Server is perfect setting, support ASP PHP CGI JSP ASP.NET MYSQL!

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  130

Server is perfect setting, support ASP PHP CGI JSP ASP.NET MYSQL!

First download the procedure we want to use:

PHP-4.3.0-Installer download address:

MySQL Download Usage: http://www.onlinedown.neet/mysql.htm

Myodbc download address: http://www.onlinedown.neet/myodbc.htm

Perl parsing software Download address:

PHPMYADMIN is looking for! A lot of! I have no search! Sorry!

CLR runtime download address:

NET Framework SDK131M Download Downloads:

MDAC2.7 download address:

JDK is downloaded by go to download

Step 1: Support aspwin98 to install PWS! But what we talk about how to make Win2000 support! As long as you are using the Win2000, it is completely installed! So IIS is installed, I have IIS to support the ASP! If you don't have IIS! So, please click "Add / Remove Components" inside the Control Panel to install IIS!

Step 2: Support PHP first download a PHP resolution software! Install PHP. Perform a PHP-4.3.0-Installer.exe installation prompt to the hard disk, we can enter. Choose a PHP path, there is no much impact, generally do not change (default C: /), fill in the mail server, usually localhost, and send email mailboxes. Let you choose what type of server installed, we are generally IIS, so choose IIS! 2 prompts will pop up after the installation is complete, prompt you to see the description, can usually take a look. (You can also install the PHP accelerator, Zend! Install Zendoptimizer, you can get free of charge on the Zend official site, execute the ZendOptimizer-2.0.0-windows-i386.exe installation directory after downloading, usually does not change .php type, we know we install It is 4.2.3, so we choose, then prompt to enter the php.ini directory, Win2000 is stored in C: / WinNT / inside. Follow the need to enter. Initial, confirm that the installation is successful) and open: start - "Program -" Administrative Tools - "Internet Service Manager -" Default Website - Right Key - "Properties -" Main Directory - "Remove the Permission to Scripts and Executers -" Configuration - "Add, in the executable Enter "c: / php/php.exe% s% s" written in .php, app! determine! Add: Filter Name: PHP Filter C: /perl/php4ts.dll app! determine! Now support PHP! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Step 3: Support CGI: Run after downloading! Select the installation path: We are generally installed in C: / Perl! Note that Perl must be installed in C: /! ! ! ! ! ! I have been click Next! Until the installation is complete! Then open: Start - "Program -" Administrative Tool - "Internet Service Manager -" Default Site - Right Key - "Properties -" Main Directory - "Turn the Executive License to Scripts and Executables -" Configuration - "Add, The executable program input "c: /perl/bin/perl.exe% s% s" is written in the extension .cgi Add: "C: /perl/bin/perl.exe% s% s" is extension The name is written in .pl again "C: /perl/bin/perl.exe% s% s" is written in the extension .plx app! determine! Add: Filter Name: CGI Filter C: /perl/bin/perlis.dll app! determine! Now supports CGI! ! ! ! ! ! Haha! Can load the pride forum! ! ! ! ! !

Step 4: Support ASP.NET (ASPX): ASP.NET is the next-generation version of ASP3.0 (previously known as ASP ) but quite large to the previous generation, first you must download the execution environment where you install .NET Framework. Currently Official version 1.0 has been released download address: CLR Runtime (English) 20.4M http://download/.netframesdk/redist/1.0/w98nt42kmexp/en-us/dotnetredist.exe or .NET Framework SDK ( English version) 131M (best download this) In addition to this, you must also download MDAC2.7 ( If you want to connect to the database) http://download/dasdk/install/download/dasdk/install/2.70/w98nt42kme/en-us/mdac_typ.exe (install this installation, install the .NET Framework SDK) operating system For details, please refer to: It is ok to install! ! ! Now! Your server supports ASPX! Step 5: Support Mysql: Run the MySQL installer! carry out! In the start of running: CMD appears DOS system: Enter CD .., cd .., cd mysql, cd bin, mysqld-nt.exe --install, winmysqladmin.exe prompts to enter administrator users and passwords, and then determine ! The username and password entered are manually managed my account! You can also install the MySQL driver myodbc, and install it directly after downloading! Don't change the path! Installation is complete! You can manage PHPMYADMIN! (Manage on the web!) PHPMYAdmin places you in your website directory, use http: //*.*. The mysql database is supported here.

Step 6: The installation of the JSP environment: 1. Download JDK1.3 and Tomcat; 2. Install the JDK1.3 and UE Tomcat to C: Pangen Table Directory; 3. Enter the Tomcat directory, find the startup.bat file, open edit. In front of the row Call Tomcat Start plus two lines: set tomcat_home = c: / tomcat and set java_home = c: /jdk1.3 Note: c: /jdk1.3 is the location of JDK1.3 installation. 4. Then right click on "My Computer" and select Properties. Open advanced options in the system properties, click "Environment Variable", add two variables ClassPath and Path in "User Variable" and "System Variables", and their value is: ClassPath value c: /jdk1.3/bin /Tools.jar;c:/jdk1.3/lib/dt.jar path's value is C: /jdk1.3/bin; c: /jdk1.3 5. Run the Tomcat server (ie the startup.bat file), if There is a DOS window to stay without closing, and some run success Tomcat and initialization information, which proves that Tomcat runs successfully. 6. Per Address Bar Enter, if successful, will appear in Tomcat's welcome screen, there are some JSP and servlet examples, to this JSP environment built! The more server languages ​​supported by any host, the more problems with use.


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