Save the picture in the clipboard as JPG file with VB

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  129

Option Explicit 'button on a form, a control imgedit Private Sub Command1_Click () If (ImgEdit1.IsClipboardDataAvailable And ImgEdit1.ImageDisplayed) Then' image pasting from the clipboard, the parameters of Imgedit display region start coordinates ImgEdit1.ClipboardPaste 0, 0 imgedit1.completepaste Endiffs Save Image for JPG Format Imgedit1.saveas "E: /MC/mytest.jpg", WiFileTypejpg,, 6END SUB

Private Sub Form_Load () imgedit1.image = "e: /mc/m1.jpg" first let IMGEDIT displays a picture, otherwise, the following statement will occur when it is imgedit1.displayEND SUB


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