
xiaoxiao2021-03-06  134

P3006854_9204_linux patch: contain two files readme -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ # Patch for bug 3006854 # -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ## Date: October 22, 2003 # ------ ----------------- # Platform Patch for: Linux Intel ## bugs fixed by this patch: # ----------------- -------- # 3006854, INSTALLER INTEROPERABILITY PATCH fOR RHEL3.0 ## This patch must be installed on systems running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 # before running the Oracle Universal Installer (for any Oracle product). ## This Patch is not specific to a particular oracle version. ## Patch Installation Instructions: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] to Apply the Patch, Unzip The Pse Container File: #% unzip p3006854_9204_linux.zip ## [2] login as the root user, ## [3] set your current directory to the directory where the patch # is located, EG: ## # c D 3006854 ## [4] Run the script sales by this patches ## # sh rhel3_pre_install.sh ## The installation of the patch is now completion. You can now run # The Oracle Universal Installer as Normal. # ----- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- RHEL3_PRE_INSTALL.SH- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- #! / bin / bash

User = `WHOAMI`IF [$ USER! = Root]; The echo" Must Be root to Run this Script, please login as root and re-try "EXITFI

# See ifi libcwait.so is already being loadedif [-f "/etc/ld.so.preload"] && [-n "` grep libcwait / etc / ld.preload` "]; then echo" Patch Has Already BEEN Applied "ExitLse Echo" Applying Patch ... "Ficat << EOF | #include #include #include #include PID_T__LIBC_WAIT (INT * STATUS) {Int Res; ASM Volatile ("Pushl %% EBX / N / T" "MOVL% 2, %% EBX / N / T" "MOVL% 1, %% EAX / N / T" "INT / $ 0X80 / N / T" "POPL %% EBX": "= a" (RES): "I" (__nr_wait4), "0" (Wait_any), "C" (STATUS), "D" 0), "s" (0)); Return Res;} EOFGCC -O2 -Shared -fpic -xc - -o /etc/libcwait.soecho "/etc/libcwait.so" >> / etc / ld.so. Preload

Echo "patch successfully applied"


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