Put the upload picture to the anti-counterfeiting picture watermark and write to the database

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  120

// involving namespace using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.web; using system.configuration;

Method // public void AddUser (string PersonName, string PersonEmail, string PersonSex, string PersonDOB, string PersonImage, string PersonImageType) {string strImageType = userImage.PostedFile.ContentType; Stream ImageStream = userImage.PostedFile.InputStream;

// Add watermark -----------------> String WimageFile = Server.mAppath ("/ bkwww / image / homesign.gif"); // To add watermark image image simage = Image.fromstream (imageStream); // Create image images from the HTTP input stream;

// Draw graphics g = graphics.FromImage (Simage); g.drawImage (Wimage, New Rectangle (0, 0, Wimage.width, Wimage.Height), 0, 0, Wimage.width, Wimage.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel ); // Save, translate image to byte [] MemoryStream ms = new memoryStream (); byte [] MyImage = null; simage.save (ms, imageformat.gif); myimage = ms.getBuffer (); // ------------------------>

// write to the database string strConn = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings [ "ConnectionString"]; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection (strConn); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand ( "sp_person_isp", myConnection); myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

myCommand.Parameters.Add ( "@ PersonEmail", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255) .Value = PersonEmail; myCommand.Parameters.Add ( "@ PersonName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255) .Value = PersonName; myCommand.Parameters.Add ( "@Personsex", SqldbType.char, 1); if (sexmale.checked) myCommand.Parameters ["@ personsex"]. Value = "m"; else mycommand.parameters [@ personsex "]. Value =" f " ; myCommand.Parameters.Add ( "@ PersonDOB", SqlDbType.DateTime) .Value = PersonDOB; myCommand.Parameters.Add ( "@ PersonImage", SqlDbType.Image) .Value = myImage; myCommand.Parameters.Add ( "@ PersonImageType ", Sqldbtype.varchar, 255) .value = imageType; try {myconnection.open (); myCommand.executenonQuery (); myconnection.close (); response.write (" Add success! ");} Catch (System.Exception SQLEX) {response.write ("Add failed!" SQLEX.TOSTRING ());}}

/ * Www.knowsky.com Author: Sharpcn | Scorpion Studio: www.bkwww.com Copyright (c) Tomorrow Home Function: Add an uploaded picture to the anti-counterfeiting picture, and write pictures directly to the database, not retained on the hard disk. * /


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