning: format argument is not a pointer (arg 2) vauth.c: 1117: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast vauth.c: In function `vget_lastauth ': vauth.c: 1135: warning: format argument is not a pointer (arg 2) vauth.c: 1139: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a Cast Vauth.c: 1142: Subscripted Value Is Neither Array Nor Pointer Vauth.c: in Function `VGET_LASTAUTHIP ': VAUTH.C: 1160: Warning: Format Argument IS Not a Pointer (arg 2) VAUTH.C: 1164: WA rning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast vauth.c: 1166: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 1166: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 1166: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth .c: 1166: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: 1166: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer vauth.c: In function `vcreate_lastauth_table ': vauth.c: 1180: warning: format argument is not a pointer ( Arg 2) Vauth.c: 1183: Warning: Assignment Makes Pointer from Integer WITHOUT A CAST MAKE [2]: *** [VAUTH.O] Error 1 Make [2]: Leaving Directory `/ usr / local / src / mailsystem /vpopmail/vpopmail-5.2.1 '

Make [1]: *** [all-recursive] error 1 make [1]: Leaving Directory `/usr/local/src/mailsystem/vpopmail/vpopmail-5.2.1 'make: *** [all-recursive- AM] Error 2LinuxSky Reply to: 2004-03-16 10: 48: 14zCycl CL, I don't know if it is your MySQL LIB path or the incrude pathway is not written?

B2Linux Reply to: 2004-03-16 11: 07:

ZCYCL Reply to: 2004-03-16 11:49:34 [Quote: D270D61517 = "Linuxsky"] ZCYCL comrades, I don't know if your MySQL LIB path or include the path of the include? [/ quote: D270D61517] I use the following parameters when configure --enable-incdir = / usr / include / mysql --enable-libdir = / usr / lib / mysql you refer to it? Thank you.

SJW615 Reply to: 2004-03-16 17:02:43 I want DOC document, sjw @

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-17 11:21:58 The capacity of the mailbox after the system is installed Shows there is a problem, I have not solved this (may be IGENUS problem)

Good Mr. Reply to: 2004-03-17 11:51:24 [quote: 0e436bde4c = "llzqq"] This cover system is installed after installation of the mailbox's capacity shows that this I have not solved (may be IGENUS) [/ quote : 0E436BDE4C] Compare Mail version of Arxting post Look at the problem there, do this with this post, there is no problem in the mailbox display.

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-17 13:03:29 I have no problem in the installation of 9.0, but there is a problem under AS. Very strange!

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-17 13:14:21 I have contracted it carefully: I didn't install ezmlm and ezmlm-idx other different, did this also have an impact?

Linuxsky Reply to: 2004-03-17 17:35:46 shows no problem. I said it can be issued after it has been shown by 100%. Really blame

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-17 18:05:00 [Quote: CF96CF398B = "Linuxsky"] There is no problem. I said it can be issued after it has been shown by 100%. I really blame [/ quote: CF96CF398B] Is your system AS 3?

Linuxsky Reply to: 2004-03-18 07:51:59: The environment I test is AS3.0 display should have no problem. It is super tone and you can send it. But I use qmailadmin to limit the size I have passed. But no one pays

Godzeus Reply to: 2004-03-18 11:41:29 Can you send a document to me, you are very powerful.

Bored to think I reply to: 2004-03-18 13:59:35 When installing qmailadmin-1.2.0 compilation environment: RH7.0; Apache MySQL (with mydql-deb) php; qmail; vpopmail; iGenus; qmail-smtpd-auth; autorespond; cmd5checkpw; ucspi-tcp; no ezmlm, but use -Disable-am MLM option when configuring qmailadmin) Make Make All-am Make [1]: Entering Directory `/ qmailadmin / qmailadmin -1.2.0 'source =' qmailadmin.c 'Object =' qmailadmin.o 'libtool = no / depfile ='. DEPS / QMAILADMIN.PO 'TMPDEPFILE ='. DEPS / QMAILADMIN.TPO '/ DepMode = GCC / BIN / Sh ./DEPComp / gcc -i. -i / home / vpopmail / include -i. -i. -i. -g -o2 -c `test -f 'qmailadmin.c' || echo './'`qmailadmin .c qmailadmin.c: 38: 21: Vlimits.h: no sudh file or directory make [1]: *** [qmailadmin.o] error 1 make [1]: Leaving Directory `/qmailadmin/qmailadmin-1.2.0 'Make: *** [all] Error 2 Other packages are installed and run normal FDHUNTER Reply to: 2004-03-18 15:34:25 Give me a document

