AIX comparison FAQ

zhaozj2021-02-16  129


How to build a hot spare disk in AIX 5.1?

Environment AIX 5.1

How to build a hot spare disk in AIX 5.1?

Solution can establish a Hot SPARE disk at the level of the operating system in AIX 5.1.

If you need to create a Hot SPARE disk in a volume group (VG), you must meet the following conditions:

1. Logical volume (LV) must be mirroring in this volume group.

2. Any logical volume or file system cannot be available on the disk of the Hot SPARE.

3. The capacity of the HOT SPARE disk should be greater than or equal to the capacity of the maximum disk in this volume group.

After satisfying the above conditions, the following steps can be used (here, assume that the volume group is called TestVG,

Disk is hdisk6):

1. # Exptendvg Testvg HDisk6

Add HDisk6 to the volume group TestVG.

2. # chpv -hy hdisk6

Mark HDisk6 as a Hot SPARE disk.

3. #CHVG-Hy -ssy Testvg

Mark the TestVG as a volume group using the Hot SPARE disk, and when the disk failure occurs

Automatically perform the replacement of the disk and synchronize.

Upgrade Firmware with FEPROM_UPDATE

Environmental platform: RS / 6000


Solution in AIX 4.3, command feprom_update will get an error:

1734-009 Cannot Write in Feprom

Once this prompt is obtained, the Firmware is broken, the system will not be able to start.

This problem may appear on the SMP system (also including SP high nodes) at 604E. Before upgrading FIRMWARE, you should check if APAR IX84560 has been installed in the system.

Get this patch package from below:


LED E1DC error prompt for the Chrp Systems system startup process

Environmental platform: RS / 6000

Version: AIX 4.3

Question Chrp Systems System Launch Process LED E1DC Remarks Tips

Solution When the AIX installed disk or the diagnostic disc installed on the hard disk is lowered or the RS / 6000 machine that the CHRP structure is started, the E1DC LED error message is often encountered.

Determine if a machine is a CHRP structure, which can be used as the following command:

Lslpp -l devices.chrp.base.rte

If the defices.chrp.base.rte file exists, it is a chrp structure;

This issue does not happen if there is no such file.

The way to prevent this problem is to make the ding package: APAR IX79693.

It is included in the AIX 4.3.2 and 4.3.2 Diagnostics CD (P / N 08L1427 or 08L1430).

If this problem occurs, the only way is to remove the battery after the system is powered down, and then replaced 10-15 minutes.

An error occurred while the ordinary user executes the su command: Authentication Denied.

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: 4.3

Problem When a normal user executes the su command su to root or other ordinary users, an error is generated: Authentication Denied.

Solution Use the command ls -l / usr / bin / su check the permissions of the SU file, the correct permissions should be: -r-sr-xr-x root security ...

If the permissions are incorrect, use the following command to modify:

# CD / usr / bin

# chmod 4555 su

How to make non-root users have permission to execute SAR commands

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS Software Version: 4.3

How to make non-root users have permission to execute SAR commands

Answer You can use the "ADM" group to add the "ADM" group to the user's primary group.

Use errpt command to generate 0315-171 errors

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: 4.3

Problem When using the command Errpt -a to view the system's error report, generate an error: 0315-171: No error log file / var / adm / ras / errlog

Solution This error is due to the resulting / var / adm / ras / errlog file, which can be used to remove existing files as follows, so that the system automatically generates a new / var / adm / ras / errlog file:

1. / usr / lib / errstop

2. RM / VAR / ADM / RAS / Errlog

3. / usr / lib / errdemon

How to record ftp log?

Environment RS6000 & PSeries

AIX 4.3 and AIX 5L

How to record FTP log?

Solution By default, the system does not log (log) using the FTP connection and transfer files. This will cause security hazards for the system, especially when the user uses anonymous FTP mode. In order to avoid this, the following steps can be used to record the FTP log:

1. Modify the /etc/syslog.conf file and join a line: filename

Where filename is the name of the log file, it tracks FTP activities, including anonymity and other user ID. FileName file must be created before you next step.

2. Run the "refresh -s syslogd" command to refresh the syslogd background program.

3. Modify the /etc/inetd.conf file, modify the following data line:


4. Run the "refresh -s inetd" command to refresh the inetd background program.

Find files or commands corresponding to

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: 4.3

Question Find files or files corresponding to the command

Answer 1. Confirm that the file set has been installed in the system: bos.content_list

2. Find the file set corresponding to the file or command, use the command:

# / usr / sbin / which_fileset

Such as: / usr / sbin / which_fileset iostat

3. View which files are included in the specified fileset, use the command:

# lslpp -f

Such as: lslpp -f bos.acct

AIX 5L New Features (1): How to confirm the CPU's frequency?

Environmental hardware platform: RS6000 & PSeries

Operating system: AIX 5L

Problem AIX 5L New Features (1): How to confirm the CPU's frequency?

Solution can be very convenient in AIX 5L, and use the following command:


The value referred to in "frequency" in the last row of command output is the frequency of the CPU.

No this feature in the AIX version 4.3 version.

What are the current RS / 6000 support logical partition (LPAR)? Environment RS / 6000 AIX 5L

What is the problem now which RS / 6000 support logical partition (LPAR)?

Solution Support Logical partition RS / 6000 model:

P630 (1, 2, 4-Way CPU)

P670 (4, 8, 16-way CPU)

P690 (8,16,24,32-way cpu

The difference between PTF and APAR?

Environmental Products: Psery, RS6000

Software version: AIX4.3 AIX 5L

The difference between PTF and APAR?

The answer PTF is the abbreviation of Program Temporary fix. A PTF refers to an upgrade file bundle (Fileset) or a file bundle that fixes the previous operating system problem. Install with the installp command.

APAR is an abbreviation of Authorized Program Analysis Report. An APAR refers to a special or urgent FIX, E-FIX, and is a single error problem for operating systems. APARs may become PTT after testing and certification. APAR is installed using the instfix command.

How do you customize files that need to be retained in the preservation installation method?

Environmental Products: Psery, RS6000

Question How to define the file that needs to be retained in the preservation installation method?

Solution Use the preservation installation mode to retain the root volume group when installing BOS, but / usr, / tmp, and / var and / (root) file system will be overwritten. Therefore, the data under the above file system will be lost. If you want to retain these file systems, you can join the file system you want to keep in the /etc/preserve.list file. For example, if you want to keep the file under / var, you can add the / varial directory to the /etc/preserve.list file.

View Boot log

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: 4.3

Question How to view the Log of the last started last time?

Solution # alog -o -t boot

Convert the content viewed by the man command into a normal text file

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: 4.3

Problem How to convert the content viewed by the man command into a normal text file for printing or further viewing?

Answer You can use the following command to convert the contents of the LS command to text to text files Man.txt:

#man ls | col -b> man.txt

Recovery of inetd.conf files

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: 4.3

Question inetd.conf file recovery

Sometimes sometimes for some reason, / etc / inetd. CONF file is damaged.

Will bring TCP / IP aspects of the machine: such as FTP

The following steps can be used to restore inetd. Conf file.

# vi /etc/inetd.conf

# stopsrc -s inetd

#mv /etc/inetd.conf /etc/inetd.conf.old


#cp inetd.conf /etc/inetd.conf

#startsrc -s inetd

How to disconnect a login user?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: 4.3

Question If you want to disconnect a login user, how to do

Solution You can use the command fuser -k

Such as: fuser -k / home / guest Using Errdemon Customization System Error Log File

Environmental Products: PSeries, RS / 6000

Software version: AIX 4.3, AIX 5L

Question How to use Errdemon Customization System Error Log File?

Answer first lists the system error log file Current configuration data:

# / usr / lib / errdemon -l

Error Log Attributes


Log file / var / adm / ras / errlog

Log size 1048576 bytes

Memory Buffer Size 8192 Bytes

If you want to change the size of the system error log file, enter:

# / usr / lib / errdemon -s 2000000

If you want to change the size of the system error log file Buffer, enter:

# / usr / lib / errdemon -b 16384

What version of Oracle Database Support AIX 5.1

Environment ORACEL, AIX

What version of the problem is supported by Oracle Database Support AIX 5.1

Solution AIX 4.3.3 AIX 5L

8.1.7 32-bit Yes Yes Yes

Now (Production) now (Production)

8.1.7 64-bit Yes

Now (Production)

9.0.1 64-bit Yes Yes Yes

Now (developer's release)

9.2 64-Bit Yes Yes Yes Yes

Now (Production) now (Production)

How to monitor naked equipment I / O?

Environmental Products: PSeries, RS / 6000

Software version: AIX 4.3 AIX 5.1

How to monitor naked equipment I / O?

The "-b" option in the SAR command can be used to monitor naked devices I / O. Naked devices are typically used to store database data.

# SAR -B 1 3

AIX 6F1 3 4 00023A0F4C00 06/19/02

18:16:30 Bread / s Lread / S% RCache BWRIT / S LWRIT / S% WCache Pread / S PWRIT / S

18:16:31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18:16:32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18:16:33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Average 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

BREAD / S and BWRIT / S show the number of block naked devices I / O operations. Pread / S and PWRIT / S show the number of Character Raw Device I / O operations

Install the RPM format package on AIX

Environment AIX 4.3.3 / 5L

Problem installed RPM format packages on AIX

Solution 1. Install Redhat Package Manager - rpm.rte from Linux Application Toolbox CD

2. Install the RPM format software

# rpm -ivh fileset_name

3. Check the result

#rpm -q fileset_name

Gated process introduction and application


Summary We know that in the AIX operating system, the Gated process can support protocols such as RIP, RIPNG, EGP, BGP, OSPF, and even support SNMP protocols. Generally speaking, the Gated process cannot be used simultaneously with the routed process, otherwise it will result in unforeseen errors.

How to start and stop GATED

2.Gated process work mode

1) Configure /etc/gated.conf supports RIP protocol

2) Configuration /etc/gated.conf supports OSPF protocol

Text We know that in the AIX operating system, the Gated process can support RIP, RIPNG, EGP, BGP, OSPF and other protocols, and even support SNMP protocols. Generally speaking, the Gated process cannot be used simultaneously with the routed process, otherwise it will result in unforeseen errors. How to start and stop GATED

The GATED process is a subsystem of the System Resource Control System (SRC) in AIX, so we can start and stop Gated with the following command:

Startsrc -s galed - start

Stopsrc -s Gated - Stop


2. Working mode for the Gated process

When Gated starts, the GATED process will automatically find the /etc/gated.conf file, start the appropriate service according to the configuration of /etc/gated.conf. Therefore, it is critical to properly configure /etc/gated.conf files to start and work properly for the GATED process.

The following is the most frequently used RIP protocol and OSPF protocol, which is the most frequently used RIP protocol and OSPF protocol to introduce:


1) Configure /etc/gated.conf supports RIP protocol

# This galed.conf file All network interfaces of the update of the RIP information. At the same time, when the Gated process is not started or the routing information is not updated, the static routing information in the routing table is retained.

