JasperReport template element meaning

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  131

Parent element name

Element Name Property Name


Elementatic number of elements

Type of value

Root element


Template root element





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,</p> <p><PageHeader>,</p> <p><colornheader>,</p> <p><detail>,</p> <p><columnfooter>,</p> <p><PageFooter>,</p> <p><summary></p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>Name</p> <p>Template name</p> <p>Mandatory properties</p> <p>NMToken</p> <p>Columncount</p> <p>Number of columns per page</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMTOKEN default is 1</p> <p>PrintOrder</p> <p>If a page is more than one column, specify the direction of the populated data</p> <p>1</p> <p>Vertical or Horizontal defaults to Vertical</p> <p>PageWidth</p> <p>Page width</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMTOKEN default is 595</p> <p>PageHeight</p> <p>Page height</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMTOKEN default is 842</p> <p>Columnwidth</p> <p>Column width</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMTOKEN default is 555</p> <p>Columnpacing</p> <p>Column pitch</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMTOKEN default is 0</p> <p>LEFTMARGIN</p> <p>Page Make margins</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMTOKEN default is 20</p> <p>Rightmargin</p> <p>Page right sideline</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMTOKEN default is 20</p> <p>Topmargin</p> <p>Page on the page</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMTOKEN default is 30</p> <p>Bottommargin</p> <p>Page on the page</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMTOKEN default is 30</p> <p>WhennoDataType</p> <p>When there is no data on the page, if you select the NOPAGES system, you will be prompted without a page. If you select BlankPage, you will display a page empty page, if you select AllSectionNodetial, you will display all parts other than the Detail paragraph.</p> <p>1</p> <p>NOPAGES or BlankPage or AllsectionsNodetail defaults to NOPAGES</p> <p>iStitlenewPage</p> <p>Title part is displayed in a separate page</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to false</p> <p>IssummaryneWPage</p> <p>Summary part is displayed in a separate page</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to false</p> <p>ScriptletClass</p> <p>Java code executed during data padding</p> <p>Can</p> <p>NMToken</p> <p>orientation</p> <p>Print direction</p> <p>1</p> <p>Portrait or Landscape defaults to "portrait"</p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>Property</p> <p>Define the Property element</p> <p>0 times or more</p> <p>Empty element</p> <p>Property</p> <p>Name</p> <p>Attribute name</p> <p>have to</p> <p>CDATA</p> <p>Value</p> <p>Attribute value</p> <p>Can</p> <p>CDATA</p> <p>ReportFont</p> <p>Define fonts in the template</p> <p>0 times or more</p> <p>Empty element</p> <p>ReportFont</p> <p>Name</p> <p>Define reference name</p> <p>have to</p> <p>Name</p> <p>ISDefault</p> <p>Whether the font is the default font of the template</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>Fontname</p> <p>The name of the font</p> <p>1</p> <p>CDATA defaults to "Sansserif"</p> <p>Size</p> <p>font size</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMTOKEN defaults to "10"</p> <p>Isbold</p> <p>Whether the font is bold</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>isitalic</p> <p>Whether the font is italic</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>Isunderline</p> <p>Whether the font is dected</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>Isstrikethrough</p> <p>IsstrikeThrough11</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>PDFFontName</p> <p>PDF font name</p> <p>1</p> <p>CDATA defaults to Helvetica</p> <p>PDFENCODING</p> <p>PDF font encoding method</p> <p>1</p> <p>CDATA defaults to CP1252</p> <p>Ispdfembedded</p> <p>Is the PDF font embedded in a PDF document</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>Parameter</p> <p>Parameter definition in the template</p> <p>0 times or multiple times</p> <p><parameterdescription>, <defaultValueExpression></p> <p>Parameter</p> <p>Name</p> <p>parameter name</p> <p>have to</p> <p>NMToken</p> <p>Class</p> <p>Parameter value type</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMToken defaults to "java.lang.string"</p> <p>IsforPrompting</p> <p>Use in the graphical interface to prompt the user to enter parameter information</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>Parameter</p> <p>ParameterDescription</p> <p>When ISforPrompting in Parameter is set to "True", the information of this field is information to the user.