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-18 19:13:28 [quote: 486f4c797a = "linuxsky"] right. The environment I test is AS3.0 display should have no problem. It is super tone and you can send it. But I use qmailadmin to limit the size I have passed. But no one will pay attention [/ quote: 486f4c797a] Do you press my document? I have installed problems twice (negative numbers)

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-18 23:27:11 The problem with the mailbox display may be caused by the PHP version.

Linuxsky Reply to: 2004-03-19 08:02:59 No. I do it in my own way. Compare, I didn't hit you so much patch. But I also tried to do it according to your method. Also as normal. Can you tell the number of negatives to see?

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-19 09: 28: 36qmail system I have deleted now POSTFIX IMP HORDE I can describe the phenomenon of the time: Email capacity 50M occupied -2M remaining space 52M

Linuxsky Reply to: 2004-03-19 10:39:25 Pour ~ I haven't seen it. I have never encountered this problem. . I am using the iGenus0516 version. Ha ha..

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-19 10:59:43 I am also this version, and you have omitted those patches. (Or you played those patches)

Linuxsky Reply to: 2004-03-19 11:12:59 I have tried the patch you use. normal. . Qmail-1.03.qmail_local.patch qmail-maildir . Patch I didn't play. I don't know the specific use of Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-22 07:51:55 [quote: EC740BDE4F = "linuxsky"] I have tried the patch you use. normal. . Qmail-1.03.qmail_local.patch qmail-maildir . Patch I didn't play. I don't know the specific use [/ quote: EC740BDE4F] Your HTTPD and PHP are the RPM package installation, or is it compiled? What version?

Linuxsky Reply to: 2004-03-22 08: 38: 25Mysql PHP HTTPD downloaded the current latest version. All packaging of TAR

Shaoping Reply to: 2004-03-22 09: 33: Give me a * .doc, thank you

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-22 11:47:03 [quote: 09d4695015 = "Linuxsky"] mysql php httpd downloaded current latest version. Overall, using Tar packaging [/ quote: 09d4695015] Can you provide a fully compiled installation, which can solve the path problem of MySQL and PHP in the newcomer.

Shaoping Reply to: 2004-03-22 12:53:44 I can't get the ftpsite!

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-22 14: 05: 45ftp: // Download:

Michael_Lake Reply to: 2004-03-22 14: 45:

Huigjhn Reply to: 2004-03-22 14:50:14 Please send me a document

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-22 18:08:48 Can my FTP can't be used?

Huafeng Reply to: 2004-03-22 20: 09: 20FTP site is really can't open! -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Please, I want a document, cg-z @

Linuxsky Reply to: 2004-03-22 20: 51: 54tar package is simple. . I posted it again.

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-22 22:31:36 [Quote: 92acDe37fb = "linuxsky"] Tar's bag is simple. . I posted it again .. [/ quote: 92acde37fb] is labor, work!

Linuxsky Reply to: 2004-03-23 ​​08:52:50 Install MySQL command line: [code: 1: 8f0c57cb7c] tar xzvf mysql-4.0.17.tar.gz cd mysql-4.0.17 groupadd mySQL useRadd -g mysql -M mysql ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / mysql make make install scripts / mysql_install_db chown -r root / usr / local / mysql chown -r mysql / usr / local / mysql / var chgrp -r mysql / usr / local / mysql cp support-files / my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf cp support-files / mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld cd /etc/init.d/ chmod 777 MySQLD CD / ETC /rc.d/rc3.d/ ln -s ../init.d/mysqld S99MYSQLD [/ code: 1: 8f0c57cb7c] After installation, the main directory: / usr / local / mysql lib directory: / usr / Local / MySQL / LIB / MySQL / Inc Directory: / usr / local / mysql / include / mysql / usually I will also do this. It is convenient for the system to read the mysql lib path, this is what I learned when I was installing pureftpd.

