Cross inquiry

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  119

The most basic processing method:

If there is a primary key in the table (can be recorded without repeated fields), you can use the following method, of course, X, Y is replaced with specific numbers, and the variables cannot be used:

SELECT TOP Y *FOM table Where master key NOT IN (SELECT TOP (X-1) * Y master key from table)

If there is no primary key in the table, you can use a temporary table, add the identification field. The x, y can use variables.

Select ID = Identity (int, 1, 1), * INTO #TB FROM table

Select * from #tb where id between (x-1) * y and x * y-1

-------------------------------------------------- -------------

- Improve the general process of implementing the stored procedure.

/ * - Paging program implemented with stored procedures

Display page X of the specified query results

This stored procedure uses a temporary table method for the case where there is no primary key.

If there is a primary key, this method is not recommended

Zou Jian 2003.09 - * /

/ * - Call example

Exec p_show 'SELECT * from xzkh_new .. Regional Information'

Exec p_show 'Select * from xzkh_new .. Regional Information', 5, 2, 'Area number, area name, help code', 'Area number'

- * /

if EXISTS (Select * from dbo.sysObjects where id = Object_id (n '[dbo]. [p_show]') And ObjectProperty (id, n'isprocedure ') = 1)

Drop Procedure [DBO]. [p_show]


Create Proc P_show

@Querystr nvarchar (1000), - query statement, if the query table, use: SELECT * FROM table

@PageSize INT = 10, - Size per page (number of lines)

@PAGECURRENT INT = 1, - Page to display

@Fdshow nvarchar (1000) = '' ,- To display the list of fields, if the query result is identified by the identity field, you need to specify this value and do not include the identification field.

@Fdorder nvarchar (1000) = '- List of Sort Fields


Declare @fdname nvarchar (50) - Identification column name

, @ Id1 varchar (20), @ id2 varchar (20) - start and end record number

SELECT @fdname = '[id _' cast (newid () as varchar (40)) ']'

, @ Id1 = cast (@PageSize * (@ pagecurrent-1) as varchar (20))

, @ Id2 = cast (@ Pagesize * @ pagecurrent-1 as varchar (20))

, @ Fdshow = case isnull (@fdshow, '') when '' Ten '*' else @fdshow end

, @ Fdorder = case isnull (@fdorder, '') when '' Ten 'Else' Order by ' @ fdorder endexec (' select ' @ fdname = Identity (int, 0, 1),' @ fdshow '

INTO #TB from FROM (' @ querystr ') a ' @ fdorder '

SELECT ' @ fdshow ' from #tb where ' @ fdname ' Between '

@ Id1 'and' @ id2




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