English style

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  111

English style

Master some English style words, have a great help to the memory and understanding of words, and the author enumerates some commonly used affixes and stems.

I. Common prefix 1. Represents a negative prefix 1) pure negative prefix A-, AN-, ASYMMETRY (asymmetric) Anhydrous (water) DIS- DISHONEST, DISLIKEIN-, IG-, IL, IM, IR, incapable, inability, ignoble, impossible, immoral, illegal, irregularne-, n-, none, neither, nevernon-, noesenseneg-, neglectun- unable, unemployment2) indicates an error meaning male-, mal-, malfunction, maladjustment (disorder) MIS-, MISTAKE, MISLEADPSEUDO-, PSEUDONYM (fake name), pseudoscience3) indicates the meaning of anti-actions de-, defend, demodulation (DISARM, DISCONNECTUN-, Unload, Uncover4) indicates the opposite, mutual opposition to Anti- , Ant- Antiknock, AntiForeign, (Exclusive) Contra-, Contra-, Contro-, ContraDiction, Controflow (Counter) Counter-, CounterReaction, CounterbalanceOb-, Oc-, Op-, Object, Oppose, OccupyWith-, Withd2. Represents the prefix of spatial position, directional relationship 1) A- means "above ...", "to ..." Aboard, aside, 2) BY- Representation "nearby, neighbor, edge" BYPATH, BYPASS 3) Circum-, circu-, represents "surrounding, surround, swivel" circumstance, circuit4) DE-, representation "under," Descend, Degrade5) EN-, indicates ",", enter " ENCAGE, ENBED (bed) 6) EX-, EC-, ES-, Represents "External" exit, eclipse, expand, export7) extra-, indicates "additional" extraction 8) Fore- represents "in front "Forehead, Foreground9 ) In-, IL-, IM-, IR-, representation, inward, in, back "Inland, Invade, Inside, Import10) inter-, intel-," in ... "interNational, Interaction , Internet11) Intro-, representation, inward, inner, inside "Introduce, Introduce12) Medi-, Medi-, MID-, MID-, representation, in the middle" Mediterranean, MidPosition13) OUT-, indicates "on it, outside, "Outline, Outside, Outward14) OVER-, indicates" on it, in the outside, "Overlook, Overhead, overboard15) post-, represents" backward, behind, second "PostScript, 16) pre- Representing "in front" in front "prePosition17) Pro-, represents" in front, forward "Progress, Proceed, 18) SUB-, SUC-, SUF-, SUG-, SUM-, SUP-, Sur-, sus-, indicating "in the following,

"Subway, Submarine, Suffix, Suppress, Supplement19) Super-, sur -, represents" above ... "Superficial, Surface, Superstructure20) TRANS-, indicates" shifting, turning, on that side "Translate, Transform, TransoCeanic21) Under-, representation "under ..." underline, underground, underwater22 up-, represents "up, up, on" Upward, Uphold, Uphill (Upho) 3. , Sequence relationship prefix 1) Ante-, anti-, represents "previous, earlier, pre-" antecedent, anticipate, 2) EX-, representation "first, so old" expresident, exHusband3) Fore-, indicating "in front , Previous, front "Foreward, Dorecast, Foretell (prediction) 4) MID-, Medi-, representation, middle" midnight, midsummer5) post- "indicates" after, "Postwar, 6) pre-, Pri- , Indicating "pre-, prior, preheat, previce, prehistory7) Pro-, represent" in front, first, before "Prologue (prelude), prophet (prophey) 8) RE-, indicate" once again, re-" Retell, Rewrite4. Represents the prefix between the comparative degree difference relationship 1) BY-, represents "Deputy, secondary" byproduct, bywork 2) extra-, represents "Beyond, additional" extraordinary, 3) Hyper- represents "more than , Extreme "hypersonic (ultrasonic), Hypertesion 4) OUT-, indicating" more than, excessive "Outdo (more than), Outbid (bid high) 5) OVER-, indicating" more than, over, too " Overeat, Overdress, Oversleep6) Sub-, SUC-, SUR-, indicates "low, secondary, second, subtropical" super-, surhead means "exceeding" SuperNature, SuperPower, Surplus, SURPASS8) Under-, indicates "low Inferior, low "underSize, undergrown, underProduction (lack of production) 9) Vice-expressed" Deputy, Second "VicePresident, Vicechairman5. Represents Common, Equal Meaning Prefix 1) COM-, COP-, CON-, COR-, CO- Represents "common, together".