Vi /etc/ joins / usr / local / mysql / lib / mysql / Using ldconfig This command makes it effective [Code: 1: 8f0c57cb7c] echo "/ usr / local / mysql / lib / mysql /"> > /etc/ ldconfig [/ code: 1: 8f0c57cb7c] Install the command line: apache 2.x [code: 1: 8f0c57cb7c] tar xzvf httpd-2.0.48.tar.gz cd httpd-2.0 .48 ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / apache --enable-module = MOST --ENABLE-Shared = Max Make Make Install echo "AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php" >> / USR / Local / Apache / conf / httpd.conf echo "/ usr / local / apache / bin / apachectl start" >> /etc/rc.local perl -i -pe 's / adddefaultcharset ISO-8859-1 / adddefaultcharset GB2312 /' /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf perl -i -pe 's / directoryindex index.html index.html.var / directoryindex index.php index.htm index.html /' / usr / local / apache / confes / httpd.conf apache 1.x tar xzvf apache_1.3.29.tar.gz cd apache_1.3.29 ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / apache --enable-module = MOST --ENABLE-Shared = Max Make Make Install echo "Addtype Application / X-httpd-php .php .php3" >> /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf echo "/ usr / L Ocal / apache / bin / apachectl start ">> /etc/rc.local [/ code: 1: 8f0c57cb7c] Install the command line: [CODE: 1: 8F0C57CB7C] TAR XzVF PHP-4.3.4.Tar.gz CD PHP-4.3.4 #. / configure --prefix = / usr / local / php --with-apxs = / usr / local / apache / bin / apxs --with-mysql ./configure --PREFIX = / usr / Local / PHP --with-apxs2 = / usr / local / apache / bin / apxs --with-mysql make make install cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/php/lib/php.ini perl -i -pe 's / register_globals = off / register_global = on /' /usr/local/php/lib/php.ini [/ code: 1: 8f0c57cb7c] The line of Yuru is used for Apache 1.x or more is my compile amp The common command, I have done a setup file directly, one step is installed. Other QMAIL installation methods and the landlord are similar. Not repeating [/ code]

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-23 ​​09:20:14 Very good, thank you! Shaoping Reply to: 2004-03-23 ​​10: 04: 36ftp: // Download: 123456@NERO.3322.ORG I would like to ask this username and password? I didn't get the ftp site many times. I really want to find the DOC file. I don't know if my IE can't go to the FTP Site!

Killcih Reply to: 2004-03-23 ​​10:58:26 Can you use this step? Can you use it in RedHat 9.0? The landlord, the document gives me:

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-23 ​​11:21:27 Declaration: 1. This is an accessible ftp: // download: 2. If you can't access it, it is possible to shut down, or in Reboot (because I am going to debug something above) 3. This FTP is not open 24 hours (generally 7: 30-22: 00)

Unixli Reply to: 2004-03-23 ​​19:15:32 I want, thank you!