</p> <p>0 this or once</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p>Parameter</p> <p>DEFAULTVALUEEXPIPRESSION</p> <p>During the data fill, the value of Parameter is transmitted via HASPMAP. If the variable is transmitted to the variable in the fill, this variable is null, but if the default value of the defaultValueExpression is defined, this element is taken (this field) Value is valid only when the value is not transmitted to this variable during the data fill)</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>QueryString</p> <p>During the data fill, if the data parameter is the connection pool object (Connection), this SQL statement is performed to take the data.</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>Field</p> <p>Query result target column field name definition</p> <p>0 times or multiple times</p> <p><FieldDescription></p> <p>Field</p> <p>Name</p> <p>parameter name</p> <p>have to</p> <p>NMToken</p> <p>Class</p> <p>Parameter value type</p> <p>1</p> <p>(java.lang.boolent | java.lang.Boolean | java.lang.byte | java.util.date | java.sql.timestamp | java.sql.time | java.lang.double | java.lang.float | java .lang.integer | java.io.inputstream | java.lang.long | java.lang.short | java.math.bigDecimal | java.lang.string) The default is "java.lang.string"</p> <p>Field</p> <p>FieldDescription</p> <p>? ? ?</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>Variable</p> <p>Variable definitions. There are also some embedded variables in the system: Page_Number: Page number (can be a page number, the number of pages, setting different values ​​through the TEXTFIELD)</p> <p>COLUMN_NUMBER: Column Number</p> <p>Report_count: Number of data source records in the current document</p> <p>Page_count: The number of records recorded in the current page</p> <p>COLUMN_COUNT: The number of records recorded in the column</p> <p>Groupname_count: Number of records in the current group</p> <p>0 times or multiple times</p> <p><variableExpression> <InitialValueExpression></p> <p>Variable</p> <p>Name</p> <p>parameter name</p> <p>have to</p> <p>NMToken</p> <p>Class</p> <p>Parameter value type</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMToken defaults to "java.lang.string"</p> <p>RESETTYPE</p> <p>Variables are reinitialized. If the value of the value of the None is calculated in <variableExpression>, it will never be initialized; if it is Report, the variable is only initialized once, and it is only when and only when the data fill process begins. The value of the value of <initialvalueExpression>; when the page type is reinitial, the value of the variable will be initialized at the beginning of each page; when it is column, the variable will reinitialize at the beginning of each column; when it is group, the variable 5 It will initialize the Group intermittent at the resetgroup.</p> <p>1</p> <p>(None | Report | Page | Column | Group) Default "Report"</p> <p>Resetgroup</p> <p>This field is valid when resettype is set to group.</p> <p>Can</p> <p>CDATA</p> <p>Calculation</p> <p>Calculation type of variables, if nothing, the value of the variable is the value of variable expression; if count, this variable is a digital type, which calculates the data source iteration, <variableExpression> The element content is not NULL data sum; if this variable is calculated for this variable, the sum of data is returned within <variableExpression>; if the Average is returned to the average; if you want highest or LowSet, return the maximum or minimum of this variable in the data source record; If the value of this variable is calculated by the value of the programmer to be specified by ScriptClass.</p> <p>1</p> <p>(Nothing | Count | SUM | Average | Lowest | Highest | Standarddeviation | Variance | System) defaults to "nothing"</p> <p>IncrementerFactoryClass</p> <p>Java class in the JRincrementerFactory interface</p> <p>Can</p> <p>NMToken</p> <p>Variable</p> <p>VariableExpression</p> <p>Expression of the variable calculated</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p>Variable</p> <p>InitialValueExpression</p> <p>The initial value of the variable</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>group</p> <p>Define the group of the template, the data in Group is a continuous series of data, and the packet is specified by groupExpression. There are many groups in the template, but these groups are sequential, and they have a relationship between them. When a large group ends, the groups it contains reinitializes (packets only sort data only when the data source has already used the GROUPEXPRESSION field. After that, if you do not use the specified field sorted, the result is not the result of the desired result).