Connect, Combine, Collect, Combat, Coexist, Co-operate2, Syn-, Syl-, Sym-, Represents "Same, Total, and, Class" SYMMETRY, SYMPATHY, SYNTHESIS (Synthesis) 6. Represents the entire fully meaningful prefix 1 AL- Represents "Complete, Full" Alone, Almost, 2) OVER- Represents "Complete, All" Overall, Overflow (full) 3) Pan- Represents "All, Total, Wan" PANENTHEISM (Pan God), Panorama7. Representation , Leaving the prefix 1) A-ab-, abs "de-expand, decene, 3) DEPART, DECOLOUR, 3) DIS-, DI-Di- , DIF-, denotes "Separation, Leaving" Divorce, Disarm (Connection) 4) EX-, E- indicates "leaving, separation" exel, exclude, exporeate (driven abroad) 5) FOR - means "leaving, detachment" Forget, Forgive6) Represents "Leave" Release, Resolve7) means "Separation, Isolation" Separate, Seduce, SELECT8. Represents through, all over the prefix 1) DIA-, expressed "pass, cross" Diameter, Diagram, 2) per -, PEL-, express "Tong, Total, Cloud" Perfect, Perform, Pervade (Soaked) 3) Transparent, Transmit, Transport9. Represents the enhanced prefix A-, AROUSE, Ashamedad -, adjoin, adhere (adhere) 10. Representation of a prefix be-, befriend, en-, enslave, enable, annage, AN-, AP-, AR-, AS -, AT-, Adapt, Accord, Affix, Aggression, Arrive, Assist, Attend, Attract, Arrange, Assign (delegated) 11. Represents the quix relationship 1) means "single", "a" MON-, MON-, Monotone, Monopoly, Monarchuni-, un- , Uniform, Unicellular 2) Represents "two, two, double" AMBI-, AmbIGUOUS, AMPHIBIAN (amphibious) Bi-, Bin- Bicycle, Di-, Diode (Level 2), Twi-, Twilight3) Represents "Ten" Deca, Deco-, Dec- Deci-, Decade, Decimals4 means "Hundred, 100%" HECTO-, HECT-, Hectometer, Centi-, Centimeter5) means "Qian, Monolecular One" KILO-, Kilometer6) means "Wan, Merolecular One" MYRIA-, MYRI-, Myriametremega-, Meg-, MegabytemRo-, Microvolt (microvitable) 7) means "Many, Reic, Most" Multi-, Mult-, Multipmetre (Multi-Table) Poly-, polysyllable, 8) means "half,

Half "Hemi-, Hemisphereedemi-, Demiofficialsemi-, Semiconductor, Semitransparentpene-, Pen-, Peninsula12. Represents special meaning prefix 1) Arch-, represents" first, first, main "Architect, Archbishop2) auto-, "Irself, independent, automatic" Automobile, Autobiography3) Bene-, said, "Good, Fu" Benefit4) EU-, express "excellent, beautiful" Eugenics (Qiji), Euphemism5) Male-, mal-express "evil, bad" Maltreatment, Malodor, 6) macro-, represents "big, grand" macroscopic (macro) 7) MAGNI-, means "big" magnificent8) micro-, indicates "micro" microscope13. Representation of the prefix of the term 1) AUD-, representation Listening, sound "Audience, 2) Bio-, expressing" life, biological "Biography (Biography) 3) GE-, express" Earth, "Geography4) PHON-, express" sound, tone "phonograph5" Tele-, said " Keep away from "Television, Telephone II. Common suffix 1. Nounted suffix (1) People with certain occupations or movements 1) -an, -ain, expressions" ... people "American, Historian 2) -al, indicating "people" Principal, 3) -ant, -ent, "..." "Merchant, Agent, Servant, Student, 4) -ar, representation" ... "Scholar, Liar, Peddler5) -ard, -ART, said" Do ... "Coward, Laggard, Braggart (exaggerated) 6) -Aran, said" ... "Humanitarian" Humanitarian , Vegetarian7) -ary, said "SECRETARY, MISSIONARY8) -ANT, indicating" People with ... "Candidate, Graduate9) -ator, indicating" Do ... "educator, Speculator (speculative) 10) -crat, indicating "a supporter of a law" Democrat, bureaucrat11) -ee, means "Action receiver" Employee, Examinee 12) -eer, said "Engage in ... people" engineer, volunteer13) -er, said "people engaged in some occupation, people, people "Banker, Observer, Londoner, Villager14) -e, said" ... "Chinese people, ...." Japanese, Cantonese15) -ss, indicates "negative people", actress, hostess, managerative16) -eur, said "... ... Home "Amateur, Littérateur17) -ian, said" ... local people, beliefs ... "people who teaches ... Career" Christian, Physician (Physician), Musician18) -ician, express "masterpiece, ... Home, "Electrician, Magician, Technician19) -icist," ... "... home,

