Updated on October 23, 2004 - Interview

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  128

On October 23, 2004, I was going to interview today. I record a few interview questions. My foundation is very poor, I have to read more. 1. What is J2EE? J2EE is called Java2 Platform, Enterprise Edition. "J2EE platform is essentially a distributed server application design environment - a Java environment, which provides: • A Basic Framework Environment for host applications. · A Java extended API for creating applications." "J2EE Server Advanced Programming") 2. Judging 1234567_89 with a regular expression 1234567_89 is not a digital package myjava;

. Import java.util.regex *; / ** * @author Administrator * * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates * / public class Zhengze {

Public static void main (string [] args) {pattern p = null; // regular expression

Matcher M = NULL; // Operation String

Boolean B;

String s = null; // p = pattern.Compile ("a * b"); // b = m.matches (); p = pattern.Compile ("[0-9] ");

M = p.matcher ("123456_789);

B = m.matches ();

System.out.println (p); system.out.println (b);}} 3.Servlet lifecycle 4. Write a complete database query code 5. Multi-thread has several implementations 6. Why in servlet Do not recommend the properties? Only one instance of a servlet is created at runtime, and multiple user programs share this instance, and also share the member variable (attribute) of the servlet, which will have synchronous problems, so how is the program that does not use 7. How to deal with the program? FINALLY


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