Design mode Iterator - Name article (original)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  116

Design mode Iterator - Name article

I have been in so many years, I found a question, as if the teacher really likes some names, even the name has become a hobby of some teachers, not name a day, eat unknone, sleep, I feel like I feel like sleeping, I think Very strange, your class should be good, how can the classmate will not come to class, I don't know: "The misunderstanding is a crime!"

Ok, then we are now looking at the teacher this point process.

1. Old rules, let's define the teacher (TEACHER) interface:

Public interface teacher {

Public iterator createTerator (); // Name


2, the concreteteacher class is the implementation of the teacher's interface:

Public Class Concretetecher Implements Teacher {

Private object [] present = {"Zhang Sancheng", "Li Si is coming", "Wang Wu did not come"}; // Classics attendance collection

Public iterator createTeiterator () {

Return New Concreterator (this); // New Name


Public Object getElement (int index) {// receives attendance at the current classmate

IF (index

Return present [index];


Else {

Return NULL;



Public int getSize () {

Return present.Length; // Get the size of the classmates attendance, that is, how many people do you want to know?



3, define the point name (Iterator) interface class:

Public interface itrator {

Void first (); // first

Void next (); // Next

Boolean isdone (); // Whether you have some name

Object currentItem (); // Current students attendance


4. The specific name (ConcreteTeiterator) is an implementation of the Iterator interface:

Public class contreteiterator imports iterator {


Private int index = 0;

Private int size = 0;

Public Concreterator (Concretetecher Teacher) {

THIS.TEacher = Teacher;

Size = teacher.getsize (); // Get the number of classmates

INDEX = 0;


Public void first () {// first

INDEX = 0;


Public void next () {// Next





Public boolean isdone () {// is finished

Return (INDEX> = size);


Public Object CurrentItem () {// Current Classics Attendance

Return teacher.getElement (Index);



5, write test class: public class test {

Private itrator it;

PRIVATE TEACHER TEACHER = New ConcreteTeacher ();

Public void Operation () {

It = teacher.createiterator (); // Teacher starts

While (! it.isdone ()) {// If there is no finish

System.out.println (it.currentItem (). TOSTRING ()); // Getting to be a case (); // Point Next



Public static void main (string agrs []) {

Test test = new test ();

Test.operation ();



6. Description:

A: Definition: The Iterator mode can sequentially access a gathering element without exposing the internal conditions of the aggregation.

B: In this example, Teacher gives the interface of the Iterator object, the point name (iTerator) defines the interface required to traverse students attendance.

C: The advantage of the Iterator mode is that there is a change in the ConcreteTeacher object. For example, there is no new classmate in the classmate attendance, or when you reduce your classmates, this change has no effect on the client.


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