1. Use STEDYSOFT 2k3 Menu's pictures, CSS, and 3 HTC: 2k3menuBar.htc, 2k3Menu.htc, 2k3menuroot.htc2. Where you need to modify is the Modified to , will then change the MENU to SubMenu for HTC; 3. The JS script I modified is as follows: var omenubar; // nodes.add (" R ", 4," p3 "," item0 "); // add (NULL, 0," R "," root "); / * Function: Add menu item parameter: ParentItem: ID of the superior node, if null Then, the first menu item level: menu level. 0: First 1: Last: Next 3: Previous 4: Submenu Item: Menu ID ItemName: Menu Name EXAMPLE: Insert the first menu AddItem (Null, 0, "Item1", "I am the first A menu "); * / function additem (ParentItem, Level, Item, ItemName, ItemTILE, ITEMCLICK, IMAGESRC) {// Add meNuroot IF ((ParentItem ==" null ") || (Level == 0)) { // Add a menubar omenubar = document.all.item ("_ menubar"). Firstchild.FirstChild; var OITEM = Omenubar.Isertcell (Omenubar.cells.Length - 1); with (OITEM) {ID = item; height = " 25 "; noWrap = true; classname =" 2k3menuroot "; // title = itemtitle; innerhtml ="
" itemname div>";}} // Add submenu if ((ParentItem! = "NULL") || (ParentItem! = ")) {if (level == 4) {var OsubMenuItem =" _ SubMenu _ " ParentItem; var oparentMenu = document.all.item (ParentItem); / / If you can't find the parent menu if (OparentMenu == null) {return;} var} var Osubmenu = document.all.item (OSubMenuItem);