Goodbye! China's most NB personal website

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  128 It is said that many personal websites want to cry, so many network companies want to grab, in the end, what kind of website is so charm, you open the browser Enter a It can be seen that this website seems very simple, simple, there is almost no technical component. The entire website consists of dozens of HTML format static web pages. Right-click, you can copy it entirely from Copy. But this site, this is such NB, maybe it is China's most NB personal website. If now engage in a Chinese personal website list, it is uncomfortable to sit on the boss!


Website time: May 1999

Webmaster: li xingpin

Stand in the age: 22 years old


Estimated income: 1 million or more / month

HAO123 Successful Factor Analysis:

Hao123 was established early!

Founded in May 1999, HAO123 is the first website navigation website that exists in personal form. It is very simple because of netizens who know why Yahoo can develop so fast. It is not difficult to understand. The early development of Hao123 is too difficult, no matter what is unintentional, it is still intentional, it will learn from a foreign success. It is like QQ to move ICQ. The network is the first to be the first! Grab the first, the opportunity is big! The success of the HAO123 website is a very important factor.

HAO123 is positioned!

Why do many people like to find their favorite websites on Hao123, not in the search engine. After contacting many people who just went online, we learned that people who have just learned to go online will not use search engines, can't remember so much URL, always like a master to put some of his own website with shortcuts The desktop is usually always engaged in the desktop, but can't let it go. And set the HAO123 as the home page, and open the flower to see it. Because this website is the most famous website in China, and the classification is, it is not complicated. From 99 years to now, it is a few years of China's network development. Many people start from the rookie, naturally like hao123. One sentence: HAO123 is positioned, catering to the demand of the public.

HAO123 development strategy!

Often someone asking me, what is the best website promotion? I don't think it is a search engine rankings, or online advertising, they can only become the most important website promotion mode, and on the Internet, the best promotion method is: word of mouth! There is such a sentence on each website of the HAO123 website: "If you like this site, don't forget to tell your website for your friends on QQ! Thank you!" A very user-friendly sentence, reminded All netizens who browse their own websites, I feel that I have recommended my website to other friends, then a person will recommend two, two people recommend four, the website itself is good, then netizens are willing to recommend, so the website will like The virus is as quickly asked by many people.

HAO123 This is a special success. The most artificial reflects that its series of This website should make all professional art great spitty blood, secret Ma Ma is full of music connections, There are probably a few thousand, too exaggerated, but this exaggerated typography is to let many netizens like it, so, last year, there are netizens who have recommended this website in QQ, plus domain names, I am also happy, happy to recommend others. The other strategy of hao123 is that when you enter its home page, a dialog will always pop up, ask you to set it home, this is a bit raped, but many often use it. If you set it home. In addition, the most important thing is that this trick, almost makes China's large proportion of Internet cafes put it into the first page (it is said that in the development process, the hao123 has a month of malicious code, this trick is a bit unhappy. But imagine SOHU of the year, we should understand some.) I first knew that Hao123 Website website is a net cafe called Xi Siger in Xi'an. At that time, all Computer of this Internet cafes set the hao123 to Home. Later, the Internet cafe, I know, other Internet cafes also set this website as the home page, with the support of China's so many Internet cafes, and there is no way to traffic.

HAO123 series, if you look at the hao123, you will find that the owner's black apple is not yet, he has the world's website with the world's website at least 4, his series of websites include:

HAO123 Website: Domains

QQ163 music network: Domain name: QQ163.COM rely on Hao123 and word of mouth, the current traffic is amazing. The world ranking has climbed to 100.

TT67 animation music: Domain name: The traffic is huge, the world ranking also climbed 167 (more than 600 months)

Q Q Chat Collection: Domain Name: This website is highly well known by the mouth, the traffic is not small, the current world ranking has been around 1000.

His website is positioned, or it is either an entertainment website, or it is very practical, and it is recommended to make the respective traffic getting bigger.

HAO123 brand:

In addition, the HAO123's advertisements are less and less, and they log in to, click on his advertising service, and see what most people will be dizzy. Its content is: This site advertising is full, please do not let me. It can be seen that the hao123 is increasingly paying attention to the image of his own public.

