Develop IE with VB

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  137

With the increase of network users and the popularity and development of Internet, browsers have become one of the most popular software. The majority of software developers, especially MIS developers, want to integrate browsers into their own software, so that their software can browse the web page and more powerful, more features. There are many types and versions of the popular browser software in the market. But to make it easy to integrate it into your own software, it is subject to the following aspects: the browser has its own operating environment and configuration file; the browser is very large, and the operation is low after integrated into its own software. Developers want to make your browser have its own characteristics. Therefore, software developers want to develop their own browsers, and VisualBasic 5.0 provides this feature. The author used to develop a simple browser with VisualBasic 5.0, which is small after compiling executable files (only 33K) and successfully integrate it into other software. The production steps and procedures list will be given, and you can make your favorite browser. 1. Open an application to open an Form (brower); 2. Add Toolbar Control Toolbar1 in Brower, add a commonly used command button (such as Back, Next, Stop, Refresh, Home, Search, Open, Exit, etc.), join the ImageList control imagelist1, and join your favorite graphics, then in Toolbar1 The command button corresponds.

3. Add Timer Timer Control Timer1 and set it; 4. Join the Label control Label1, CAPTION is set to "Web Address", join the ComboBox control Combo1, join the StatusBar control statusbar1. Add to WebBrowser Control Browser1; 5. Then write the following program code: PublicStartingAddressAsstringDimflagasbooleanprivateDimflam-load () OneRrorResumenextMe. Showtoolbar1. Refreshopen "D: /VB5/Brow.ini" Forinputas # 2 'Opens the last Webip address INPUT # 2, StartingAddressClose # 2iflen (StartingAddress)> 0ThenCombo1. Text = StartingAddresscombo1. AddItemStartingAddressWebBrowser1. NavigateStartingAddressendifendSubprivateSubwebBBBROWSER1-DOWNLOADCOMPLETE () OneRRRSUMENEXTME. Caption = webbrowser1. LocationNameEndSubprivateSubWebBrowser1-NavigateComplete (ByValurlasstring) DimiasInsIntegerDimbfoundasbooleanme. Caption = webbrowser1. LocationNameFori = 0TOCOMBO1. Listcount-1Ifcombo1. List (i) = webbrowser1. Locationurlthenbfound = truexitforendifNextiflag = TrueifbfoundThenCombo1. REMOVEIENDIFCOMBO1. AddItemWebBrowser1. LocationURL, 0COMBO1. ListIndex = 0MousePointer = 0WebBrowser1. NavigateCombo1. TextStatusbar1. PANELS (1). TEXT = "Current page" Combo1. TextFlag = falsesubprivateSubcombo1-click () ifflagthenexitsubtimer1. Enabled = truemousepointer = 11statusbar1. PANELS (1). Text = "Connect" Combo1. Text "..." WebBrowser1. NavigateCombo1.


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