# /etc/gated.conf

TRACEOPTIONS "/ TMP/gated.trace" all;

Redirect Yes;


Interface all ripin ripout;






2) Configuration /etc/gated.conf supports OSPF protocol

# This galed.conf file allows the GATED process to use the OSPF protocol in the ENT0 port. And receive updated routing information from (router port). If you want to listen to multiple router ports, put the addresses of these ports in the eLigible item.

################ Gated configuration for client ############

TraceOptions "/var/tmp/gated.log" all;

Routerid 1

Rip NO;

Ripng ​​NO;

Hello NO;

Ospf yes {

TraceOptions State Detail Packets;

Area {


Pollinterval 10;

Routers { Eligible;


RetransmitInterval 5;

Hellointerval 10;


RouterdeAdinterval 40;




Export Proto ospfase {

Proto static;

Proto kernel;

Proto Direct;


How to reject some users' FTP access?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Question For safety reasons, need to reject certain users' FTP access?

Please edit


Add users who need to reject, per user line for example:

#more / etc / ftpusers


When you try FTP login, the system error:

Name (localhost: root): QL530 User QL Access Denied.

Login Failed

How do you find how many processes have been initiated with a user?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Problem user needs to see if a user has launched too many processes, affecting system performance

Please use

#ps -ef | grep username | WC -L


This is an estimate of the number of WC -L statistics to the number of users, is not very accurate.

But it is fully available for reference.

How to find too big files when cleaning up / TMP file system?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

The problem / TMP file system is full, how to find which file is too large, and release space.

Please use

For example, which files are greater than 5M bytes.


#find. -size 10000 -exec ls -l {} /;


When you delete these excessive files, please confirm it useless

How to limit a user accesses in a specific Pty.

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Problem Users want to limit access to certain ports.

Answer user can edit / etc / security / user. For example:


Admin = false

Admgroups = system

Ttys =! / dev / pts / 0, all

The result is that the user test can log in in all ports other than PTS / 0, when Test is logged in in PTS / 0,

System error you are not allowed to access the system via this terminal.

IBM PSeries and RS / 6000 which models can be installed SUSE Linux?

Environmental platform: RS

Question IBM PSERIES and RS / 6000 Which models can be installed SUSE Linux?

From June 4, 2002, RS6 / 6000 B50, 150 and F50 can install SUSE Linux for PowerPC Version 6.4 (support 32-bit kernel); current PSERIES and RS / 6000 except p680, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Version 7 (supports 64-bit kernel).

More information can be viewed:

/ Sles/sles_iseries_pseries/index.html

How to switch between graphic login and command line login mode?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Problem Users need to switch in two login methods of CDE.

Please use

# / usr / dt / bin / dtconfig -e activation graphic login method

# / usr / dt / bin / dtconfig -d activation command line login method

How to deal with MountD and NFSD can't start properly

Environment S / 390 or ZSERIES; OS / 390

Problem Network File System (NFS) is Unix's universal network protocol, allowing files or printers to share with the network. In the AIX operating system, there are 5 processes for NFS, namely BIOD, NFSD, RPC.Mountd, RPC.Statd, and RPC.Lockd. This article will be briefly introduced to how to handle NFSD and MountD's normal startup. This is often encountered because in actual work.

1. Introduction to MountD and NFSD Processes 2. MountD processes are not started

3. NFSD processes are not started

Solution 1. Introduction to MountD and NFSD Processes

The MountD process is a remote procedure call (RPC) that responds to the application of the client requirements installation (Mount) file system. The MountD process can be used by the remote client by looking for / etc / xtab files. In addition, through the mountd process, users can know which file systems currently have been assembled by remote file system and to know the list of remote clients.

The NFSD process is running on the server and is responsible for processing the operation of the remote client to the local file system. Each NFSD process simultaneously processes only one client's operational application, so multiple NFSD processes may be started on an NFS server.

2. MountD process is not started

If the mountd process is not started, we need to check the following: 1) 99% of the possibility is caused by the unconstruction of Loopback's name. In other words, it is necessary to ensure that the IP address corresponding to the loopback is; at the same time, the names corresponding to are loopback, not LocalHost. We can check with the "Host" and "Host Loopback" commands.

The following output results are correct:


Loopback IS, Aliases: Localhost

#host loopback

Loopback IS, Aliases: Localhost

The following output results are wrong:

#host is, aliase:

#host loopback is, aliase:

If the output result of the host command is wrong, you need to check the order of the / etc / hosts file and the name resolution - usually add Hosts = local, bind to the /etc/netsvc.conf file.

2) Use the command

Lslpp -l bos.adt.lib

Check if the file set exists, otherwise you need to install it.

3) Install the latest bos.rte.tty, bos.rte.streams and file sets.

Run rpcinfo -p => Should return to the list of registration processes for Portmap.

If the list of processes do not return, you need to start or restart the portmap process.

If the process list returns, run the rpcinfo -u localhost mountd command, if there is an error, run /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd, get possible error reasons from the returned error message.

3. NFSD processes are not started

If the NFSD process is not started, we need to check the following:

1) First, confirm that the NFS output list exists, otherwise NFSD will not start. You can check with the exportfs command. If the exportfs command does not have the result back or return incorrect, you need to check the / etc / exports file.

2) Run the SCLS command to ensure that Timod and TirdWR exists -






Otherwise check the /etc/pse.conf file and cancel the comments to them.

3) Check the name resolution, see the first item that "MountD process is not started".

4) Make sure the following output value is not greater than the value of "no SB_max" (especially in the SP system).

# no -a








Do those files and data reserved in the Migration Installation?

Environmental products PSERIES, RS6000

Problem has those files and data in the migration installation (MIGRATION Installation)?

Answer operating system Upgrade AIX versions using Migration Installation, for example: AIX 3.2, AIX 4.1, AIX 4.2, or AIX 4.3 to AIX 5L 5.1. In addition to the / TMP directory will be overwritten, all file systems will be retained, including data, logical volume data, and system profiles of the root volume group. Migration Installation is a default installation method in the Migration Installation.

How to block some users from logging in, telnet, rlogin?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Question For security reasons, you need to make some users can only log in in the console without allowing remote use.

Please edit

/ etc / security / user

Change User Properties for Requirements Rlogin = FALSE

When you try to log in remote login, the system error: Remote Logins Are Not ALLOWED for this Account

If you want to transplant the Linux application to the PSeries and RS / 6000, where do you have a reference resource?

Environmental platform: PSERIES, RS / 6000

Question If you want to transplant Linux applications to PSeries and RS / 6000, where do you have reference resources?

Sign User If you want to port Linux applications to the PSeries and RS / 6000, you can use AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications with AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications in AIX 4.3 and AIX 5.1.

The book number is a good explanation of the red book for SG24-6033-00.

The specific URL is as follows:


How to download the RS / 6000 related patch (FIX, PTF), maintain bags and microcode

Environmental Products: PSeries, RS / 6000

Platform: AIX

Problem How to download the RS / 6000 related patch (FIX, PTF), maintain bags and microcodes (Microcode)

Solution To download the RS / 6000-related patch (FIX, PTF), maintain your bag and microcode, you can visit the following URLs first:

First refer to the download usage guide in the page, then click the appropriate connection to download.

Does more than 2GB files on AIX 4.3?

Environmental platform: PSERIES, RS / 6000

Version: AIX 4.3

Question AIX 4.3 supports more than 2GB files?

Solution AIX 4.3 can support 64GB file size on the AIX 4.3, which needs to select the Large file enabled option when creating a file system (running CRFS).

If this option is not selected, the maximum file size supported by AIX 4.3 is 2GB.

AIX Wireless System Manager


Summary This article explains all methods that may resolve system space, you don't need to perform all of the following steps, select one of the most efficient or several methods.

Note In today's 7x24 hours of continuously running business environments, the boundaries of work and life have become more and more blurred. Popularization calculations allow people to conduct business activities at any time, communicate with colleagues, and receive information ---- whether it is in the office or otherwhere.

WSMA has brought mobile server management into a new world by using wireless devices. Using standard WAP phones, system administrators can log in to AIX systems by using AIX user authentication to monitor the system and perform some key business management functions. The server alarm function implemented by "push" technology is liberated from the console. It can also send a short message to the administrator's mobile phone to notify him that the predefined criteria have been triggered.

Description background

Since Sprint has launched a personal communication system (PCS) in 1994, the US wireless industry has almost omnipresent in North America and the consumer market. Despite some lag in Western Europe and the Asia Pacific, the business income of wireless data communications is expected to grow faster than wireless voice communications.

Moving Internet is a network of wireless interconnects that require standard wireless protocols and data represented. According to DataQuest, the most common wireless protocol is WAP. By 2002, WAP-based mobile phone sales will reach 250 million units. In fact, Gartner Group expects that by 2004, 95% of new mobile phones will be able to use WAP.

Support for WAP is not limited to wireless phones. There are currently many WAP browsers available in the market, the most famous is those PDA-based PDAs. It is also a Linux-based wireless embedded device that is popular as a general standard WAP browser in some places. With the commitment to 3G high-speed carrier services, the speed will be increased to pass one million bit information per second, and it is conceivable that in the future, mobile users can connect to all mobile devices that need to be connected! There will be open standard security measures on the wireless network to ensure the completion of trusted, confidential end-to-end e-commerce.

High-speed reliable mobile networks allow mobile users or IT people to use a wireless architecture to manage their applications and systems. AIX Wireless System Manager (WSMA]) is a wireless system service that allows security and confidential management of system resources (such as CPU, disks, devices, and applications).

AIX Wireless System Manager --- WSMA

In today's 7x24 hours, the boundaries of work and life have become more and more blurred. Popularization calculations allow people to conduct business activities at any time, communicate with colleagues, and receive information ---- whether it is in the office or otherwhere.

WSMA has brought mobile server management into a new world by using wireless devices. Using standard WAP phones, system administrators can log in to AIX systems by using AIX user authentication to monitor the system and perform some key business management functions. The server alarm function implemented by "push" technology is liberated from the console. It can also send a short message to the administrator's mobile phone to notify him that the predefined criteria have been triggered.

Relationship with other types of system management

Traditional enterprise management software (such as Tivoli's TME) is a resource from a console management enterprise. Monitoring, reporting and executing some of the actions of the managed resource are made by the operator in a central location. In an enterprise management system, both servers, networks, and clients (including wireless devices) are managed, classified, and view management tools. If a network problem occurs and alarms, the operator is going to play the wrong and solve the problem. WSMA just helps manage a server at a time. It assumes that the wireless network or device itself is wrong, still uses existing network and enterprise management tools.

Certification, confidentiality, authorization

WSMA and IBM Everyplace Wireless Gateway offer the following security features:

Identification? How do users are identified and certified?

Confidentiality? Encrypt data via Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol

Authorization - allows its corresponding action based on user rights

This secure bridge provides great flexibility between WTLS and SSL channels to decrypt and encrypt data between WAP-based clients and HTTP servers. But this also shows a potential sensitive data exposure issue: the data sent to the data gateway itself has a security hidden danger! Because the data of the data is performed on the data gateway. It is an important consideration for the wireless network in protected locations when performing overall network security planning and configuration.

