JBuilder solution solution

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  138

Everyone often said that there is a problem with the cursor misplaced in the Chinese system, which is considered to be a bug in jbuilder. In fact, this is really jetful! Everyone discussed the solution without more than two: 1. Change the editor's font to the Song body. The question brought by this method is that the English font under the Song is really ugly. Reading is not pleasing to the eye; 2, It is to remove the bold attributes of the editor font, which also affects the readability of the code. In fact, the problem that caused JBuilder cursor misplaced problems is not Borland's mistake, but the sins of Java's master - SUN! Everyone must know I18n? In different locale, the JDK automatically calls the corresponding Properties file, and in the JDK, there is a problem with the Properties file corresponding to the Chinese system, and there is no difference in the English font, thick. Body and oblique, resulting in the above problems, the solution is simple, as long as this Properties file is modified correctly, the modification method is as follows: Find the font.properties.en file in the jre / lib directory, edit this Documents and modified as follows:

# @ (#) font.properties.zh1.16 00/10/06 ## AWT font default property for Chinese windows # Dialog.Plain.0 = arial, ANSI_CHARSETDIALOG.PLAIN.1 = / U5B8B / U4F53, GB2312_CharsetDialog.Plain. 2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDdialog.plain.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDdialog.bold.0 = Arial Bold, ANSI_CHARSETdialog.bold.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETdialog.bold.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDdialog.bold. 3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDdialog.italic.0 = Arial Italic, ANSI_CHARSETdialog.italic.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETdialog.italic.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDdialog.italic.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDdialog.bolditalic. 0 = Arial Bold Italic, ANSI_CHARSETdialog.bolditalic.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETdialog.bolditalic.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDdialog.bolditalic.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDdialoginput.plain.0 = Courier New, ANSI_CHARSETdialoginput.plain. 1 = / U5B8B / U4F53, GB2312_CharsetDialoginput.plain.2 = Wingdings, Symbol_Charset, NEED_CONVERT EDdialoginput.plain.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDdialoginput.bold.0 = Courier New Bold, ANSI_CHARSETdialoginput.bold.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETdialoginput.bold.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDdialoginput.bold.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET , NEED_CONVERTEDdialoginput.italic.0 = Courier New Italic, ANSI_CHARSETdialoginput.italic.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETdialoginput.italic.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDdialoginput.italic.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDdialoginput.bolditalic.0 = Courier New Bold italic, ANSI_CharsetDialoginput.bolditalic.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, gb2312_charsetdialoginput.bolditalic.2 =

WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDdialoginput.bolditalic.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDserif.plain.0 = Times New Roman, ANSI_CHARSETserif.plain.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETserif.plain.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDserif.plain.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDserif.bold.0 = Times New Roman Bold, ANSI_CHARSETserif.bold.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETserif.bold.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDserif.bold.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDserif.italic .0 = Times New Roman Italic, ANSI_CHARSETserif.italic.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETserif.italic.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDserif.italic.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDserif.bolditalic.0 = Times New Roman Bold Italic , ANSI_CHARSETserif.bolditalic.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETserif.bolditalic.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDserif.bolditalic.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDsansserif.plain.0 = Arial, ANSI_CHARSETsansserif.plain.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53 , GB2312_CHARSETSSSSERIF.PLAIN.2 = WINGDINGS, SYM BOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDsansserif.plain.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDsansserif.bold.0 = Arial Bold, ANSI_CHARSETsansserif.bold.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETsansserif.bold.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDsansserif.bold.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDsansserif.italic.0 = Arial Italic, ANSI_CHARSETsansserif.italic.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETsansserif.italic.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDsansserif.italic.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDsansserif.bolditalic.0 = Arial Bold Italic, ANSI_Charsetsserif.Bolditalic.1 = / U5B8B / U4F53, GB2312_CHARSESSSERIF.BOLDITALIC.2 =

WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDsansserif.bolditalic.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDmonospaced.plain.0 = Courier New, GB2312_CHARSETmonospaced.plain.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETmonospaced.plain.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDmonospaced.plain.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDmonospaced.bold.0 = Courier New Bold, GB2312_CHARSETmonospaced.bold.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETmonospaced.bold.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDmonospaced.bold.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDmonospaced.italic.0 = Courier New Italic, GB2312_CHARSETmonospaced.italic.1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETmonospaced.italic.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDmonospaced.italic.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDmonospaced.bolditalic.0 = Courier New Bold Italic, GB2312_CHARSETmonospaced.bolditalic .1 = / u5b8b / u4f53, GB2312_CHARSETmonospaced.bolditalic.2 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTEDmonospaced.bolditalic.3 = Symbol, SYMBOL_CHARSET, NEED_CONVERTED # name aliases ## alias.timesroman = serif # ali as.helvetica = sansserif # alias.courier = monospaced # for backward compatibility # timesroman.0 = Times New Roman, ANSI_CHARSET # helvetica.0 = Arial, ANSI_CHARSET # courier.0 = Courier New, ANSI_CHARSETzapfdingbats.0 = WingDings, SYMBOL_CHARSET # font filenames for reduced initialization time # filename. / u5b8b / u4f53 = SIMSUN.TTFfilename.Arial = ARIAL.TTFfilename.Arial_Bold = ARIALBD.TTFfilename.Arial_Italic = ARIALI.TTFfilename.Arial_Bold_Italic = ARIALBI.TTFfilename.Courier_New = COUR.TTFfilename.Courier_New_Bold = COURBD .Ttffilename.courier_new_italic = couri.tffilename.courier_new_bold_italic = courti.ttffilename.times_new_roman =

TIMES.TTFfilename.Times_New_Roman_Bold = TIMESBD.TTFfilename.Times_New_Roman_Italic = TIMESI.TTFfilename.Times_New_Roman_Bold_Italic = TIMESBI.TTFfilename.WingDings = WINGDING.TTFfilename.Symbol = SYMBOL.TTF # Default font definition # default.char = 2751 # Static FontCharset info. ## fontcharset.dialog.0 = sun.io.CharToByteCp1252fontcharset.dialog.1 = sun.io.CharToByteGBKfontcharset.dialog.2 = sun.awt.windows.CharToByteWingDingsfontcharset.dialog.3 = sun.awt.CharToByteSymbol # fontcharset.dialoginput.0 = sun.io.CharToByteCp1252fontcharset.dialoginput.1 = sun.io.CharToByteGBKfontcharset.dialoginput.2 = sun.awt.windows.CharToByteWingDingsfontcharset.dialoginput.3 = sun.awt.CharToByteSymbol # fontcharset.serif.0 = sun.io.CharToByteCp1252fontcharset. serif.1 = sun.io.CharToByteGBKfontcharset.serif.2 = sun.awt.windows.CharToByteWingDingsfontcharset.serif.3 = sun.awt.CharToByteSymbol # fontcharset.sansserif.0 = sun.io.CharToByteCp1252fontcharset.sansserif.1 = sun. IO.CHARTOBYTEGBKFONTCHARSET.SANSSERIF.2 = sun.awt.windows.ChartobyTewingDingsFontc harset.sansserif.3 = sun.awt.CharToByteSymbol # fontcharset.monospaced.0 = sun.io.CharToByteCp1252fontcharset.monospaced.1 = sun.io.CharToByteGBKfontcharset.monospaced.2 = sun.awt.windows.CharToByteWingDingsfontcharset.monospaced.3 = sun.awt.CharToByteSymbol # Exclusion Range info. # exclusion.dialog.plain.0 = 00a0-f8ffexclusion.dialog.italic.0 = 00a0-f8ffexclusion.dialog.bold.0 = 00a0-f8ffexclusion.dialog.bolditalic.0 = 00a0 -f8ffexclusion.dialoginput.plain.0 = 00a0-f8ffexclusion.dialoginput.italic.0 = 00a0-f8ffexclusion.dialoginput.bold.0 = 00a0-f8ffexclusion.dialoginput.bolditalic.0 = 00a0-f8ffexclusion.serif.plain.0 =


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