At present, the HAO123 has canceled whether the code is set to the home page, but there is a prompt to set the hao123 as the home page in QQ163. This is a strategy, and the hao123 is more and more refreshing and pure, so that more people like it, other websites in the HHAO123 series can continue to promote it in various ways.

Website sites are accompanied by the rapid development of HAO123, and more and more websites began to imitate its name and content, such as Wu123 da123 zhao123 haohz, etc.

With the development of this paragraph, I started using HaO123's not only a rookie. Some heroes have begun to use this website. After all, I will find some more practical websites in this website, especially fast! We believe that HAO123 can gradually develop into a brand!

HAO123 server: For personal websites, the most headache of a certain stage is the server problem. When the general personal website is beginning, it is the virtual host of the rent. When the traffic is large, the speed is slow, this time If there is no good profit, or good servers and bandwidth support, will soon stop. In this stage of developing the medium-term, the HAO123 has been supported by China resources. The condition is for its publicity, for hao123 and, only a connection of the homepage, so hao123 can develop rapidly at this stage. Currently, we open HAO123 website speed. Always especially fast, give people feelings, it is definitely not the server of the resources (although the resources are famous, most netizens should be more than the server's dissatisfaction of the server's server). Now, it is not a resource, It is provided in China. It is estimated that there is a minimum of hundreds of thousands of bandwidth costs.

HAO123 domain strategy: There is no special meaning in the domain name in the HAO123 series, but it is better. In this era, it is interesting, and a short domain name has long been light, so you can find a domain name to the website. It is best to find more simple. This domain name strategy of hao123 can only have our study, letters plus numbers, and not long, and stick ( / OICQ88. COM / I got a lot of this domain name this year. For example, for example, mobile home ( Network Marketing Resources ( E-Commerce Guide (, etc.

HAO123's profit model: HAO123's profit model is the same as most personal websites in China, very straightforward, relying on various types of advertisements. Although the HAO123 is currently very traffic, it is very good to promote the website in it, but the hao123 does not pay for the charge. Ning will keep your own principles, how many friends make my friend to log in to, it doesn't matter, but HAO123 is a choice. (In the traffic statistics of the e-commerce guide, the traffic brought by the HAO123 is limited to the traffic brought by Google and Baidu, 3721, and the e-commerce guide is currently included in the HAO123, and also into the e-commerce, Google Ranking, etc. Words, all in front of Google and Baidu)

The pop-up ads of the HAO123 home page are very characteristic. It is characterized by almost the domestic portals. In order to earn advertising fees, many users who pop-up, they need to be closed. The pop-up of the hao123 pop-up advertisement is almost a no sound, and will pop up after 6 seconds of opening the website. Although I don't like pop-up advertisements, the HAO123's advertising strategy forces for it is easy to accept.

Hao123 is currently alone on the website, the advertisements of the advertisements, sketching, more than 1 million, this number will make many people can't think of it. However, the author believes that the developmental value of hao123 is far greater than the number of now. But maybe only the correct strategy of regular companies has come to work out. For personal websites, Hao123 has already come to the top! Tomorrow of the URL navigation website: With the rapid development of HAO123, from this year, it is more and more of its website, not only the number unclear personal website, and many companies are holding money. Website, there are these two are operational, advertising fees, malicious code, and have already made a lot of traffic, and others are completely moving the HAO123 world. Personal websites ranked around 10,000 are more. In addition, many big companies have also begun to learn HAO123 such as, (in resources) ....

The author believes that such websites should be the mainstay, and there is still a certain development space, but it is difficult to surpass the Hao123 personal website.

Similarly, there is no more technical content, but the traffic is huge, and the results are so enviable. It is indeed worth each of our friends to think about it, explore ...

When I was calling the HAO123 webmaster last year, I asked him the first sentence that is your website is willing to sell? What is the price he doesn't sell, then I ask: You can income one million a year? He smiled and said that it was almost a month, first let me be surprised, and then I have analyzed the boutique website, so that I have no more doubts about this income. After that, I spent a long time to study this personal website and wrote one of the Chinese Personal Website Research Series "China's most NB personal website". This article is issued, which gives many people the same surprise, but more people are suspected. Because of doubt, a domestic famous comment site is also a section of my I. Recently, was acquired by Baidu high prices, and some people didn't understand, some people were silent, some people were crazy, and some people SB were.