Haha451 Reply to: 2004-03-24 02:08:38 Follow "Building a full mail system in Rhas3.0) Revised III" Install to vpopmail, # ./configure --prefix = / Home / vpopmail --enable-mysql = y --enable-incdir = / usr / incrude / mysql --enable-libdir = / usr / lib / mysql --enable-default-domain = --enable-passwd = n --enable-defaultquota = 52428800s / Define the default mailbox size, 10485760 is 10MB, 20971520 is 20MB, 52428800S is 50MB --Nable-TcPrules-PROG = / usr / local / bin / tcprules --Nable-TCPServer-file = / home / vpopmail / etc / tcp.smtp --enable-vpopuser = vpopmail --enable-vpopGroup = vchkpw --enable-ip-alias-domains = n # make make, the following error, I don't know how to solve, Please advise! Thank you. VAUTH.C: 28: 19: mysql.h: No file or directory in File Included from vauth.c: 32: VMYSQL.H: 53: 22: Warning: Multi-line string Litrals Are DepRecated VAuth.c: 35: parse error before "mysql_update" vauth.c: 35: warning: type defaults to `int 'in declaration of` mysql_update' vauth.c: 35: warning: data definition has no type or storage class vauth.c: 36: parse error Before "mysql_read_getall" vauth.c: 36: Warning: Type Defaults to `Int 'in Declaration of` mysql_read_getall: Evil: llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-24 10:15:38 Your mysql is compiled and installed? If it is, press Linuxsky brother's post (modify the path to lib and include)

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-24 10:17:34 [Quote: 14ee59Aa94 = "Killcih"] Can this step you can use in RedHat 9.0? The landlord, the document gives me a copy: [/ quote: 14ee59aa94] Redhat 9.0 installation is not different.

Chinesecai Reply to: 2004-03-24 19: 22: 08Http: // This is no longer downloaded, please The landlord gave it.

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-25 22: 07: 52Mysql> Use vpopmail; mysql> ALTER TABLE VPOPMAIL DROP PRIMARY KEY; this error "error 1146: table 'vesn't exist" ??? Why, What method is solved? : Roll: Linuxsky Reply to: 2004-03-26 07:56:48. Let's take a look at MySQL first upstairs.

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-26 08:02:39 [quote: A5f185cd07 = "linuxsky"]. Upstairs first understand mysql [/ quote: A5f185cd07] The younger brother is a novice, thanksgie brothers advice: P has a specific solution? Will not reload 8: EM06:, a little fear

Jordannmc Reply to: 2004-03-26 11:36:29 [quote: EBCF163D3F = "chinesecai"] .tar.gz This is no longer downloaded, please give it. [/ quote: EBCF163D3F] I have also encountered it later, I will go to then find the download address "Save".

Jordannmc Reply to: 2004-03-26 11:42:10 Create a complete mail system (including four parts) in Rhas3.0 Correct version III? ? ? Is there a revised version? FTP: // Download: Password is wrong

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-26 11: 44: 56ftp: // Test:

Jordannmc Reply to: 2004-03-26 11: 54: 23LLZQQ I have a question. I need to ask: I installed "seven, running qmail and test" when I test, I think I am in the modified document When has a problem? I would like to modify those places, I now don't specify the domain name. PS-EF | GREP QMAIL is normal because telnet I closed, so telnet connection is not normal?

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-26 12: 00: 20 # make #mkdir / usr / man #mkdir / usr / man / man8 #make install // Here there is a problem, I first make install it prompts / usr / sbin / man8 this directory, so you can't copy the file. I will create a new directory manually. Compile can pass. As soon as this will there be a bad consequence, I don't know clear.:!: Now is There are many problems, SMTP is useless: OOPS: MySQL is not: EM08:

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-26 12:00:50 You'd better delete the original installation and reinstall it. Telnet Different shows that your installation has problems and Telnet services themselves.

LINGG2002 Reply to: 2004-03-26 12:47:58 Boss I want to thank

Jordannmc Reply to: 2004-03-26 13:12:04 [Quote: 51A0B33AE0 = "llzqq"] You'd better delete the original installation and reinstall it. Telnet Different shows that your installation has problems and Telnet services themselves. [/ quote: 51A0B33AE0] To follow Jordannmc Reply to: 2004-03-26 13:55:57 [quote: 212449ba8c = "llzqq"] You'd better delete the original installation and reinstall it. Telnet Different shows that your installation has problems and Telnet services themselves. [/ quote: 212449ba8c] #. / config-fast // To modify this sentence, I don't understand. I can't remember that there is no mistake when I installed it. This time I will change it. A domain name, can't it really need to set it now? Your fully qualified host name is Putting into control / me ... Putting into control / defaultdomain ... Putting into control / plusdomain ... Putting mail. into control / locals ... Putting into control / rcpthosts ... Now qmail will refuse to accept SMTP messages except to Make sure to change rcpthosts if you add hosts to locals Or virtualdomains! /

Pansoncn Reply to: 2004-03-26 14:46:53 Is there a negative problem with IGENUS mail capacity under RAS3.0?

