Two datecases

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  108

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This is the definition of the Gregorian calendar and the lunar calendar. Due to the date calculation limit of PHP, only the time between 1970-1938

The calculation method of the lunar calendar uses Mr. Lin Yuxian's algorithm, thank you! In Joy ASP, you can find Mr. Lin's masterpiece (JavaScript)

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* Date class

* Method for using JavaScript's date object with JavaScript

* Set the $ mode property, compatible with the JavaScript date object

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Class Date {

Var $ TIME = 0;

Var $ mode = 0; // This property is set to JavaScript, $ mode = 1 is JavaScript method

Var $ DATEMODE = "Y-m-D h: i: s"; // Date format "Y-m-D h: i: s", can set itself

Function date ($ T = 0) {

IF ($ t == 0)

$ this-> time = Time ();


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* Return to milliseconds from GMT time starting January 1, 1970

* /

Function gettime () {

$ TEMP = GetTimeOfDay ();

RETURN $ TEMP [SEC] * 1000 Round ($ TEMP [USEC] / 1000);


/ **

* Return to the year

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Function getYear () {

$ TEMP = GetDate ($ this-> time);



/ **

* Return to the month

* /

Function getMonth () {

$ TEMP = GetDate ($ this-> time);

RETURN $ TEMP [MON] - $ this-> mode;


/ **

* Return date

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Function getdate () {

$ TEMP = GetDate ($ this-> time);

Return $ TEMP [MDAY];


/ **

* Return to the week

* /

Function getday () {

$ TEMP = GetDate ($ this-> time);

RETURN $ TEMP [WDAY] - $ this-> mode;


/ **

* Return to the hour

* /

Function gethours () {

$ TEMP = GetDate ($ this-> time);

RETURN $ TEMP [Hours];


/ **

* Return

* /

Function getminutes () {

$ TEMP = GetDate ($ this-> time);

RETURN $ TEMP [Minutes];


/ **

* Return second

* /

Function GetSeconds () {

$ TEMP = GetDate ($ this-> time);

Return $ TEMP [SECONDS];


/ **

* Set the year

* php 4.0.6 Year 1970 - 2038

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Function setYear ($ VAL) {

$ TEMP = GetDate ($ this-> time);

$ TEMP [Year] = $ VAL;

$ this-> set_time ($ TEMP);


/ **

* Set the month

* /

Function setMonth ($ VAL) {

$ TEMP = GetDate ($ this-> time);


$ this-> set_time ($ TEMP);


/ **

* Setting date

* /

Function setDate ($ TEMP = GetDate);

$ TEMP [MDAY] = $ VAL;

$ this-> set_time ($ TEMP);


/ **

* Set the week

* /

Function setday ($ VAL) {

$ TEMP = GetDate ($ this-> time);

$ TEMP [wday] = $ val $ this-> mode;

$ this-> set_time ($ TEMP);


/ **

* Set an hour

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Function sethouse ($ VAL) {

$ TEMP = GetDate ($ this-> time);

$ TEMP [Hours] = $ VAL;

$ this-> set_time ($ TEMP);


/ **

* Settings

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Function Setminutes ($ VAL) {

$ TEMP = GetDate ($ this-> time);

$ TEMP [Minutes] = $ VAL;

$ this-> set_time ($ TEMP);


/ **

* Settings

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Function setseconds ($ VAL) {

$ TEMP = GetDate ($ this-> time);


$ this-> set_time ($ TEMP);


/ **

* Return to the string of system format

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Function tolocalestring () {

Return Date ($ this-> DATEMODE, $ this-> time);


/ **

* Create a date value using GTM time

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Function UTC ($ YEAR, $ MON, $ MDAY, $ Hours = 0, $ minutes = 0, $ seconds = 0) {

$ this-> time = mktime ($ Hours, $ MINUTES, $ Seconds, $ MON, $ MDAY, $ YEAR)

Return $ this-> Time;


/ **

* Is equivalent to dateadd (Interval, Number, Date)

* Returns the date that has been added to specify the time interval.

* INETRVAL is a time interval character, such as divided or days to indicate.

* Number is a numerical expression that represents the number of time intervals to be added.