</p> <p>0 times or multiple times</p> <p><Groupexpression>, <groupheader>, <groupfooter></p> <p>group</p> <p>Name</p> <p>Group name</p> <p>have to</p> <p>NMToken</p> <p>ISstartnewColumn</p> <p>Whether in the new column when the new group begins</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>IsstartneWPage</p> <p>When the new group starts, do you start on a new page</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>IsreSetPagenumber</p> <p>Whether to reset the PAGENUMBER variable when the new group begins</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false" isreprintheaderoneachpage</p> <p>Whether printhead information on each page</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>MinheighttostArtNewpage</p> <p>If ISStartNewPage is set to false but then restart a page after the residual height is less than a value, this property is specified this minimum height value.</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMToken default is "0"</p> <p>Group</p> <p>Groupexpression</p> <p>Group field value</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p>Group</p> <p>Groupheader</p> <p>Partial part</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p><band></p> <p>Group</p> <p>Groupfooter</p> <p>Tail section</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p><band></p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>BACKGROUND</p> <p>Background part</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p><band></p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>Title</p> <p>Header</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p><band></p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>PageHeader</p> <p>Header</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p><band></p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>ColumnHeader</p> <p>Column head section</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p><band></p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>Detail</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p><band></p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>Columnfooter</p> <p>COLUMN tail section</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p><band></p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>Pagefooter</p> <p>Footer section</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p><band></p> <p>JasperReport</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p><band></p> <p>Groupheader</p> <p>Goupfooter Background Title <PageHeader> <ColumnHeader></p> <p><detail></p> <p><columnfooter> <PageFooter> <summary></p> <p><band></p> <p>A paragraph of the template</p> <p>0 times or 1 time</p> <p>Printwhenexpression? (LINE | Rectangle | Ellipse | Image | StaticText | TextField | Subreport | ElementGroup) *)</p> <p><Band></p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>Segment height</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMTOKEN default is 0</p> <p>IssplitalLowed</p> <p>Whether it can be separated</p> <p>? ? ?</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "true"</p> <p><Band></p> <p><LINE></p> <p>Linear element</p> <p>0 times or multiple times</p> <p>REPORTELEMENT, GRAPHICEMENT?</p> <p><LINE></p> <p>Direction</p> <p>The direction of the straight line,</p> <p>1</p> <p>TOPDOWN or BOTTOMUP defaults to "topdown"</p> <p><LINE></p> <p><Rectangle></p> <p><Ellipse> <image> <staticText> <textfield> <subreport></p> <p><reportElement></p> <p>1</p> <p><printwhenexpression></p> <p><reportElement></p> <p>Key</p> <p>Can</p> <p>NMToken</p> <p>PositionType</p> <p>This element is positioned when the page element (TextField or StaticText) allows stretching to affect the location of this element.</p> <p>1</p> <p>(Float | FixRelativeTotop | FixRelativeToBottom) "FixRelativeTotop" stretchtype</p> <p>Graphic element extension</p> <p>1</p> <p>(Nostretch | RelativeTotalleStObject | relativeToBandHeight) "NostRetch"</p> <p>IsprinTrepeatedValues</p> <p>Whether printing duplicate data</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>Mode</p> <p>Transparent setting</p> <p>Can</p> <p>(Opaque | Transparent)</p> <p>x</p> <p>This element relative to the X coordinate of the left foot of this element</p> <p>have to</p> <p>NMToken</p> <p>y</p> <p>This element is relative to the Y coordinate of the left foot of this element.