WSMA component

WSMA provides management of servers and applications by using secure WAP devices. It uses a standard software component collection and wireless devices:

A WAP browser, it must be loaded into a mobile phone or PDA

A wireless gateway on the network

WSMA device, which runs on managed servers as a standard HTTP server plugin

The security of the connection layer is to access the company's intranet by using the PPP protocol Remote Access Service (RAS). Refer to the following schematic to understand different protocols, security components, WAP phones, gateways, and managed servers in wireless networks.

Wireless gateway

The wireless gateway is a required component for communication between WAP clients and WSMA. It monitors data and messages from the client and translate Wireless Session Protocol requests to HTTP requests, and then forward to the HTTP server. The response header is converted from HTTP to the WSP response header, and the content is converted from WML and / or WMLScript to binary XML (WBXML), and then forward to the WAP client. IBM Everyplace Wireless Gateway (EWG) is a strong, scalable WAP gateway that is configured in the enterprise network.

Resources managed by WSMA

Divided into the following three categories:

View - list common system information such as Vital Product Data, error log;

Investigation - Determine the problem by viewing various system resources;

Correct - Manage Systems and Applications by Enable / Stop System Resources and Applications.

Because of the limited screen size of the WAP phone, the user interface must be concise, concentrated. With this awareness, please refer to the following table for different categories and action performed by WSMA:

System Information VPD / Error: Displayed or cleared system error logs

RAM / CPU / Disk: CPU usage, list of total space and free space of disk, listing total and idle page swap space

Problem Determine PING Host: Using host name or IP address ping host

Process Management: Through the owner, all CPUs or current CPU management processes

Device Management: List online or offline devices

Manage Tasks Send a Wall command to the user: Send standard or customized information to users in all logins;

File / File System / Page Switch Space: Clear or Extended File System, Mount / Unmount File System, View page Switching Space;

Process / Subsystem: List or kill processes, list / query / boot / stop / refresh / track subsystems; start / stop / refresh / tracking sub-server applications / printing: start / stop application; start / stop / cancellation Print job;

Restart / shutdown: Restart / stop the system.

The administrator knows the need to do specific actions by pre-defined notifications or seeing any abnormal conditions, and corrects the system by foreseeting a scenario (such as planning stop, etc.).

The purpose of WSMA is not a replacement system management console, but a system and application that helps handle key when an error occurs. If necessary, complete error diagnosis and corrections can be executed on the server later.

WSMA system work process

The following scenarios describe the order of WSMA:

1. What conditions for administrators need to notify, and enter mobile phone numbers or short message addresses for notification destination

2. A short message appears on the administrator's mobile phone, indicating that some condition is worth noting.

3. Administrators use the WAP device and password to log in to the server, which is the same as the device that receives a short message. .

4. The administrator will see the main menu, and he browses and executes actions related to correcting the wrong mistakes received. If this information is a notification of an action, if a job is completed, the administrator can check the status of this job.

5. Administrator quits, interrupts the session, and hang up the phone.

The send notification of the server management gives the administrator's ability to respond real-time response. The connection is safe and is anytime, anywhere. This management is very dependering on the public carrier, and the standard security protocol that has been available today can guarantee safe transactions and operations, so the wireless device management server is not only possible, but also reality.

How to change the default read and write attribute of uploading the FTP file?

Environment AIX 4

Question How to change the default read and write attribute of uploading the FTP file?

Solution In the AIX environment, when the user uploads files from the Windows to the AIX server

The default read and write attribute of the file is 640 (RW-R -----). If you want to change

The default read and write attribute is 644, first open /etc/inetd.conf with VI editor

File, add "-u 033" at the end of "ftp" defined, then refresh the inetd process:

Refresh -s inetd

This changed the default attribute of the FTP file.

Use of RMSS commands in AIX

Environmental products, platform, model, RS6000, PSeries

Software version, AIX V4

What is the use of the RMSS command in AIX? How to use the RMSS command?

Solution RMSS is a command to simulate the physical memory size of the server on the basis of the existing physical memory, without removing or replacing the memory chip. By running the same app under different memory, you can determine that the application is in normal runtime. size of.


#RMSS -C 2048: Simulation 2GB of memory

#RMSS -P: Shows the size of the current simulation memory

#RMSS -R: Reset memory so restore it to the actual memory size

How to clear hangs in AIX 4.x (-)

Environment RS6000, AIX 4.X

Question How to remove TTY in AIX 4.x

Solution To illustrate convenience, the following example assumes that the pending TTY port is TTY0.

1. Determine the process that is currently hangs:


This command assumes that the return content is as follows:

Root 12345 1 0 AUG 29 0 / PATH / Program_name

The process ID (PID) is "12345". Kill the process:

KILL -9 12345

Run the PS-EF | GREP TTY0 command again to see if the process is killed.

Don't use the "-9" option to kill the Slattach process because it may cause the AIX operating system to hang.

Note: If the process is "getty", use the following command to kill the process: PDISABLE TTY0

If the above command can't succeed in killing the process, TTY is still hang, you can use the second step.

2. Execute the following command:

Fuser -k / dev / tty0

This command will kill all processes running at this port and display its PID (Process ID).

If the above command can't succeed, the TTY is still hang, and the third step can be used.

3. On the keyboard of the pending terminal, type "Ctrl Q". If TTY is still hang, use the fourth step.

4. Depending on the device (connection) of the connection port. In some cases, the port can be released.

Note: Some of the previous commands may not take effect and report the "equipment busy" error. This is because some processes are running on TTY. If the above steps still cannot release the hang of TTY, you can finalize this process by weight-up the IIX release kernel.

The logical name of the expansion card in AIX and the correspondence of its slot

Environmental products, PSERIES, RS6000

Software version, AIX

Problem In the IBM's PSeries server, the same type of extended card can plug multiple blocks, but how AIX determines the slot of each card?

Answer You can use the following steps to determine their relationship:

1. Check the logical names and numbers of the same type of card.

For example, determine the name of the Ethernet card in the server:

# lsdev -cc adapter | GREP EN

ENT0 AVAILABLE 1A-08 IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter (23100020)

Ent1 Available 21-08 IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter (23100020)

2. Determine the slot corresponding to the DEVICE Specific.

Such as:

# lscfg -vl ent0 device location description ENT0 1A-08 IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter (23100020) Serial Number ................. 22010344 fru number ....... ......... 091H0397 Part Number ............... 091H0397 NetWork Address ........... 000629dc698c Displayable Message ......... PCI Ethernet Adapter (23100020) Device Specific. (YL) ........ P1-i3 / E1 I3 indicates that this network card is inserted on the third slot. # Lscfg -vl ent1 Device Location Description Ent1 10-80 IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter (23100020) Network Address ............ 0004ACE4AF6D Displayable Message ......... PCI Ethernet Adapter (23100020 ) Device specific. (YL) ........ P2 / E1 is an network card integrated on the motherboard.

How to make mirroring to improve system high availability and performance

The environment RS6000 problem How to make a mirror to improve system high availability and performance

Answer usually, mirroring the system will improve the high availability of the system, that is, when one of the disk damage or data area is not available, the system automatically uses its mirror disk or mirror data area for normal business operations. Take RS / 6000 There are three ways to do in the system-based database application. The first way is to mirror the hard disk directly by doing the RAID10, and it is necessary to increase the corresponding adapter card support. Mirroring naked devices or file systems. Second way It is RAID1 through the AIX operating system, which can only be mirrored on the file system. The third way is to make a mirror through the database system, which can be mirrored to naked devices or file systems. For these three ways, it is recommended to take the first two ways. It will achieve a better system performance and high availability. This article mainly discusses the impact of the number of copies of the system with RAID1 to do mirroring.

When making a RAID1 mirror, you can do alone in the logical volume specified in the volume group, or mirror the entire volume group. When you make a mirror, it is preferred to have three or three pieces of the volume group. The above hard drives ensure high availability of data. If mirroring for the entire volume group, there is no limit on the number of hard disk in the volume group. In addition, the image is best located in different hard drives, and when a piece of hard disk is damaged, its mirror disk is still available. Work to improve the high availability of the system.

The following describes why the logical volume specified in the volume group is like a mirror, it is best to request that the volume group has three or more hard drives.

In the RS / 6000 system, there is at least one VGDA in the physical hard disk in the VG (volume group) (a volume group description area, which describes the physical and logical volumes on the hard disk). VGDA has the number of hard drives The following rules:

A volume group has only one hard drive: the hard disk has two VGDAs.

A volume group has two hard drives: the first hard disk has two VGDAs, the second hard disk has a VGDA.

A volume group has three or more hard drives: each hard disk has a VGDA.

In the AIX system, Quorum (the ratio of available VGDA in a volume group) must be higher than 51%, the volume group is available. For a volume group with only two hard drives, only 33% of the hard disk is damaged. VGDA is available, if the second hard disk is damaged, 66% of VGDA is available. For a volume group with three or more hard drives, at least 66% of VGDA is available.

When mirroring the logical volume specified in the volume group, if only two hard drives in the volume group, when the first hard disk is corrupted, the VGDA is only 33%, which will cause the volume group to be unavailable, so that the image is lost. Ensure the high availability of the hard drive.

If only two hard drives must be mirrored again, you can turn off Quorum, even if the first hard disk is damaged, the entire volume group is not available, and the system uses the second hard disk, but the second hard disk The data will not be image. It is possible to bring the risk of data loss, and the second hard disk is damaged when the volume group cannot be

It is used to cause data loss.

Therefore, when mirroring the logical volume specified in the volume group, it is best to request that the volume group has three or more hard drives to ensure high availability of data.

Debug Mode Guide AIX

Environment RS / 6000 AIX V5.1

Question Debug Mode Guide AIX

Answer 1. The system requires TTY Console.

2. #bosbot -ai / dev / ipldevice


KDB Command

Environment RS / 6000 AIX 5L

Problem started Sendmail

Solution AIX 5L in the Crash command of the AIX V4, as the system Debugger and DUMP analysis tool

How to make a network card in AIX, with multiple IP addresses?

Environmental products, PSERIES, RS6000,

Software version, AIX4.3.3

Problem Due to the application's environmental requirements, you need to configure multiple IP addresses on a single network card. Can AIX implement?

Solution can. Use the command ifconfig. Its syntax is:

Ifconfig network_interface second_ip_address netmask your_netmask alias

This definition is not recorded in the ODM, so this definition will be lost. If necessary, you can add the command in the startup file (/etc/

Such as the second IP address is available # ifconfig EN0 Netmask Alias

When the IP address is no longer needed, you can delete it from the system.

#ifconfig EN0 Netmask Delete

Or remove it from the /etc/ file.

AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTUNE -P -P (2)?

Environment AIX 4

Question AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTUNE -P -P (2)?

Answer -p minperm

If the number of file pages in physical memory is lower than this value, the page replacement algorithm will replace file pages and program pages (Computational Pages), and the default value of MinPerm is about 20% of physical memory.

-P Maxperm

If the number of file pages in physical memory is higher than this value, the page replacement algorithm will only replace the file page, and the default value of MaxPerm is approximately 80% of physical memory.

If the number of file pages in physical memory is between these two values, the page replacement algorithm usually only replaces the file page, but when the replacement rate of the file page is higher than the program page, the page replacement algorithm will replace the file at the same time. Pages and program pages.

AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTUNE -F -F (3)?

Environment AIX 4

Question AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTUNE -F -F (3)?

Answer -f minfree

It is pointed out that there is a minimum of memory pages in Free LIST, and this value ranges from 8 to 204800.

-F MaxFree

When the idle memory in the system is smaller than MinFree, the system is changed to increase the idle memory page, and when the number of space memory pages is greater than or equal to MaxFree, the system changes the page operation.

The default value of MaxFree is minfree 8. The difference between MaxFree-minfree should be greater than equal to Maxpgahead.

Note: A page size is 4K.

Linux and PSeries / RS6000

Environmental products, PSERIES, RS6000

Software version, AIX, Linux

Question RS6000 / PSERIES server installation Linux? How do applications ported?

Answer 1. The low-end server (B80, 270, 170, 150) of RS6000 / PSeries can be installed in the Linux operating system. The system version used should be XX Linux on PSeries (provided by Different Linux). It is used by Linux applications. Is Linux core.

2. The middle and high-end servers in PSeries are currently unplanted, but you can install AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications for Power System, which provides a Linux API interface, which is used by Linux applications on which the AIX core is used.

3. Programs compiled in the XX Linux on PSeries environment, transplanted into AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications, and vice versa.

AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTUNE -M (5)?

Environment AIX 4

Question AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTUNE -M (5)?

Solution -M maxpin

This value indicates that the number of physical memory that can stand (PIN) in the largest memory page in memory is 80%, which should ensure that at least 4M memory is not resident for use in kernel.

AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTUNE -R -R (4)?

Environment AIX 4

Question AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTUNE -R -R (4)?


It is pointed out when it starts to initiate a pre-read function. This value should be a multiple of 2, the default is 2.

-R maxpgahead

Point out the number of pages read in advance, this value should be a multiple of 2, the default is 8, this value should be greater than the minpgabead, the maximum value is 512. The difference between MaxFree-minfree should be greater than equal to Maxpgahead. How to determine a file system is the file system of the LARGE FILE ENABLED?

Environmental platform, PSERIES, RS6000,

Software version, AIX 4.3.3

Problem supports Standard FileSytem in AIX 4.3.3, also supports Large File Enabled File System, how does the LARGE FILED FILE SYSTEM or Standard FileSytem?

The answer can be viewed using the LSFS -Q FileSystem_name command.


#lsfs -q / home

Name NodeName Mount PT VFS Size Options Auto Accounting

/ dev / hd1 - / home JFS 131072 - YES NO

(lv Size: 131072, FS Size: 131072, FRAG Size: 512, NBPI: 4096, Compress: No, Bf: False, Ag: 8)

BF: False is Standard FileSystem

BF: TRUE is the larGe file enabled file system.

How to run Update_all in the command line?

Environment AIX 4.3

Question How to run Update_all in the command line?

Solution When you run Update_all in your system, if you need to run on the command line

Available method:

Use the lslpp -l command to generate a list of installed file sets in a system, deposit this list into one

Text file, edit this file, make it its form:




Use the following command to install:

Installp -AGXD / DEV / CD0-E /TMP/Install.log -f / /

Where generated text file, is the path where is located.

Manually remove the SMIT menu

Environment AIX V4

Problem manual deletion SMIT menu

The steps to answer the manual delete the SMIT menu are as follows:

1, export odmdir = / usr / lib / objrepos


3, smit -d and execute some menu commands you want to delete, check the value of id in smit.log

4, odmget -q id = *** sm_Menu_opt> / TMP / SMIT

5, odmdelete -q id = *** -o sm_menu_opt

6, VI / TMP / SMIT


6230 SSA card to write a quick-write cache setting?

Environment AIX 4.3

Question 6230 SSA card fast-write cache settings?

Solution For users who use the SSA card, the snaps on the card can greatly improve the I / O performance of the disk, and the user should first check if the SSA card is configured to configure a quick write cache.

# lcfg -vl ssa0 device location description SSA0 11-08 IBM SSA 160 Serialraid Adapter (14109100) Part Number .................. 27h1204 fru number ........ ........ 34L5388 Serial Number ............... S1072088 EC Level ................... E28793 Manufacturer .............. IBM053 ROS level and ID ............ 8300 0000 loadable Microcode Level .... 05 Device Driver Level. ........ 00 Displayable Message ......... SSA-Adapter * Device Specific. (Z0) ........ SDRAM = 128 * Device Specific. (Z1) .. ... cache = 32 Device Specific. (Z2) ........ uid = 006094BF00003CDC Device Specific. (YL) ........ U0.1-P1-I1 / Q1 The card is configured with 128MB read caches and 32MB snapsuits. If you configure a snap-write cache, change the configuration of the SSA disk, make it a quick-write cache # Smitty Device SSA Disks SSA Logical Disks Change / show Characteristics of An SSA LOGICAL DISK HDISK? AVAILABLE 11-08-L SSA Logical Disk Drive Enable Fast -Write yes If 'enable fast-write' is NO, it is changed to YES. Support XWINDOWS to install those file sets (fileset)?

Environment AIX 4.3 OR AIX 5.1

Problem Supports XWindows to install those file sets (fileset)?

Solution Support XWindows requires the following panels:

X11.Apps. *

X11.base. *

X11.comPat. *

X11.FNT. *

X11.Motif. *

Run CDE, need to install

X11.dt. *

If you want to use CDE emulation remotely, you need to install


How to change IP address

Environment RS6000, AIX V4

How to change the IP address

Solution If you use the Smit mktcpip to change the IP address, you will add one in / etc / hosts, and the previous address is still reserved, the correct approach is Smit Tcpip --- Further Configuration --- Network Interface ---- Network Interface Selection ---- Change / Show Characteristics of A Network Interface to change

Start sendmail

Environment RS6000, AIX V4

Problem started Sendmail

Solution If started with StartSrc -s Sendmail, sendmail will not be started as a daemon, you must start with startsrc -s sendmail -a "-bd" to start how to display Greenwich Time

Environment RS6000, AIX V4

How to display Greenwich Time

Solution with DATE -U can display Greenwich time

How to open a locked account

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Question The user sets an account to lock the account if the password is connected to the 3 times, but I don't know how to open it.

Sign User Error Login Information Record in the / etc / security / lastlog file.

Just change unsuccessful_login_count = 3 to unsuccessful_login_count = 0

You can open the lock account.

What are the IBM Informix database-level backups?

Environment RS6000, IBM Informix

Question What are you back up by IBM Informix database-level backup?

Solution On the IBM RS6000 series machine, system administrators generally do regularly to make backups of the operating system and backup of the database system. So what are you backed up when you do IBM Informix database-level backups?

General IBM Informix database backups are divided into system backups and logical log backups. Some customers think that the system will back up the logical log file when making a system backup, which is incorrect.

System Backup The data of the database system, including backup of the data of the root dbspace (rootdbs), data dbspace (DATADBS), does not back up the temporary dbspace (TEMPDBS), logical log, and unallocated roots DBSpace and data dbspace space.

Logical log backup The logical log file of the system will be backed up.

This shows that the system backup and logical log backup is completely different, and they cannot be replaced with each other.

How to configure the IBM INFORMIX database temporary database space on the RS6000 Series machine?

Environment RS6000, IBM Informix

Question How to configure IBM Informix Database Temporary Database Space on RS6000 Series?

Solution When you install the IBM Informix database on the RS6000 Series, you will generally configure temporary database space to improve system performance. So why to configure and how to configure these temporary database space?

For example, if the following is performed in the IBM Informix database, a temporary file or temporary table is generated:

1. Establish an index or use the sort method;

2. When using the "Order By" or "Gruop By" statement;

3. When you create a temporary table using the "SELECT ... INTO TEMP ..." statement;

These temporary tables or files are best placed in the temporary database space to improve system performance.

If the database system is frequently performed, it is best to create three or more, the same temporary database space.

How to change the host IP address parsing order

Environmental Products: RS / 6000

Software: AIX

Problem How to change the host IP address parsing order

Solution General Host IP Address The restriction order is DNS, NIS, and this HOST file.

To change this order, you can build a /etc/netsvc.conf file and add a line in this file:

Hosts = local, bind, NIS

In this way, the host IP address starts searching from the local archive (/ etc / hosts), followed by DNS Server, and finally NIS Server.

Can also be implemented

Export nsorder = local, bind, NIS

Change the environment variable nsorder to change the order

Cannot increase users, error message is 3004-687

Environment RS6000, AIX 3.2 - 4.X

The problem cannot be added to the user, the error message is 3004-687

an examination:

Whether there is an error in the / etc / passwd file.

Lost "Nobody" user entry or its format has an error. The entry should be:

NoDy:! 4294967294: 4294967294 :: /:

Excessive number of logins fail

Environment RS6000

Excessive number of logins failed

Solution is over from the number of failed failures, and the user will not be able to log in, and the number of failed logins (unsuccessful_login_count) in / etc / security / lastlog needs to be modified.

See the correspondence between the SSA logic disk and the physical disk

Environment RS6000

Problem to see the correspondence between the SSA logic disk and the physical disk

Solution SSAXLATE -L HDisk # or SSAXLATE -L PDISK # can see the corresponding relationship between the SSA logic disk and the physical disk

User name length problem

Environment RS6000

Problem user name length problem

Solution user name length is eight, this limit cannot be changed

How to judge an application that causes a Core file

Environment RS6000

Problem How to judge the application that causes a Core file

Solution Core file is a memory image recorded when applying crash, can be seen by command lquerypv -h core 6b0 64, which application can be seen from the generation of the Core file.

Unlock volume group

Environmental RS000

Question unlock volume group

Solution When the volume group is locked, you can unlock it by command chvg -u vg #.

Environment variables referenced in inittab

Environment RS6000

Problem INITTAB Reference Environmental Variable

The cause of the solution is due to the small files with many hundred K, all file system inode is exhausted.

Programs initiated in inittab, only reference the environment variables in / etc / environment, do not quote variables in / etc / profile, so you need to reference these variables in user-defined scripts, you need to be on the script Add to them

Back up multiple files on a tape

Environment RS6000

Problem backup multiple files on a tape

Solution requires TCTL to roll with backup, as follows:

1. DD if = / tmp1 of = / dev / rmt0.1



4. DD if = / tmp2 of = / dev / rmt0.1



7 ...

The recovery step is reversed.

Summer time problem

Environment RS6000

Question summer time problem

Solution A year from April to August, AIX will use the summer time by default. You can use the ECHO $ ​​TZ to see the time zone to determine, and the time zone uses a summer time to use the DT end. If you don't want to use, you can change via Smit - System Environment - Change Show Date And Time --- Change Time Zone Using System Defined Values, select NO in the pop-ups, select NO, select the corresponding time zone to restart The machine can be used.

Passwd file backup

Environment RS6000

Problem Passwd file backup

Solution If the / etc / passwd file can be deleted, you can recover with / etc / opasswd file, and the file of the O-ETC is the backup file of the corresponding file.

How to limit a user using FTP service

Environment AIX

Problem In AIX, how to limit a user uses FTP services?

Solution Edit / etc / ftpusers file, add the username you want to use to this file so that this user uses FTP services.

