Operating files in ASP.NET

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  130

Use the STREAMWRITER, StreamReader, and File classes in System.io name, complete file read, write, and delete.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

1, write files


<% @ Import namespace = "system.io"%> "introduced the required namespace


Response.write ("Writing The Content Into Text File in Asp.Net

DIM STRWRITEROBJ AS streamwriter 'declares a streamwriter object

Strwriterobj = file.createtext ("C: /ASPNET.TXT") 'New text file, assign a value to the streamwriter object

Strwriterobj.writeline ("Welcome to Wonderful World of Asp.Net Programming")

'Write content to your file

Strwriterobj.close 'Close Object

Response.write ("Done with the creation of text file and write content ing it")


2, read the file


<% @ Import namespace = "system.io"%>


Response.write ("Reading The Content from the Text File ASPNET.TXT


Dim StreamReaderobj As StreamReader 'declares a streamreader object

Dim filecont as string 'declares a variable to save the read content

StreamReaderobj = file.opentext ("c: /Aspnet.txt") 'Opens file assignment to StreamReader object

Do 'read file content by row

FileCont = streamreaderobj.readline ()

Response.write (FileCont & "


Loop unsil filecont = "" "

StreamReaderobj.close 'Close StreamReader object

Response.write (""

Done with reading the content from the file aspnet.txt ")


3, delete files


<% @ Import namespace = "system.io"%>


File.delete ("c: /Aspnet.txt") 'Delete file

Response.write ("The File ASPNET IS DELETED SUCCESSFULLY !!!")



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