</p> <p>have to</p> <p>NMToken</p> <p>Width</p> <p>Element width</p> <p>have to</p> <p>NMToken</p> <p>HEIGHT</p> <p>The height of the element (pixel is unit), when the stretch is allowed, the height will dynamically change</p> <p>have to</p> <p>NMToken</p> <p>Isremovelinewhenblank</p> <p>Whether to eliminate this row when the data is empty</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>IsprintInfirstWholeBand</p> <p>In the first paragraph per page, this element has appeared</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>IsprintwhendetailoverFlows</p> <p>When a page cannot accommodate the page element content, do you re-print this element on other pages?</p> <p>1</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>PrintwhenGroupChanges PRINTWHENGROUPCHANGES</p> <p>Can</p> <p>CDATA</p> <p>Forecolor</p> <p>Foreground color</p> <p>Can</p> <p>CDATA</p> <p>Backcolor</p> <p>Background color background</p> <p>Can</p> <p>CDATA</p> <p><LINE></p> <p><Rectangle></p> <p><Ellipse></p> <p><iMage></p> <p>Graphicelement</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>Empty element</p> <p>Graphicelement</p> <p>Stretchtype</p> <p>Graphic element extension</p> <p>Can</p> <p>(Nostretch | RelativeTotalleStObject | relativeToBandHeight)</p> <p>Pen</p> <p>Border line thickness</p> <p>Can</p> <p>(None | Thin | 1POINT | 2POINT | 4POINT | DOTTED)</p> <p>Fill</p> <p>Line filling method</p> <p>1</p> <p>(Solid) "Solid"</p> <p><reportElement></p> <p><printwhenexpression></p> <p>This element is displayed when and only when this field returns True.</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p><band></p> <p><Rectangle></p> <p>Rectangular frame element</p> <p>0 or multiple times</p> <p>(REPORTELEMENT, GraphiceLement?)</p> <p><Rectangle></p> <p>Radius</p> <p>Rectangular rounding radius</p> <p>1</p> <p>NMTOKEN defaults to "0"</p> <p><band></p> <p><Ellipse></p> <p>Elliptical element</p> <p>0 or multiple times</p> <p>(REPORTELEMENT, GraphiceLement?)</p> <p><band></p> <p><IMage></p> <p>Graphic element</p> <p>0 or multiple times</p> <p>(REPORTELEMENT, GRAPHICEMENT ?, iMageExpression ?, anchornameExpression ?, hyperlinkReferenceExpression ?, hyperlinkanchorexpression ?, hyperlinkpageExpression?)</p> <p><iMage></p> <p>ScaleImage</p> <p>How to display pictures in image elements when the picture size is different from the specified image element.</p> <p>1</p> <p>(CLIP | FILLFRAME | Retainshape) "Retainshape" Halign</p> <p>Horizontal alignment</p> <p>1</p> <p>(Left | Center | Right) "Left"</p> <p>Valign</p> <p>Vertical alignment</p> <p>1</p> <p>(TOP | MIDDLE | BOTTOM) "TOP"</p> <p>ISUSINGCACHE</p> <p>Whether to cache image</p> <p>1</p> <p>(true | false) defaults to "True"</p> <p>EvaluationTime</p> <p>Calculate the time of content in <imageexpression></p> <p>1</p> <p>(Now | Report | Page | Column | Group) "NOW"</p> <p>EvaluationGroup</p> <p>This property specifies the group name when EvaluationTime is Group.</p> <p>Can</p> <p>CDATA</p> <p>HyperlinkType</p> <p>Hyper link type</p> <p>1</p> <p>(None | Reference | Localanchor | LocalPage | RemoteAnchor | RemotePage) "NONE"</p> <p><iMage></p> <p><imageexpression></p> <p>Specify the source location of the image</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p><imageexpression></p> <p>Class</p> <p>Image type</p> <p>(java.lang.string | java.io.file | java.net.URL | java.io.inputstream | java.awt.image) "java.lang.string"</p> <p><iMage></p> <p><textfield></p> <p><anchornameExpression></p> <p>Anchor name (with a super connection reference)</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p><iMage></p> <p><textfield></p> <p><HyperLinkReferenceExpression></p> <p>Hyper link reference type</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p><iMage></p> <p><textfield></p> <p><HyperLinkAnchorexpression></p> <p>Super connection anchor type</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p><iMage></p> <p><textfield></p> <p><HyperLinkPageExpression></p> <p>Hyper link page type</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p><band></p> <p><statictext></p> <p>Static text element</p> <p>0 or multiple times</p> <p>(REPORTELEMENT, TEXTELEMENT ?, text?)</p> <p><statictext></p> <p><textfield></p> <p><textelement></p> <p>Text element</p> <p>1</p> <p>(font?)</p> <p><textelement></p> <p>TextAlignment</p> <p>Text level alignment</p> <p>1</p> <p>(Left | Center | Right | Justified) "LEFT"</p> <p>VerticalALIGNMENT</p> <p>Text vertical alignment</p> <p>1</p> <p>(TOP | MIDDLE | BOTTOM) "TOP"</p> <p>Rotation</p> <p>turn around</p> <p>1</p> <p>None | Left | Right) "NONE"</p> <p>Linespacing</p> <p>???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????