In the AIX system, how to get some remote Chinese character environment AIX

Question In the AIX system, how to get some remote Chinese characters?

Solution In the Chinese Chinese character library of AIX, 6763 Chinese characters in ZH_CN, and 20902 Chinese characters in ZH_CN. If the user uses some remote Chinese characters, it is recommended that the user selects zh_cn when the Chinese environment is installed.

Whether AIX supports ramdisk

Environment RS6000, AIX

Question AIX Supports RAMDISK? Can you use the memory to be used in a hard drive to increase access speed.

Solution can. AIX operating system supports ramdisk. You can use the mkramdisk command to create a ramdisk. The file name is / dev / ramdisk. The file system is created by command MKFS to use it. Use the rmramdisk command or reboot to remove RamDisk.

What is inline log

Environmental products, AIX

Platform, RS6000, PSERIES

Question What is inline log

Solution can create a new log type for JFS2 file systems in AIX5L. This is the INLINE LOG - log and file system unique to JFS2 on the same logical volume.

By using the Inline log, each JFS2 file system can have a stand-alone log device, not a log device for the entire volume group. In an environment where the file system is large, it is possible to improve the RAS (RELIABILITY AVAILABILITY ServiceAbility "feature: When the system shared log device, the corridation of the log device affects all file systems associated with it. This will not happen without using inline log.

When you create a JFS2 file system, the default log is on the shared log device, set the "Inline log?" Option to "YES", and the JFS2 file system using the Inline log is created.

How to increase the number of inodes in the file system

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Problem user needs to generate new files, the system reports are not enough, but the DF -K output display space is 43%.

The cause of the solution is due to the small files with many hundred K, all file system inode is exhausted.


Find / -size 0 -print Deletes unnecessary 0 byte files

Increase the size of the file system (in view of the% USEDs of customers, this will waste a lot of space, not recommended)

Backup file, rebuild file system, where parameter NBPI (Number of Bytes per inode) is tryable

Small, so you can get more inode in the same size file system.


How much is the file system size and NBPI (NUMBER OF BYTES Per Inode)

The bigger the file system, the smaller NBPI, the more inode, the more files and directories that can be generated.

What is x-window

Environmental products, RS6000

Platform, UNIX

Question What is X-window

Solution X-WINDOW is a powerful graphical user interface (GUI) in UNIX, which is based on a customer-server. The performance is active on a server, and the output of the screen is Display on another workstation. X-WINDOW technology includes two members: X-Server and Window Manager. X-Server controls images and windows of the display, tracking the operation of the mouse, and keyboard. One X-Server controls multiple windows. WINDOW Manager is used to display the menu and boundaries of the window, providing the mobile, conversion, maximum, and minimizing the window.

How to customize system memory environments for debugging applications

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Problem Users need to debug applications under different memory configurations. The answer operating system provides such applications to meet customer needs.

RMSS -C Memsize (setting memory required to debug)

RMSS -P displays the current memory configuration

RMSS -R returns to the actual memory size of the system



Simulate Memory Size IS 512 MB.

#RMSS -C 128

Simulated Memory Size Changed to 128 MB.


Size Inuse Free Pin Virtual Stolen

Memory 131061 121681 9380 9417 31604 95584

PG Space 264192 17306

Where STOLEN's memory is 512MB and 128MB.

When the program is completed at 128MB memory, the system actual memory size is restored.



Size Inuse Free Pin Virtual

Memory 131061 26245 104816 9417 31604

PG Space 264192 17306

Free's memory has been restored as early.

Nuclear issue with AIX 4.3.3.

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Question 1. How many kernels I have currently run in the current operating system?

2. Can my current machine support 64bit app?

Solution bootinfo -k

32 Operating system runs in 32-bit kernel

64 operating system running in 64-bit kernel

Bootinfo -y

64 Your machine can support 64-bit and 32-bit applications

32 Your machine only supports 32-bit applications


When bootinfo -k is 32, bootinfo -y is 64, you can support 64-bit applications via SMIT activation


System environments

Change / show characteristics of operating system

How to implement the same function as Doskey on AIX

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Problem customers need to implement similar to Doskey

Solution In the AIX operating system, SET -O VI can be used to implement similar functions.

When the user wants to repeat a long command, just press ESC K, then press K to roll a command,

And press J to roll a command, and then enter the bus will be completed. Better, you can use similar

Use the VI method to edit the command you see to achieve the purpose of random adjustment.

Only a simple command saves valuable time. Set -O VI can be added to .profile when needed.

Another way to make VI edit large text files

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Question VI The biggest file that can be edited by the default can not exceed 1,048,560 lines.

Solution to generate files in the user directory. EXRC write


In this way, you don't have to start the VI every time you start VI. VI -Y XX000000

How to modify the properties of the terminal to adapt to special needs

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Question The customer has an application developed, which requires a response to Ctrl Y to complete a specific function.

But when the customer is implemented, it finds that it is quit by a Ctrl Y program.

Answers the customer use the Telnet terminal, where the properties of PTY are required to modify.

#smit pty

Change / show characteristics of the pty

State to be configured at boot time --------------- available ----- maximum number of pseudo-terminals --------- [256] --- ------------- #

Maximum Number of BSD Pseudo-Terminals ----- [16]

Among them, there is no many options like TTY:

#smit TTY

POSIX Special Control Characters:

Interrupt Character ------------------------ [^ c]

Quit Character ----------------------------- [^ /]

ERASE CHARACTER ---------------------------- [^ h]

Kill Character ----------------------------- [^ u]

End of File Character ---------------------- [^ D]

End of line Character ---------------------- [^ @]

2nd end of line character ------------------ [^?]

DELAY SUSPEND Process Character ------------ [^ y]

Suspend Process Character ------------------ [^ z]

Literal Next Character --------------------- [^ v]

Start Character ---------------------------- [^ Q]


Change the SUSPEND Process Character ^ y into other unwanted special buttons

Such as:

#stty dsusp ^ @

#stty -a

SPEED 9600 BAUD; 24 ROWS; 80 columns;

EUCW 1: 1: 0: 0, SCRW 1: 1: 0: 0:

INTR = ^ C; quit = ^ /; ERASE = ^ h; kill = ^ u; EOF = ^ D; EOL = ^ @

EOL2 = ^ @; start = ^ q; stop = ^ s; sususp = ^ z; dsusp = ^ @; reprint = ^ r

Discard = ^ o; werase = ^ w; lNext = ^ V

-parenb -Parodd CS8 -CStopb Hupcl Cread-Clocal -Parext


-ixon -ixany -ixoff iMaxbel

Isig Icanon -xcase echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh

-TOSTOP Echoctl-Echoprt Echoke -flusho -pedi IExten

Opost -olcuc onlcr -ocrnl -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel tab3

This way when the customer's application is pressed, the program will not exit it.

How to use Grep Some advanced options to better manage the system

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Problem How to Use some advanced options for GREP to better manage the system

Solution is the output of the following two commands, we don't really find the excellent function of GREP -P.

It does not only list the current ranks of the keyword we have to find, and the relevant information is listed. #LSCFG -VP | GREP CPU

Device Type: CPU

Device Type: CPU

#lscfg -vp | grep -p CPU

Name: PowerPC, 604

Node: PowerPC, 604 @ 0

Device Type: CPU

Physical Location: P1-C1

Name: PowerPC, 604

Node: PowerPC, 604 @ 1

Device Type: CPU

Physical Location: P1-C1

Another very practical function grep -i

#lslpp -l | GREP XLC


#lslpp -l | grep -i xlc

Xlc.aix43.rte Committed C set runtime for Aix 4.3

Xlc.cpp Committed C for AIX Preprocessor

Xlc.msg.en_us.cpp Committed C for AIX Preprocessor

Xlc.msg.en_us.rte Committed C set runtime

Xlc.msg.zh_cn.rte Committed C set runtime

Xlc.rte committed Committed C set runtime

In this way, we don't have to die in a lot of content, improve work efficiency.

I believe that GREP has a lot of powerful features waiting for us to apply.

AIX and Linux alliance


Summary This article will develop the development of AIX Affinity with Linux and how Linux developed under the AIX operating system and how to transfer freely developed Linux applications to the AIX operating system. The purpose is to let more friends use on the AIX system platform. Linux, and simultaneously feel the charm of the AIX operating system in overall performance. We look forward to having more better Linux applications to be ported to the AIX operation platform, making the AIX operating system more colorful, let us work more easily.

The development of the first part AIX Affinity with Linux

Part II AffInity's presentation

Part III AIX Toolbox for Linux latest version of the latest version, install, including tools and basic use

Part 4's recommendations for development

Note any model, operating system AIX 4.3.3 or AIX 5L


The development of the first part AIX Affinity with Linux

IBM is divided into two phases of AIX Affinity With Linux.

In the first phase, release AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications, which mainly includes GNU and other common development tools to help developers compile programs on the AIX system, and in the two industries the best operating system platform, ie Smooth technology transplant between AIX and Linux. Since the application runs in the AIX environment, customers can get the flexibility of Linux and the advanced performance of the AIX operating system, including workload management, advanced system management tools, and high security.

The second phase is to provide more Linux's API and header files in the latest release of the AIX 5L Version 5.1 operating system to support the compatibility of the source files, so that two different operating systems have more interoperability. A higher level of compatibility.

So what can we do with AIX AffInity for Linux?

1. Use free software developed on a wide Linux on the AIX system, for example, running popular Gnomeand KDE graphics desktops, run other multimedia tools, and so on.

2. Use powerful redhat package manager package tool management applications.

3. On the AIX system, use the GNU and Linux development tools to develop new applications.

Part II AffInity's presentation

The purpose of AIX Affinity With Linux is not to provide a simulation layer for Linux applications in the system, its meaning is to get AIX's compatible binary local code after recompiling Linux applications, and can use all system features, such as Reliability, scalability, and availability. That is to say, we provide a powerful cross-platform compiler and a number of compatible API to ensure that Linux is successfully transplanted on the AIX system.

Since AIX design is developed from the network, host hardware system, the operating system fully complies with the open system principles, so on current AIX 4.3.3 and AIX 5L Version 5.0, use AIX Toolbox for Linux, just by simple compilation Many applications in Linux are implemented on the AIX platform. In this way, we don't have to waste a lot of manpower, and the material is re-developing a lot of mature applications. We have continuously reuse classic code, you can put our limited energy into a more exciting, more needed place. When using AIX AffInity with Linux, we will also think of its impact on performance. AIX Affinity With Linux In the design phase, it is desirable to provide optimized performance to applications, including rights that make Linux applications and local applications enjoy the same access to resources. Especially the AIX 5L Version 5.1 operating system provides higher-level applications and compatibility between operating systems. When we consider performance, we should also think of what we want to develop, the front end or the background. Large applications in the background are also relatively suitable for AIX applications, but the front-end human-machine interface uses Linux to play its own specific performance, and also reduces the possible performance impact.

Part III AIX Toolbox for Linux Latest Edition, Installation, and Basic Use

Many GNU development tools have been ported to AIX 4.3.3 and AIX 5L Version 5.0, while the world has more development tools in the new AIX 5L Verison 5.1 operating system being successfully transplanted.