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-26 15:06:04 is a PHP version of the problem (too high, there is no problem) in Redhat 9.0.

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-27 14:48:17 Help: All reloaded once, SMTP error Telnet 25 error "Escape Charanter is '^]'

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-27 15:40:51 Check the domain setting [root @ Home root] # Telnet 25 Telnet ... Connected to ( Escape Character IS '^]'. 220 Esmtp Postfix Quit 221 Bye Connection Closed by Foreign Host.

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-27 15:44:58 Help: All reloaded once, the result of SMTP Error Telnet 110 ---------- Ok Telnet 25 Error " Escape Charanter is '^]' Connection Colored by Froging Host In Outlook Express: Your server accidentally terminates the connection. Probable causes include server issues, network problems or long-term idle. Account: '' , Server: ', Communication Agreement: SMTP, Connection: 25, Safety (SSL): No, Error Code: 0x800CCC0FAPEXMFG Reply to: 2004-03-27 15:50:14 [Quote: E2EFA4BCCE = "llzqq "] e root] # Telnet 25 TRYING ... Connected to ( Escape Character is '^]'. 220 Esmtp Postfix Quit 221 Bye Connection Closed By Foreign ........ [/ quote: E2EFA4BCCE] / var / qmail / smtp and pop3 domain names should be (1) ./config-fast domain name (2) / home / vpopmail / bin / Vadddomain domain password

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-27 15: 52: 07./config-fast yourDomainName

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-27 15:55:53 Remove and look at the Vpopmail, do # make # make install-strip to find less man / man8 directory, I am built again # make install -Strip does not know if there is no impact

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-27 16:00:27 Where can I find # ./config-fast is the result? I don't know if the previous domain name is wrong.

Text2002 Reply to: 2004-03-27 16:01:32 Can you give it to me, big old Thank you

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-27 16:13:58 Boss, SMTP still can't work, I found a mistake in MySQL log "Cannot Initializo InnoDB As" InnoDB_Data_file_path "is not set. I don't know if there is any impact?

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-27 16:47:47 There is also a little doubt in SMTP "/ usr / local / bin / tcpserver -h -r -l 0 -t 1 -V -P -X / HOME / VPOPMAIL /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u $ qmailduid -g $ nofilesgid 0 SMTP / VAR / QMAIL / BIN / qmail-smtpd / Home / vpopmail / bin / vchkpw / bin / true / bin / cmd5checkpw / BIN / TRUE 2> & 1 | / VAR / QMAIL / BIN / SPLOGGGER SMTPD 3 & "Is it written in a sentence and POP3" / usr / local / bin / tcpserver -h -r 0 POP3 / VAR / QMAIL / BIN / QMAIL -popup / Home / vpopmail / bin / vchkpw / var / qmail / bin / qmail-pop3d maildir & "Is Llzqq replied to: 2004-03-27 18:26:58 is in one sentence One sentence, pay attention to space!

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-27 21:02:03 There is a problem without engage the mysql root password VPOPMAIL Data table password Virtual domain's Postmaster password three must be consistent? ------------------ SMTP problem is still no solution: EM13: I am in the Internet (LAN)

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-28 10:29:40 two yards!