About is acquired by Baidu:

Last year, I wrote "China's most NB personal website", and when I chatted with Baidu Company, I suggested Baidu acquired at that time, I would definitely not spend too much money.

Why is Baidu until now to buy Should be related to Baidu's eyes. Because for a long time, Baidu provides servers and broadband support for (worth hundreds of thousands) each year, and then helps Baidu. Anyway, the acquisition does not acquire it, has always helped its propaganda.

It may be because the high level of many IT boundaries did not know any technical content of this seemingly technical content. More people who know that it doesn't know that it has that large traffic and good income. So the article was released online, and it was reproduced by countless websites.'s world ranking has also risen from 88 times to more than 20, and more people are concerned.

This year, has personally goes to Guangdong and Li xingping to talk about the acquisition, and the international investment agency IDG also went to Guangdong to invest in the HAO123 web. At this time, Baidu realized the crisis. If you don't shoot, will not serve it. Only big price can be made. If Baidu is shot, you can't use this high price. If is not a personal website, tens of millions of RMB may have to be replaced with a US bill. acts as a personal website, its income does make many personal webmasters, but it is still very little compared to websites that are almost the same. Here, integrated analysis: is Li Xingping "cash flow"

As a personal website, the most desirable place is that it doesn't have to update, almost no cost, can bring income to the webmaster every month. So it can be said that is Li Xingping "cash flow".

Wang Tong's research website has been profitable for many years. It feels that the best mode is to make the website a webmaster to make money, rather than letting the webmail make the machine.

Hao123 is such a website, don't spend how much energy is renewed, even if you don't take it for a few months, it can bring income to its webmallow. So is Li Xingping "cash flow". He sold is equal to selling his "cash flow" and then retired. to Baidu's value:

As far as the current situation is concerned, Baidu acquire HAO123, is not anxious to make this website has other profit models, earn more money. Just to make it better for promoting yourself, rather than being acquired by competitors. and early Yahoo almost type, but it is compared to early Yahoo. It has such a big traffic, will Baidu use it to do a portal?

Do a portal now require a lot of investment, will Baidu will be willing to invest again? It is estimated that it is difficult. Because Baidu is comparable to the interests of the eye. Perhaps, after Baidu officially acquired the HAO123, it may conduct a fee-landing fee.

Among the domestic website navigation websites, started to conduct a fee. Always carrying very well.

As a navigation site, the flow of rough has come to the peak. If it is not possible to completely improve, its traffic will gradually decline. It can be seen from the nearest Alexa chart.

How big is the website navigation website?

I always think that China's entire Internet community is very impetuous, treating excellent things, will only crazy simple copys. After last year I published, almost some websites added a website navigation column, and even each portal has added this column. Even the author thinks that a true largest Chinese search engine is also specially engaged in a column of China's Internet is too missing.

When you are Copy, can you add some unique things?

At present, how much is the URL navigation website like HAO123? The quantity is almost unclear. Always feel that the way others walk through the road don't necessarily suite you, you can learn, but also imitated, but the most important thing is innovation.

True to individual, if you see the success of Hao123, you may be a website navigation website to dream of becoming the second hao123, it is impossible, it can only be a dream. There is a lot of accidental factors in the success of hao123. The time is not there, then go to the website navigation website like COPY, go to the top 10,000 similar websites. That can only SB.

True to big companies, if you spend huge money to create such a website, the author believes that it will not be advisable. Why hao123 is so popular. In addition to many accidental factors, it is mainly simple. Simple and clear provides netizens with their most needed services. This is an attractive thing. I want to surpass it and have to innovate. Do personalized service. Please investigate the common needs of most netizens and make a new one. Perhaps it is just a deep development and combination of existing things, then finds an attractive selling point. You can create a new thing in the cost of not too high.

China's Internet is too innovative!

Goodbye China's most NB personal website!

After my Chinese personal website research series only wrote 3, this China's most NB personal website is not owned by personal, and it is acquired from the Chinese best search engine into a professional advertising release platform. It can continue to be known by many netizens, Alexa pictures can explain that their prospects are not optimistic.

Goodbye! China's most NB personal website


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