These include (not all):

Application Development: GCC, G , GDB, RPM, CVS, Automake, AutoConf, Libtool



Programming Language: Guile, Python, TCL / TK, REP-GTK

Desktop environment: GNOME and KDE

GNU Tools: Gawk, M4, Indenter, Sed, Tar, Diffutils, FileUtils

System shell: Bash2, TCSH, ZSH

System Tools: Emacs, Vim, Bzip2, Gzip, Git, ELM, NCFTP, RSYNC, WGET,

LSOF, Less, Samba, ZIP, Unzip, ZOO

Graphics Applications: ImageMagick, Transfig, Xfig, XPDF, GHOSTScript, GV,


These tools provide a great development environment for Linux developers. It is worth mentioning that most of them use easy-to-install file formats, which is the RPM package developed by Redhat. Its main role is to set up a smooth bridge, closely unite the two different operating systems of AIX and Linux, and discover their greater potential. AIX Toolbox for Linux download URL:

There are many people who have a lot of people who dream of for many people.

As mentioned earlier, we have to manage applications with RedHat Package Manager (RPM), so we must first install RedHat Package Manager.

Redhat package manager downloads from below:

FTP: // AIXToolBox / Installp / PPC / RPM.RTE installation, log in with root, run installp -qacxgd rpm.rte rpm.rte installation process collects shared link library Information will last for a few minutes. Waiting patiently, don't interrupt. If the error is not installed, then before the next installation, remember to run installp -c to clear the backup incomplete installation. (I shared 10min35sec at a F50, 4.3.3.)

After the Redhat Package Manager is installed, you can install other AIX Toolbox for Linux

Basically, use the same, detailed use and related information, can

View on

Simple parameters are as follows,

-i: install


-q: query

--help Help

Example: To install GCC 2.9, then first

Download RPM package GCC-2.9.Aix43.010216-1.Aix4.3.ppc.rpm

After uploading to the machine, run rpm -ivh gcc-2.9.aix43.010216-1.Aix4.3.ppc.rpm

The parameter V is to display the details during the installation process.

The parameter h is to display the installation progress during the installation process.

After a minute, you can already enjoy the powerful features of GCC 2.9.

If you don't have to let me go, everyone will experience it.

Part 4's recommendations for development

1. Since AIX is in line with POSIX standards and UNIX98 certified, Linux has not passed certification, so

We must try to use standard APIs during the development process, so applications can be used in AIX as long as you use GCC, G compiler. It is very important to check which API is only supported by Linux, but it is not supported by AIX, which avoids unnecessary trouble.

2. Since AIX 5L is supporting the Power Series CPU and Itanium CPU, we have developed, and otherwise note is the code that deals some and hardware underlying. In these programs, we need to use generic byte processing call to ensure that applications can be migrated with different platforms, such as porting the Power series to platforms with Intel CPUs, which ensures application Strong availability.

3. If your application is related to the path, but there is no program specified in the AIX system, the source code of the application must be modified and the correct path is directed. So I suggest you develop whether your code is feasible and conducts it.

IBM RS / 6000 CPU and IBM Informix Database CPU Upset Setting Environment: IBM Informix 7.x, 9.x

Platform: AIX

The problem is currently in the IBM RS / 6000 models as a symmetrical multiprocessor structure, and there is a setting of the CPU VP (ie CPU virtual processor) in the configuration parameters of the IBM Informix database server, then how to perform CPU and CPUVP in practical applications Set to achieve better performance?

Answer CPU VP is a multi-line process, which has been executed on the CPU unless the following

1. There is no task to do, for example, there is no clues waiting for execution in the ready queue.

2. Operating system forces CPU VP lets CPUs give other processes.

To optimize throughput, set NumCPUVPS to handle the minimum number of undertaking tasks, this number is less than or equal to the number of CPUs available in the system, it is recommended not to set the number of CPU VPs greater than the number available CPU. Usually for OLTP applications: Numcpuvps = Total CPUS-1 VP; for OLAP Applications: Numcpuvps = Total CPUS.

If the CPU VP cannot withstand the task to be executed, this means that it is necessary to improve the CPU performance to solve the problem. There is only another processor to solve the problem by adding CPU VP. You can also remove other tasks from the system, for virtual processing Release the CPU cycle to improve performance.

Increasing the number of CPU VPs without increasing CPU resources will only make problems more serious, producing more CPU cycles competition, so that the operating system must have more work to do balance, competing for CPU VPs to increase the burden. The context switch increases, which not only consumes time and uses more CPUs.

Since the system is not only the CPU VP, there are other process application CPU cycles. On some multiprocessor systems, Numcpuvps should be less than or equal to the number of all CPUs. Of course, we should test and monitor the system according to the actual application, In order to detect throughput and CPU usage, eventually find a better configuration scheme.

After the ONSTAT? G REA is used to detect the ready queue, confirm whether the CPU cannot undertake the task. The clue of the ready queue is the clue to be executed. If the queue line cable is accelerating, this means that the CPU VP does not undertake such a heavy task. See several ready clues on the adjusted system, or some clues increase in the start of the test work. There is a reasonable thread on each CPU VP.

In addition, check the use of CPU VP, such as CPU VP can't keep up with the task growth, you will see the virtual processor is saturated, you can use onstat? G GLO to monitor the use of virtual processors. If the system and user CPU VP time The closer is close to the test, then the CPU VP is saturated. If Numcpuvps is set below the number of CPUs in the system, you can add a CPU VP, but do not exceed the number of all CPUs in the system.

Note: In the multiprocessor system, all of the CPU time is equal to the processor number by test time, and a CPU VP cannot consume more than one processor at a certain time, so a CPU VP is not a CPU ratio. More than 100% of the test time.

If the CPU resource is saturated throughout the system, it is possible to improve the workload or increase the resource, it can improve performance by reducing Numcpuvps. But this change only works when the CPU VP urgently needs other virtual processing or processes. Decrease a CPU VP each time, and Numcpuvps must be set to a value greater than 0.

In the multiprocessor system, if the CPU load is imbalance, it is possible to consider bundling the CPU VP to the CPU to balance the load. In general, the IBM Informix database server automatically adjusts the execution of the equalization CPU VP on the CPU.

Where can I download JDK on AIX?

Environmental Products: JDK for AIX

Platform: AIX

Where can I download JDK on AIX?

Solution, please download IBM JDK in the following URL

How to set TFTP Server in AIX

Environmental platform, RS6000, IBM PSeries,

Software version, AIX

Problem How to set TFTP Server in AIX

The answer is a TFTP service in AIX. The default is inactive. To make it available, you need to do the following settings. The specific steps of setting the TFTP server are as follows:

1. Copy the TFTPACCESS.CTL file under the / usr / samples / tcpip directory to / ETC

#CP /usR/samples/tcpip/tftpaccess.ctl / etc

2. Modify the /etc/tftpaccess.ctl file as needed to enable the client to access the specified directory. Such as Allow / TMP.

#vi /etc/tftpaccess.ctl

3. Start the TFTP service.

#startsrc -s tftpd

4. If you start the service each time you turn it on, please modify /etc/inetd.conf

#vi /etc/inetd.conf

Remove the # number before TFTP

Why can't you guide AIX 5L with CD-ROM?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS 6000, E Server PSeries

Software version: AIX5L V5.1

Problem CD-ROM cannot boot AIX 5L

The first disc of AIX5L is a bootable disk. The system should be guided.

When AIX5L cannot boot from the CD-ROM, check the CD-ROM property. If the following conditions are met, you need to upgrade the CDROM's Firmware.

The check step is:

1. Type in the command line prompt:

# lrscfg -vl CD0

2. Check the returned data, if

a. partnumber is 04N2964, and

b. Ros Level and ID less than 1.04 (for example, is 1.02, 1.01, 1.00, etc.)


Http:// Site Download CDROM FIRMware and Upgrade Steps

64-bit kernels in AIX 5L 5.1?

Environment AIX 5L 5.1, RS / 6000, PSeries

Question 64-bit kernel in AIX 5L 5.1

Solution The following is some of the 64-bit kernels in AIX 5L 5.1:

1. Itanium's hardware is 64-bit, only 64Ä of kernel in AIX 5L 5.1.

2. Power's hardware platform has 32 bits and 64-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit kernels in AIX 5L 5.1.

(See which type of RS / 6000 is 64-bit).

3. The 64-bit ITANIUM platform 64-bit kernel supports 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

4. 64-bit Power Platform 64-bit å nuclear supports 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

5. 64-bit Power Platform 32-bit å nuclear supports 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

6. 32-bit Power Platform 32-bit kernels only support 32-bit applications.

Note: The 64-bit program compiled on AIX 4.3 needs to be recompiled in AIX 5L 5.1, and the 32-bit program does not need to recompile.

In AIX 5L, what is EtherChannel?

Environment AIX 4.3.3, AIX 5L 5.1

Problem In AIX 4.3.3, the EtherChannel function is introduced, and the network function is enhanced, then what is the increase in AIX 5L V5.1?

Solution Cisco's network bandwidth polymerization and load balancing technology, also known as EtherChannel (TM), is built on 802.3 Fast Ethernet standard, providing bandwidth of multiple Ethernet interfaces Ability.

The implementation of the EtherChannel on Cisco on AIX is that 2 to 4 physical interfaces (or adapters) are defined as a logical interface or channel. This logical interface or channel is like an Ethernet interface, any change in the upper application (IP, SNA, DLPI, ETC.) through the AIX General Data Connection Interface (IP, SNA, DLPI, ETC.), direct use EtherChannel. The EtherChannel AIX can achieve coordinating Ethernet switch with Cisco's EtherChannel technology. The working load sent to the channel is sent to a network device as part of the channel. For IP traffic, the selection of the outflow device is obtained by the Hash algorithm of the destination IP address; for other upper flow, the selection of the outflow device is obtained by performing the Hash algorithm for the destination MAC address. The HASH algorithm for the address can help traffic between a particular source and destination address use the same physical interface or adapter. This avoids the order of the arrival of the destination, because some high-level protocols will have problems when processing the order. The package received from any interface is sent to the high layer to do, whether it is received from which device is received. When introducing EtherChannel features in AIX 4.3.3, you can only support Ethernet and fast Ethernet. In AIX 5.1, support for Gigabit EtherChannel is added, allowing up to 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports to be aggregated. This greatly increases the throughput of bandwidth.

How to switch between 64-bit and 32-bit kernels in AIX 5L 5.1?

Environment AIX 5L 5.1, RS / 6000, PSeries

How to do 64-bit and 32-bit kernel switching in AIX 5L 5.1

The answer first uses the following command to determine the current use of the kernel:

# ls -l / unix

LRWXRWXRWX 1 ROOT SYSTEM 21 May 06 2001 / Unix -> / usr / lib / boot / unix_mp

For 32-bit kernel.

# ls -l / unix

LRWXRWXRWX 1 Root System 21 May 06 2001 / UNIX -> / usr / lib / boot / unix_64

For 64-bit kernels.

Check if 64-bit kernel (bos.mp64) or 32-bit kernel ( packages are installed.

If not installed, you can install it from the AIX 5L operating system CD.