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-28 10: 40: 36smtp or error: EM08: Find someone to configure this # vi /home/vpopMail/etc/tcp.smtp [color = blue: 690FEB50C6] ======= ============= TCP.SMTP ============== 127.0.0.:Allow ,ylayclient= "" 192.168.0.:Allow ,ylayclient= " ": Allow ========================================= [/ color: 690FEB50C6] and the landlord What is configured? ========================================================================================================================================================================================34 : allow ==========================================

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-28 12:42:43 About anti-virus, error is as follows: [quote: ed8cba0be0] /Root/down/qmail-scanner 1.20/contrib/ -doit setting qmailqueue to / var / qmail / bin / for this test ... Sending standard test message - no viruses ... X-qmail-Scanner-1.20: [tyem10804488914613444] clamscan: corrupt or unknown ClamAV scanner error or memory / resource / Perms Problem - EXIT STATUS 40 QMAIL-INJECT: FATAL: QQ Temporary Problem (# 4.3.0) Bad Error. Qmail-Inject Died [/ Quote: ED8CBA0BE0] Unknown, please help the landlord help to modify environment variables (which file is ?? / var / qmail / rc ??) 1. In your QMAIL startup script joins qmailqueue = / var / qmail / bin / If the additional steps are made with the following qmailqueue = / var / qmail / bin / qmail-scanner-queue export qmailqueue ----------------------- Add Freshclam to crontab Timer update the virus library, (How to join ... ??) ----- How to let CLAMD turn on it automatically? ? ? Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-28 12:58:30 "Additional Steps" refers to the following steps (compare the original text): Log in with a normal user, execute / var / qmail / bin / qmail-scanner-queue. PL -Z, if there is a CAN't do setuid back to the installation file directory, go to the control directory, then: # make # make install to add Freshclam to crontab You can do this: # crontab -e 30 10 * * * / YourPath / Freshclam This after the system automatically upgrade the virus library 10:30 daily

Llzqq replied to: 2004-03-29 08:15:10 found an omission (Section 11), is now correct.

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-03-29 08:18:10 In addition, everyone may have problems in the installation process!

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-29 08:25:51 There are still two unknown situations: modify environment variables (which file ?? / var / qmail / rc ??):?: 1. in yours QMAIL startup script joins qmailqueue = / var / qmail / bin / qmail-scanner-queue. --------------------------:?: How to make CLAMD automatically? ? ? - 3 times in 9.0, all failed: OOPS: - Today in AS3.0 today

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-29 14:59:18 Floor, compile cmd5checkpw-0.22 error, help, see what is going on [root @ EM cmd5checkpw-0.22] # Make Gcc -c -g -wall -o3 - C -O main.o main.c main.c: 60: warning: return type of `main 'is not` int' gcc -c -g -wall -o3 -c -o md5c.o md5c.c gcc -c -g -wall -o3 -c -o hmac_md5.o hmac_md5.c gcc -g -o cmd5checkpw main.o md5c.o hmac_md5.oapexmfg Reply to: 2004-03-30 18:39:10 Find a QMail online Automatically start file, I don't know which one written with the landlord? # Source Function Library.. /Etc/rc.d/init.d/functions # See How We at Called. Case "$ 1" in Start) Touch / Var / Lock / Subsys / qmail Env - Path = "/ Home / vpopmail / bin: / var / qmail / bin: $ path "/ csh -cf 'qmail-start ./mails qmail &' # SHOULD LIMIT RLIMIT_AS Here, But Bash Apparently Doesn't # KNOW That Exists. For now IT IS Hacked Into Qmail-SMTPD. # 0.5m Data Should Be Plenty, Resists Dos Attacks / USR / local / bin / tcpserver -l localhost -d--h -R -U 90 -G 89 0 SMTP / / VAR / QMAIL / BIN / QMAIL-SMTPD LOCALHOST / HOME / VPOPMAIL / BIN / VCHKPW / BIN / TRUE & ECHO $!> / VAR / LOCK / SUBSYS / QMAIL-SMTPD / USR / local / bin / tcpserver -l localhost -d-ie -R -U 90 -G 89 0 POP3 / / VAR / QMAIL / BIN / qmail-popup localhost / / home / vpopmail / bin / vchkpw / var / qmail / bin / qmail-pop3d maildir & echo $!> / Var / LOCK / SUBSYS / QMAIL-POP3D ;; Stop) KILLALL QMAIL-Send Kill `Cat / Var / Lock / Subsys / Qmail-SMTPD` Kill` ​​Cat / Var / Lock / Subsys / qmail-pop3d` RM -F / VAR / LOCK / SUBSYS / QMAIL-SMTPD RM -F / VAR / LOCK / SUBSYS / QMAIL-POP3D RM -F / VAR / LOCK / SUBSYS / QMAIL ;; *) Echo "Usage: qmail {start | stop}" EXIT 1 ESAC EXIT 0

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-04-03 14:09:49 Boss, is this anti-virus free? Is there a license problem?