* Date Representation Date


* Interval (time interval character string express) can be the following any value:

* YYYY Year Year

* Q quarter quarter

* M Month Month

* Y day of year's number of years

* D day

* W Weekday's day number of days

* WW Week of Year Week

* H hours hour

* N Minute

* S Second Second

* W, y and d are exactly the same, that is, add one day on the current date, Q plus 3 months, WW plus 7 days.

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Function Add ($ Interval, $ Number, $ DATE) {


$ DATE_TIME_ARRAY = Getdate ($ DATE);

$ Hours = $ DATE_TIME_AURRAY ["Hours"];

$ minutes = $ date_time_Array ["minutes"];

$ Seconds = $ DATE_TIME_ARRAY ["Seconds"];


$ day = $ date_time_Array ["mday"]; $ year = $ date_time_Array ["year"];

Switch ($ interval) {

Case "YYYY": $ YEAR = $ Number; Break;

Case "Q": $ MONTH = ($ Number * 3); Break;

Case "M": $ MONTH = $ Number; Break;

Case "Y":

Case "D":

Case "W": $ day = $ Number; Break;

Case "WW": $ Day = ($ Number * 7); Break;

Case "H": $ Hours = $ Number; Break;

Case "N": $ MINUTES = $ Number; Break;

Case "S": $ Seconds = $ Number; Break;


$ TEMPTIME = MKTIME ($ Hours, $ MINUTES, $ Seconds, $ MONTH, $ Day, $ YEAR)

Return $ TEMPTIME;


/ **

* Is equivalent to Datediff (Interval, Date1, Date2)

* Returns time interval between two dates

* Intervals (time interval string expressions) can be the following anything:

* W circumference

* D days

* H hours

* N minutes

* S second

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Function Diff ($ Interval, $ DATE1, $ DATE2) {

// Get the number of seconds between the two days


Switch ($ interval) {


Case "D": $ RETVAL = BCDIV ($ TIMEDIFMERENCE, 86400); Break;

Case "H": $ RETVAL = BCDIV ($ TIMEDIFMERENCE, 3600); Break;

Case "N": $ RETVAL = BCDIV ($ TIMEDIFERENCE, 60); Break;



Return $ RetVal;


/ **

* Output, modify this function directly or rewrite this function in the derived class

* /

Function Display () {

$ nstr = array ('day', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six');

Echo Sprintf ("% 4D% 2D month% 2D day Week% s
", $ this-> getYear (), $ this-> getMonth (), $ this-> getdate (), $ nSTR [$ this -> getDay ()% 7]);


/ **

* Working function

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Function set_time (& $ A) {

$ this-> Time = MKTIME ($ AR [Hours], $ AR [MINUTES], $ AR [SECONDS], $ AR [MON], $ AR [MDAY], $ AR [Year]);

/ **

* Convert to UNIX timestamp

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Function GET_TIME ($ d) {


Return $ D;

Else {

IF (! is_string) Return 0;

IF (EREG (":", $ d)) {

$ BUF = Split (" ", $ d);

$ year = split ("[- /]", $ buf [0]);

$ Hour = Split (":", $ BUF [1]);

IF (EREGI ("PM", $ BUF [2]))

$ Hour [0] = 12;

Return Mktime ($ Hour [0], $ Hour [1], $ Hour [2], $ Year [1], $ Year [2], $ YEAR [0]);

} else {

$ year = split ("[- /]", $ d);

Return Mktime (0,0,0, $ year [1], $ year [2], $ year [0]);




} // Date class definition end


/ **

* Lunar calendar

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Class Lunar {

Var $ year;

Var $ MONTH;

Var $ day;

Var $ isleap;

Var $ yearcyl;

Var $ daycyl;


Var $ TIME;

Var $ lunarinfo = array (

0x04BD8, 0X04AE0, 0X0A570, 0X054D5, 0X0D260, 0X0D950, 0X16554, 0X056A0, 0X09AD0, 0X055D2,

0x04AE0, 0x0A5B6, 0X0A4D0, 0X0D250, 0X1D255, 0X0B540, 0X0D6A0, 0X0ADA2, 0X095B0, 0X14977,

0x04970, 0x0A4B0, 0X0B4B5, 0X06A50, 0X06D40, 0X1Ab54, 0x02B60, 0X09570, 0X052F2, 0X04970,