Transform 32-bit kernels into 64-bit kernels.



Bosboot -Ad / dev / ipldevice

Shutdown -fr

Transform 64-bit kernels into a 32-bit kernel.

LN -SF / USR / lib / boot / unix_mp / unix


Bosboot -Ad / dev / ipldevice

Shutdown -fr

Note: The 32-bit system cannot use a 64-bit kernel, and the 32-bit kernel can be used for 64-bit systems.

Comparison of JFS2 and JFS

Environment RS / 6000, IBM E Server PSeries, AIX 5L

Problem With the launch of AIX 5L, JFS2 will also use more and more widely used, what is different from JFS?

Solution function JFS2 JFS

Fragments / Block Size 512-4092 Block Size 512-4096 Frags

In theory, you can support maximum file size 4PB 64GB

Maximum file size 1TB 64GB

In theory, you can support maximum file system size 4PB 1TB

Maximum file system size 1TB 1TB

Inode number dynamically changed, limited to the file system to create when the file system is created, can not modify the directory structure B-TREE linearity

How to determine the frequency of PSERIES and RS / 6000 CPU?

Environment PSERIES, RS / 6000, AIX 5L V5.1

Problem How to determine the frequency of PSERIES and RS / 6000 CPU?

Solution starts from AIX 5L V5.1, adding a command PMCYCLES in AIX to determine the CPU's frequency. Before using the PMCyCles command, you must install the BOS.PMAPI Perfagent.Tools package.


This Machine Runs AT 500 MHz






-m Displays the main frequency of each CPU.

AIX 5L V5.1 Introduction


Summary With the launch of AIX5L, it provides features and features, this article will be introduced.

I. Points

Second. Uniqueness

3. Highly extended high reliability

Four. New enhancement characteristics

5. Solutions closely integrated with Linux

6. Customer trustworthy security mechanism

7. AIX 5L V5.1 unique new features

Eight. AIX 5L V5.1 and the supported adapter

Question LPAR SHUTDOWN Principal Partition

Solution Description: Suitable for IBM EServer PSeries platform. For details on each part, please refer to the latest version comments.

AIX 5L V5.1 Introduction

I. Points

1. Provide a powerful, scalable, secure, and reliable UNIX platform for Internet applications and e-commerce.

2. In terms of security, workload management, system management, and Java software have increased.

3. is the most developed UNIX operating system: closely combined with Linux, supports Power and Itanium

Platform server.

4. With 64-bit core, 64-bit equipment drivers and 64-bit applications

5. Support 32-channel processor, 256GB memory


Second. Uniqueness

AIX5L V5.1 is the new generation of IBM's most developed / scalable AIX. Compared with the AIX4.3 version, it has increased the integration, flexibility and reliability of today's e-commerce key applications to another. There is only one UNIX operating system that has both advanced software, and supports the Power and Itanium platforms, and has the characteristics of tight integration with Linux, which is AIX.


3. Highly extended high reliability

AIX 5L v5.1 inherits the characteristics of traditional AIX, which has the advantage of customers in competition. AIX 5L can be widely used in the Power platform (IBM P Series and IBM RS / 6000), while AIX 5L provides reliability, availability, high performance, and security for current e-commerce applications.

AIX 5L fully supports existing 32-bit and 64-bit hardware systems with strong extension capabilities and promotion software features. It integrates key Internet technology and complete development tools, system performance adjustment tools.

AIX has a choice of UNIX business solutions, leading technologies, and adaptability to future strategies. On the Power Platform and 32-bit application binary compatibility makes users can continue to run AIX4.3 applications to protect customers' existing investments.


Four. New enhancement characteristics

AIX continues to maintain innovation, verify the remote users and devices by using the CRL (Certificate Revocation Lists with the IKE (Internet Key Exchange) protocol, further consolidating its leadership in network security. It also enhances the AIX IP security function supports VPN (Virtual Private Networking). AIX 5.1 uses MIT's network authentication services to negotiate and communicate between two or a system of the Internet.

AIX guarantees that key applications meet the expectations of users, whether in the peak of business, there is a non-expected demand. AIX WLM (Workload Manager) allows customers to define resource allocation policies, dynamically observed application requirements, and assign processor cycles, memory, disk I / O to allocate multiple applications. Commerce demand passes the strategy, dynamically identifying the priority of the work, and realizes the dynamic scheduling. This is a very important asset for e-bussiness, business intelligence, server integration, and enterprise resource planing. The new feature in WLM is an increase of API (Application Programmin Interface), and external applications can modify the behavior of the system. A new accounting system enables customers to use the resources, in addition to the standard Group / User, you can press the class (Class) in WLM.

The management of WLM can be implemented via WSM (Web-based System Manager), SMIT (System Management Interface Tools), and AIX commands.

RSCT (Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology) can monitor system resources, complete through system administrators or settings. These resources include file systems, programs, processes, adapters, and core information. When the monitoring resource reaches the set threshold, start the response program. This result helps improve the production efficiency in the management and operation of the system.

IBM AIX Development Tools Java 2 Technology Edition provides a cooperative interface between AIX cores and Java technology to help improve the application extension and overall performance of the IBM UNIX server, which promotes the development of operations and applications in Java on AIX.

Another enhancement feature is a new log file system - JFS2. The file system type can support larger storage, reducing space waste due to fragmentation. Database technology is used in this file system to ensure consistency of the structure and prevent damage to the file system due to the abnormal downtime of the system.


5. Solutions closely integrated with Linux

AIX provides a selectable UNIX business solution, leading technology, and adaptability to future strategies. The API provided between AIX and Linux allows popular applications developed in the Linux platform to run on AIX only simply recompile. These APIs are the same as Linux, which does not depend on IBM, called AIX's Linux Applications. Customers can move the application of the existing Linux open source to AIX, which can use the general development tool to develop applications that make it easy to transplant simultaneously. AIX and Linux-compatible API and header files provide source code compatible software. The Linux toolbox for source code. AIX and AIX help users achieve smooth transplant between the two most open operations (AIX, Linux).

Because the application can run on AIX, customers can combine Linux flexibility with advanced AIX, and take advantage of AIX's WLM, system management tools, and security.

64-bit performance

The 64-bit performance is not just from 64-bit processors, and it comes from the combination of hardware and operating systems. In a 64-bit Power system, AIX provides 32-bit and 64-bit applications, concurrently or coordinated, shared files, memory, and other system services. More convenient in the 64-bit Power solution more convenient for 32-bit applications to 64-bit applications, it becomes more significant in the industry.


6. Customer trustworthy security mechanism

It is very important for e-commerce to network and transmission. AIX is such a rigorous system. In fact, AIX is the first operating system for VPN (Internet Private Network) authentication from ICSA (International Computer Security Association). AIX Through ISCA certified, based on IPSec standard VPN function set, it is bundled with a definition developed by the IETF Working Group, providing a stable persistent network layer security .top

7. The following list is listed in AIX 5L V5.1 unique new features

Feature benefits


It is an operating system that supports multi-platform to run on a Power or ITANIUM-based system, in applications on applications, processors, and skills.

Tightly combined with Linux By transplanting Linux applications to well-spreading and powerful AIX. Reduce costs and improve e-commerce solutions.

System scalability

The new JFS2 file system provides greater storage space for advanced e-commerce applications (upper limit is 4Petabyte, 1 terabyte through test)

Optional LTG (Logical TRACK Group) Help System Administrator Optimized Performance Adjustment Disk Space

E-commerce and network performance

Virtual IP Address (VIPA) When a network connection on the server is lost, the client application is not affected by its impact, and the communication is continuously used through other interfaces on the server.

IP multi-route to improve network availability by providing multiple routes to destination nodes

Multi-default gateway revolves around the detection and routing of the invalidate gateway to ensure normal communication.

Scalable memory allocation helps improve the performance of applications that require a large number of small memory blocks


Kerberos V5 Verification (only for POWER Platform) helps system administrators simplify verification of user passwords connected to multiple machines

Java software

Contains programming languages ​​for e-commerce applications for e-commerce applications in basic operating systems

System and WLM

/ Proc file system helps system administrators easily manage system loads and processes more easily

RSTC automatically detects the system to help improve system availability and performance

UNIX SVR4 Print subsystem customers can use familiar SVR4 print utilities in AIX

WLM accounting function collects system resource usage information for users to make bills and reports


Optional passive LVM mirror write consistency to ensure application and data integrity when the system is down

Support hot spare hard drive to improve application and data availability

Hot Spot Management System Administrators can identify LV without harm the availability and resolve them to improve performance in multiple hard drives to improve performance

Reliability, availability, serviceability

Automatic recovery after system hangs, maintains availability without administrator intervention

Avoid error log overflow for continuous repeated error counts

Isolated fromline isolation Paging Space dynamic isolation does not need to be restarted

DUMP automatic analysis and email forwarding accelerates diagnosis of customers' support and problems

Dump compression with the warning of the required storage space to avoid the situation of DUMP exceeding system recording capacity

Development and performance analysis tools

PAX archive format is used to support archives of greater than 2GB files in 64-bit environments

The new enhanced tools and accessible performance monitoring data makes administrators and users more easily collect information and optimize system performance, correctly identifying parts that need to be upgraded.


Eight. AIX 5L V5.1 and the supported adapter

1. These adapters will not be used in IBM AIX 5L for Power V5.1

Feature Code description

2638/9 Video Capture Long / Short

2708 ISDN

2986 10 / 100M Ethernet Adapter


6309 DTQA

2. These adapters are currently not supported in IBM AIX 5L for Power V5.1, and the future version will support

Feature Code description

2732/33 Short Wave / Long Wave Hippi

2751 Escon Cu / CHANNEL EMULATOR (64-bit core support TBD)

6310/6311 DTXA / DTRA (64-bit core support TBD) 3. These adapters are supported in the 32-bit core of IBM AIX 5L For Power V5.1, but 64-bit cores are currently not supported

Feature Code description

2408/08 SCSI F / W SE / DIFF

2648 6XT 150P

2657 S15 Graphics



2837 MVP Multi-Monitor

2838 GXT120P

2839 GXT110P

2851 GXT250P

2852 GXT255P

2853 GXT800P

2854/55 GXT500 / 550P

2856 7250 attachment adapter

2859 GXT800P Texture

2947 Artic 960 HX 4-Port Selectable PCI Adapter

2948 Artic 960 HX 4-Port T1 / E1

2949 Artic 960 HX DSP RESOURCE

2962 2962 2-Port SDLC / X.25 Adapter

2979 token Ring Adapter

2985/87 10MB Ethernet Adapters (BNC / AUI)

2998 ATM 25 Mbps

4958 IBM PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor Adapter

For Secure Internet Transactions (FIPS-3)

8A1162 FIPS-4 RPQ for Non-SP

8A2429 FIPS-4 RPQ for SP


What is the benefit of using MKSYSB for system backup?

Environmental Products: RS / 6000

Software: AIX

Question What is the benefit of using MKSYSB for system backup?