K_O_ Reply to: 2004-04-05 11:09:00 Good, but it is very complicated. Jordannmc Reply to: 2004-04-05 16:58:28 [Quote: 2406C9994B = "llzqq"] is a PHP version of the problem (too high, there is no problem) in Redhat 9.0. [/ quote: 2406c9994b] I personally feel that I can use the RPM package in the RedHat9, can I remove this error? I am going to try

Jordannmc Reply to: 2004-04-05 17: 34: 35llzqq boss, I have encountered two questions, I need your help Now use Foxmail and other tools to send and receive mail, but when I Genus has encountered a problem, It is about the issue of the TEMP directory. Error Create Directory / Temp, You Must Make / Temp Directory Manual.please Read The Install File will appear after entering the account password.

Jordannmc Reply to: 2004-04-05 17:57:37 Below two places a bit problem: eight, install and run iGenus [color = red: 0A7D60889B] This The directory does not exist, should be / var / www / html / iGenus / Temp bar [/ color: 0a7d60889b] deny from all 3. Modify httpd.conf #vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf user apache Group apache is modified to: User vpopmail group vchkpw Add this in order to solve the default language problem of Apache: [Color = Red: 0A7D60889B] // Add should be modified because this option is just UTF-8 [/ color: 0A7D60889B] AddDefaultCharset GB2312 # / etc / rc.d / init.d / httpd restart 4. Solve individual mailbox reject mail issues (such as Sina) modify mail signature information #vi / var / www / html / icnus / config / config_inc. php $ CFG_BASEPATH = "/ var / www / html / igenus"; $ CFG_MYSQL_HOST = 'localhost'; $ CFG_MYSQL_USER = 'vpopmail'; $ CFG_MYSQL_PASS = '******'; change your password $ CFG_MYSQL_DB = ' vpopmail '; $ cfg_temp = $ cfg_basepath. "/ Temp"; // should be $ cfg_basepath [/ color] Delete "IGENUS IS A Free Webmail Interface, No Fee, Free Download" modifies the http: // www. is #vi / var / qmail / control / helohost =============== ==================================================================================================================================================================== ======= ====== ========= Helohost ============================= #Chmod 755 / var / qmail / control / helohost If your mail server is postfix This processes the postConf -e "SMTP_HELO_NAME = My mail server domain (A record)"

If you use the mail server is sendmail to handle the domain name of VI /etc/ cw My mail server (A Record) 5. Repairing the mailbox without retreat problem # rm -f / usr / sbin / sendmail ## If You have uninstalled Sendmail to omit this step # cd / usr / sbin # ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail If you use QMAILADMIN management mailbox to enter QMAILADMIN -> Main menu "Mail account" -> SET No Default Catch All Account is OK. At this time, the CATCHALL above the web page should be displayed as bounced. 6. Modify config_inc.php file # cd / var / www / html / iGenus / config # vi config_inc.php =============== CONFIG_INC.PHP ======== ============ $ cfg_basepath = "/ var / www / html / icnus"; $ cfg_mysql_host = 'localhost'; $ cfg_mysql_user = 'vpopmail'; $ cfg_mysql_pass = '****'; This is changed to your password $ cfg_mysql_db = 'vpopmail'; $ cfg_temp = $ cfg_basepath. "/ Temp"; [color = red: 0A7D60889B] // should be $ cfg_basepath [/ color: 0a7d60889b] [color = red: 0A7D60889B] [/ color: 0A7D60889B] Jordannmc Reply to: 2004-04-06 17:28:51 Hey, use 9 RPM installation not on the AS 3 now is to compile PHP.