......., ...... PHYSICIST, PhONETICIST, TECHNICIST20 - IC, said "... Girl) 22) -ier, expressing "Engage ... Professional" Cavalier, Clothier, Brazier 23) -ine, ian, said "negative person" Heroine, Ballerina24) -ist, said "engaged in it ... , Faith ...ist "Pianist, Communist, Dentist, Artist, Chemist25) -ive," Action, actor "Native, Captive26) -Logist, representation" ... ", researcher" Biologist, Geologist (Geology Students) 27) -or, representation "..." Author, Doctor, Operator, 28) -ster, "Do ..." Youngster, Gamester, Songster29) -Yer, said " Engaged in ... Lawyer (2). Composition, the meaning of abstract nouns 1) -acy, representation "ACCURE, DIPLOMACY2) -AGE, indicating state, behavior, identity, and results, "Courage, Storage, Marriage3) -Al, A) Represents" Action of things, process "refusal, arrival, survival, denial, approvalb) represents specific things Manual, Signal, Editorial, Journal4) -ance, -ece representation" nature , Status, behavior, process, total, degree "Endurance, Importance, Diligence, Difference, Obedience 5) -ancy, -ecy, representation" Frequency, Urgency, Efficiency, 6) -bility, "Action, properties, state" Possibility, Feasibility, 7) -craft, representation "craft, skill" Woodcraft, Handicraft, STATECRAFT (Governing national policy) 8) -cracy, expressed "rule, "Bureaucracy, Democracy9) -cy, representation" Nature, State, Job, Level "Bankruptcy (Bankrupt), Supreme10) -Dom, representation" Level, Area, State "--ry, -ry, Representation "Behavior, State, RiValry12) -ty, represents" Nature, Status "Variety, Dubiety (Suspected) 13) -Faction, -FACTURE, Representation" Made, ..., "," Satisfaction, Manufacture14) -Hood, express "qualification, identity, age, state"

Childhood, manhood, falsehood15) -ice, represents "behavior, nature, status" notice, justice, service16) -ine, indicating "Abstract Concept" Medicine, Disciline, Famine17) -ing, representation "Action process, result" BUIILDING, WRITING, Learning18) -ion, -sion, -tion, -ation,-ion, representing the process, result, status "action, solression, conclusion, destruction, expression, correction19) -ise, indicating" nature, Status "Exercise, Merchandise 20) -ISM, representation" Institution, Merism, Learning, Belief, Behavior "Socialism, Criticism, Colloquialism, Heroism21) -iTY," Nature, State, "Purity, Reality, Ability, Calamity22) -Ment, indicating "behavior, state, process, means and results of Treatment, Movement, Judgment, Punishment, Argument23) -Mony, representative" Ceremony, Testimony24) -ness, representation "nature, state , The degree "Goodness, Kindness, Tiredness, Friendlines25) -or, -OUR, represents" Action, Nature, State "Favor, Error, 26) -Sity," Action, State "Curiosity27) -ship, representation", nature , Skills, skills, identity, occupation "Hardship, Membership, Friendship28) -th," Action, Nature, Process, State "DEPTH, Wealth, Truth, Length, Growth29) - Tude, Represents" Nature, State, Side "Latitude Altitude (altitude) 30) -ure, representation "behavior, result" Exposition, Pressure, Failure, Procedure, "Act, State, Nature" Glory, History, Victory, Inquiry (3) The meaning of the place, the meaning of the place 1) -age, representing "residence, location" Village, Cottage2) -ary, expressed "residence, venue" Library, Granary (Barn) 3) -ry, ry, reputation "Workplace, Feeding Office, Location" Laundry, Nursery, Surgery 4) -ory, represents "Workplace, Residence" Factory, Dormitory, Laboratory, Observatory (4) With Academic, Science and Technology Meaning 1) -grapy , Means "...", write "Biography, Calligraphy, Geography2) -IC, ICS, said

...... Learn ... Logic, Mechanics, Optics, Electronics3) -ology, Express "..." ... "学" Biology, Zoology, Technology (Technology) 4) -Nomy, said "... learning ..." Astronomy, Economy, Bionomy (Ecology) 5) -ry, expressed "discipline, technology" chemistry, cookery, machinery6) -y, said "... learning, surgery, method" photography, philosophy (5) represents people and things Total, Collection Meaning 1) - - Dom, Newspaperdom (Press) 3) - Hood, Neighbourhood, Womanhood4) - Serva 5) -ure, Legislature, Judicature (6) Meaning of items and material names 1) -ant, ent, strength, constant2) -Al, Signal, Pictorial (Pictorial) 3) Ar, collar, pillar (stone pillar) 4) - ER, Boiler, Computer, Washer, Cooker5) -ry, Drapery (Satin) 6) -ing, Clothing, Matting, 7) -ment, Instrument, Equipment, Attachment (7) Represents the Meaning of "Small" 1) -Cle, Particle, 2) -Cule, Molecule 3) -EL, PARCEL4) -Et, Pocket, Ticket6) -tta, -ette, etco, cigarette, Essayette (Show) 7) -kin, napkin8) -Ling, Duckling, 9) -LET, Booklet10) -y, Baby, Doggy2. Adjective suffix (1) With "attribute, tendency, related" meaning 1) -able, -ible, movable, comfortable, applicable, visponsible2) -al, nature , Additional, Educational3) -an, Ane, Urban, Subur Ban, REPUBLICAN4) -ANT, -ENT, DISTANT, Important, Excellent5) -Ar, Similar, Popular, Regular6) --ary, Military, Voluntary7) -ice, -atie, iCal, Politic, Systematic, Historic, Physical, 8) -Ne, Masculine, Feminine, Marine9) -ing, Moving, Touching, Daring10) -ISH, Foolish, Bookish, Selfish11) -ive, active, ompressive, decisive12) -ory, satisfactory, compulsory13) -il, -ile, EEL, FRAGILE, GENTEEL (Elky) (2) Representation ""


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