0x06566, 0x0D4A0, 0X0EA50, 0X06E95, 0X05AD0, 0X02B60, 0X186E3, 0X092E0, 0X1C8D7, 0X0C950,

0x0D4A0, 0X1D8A6, 0X0B550, 0X056A0, 0X1A5B4, 0X025D0, 0X092D0, 0X0D2B2, 0X0A950, 0X0B557,

0x06ca0, 0x0B550, 0X15355, 0X04DA0, 0X0A5D0, 0X14573, 0X052D0, 0X0A9A8, 0X0E950, 0X06AA0,

0x0aea6, 0x0ab50, 0x04b60, 0x0ae4, 0x0a570, 0x05260, 0x0F263, 0x0D950, 0X05B57, 0X056A0,

0x096D0, 0x04DD5, 0X04AD0, 0X0A4D0, 0X0D4D4, 0X0D250, 0X0D558, 0X0B540, 0X0B5A0, 0X195A6,

0x095B0, 0X049B0, 0X0A974, 0X0A4B0, 0X0B27A, 0X06A50, 0X06D40, 0X0AF46, 0X0AB60, 0x09570,

0x04AF5, 0X04970, 0X064B0, 0X074A3, 0X0EA50, 0X06B58, 0X055C0, 0X0AB60, 0X096D5, 0x092E0,

0x0C960, 0x0D954, 0X0D4A0, 0X0DA50, 0X07552, 0X056A0, 0X0ABB7, 0X025D0, 0x092D0, 0X0CAB5,


0x05AA0, 0X076A3, 0X096D0, 0X04BD7, 0X04AD0, 0X0A4D0, 0X1D0B6, 0X0D250, 0X0D520, 0X0DD45,

0x0B5A0, 0X056D0, 0X055B2, 0X049B0, 0X0A577, 0X0A4B0, 0X0AA50, 0X1B255, 0X06D20, 0X0ADA0,


/ **

* The total number of times that passed back to the Lunar Calendar Y

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Function LyeardAys ($ Y) {

$ SUM = 348;

For ($ I = 0x8000; $ I> 0x8; $ I >> = 1)

$ SUM = ($ this-> lunarinfo [$ y-1900] & $ i)? 1: 0;

Return $ SUM $ THIS-> LeapDays ($ Y);


/ **

* Remove the number of days of lunar month Y years

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Function LeapDays ($ Y) {

IF ($ this-> leapmonth ($ y))

Return ($ this-> lunarinfo [$ y-1900] & 0x10000)? 30: 29;

Else Return 0;


/ **

* Remove the lunar calendar Y, which month 1-12, no 传 0 0

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Function Leapmonth ($ Y) {

Return $ this-> lunarinfo [$ y-1900] & 0xF;


/ **

* The total number of times that passed back the Lunar Calendar Y

* /

Function Monthdays ($ y, $ m) {

Return ($ this-> lunarinfo [$ y-1900] & (0x10000 >> $ m))? 30: 29;


/ **

* Create a lunar day object

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Function Lunar ($ Objdate, $ MONTH = 1, $ Day = 1) {

$ leap = 0;

$ TEMP = 0;

IF (is_Object ($ objDate))

$ this-> time = mktime (0,0,0, $ objdate-> getMonth (), $ objdate-> getdate (), $ objdate-> getYear ());

Else {

$ year = $ objdate;

$ this-> time = mktime (0,0,0, $ month, $ day, $ year);

IF ($ Year <1970) {


$ TEMP = 0;

For ($ I = 1970; $ I> $ YEAR; $ I -) {

$ TEMP = $ this-> lyeardays ($ i);

$ OFFSET - = $ TEMP;




$ OFFSET = ROUND ($ this-> Time / 86400 25537);

$ this-> daycyl = $ OFFSET 40;

$ this-> moncyl = 14;

For ($ I = 1900; $ i <$ YEAR && $ OFFSET> 0; $ i ) {

$ TEMP = $ this-> lyeardays ($ i);

$ OFFSET - = $ TEMP;

$ this-> moncyl = 12;


IF ($ OFFSET <0) {$ offset = $ TEMP;