Apexmfg Reply to: 2004-04-13 19:09:25 Pack anti-virus software but can't kill poison

Small-bird Reply to: 2004-04-15 17:14:12 Thank llzqq to provide such a good installation document, there is a little unclear, please advise. After installing qmailadmin, then generate the admin list, what is the admin table? Is it qmailadmin? No qmailadmin can also run normally. Thank you for your help.

Hailang1000 Reply to: 2004-04-24 14:18:17 In addition, IGENUS's capacity display problem is nothing wrong with it? Looking forward to it, I didn't find it.

Llzqq Reply to: 2004-04-25 09:12:52 [Quote: B6E28F0AF8 = "hailang1000] Different in AS3 IGENUS's capacity display problem is nothing? Looking forward, I didn't find a pass. [/ quote: B6E28F0AF8] Everyone's unified understanding is: PHP version of the problem (IGENUS has problems under some versions of PHP)

Chufeng Reply to: 2004-04-28 13: 35:

Zero ° C Reply to: 2004-05-06 16:15:28 [quote: Abea5df6e = "linuxsky"] mysql php httpd downloads currently the latest version. All the use of Tar packaging [/ quote: Abea5df6ea] Thank you for your livelihood, I am very grateful to you have been distressed in the N-tutorial's mysql-3.23.58-1.i386 low version of the 0P9O8I2003 Reply to: 2004 -05-11 16:11:29 Ask me now to install qmail according to your method, it is normal. But SMTP certification does not take effect! Express as an Outlook, Foxmail software, if you bring authentication, you can't send an email. If you don't bring you! ! ! POP3 is normal. . How to solve this? ? ? What is the reason! Urgent in QMAILADMIN, an email access list has already been added, but it is prompted that there is no list to provide display when accessing.

Dust flying _CQ Reply to: 2004-05-12 16:59:57 is

Dust flying _CQ Reply to: 2004-05-13 17:38:31 [quote: D16AD63CAF = "llzqq"] Add new features to QMAIL VPOPMAIL IGENUS Mail Server 1. Register new users and retrieve passwords to establish Database mysql -u root -p mysql> Use vpopmail; mysql> create table password (id int (11) unsigned not n .......... [/ quote: D16AD63CAF] I followed the items here to discode the / VAR / WWW / HTML directory, run in the client: http://ipadress/signup.php The registered user interface, but no matter what is input, it is prompted that the user has Registered and cannot succeed. Why is this?

Dust flying _CQ Reply to: 2004-05-13 17:38:59 [quote: E596D31DD2 = "llzqq"] Add new features to the QMAIL VPOPMAIL IGENUS mail server 1. Register new users and retrieve passwords to establish Database mysql -u root -p mysql> use vpopmail; mysql> create table password (id int (11) unsigned not n ........ [/ quote: E596D31DD2] I followed the items here to discode the / VAR / WWW / HTML directory, run in the client: http://ipadress/signup.php The registered user interface, but no matter what is input, it is prompted that the user has Registered and cannot succeed. Why is this?

Tomduanj Reply to: 2004-05-16 12:02:37 There is a problem, I am in rhas3, install qmail1.05 vpopmail 5.4 mysql iGenus problem QMail vpopmail mysql is already good, through testing can be normal Online mail, can receive mail on this server via Outlook, but IGENUS has a problem, start, I can't log in, I haven't logged into the entry, I read Login.php, I know, I use Vpopmail5.4 version, and compile time - -disable -man-domains parameter, that is, the account information of the virtual domain is no longer placed in a table, but to create a table separately for each virtual domain, and there is no PW_ID field in this table, which is manually added IGENUS can be logged in, but the content inside has problems, I don't know if anyone encounters such a problem? JDX17 Reply to: 2004-06-14 07:54:50 Perform the 451 in #vi qmail-smtpd.c // Change the 451 in the function streynewline to 553 # make setup check At the last line of prompt Make: *** [ Auto_UIDS.C] Error 111 is also ./config-fast does not do this?


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