</p> <p>1</p> <p>(SINGLE | 1_1_2 | Double) "Single"</p> <p>ISStydText</p> <p>???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????</p> <p>1</p> <p>(True | False) "False"</p> <p><textelement></p> <p><Font></p> <p>Font used in text</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>Empty element</p> <p><Font></p> <p>ReportFont</p> <p>Quote the font name defined in JasperReport</p> <p>Can</p> <p>NMTokenfontname</p> <p>The name of the font</p> <p>Can</p> <p>CDATA defaults to "Sansserif"</p> <p>Size</p> <p>font size</p> <p>Can</p> <p>NMTOKEN defaults to "10"</p> <p>Isbold</p> <p>Whether the font is bold</p> <p>Can</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>isitalic</p> <p>Whether the font is italic</p> <p>Can</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>Isunderline</p> <p>Whether the font is dected</p> <p>Can</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>Isstrikethrough</p> <p>Isstrikethrough</p> <p>Can</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p>PDFFontName</p> <p>PDF font name</p> <p>Can</p> <p>CDATA defaults to Helvetica</p> <p>PDFENCODING</p> <p>PDF font encoding method</p> <p>Can</p> <p>CDATA defaults to CP1252</p> <p>Ispdfembedded</p> <p>Is the PDF font embedded in a PDF document</p> <p>Can</p> <p>True or False defaults to "false"</p> <p><statictext></p> <p><Text></p> <p>Text content in static text box</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p><band></p> <p><textfield></p> <p>Dynamic text box element</p> <p>0 or multiple times</p> <p>(REPORTELEMENT, TEXTELEMENT ?,, AnchornameExpression ?, hyperlinkReferenceExpression ?, hyperlinkAnchorexpression ?, hyperlinkpageExpression?)</p> <p><textfield></p> <p>IsstretchWithoverflow</p> <p>Whether it is allowed to stretch</p> <p>1</p> <p>(True | False) "False"</p> <p>EvaluationTime</p> <p>Field value calculation time</p> <p>1</p> <p>Now | Report | Page | Column | Group) "NOW"</p> <p>EvaluationGroup</p> <p>This property specifies the group name if evatarationTime is Group.</p> <p>Can</p> <p>CDATA</p> <p>Pattern</p> <p>Specify the pattern matching of the field value</p> <p>Can</p> <p>CDATA</p> <p>Isblankwhennull</p> <p>If the value is null, display the blank</p> <p>1</p> <p>(True | False) "False"</p> <p>HyperlinkType</p> <p>Super connection type</p> <p>1</p> <p>(None | Reference | Localanchor | LocalPage | RemoteAnchor | RemotePage) "NONE"</p> <p><textfield></p> <p><textfieldexpression></p> <p>Field value content</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p><textfieldexpression></p> <p>Class</p> <p>Field value type</p> <p>1</p> <p>(java.lang.Boolean | java.lang.byte | java.util.date | java.sql.timestamp | java.sql.time | java.lang.double | java.lang.float | java.lang.integer | Java .lava.lang.short | java.math.bigdecimal | java.lang.Number | java.lang.string) "java.lang.string"</p> <p><band></p> <p><Surbreport></p> <p>0 or multiple times</p> <p>ReportElement, parametersmapexpression ?, subreportParameter *, (ConnectionExpression | DATASOURCEEXPIPRESSION)?</p> <p>ISUSINGCACHE</p> <p>Whether to buffer report</p> <p>1</p> <p>(True | False) "True"</p> <p><Surbreport></p> <p><parametersmapexpression></p> <p>Sub-report parameter variable</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p><Surbreport></p> <p><subreportparameter></p> <p>Sub-report parameters</p> <p>0 or multiple times</p> <p>(SUBREPORTPARETEREXPIPRESSION?)</p> <p><subreportparameter></p> <p>Name</p> <p>Sub-report parameter name</p> <p>have to</p> <p>NMToken</p> <p><subreportparameter></p> <p><subreportparameterExpression></p> <p>Sub-report parameter value</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p><Surbreport></p> <p><ConnectionExpression></p> <p>Sub-report connection pool value</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p><Surbreport></p> <p><DataSourceExpression></p> <p>Subsport data source value</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p><Surbreport></p> <p><subreportExpression></p> <p>Sub-report location</p> <p>0 or 1</p> <p>#Pcdata</p> <p><subreportExpression></p> <p>Class</p> <p>Sub-report location type (URL address or sub-report name)</p> <p>1</p> <p>(java.lang.string | java.io.file | java.net.URL | java.io.inputstream | dori.jasper.Engine.jasperReport "java.lang.string"</p> <p><band></p> <p><ElementGroup></p> <p>Element group</p> <p>0 or multiple times</p> <p>(LINE | Rectangle | Ellipse | Image | staticText | TextField | Subreport | ElementGroup) *</p> <p>Author: Li Jianwei</p></div><div class="text-center mt-3 text-grey"> 转载请注明原文地址:https://www.9cbs.com/read-102985.html</div><div 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