$ I -;

$ this-> moncyl - = 12;


$ this-> year = $ i;

$ this-> yearcyl = $ i-1864;

$ leap = $ this-> leapmonth ($ i); // is the month

$ this-> isleap = false;

For ($ I = 1; $ I <13 && $ OFFSET> 0; $ i ) {

// 月

IF ($ Leap> 0 && $ I == ($ Leap 1) && $ this-> isleap == false) {

$ I -;

$ this-> isleap = True;

$ TEMP = $ THIS-> LeapDays ($ this-> year);

} else {

$ TEMP = $ this-> Monthdays ($ this-> year, $ i);


// Release the month

IF ($ this-> isleap == True && $ i == ($ LeAP 1))

$ this-> isleap = false;

$ OFFSET - = $ TEMP;

IF ($ this-> isleap == false)

$ this-> moncyl ;


IF ($ OFFSET == 0 && $ Leap> 0 && $ i == $ leap 1)

IF ($ THIS-> Isleap)

$ this-> isleap = false;

Else {

$ this-> isleap = True;

$ I -;

$ this-> moncyl -;


IF ($ OFFSET <0) {


$ I -;

$ this-> moncyl -;


$ this-> month = $ i;

$ this-> day = $ OFFSET 1;


Function cyclical ($ num) {

$ GaN = Array ("A", "B", "Ding", "He", "Heng", "Xin", "", "");

$ Zhi = array ("子", "ugly", "寅", "", "", "", "noon", "未", "Shen", "", "", " Hai ");

Return $ GAN [$ Num% 10]. $ zhi [$ Num% 12];


/ **

* Output, modify this function directly or rewrite this function in the derived class

* /

Function Display () {

$ nstr = array ('', 'positive', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', '10', '10 One ',' Law ');

Echo Sprintf ("Lunar Calendar% S% S
", ($ this-> isleap? ",": "", $ nSTR [$ this-> Month], $ this-> cday ($ this -> day)); echo sprintf ("% s year% s months% s day", $ this-> cyclical ($ this-> yearcyl), $ this-> cyclical ($ this-> moncyl), $ this- > Cyclical ($ this-> daycyl);


/ **

* Chinese dates

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Function CDAY ($ d) {

$ nStr1 = array ('day', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', '10');

$ nStr2 = array ('beginning', 'ten', '廿', '卅', '');

Switch ($ d) {

Case 10:

$ S = 'First Ten';


Case 20:

$ S = 'twenty';


Case 30:

$ S = '30';



$ S = $ nStr2 [Floor ($ D / 10)];

$ S. = $ nSTR1 [$ D% 10];


Return $ S;


} // Lunar Calendar Definition end


// Test example

$ d = new date;

echo "
is now:";

$ D-> Display ();

$ D-> setYear (2037);

echo "
is now:";

Echo $ D-> getYear (). "year";

Echo $ D-> getMonth (). "Month";

Echo $ D-> getdate (). "Japan";

Echo "Week". $ D-> getday (). ""

Echo $ D-> GetHours (). "Time";

Echo $ D-> getminutes (). "points";

Echo $ D-> GetSeconds (). "second

$ D-> UTC (1998, 10, 2, 22, 0, 8);

Echo $ D-> Tolocalestring (). "

$ d = new date;

$ ld = new lunar ($ d);

$ D-> Display ();

$ ld-> display ();

$ D-> UTC (1998, 10, 2, 22, 0, 8);

$ ld = new lunar ($ d);

$ D-> Display ();

$ ld-> display ();

$ ld = new lunar (2002, 2, 12);

$ ld-> display ();

Echo __line__. "

$ D1 = "2002-01-11";

$ D2 = DATE ("Y-M-D", $ D-> Add ("D", 35, $ ​​D1));

Echo $ D1. "Date :: DIFF (" D ", $ D1, $ D2)." The day is $ D2
"; Echo $ D1." 10 days ago ".date (" YMD " ", Date :: Add (" d ", - 10, $ d1))."

$ D3 = DATE ("Y / m / D H: I: S");

Echo "is now". $ D3. "Distance 2002/2/12 12:59:59" .date :: Diff ("S", $ D3, "2002/2/12 12:59:59") Second



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