Solution IBM AIX UNIX compared to other UNIXS systems: ODM (Object Database Manager) and LVM (Logical Volume Manager). In general, the Volume Groups can also be backed up with CPIO or TAR instructions, but For a complete system, CPIO and TAR do not complete correctly when Restore. And in use, if you try to perform RESTORE action, it is possible to cause Crash in the current environment. Use MKSYSB to back up When a tape is created, a bootable tape can be produced and the ODM and LVM of the operating system can be restored.

How to steadily stop AIX system operation?

Environmental Products: RS / 6000

Software: AIX

How to steadily stop the AIX system smoothly?

Solution You can use the shutdown or the Reboot instruction to get the service and system offline.

The shutdown instruction has many parameters to control how to stop the system. According to the preset value, it will warn the user 1 minute, then terminate the handler, synchronize archive system, and stop the CPU action. You can use the -R parameter Start the system immediately after shutdown, or the Reboot Directive.

# Shutdown -m 5 system five minutes after closing to a single user mode

# sTDown -r shutdown back to turn on

# Shutdown now turns off immediately

# shutdown -k Abandon shutdown

How to solve the new user on AIX, error message 3004-687

Environmental Products: RS / 6000

Software version: AIX 3.2, 4.x

Question AIX can't add new users, error message 3004-687

Solution This article is for recommendations to exclude the following errors:

- Add new user error

- Error message 3004-687 indicates that the user does not exist

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Troubleshooting Suggestions:

1. Check if the root file system is full?

2. Check:

- / etc / passwd file has a blank line

- / etc / passwd file part of the line syntax is incorrect

- Nobody users lose or their groups are -2. The line should be as follows:

NoDy:! 4294967294: 4294967294 :: /:

3. If all the above is correct, check the permission license for the following files in the / etc / security directory:

File permission


.ids -rw -------

Environ -RW-r -----

LIMITS -RW-R ------

PASSWD -RW -------

User -rw-r ------

4. The following commands are also helpful to defect (check Man to get detailed help)

Usrck -t all


Grpck -t all

5. The umask attribute in the mkuser.default file is an eight-bits, but don't have a front 0, so:

Umask = 77 is correct, transferred into an eight-way 077.

Umask = 077 error, transferred to an octave 063.

6. If all the above is correct, shut down and reopen the maintenance mode, do FSCK for root and user file systems.

How do I set up PROMPT in the Korn Shell to display the current directory?

Environmental Products: RS / 6000

Software: AIX

Question How to set up PROMPT in the Korn Shell to display the current directory?

Solution This article is for Korn shell

Add this line to your .profile:

PS1 = '$ PWD $'

If you just want to display the last part, you can use

PS1 = '$ {PWD ## * /} $'

For JESMSG, the SDSF enters the JESMSG display screen, which is similar to the operations in the above 2.

/ VAR / ADM / WTMP file is too big?

Environmental Products: RS / 6000

Software: AIX

Question / var / adm / wtmp file Save all user login messages, how is the / var / adm / wtmp file when it is too large?

When the answer / var / application file is too large, it is sometimes necessary to clean or edit it.

To clean it, execute CP / dev / NULL / VAR / ADM / WTMP.

To edit the finishing part cleanup, use the fWTMP command to turn the file WTMP into the file Dummy.File of the ASCII format:

/ usr / sbin / acct / fwtmp Dummy.file,

After editing

/ usr / sbin / acct / fwtmp -ic / var / adm / wtmp

The ASCII file is converted into a binary file.

The JESMSG display screen is made similar to the operations in the above 2.

2001/06 AIX Security Prevention Related Patch (APAR)

Environment AIX V4.3

Question 2001/06 AIX Security Prevention Related Patch (APAR)

Solution The following lists the current (APAR) of the current (2001/06) security prevention (APAR). If you want to download all these patches, you can pass on the website.

Http:// Specify one of the following APAR package numbers to get:

AIX 4.3: IY19897 (Updated 6/2001) ======================================== ================


IX72045 CDE Login Gives Invalid User Name Message Before PW Entered

IX72553 Security: Vulnerability In I / O Signal Handling

IX73077 Security: FTP Bounce Vulnerability

IX73214 Security: Telnet Denial of Service Attack

IX73438 Security: Vulnerability In Dtappgather

IX73586 Security Hole in FTP, TFTP, UTFTP

IX73836 / Etc/hosts.equiv is allowing wrong users to log in

IX73951 Security: Routed Should Ignore Trace Packets

IX73961 PCNFSD Daemon Updates WTMP File IncorRectly

IX74296 Programs Using Lex Generated Source Coredump

IX74599 Security: Vulnerability in Digest

IX74793 Security Hole in TN3270

IX74802 CSH Core Dumps When Env Variable Is Longer Than 2K

IX75275 Security: Logsymptom Follows Symlinks

IX75554 Security: Timex Creates INSecure Temporary Files

IX75564 Ethernet Driver Passs Packets Too Small Causeing Crash

IX75566 Security: non-root users can create and bind to af_ndd sockets

IX75761 Bad File Handle Can Crash Lock Daemon

IX75840 Security: Dead.Letter Created with Group Printq

IX75864 Security: / Bin / Man Creates INSECURE TEMPORARY FILES

IX76015 NFS V2 Does Handle 65535 AS A UID

IX76039 Security: DPID2 CORE DUMPS in World Writable Directory

IX76040 Security: SNMPD log File Fileows Symlinks

IX76049 Security: CDE TRASHINFO FILE CREATED World-Writable

IX76960 Bind: CERT Advisory CA-98.05

IX76962 Bind: CERT Advisory CA-98.05

IX77338 Security: Sort Creates INSecure Temporary Filesix77508 CDE MAILER (DTMAIL) Allows a User to Read a mailbox Which the

IX77592 Security: Portmap Creates INSECURE TEMPORARY FILES

IX78071 Have A Wrong file permissions

IX78202 Security: Buffer Overflows in xterm and aique.

IX78248 Security: Vulnerability in Group Shutdown

IX78349 Security: Bad permissions on /etc/security/login.cfg

IX78564 Security: Long Fontnames Can overflow Buffers in FontServer

IX78612 Security: Buffer Overflows in XAW and XMU.

IX78646 Security: Creates INSecure Temporary Files

IX78719 NFS V2 Does Not Handle 65535 AS A UID


IX79136 Security Files in Diagsup Scripts


IX79679 "RCP Security Problem"


IX79682 Security: INSECURE TEMPORARY FILES in Cmdsccs Scripts




IX79857 Security Hole

IX79909 NSLOOKUP CORE DUMPS with long strings

IX79979 Security: Vulnerability in Group Shutdown




IX80447 Security: Buffer overflows in imapd

IX80470 Security: PTRACE () Problem with set-gid programs

IX80510 Security: don't inherit closed stdin, stdout, stderr descriptors

IX80543 Security: Libnsl Buffer overruns

IX80548 Security: ras scripts shouth't Follow Symlinksix80549 Security: / bin / more creatething INSECURE TEMPORARY FILES


IX80792 Security: Buffer overflows in imapd


IX81077 Security: TTYLOCK () Allows Creation of World-Readable Files

IX81078 Security: INSecure Temporary Files In Cmdfiles Scripts

IX81442 Security: Vulnerability in rpc.ttdbserverd

IX81507 Security: more VulneRabilities in PCNFSD

IX81999 POST Command Should Not Be Suid

IX82002 FORCE Rexecd User Priviledges

IX83752 Security: Vulnerability In Autofs

IX84493 Security: Vulnerability In Setgid Executables

IX84642 Security: Vulnerability In InfoExplorer Daemon (Infod)

IX85233 Security: Mailbox Gets Corrupted

IX85556 Security: Buffer Overflow In FTP Client

IX85600 Bootp: CERT Advisory


IX87016 Rembak Fails when Invoked with Very Long UserName / Hostname


IX87727 stop uncommenting rpc daem in /etc/inetd.conf after NFS

IX88021 Add Finger Timeout

IX88263 Security: Snap May Leak Sensitive Information


IX89182 License Server HANGS

IX89415 Security: XAUTH IS BROKEN IN 4.3.X

IX89419 Security: Buffer overflow in dtspcd


IY00892 INSECURE TEMPORARY FILES in Bos.Perf Packaging Script

IY01439 Security: INSECURE TEMPORARY FILES in /etc/rc.powerfail

IY02120 Security: Buffer overflow in nslookup

IY02397 Security: non-root users can use ptrace to create the system

IY02944 Security: Buffer overflow in "DTAction -U"

IY03849 Security: Vulnerability in Ttsessioniy04477 Security Buffer overflows in ftpd

IY04865 Security: non-root users change Sys info via snmpd

IY05249 Security: Buffer overflows in SNMPD

IY05772 Security: Possible Buffer overflow in Aixterm Title Handling

Iy05851 named8: security vulnerabilities in bind

IY06059 Genfilt Cannot Filter Port NumBers> 32767

IY06367 Security: Vulnerability in DtprintInfo

Iy06589 bug in get_seqnum

IY06694 Security: Another Buffer overflow in DTSPCD

IY06697 Security: Rpc.mountd Allows FileName Discovery Again

IY06814 CRASH IN FLTR_IN_CHK () m_copydata ()

IY06817 XDM HAS Trouble with long passwords

IY07265 CHSEC Allows Non-Admin USr to Change Admin User Attributes

Iy07425 in Cause Cases, Libqb Routine Can Cause Core Dump

IY07831 Security: Buffer overflow in setClock

IY07832 Security: Another Buffer Overflow in Portmir

IY08128 Security: Vulnerability in mkatmpvc

IY08143 Security: Buffer Overflows in Enq Command

IY08606 Security: Buffer overflow in _XaixReadrdb

IY08812 Security: Buffer Overflow In SetSenv

IY09514 Security: Vulnerability in frCactrl

IY09941 Security: Local Users Can Gain Write Access To Some Files

IY10250 DHCPSD: Security: D-O-S Attack Vulnerability

IY10805 MKATM IS A Shell Script and shopn't be setuid

Iy11067 x Server Freezes Due to dos

IY11224 Security: Buffer overflow in xterm

IY11233 Security: NCS CMDS Linked with INSECURE Linker Argument

IY11450 Security: Buffer Overrun in mit Kerberos Libraries

IY12147 NON-ROOT Users Can Issue The Netstat -z Flag

IY12251 Security: Possible Vulnerabilities in Errpt

IY12638 Security: Buffer overflow in print cmds

IY13753 Security: Format String Vulnerability In Locale Subsystem

IY13780 Security: Buffer overflow in Libntpiy13781 Security: Format String Vulnerability In FTP Client

IY13783 Format String Vulnerabilities in Getty's Error Logging Funcs

IY14512 DNS CERT Advisory for SRV & ZXFR BUGS

Iy14537 buffer overflow in Bellmail

IY15146 Syslogd: Buffer overflow and Improper Control Character Escapes

IY16182 Security: buffer overflow in bind8

IY16214 Buffer overflow and format string Vulnerabilities in bind 4.x

IY16271 Security: Infoleak in Numerous Versions of Named4 and named8

IY17048 Security: Possible Buffer overflow Vulnerability In crontab

IY17932 Security: imapd buffer overflow

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= =======

When running MKSYSB, the system error: "rootvg is locked" (root volume group is locked)

Environment AIX V4

Question The user gets an error message when trying to run MKSYSB: "Rootvg is locked" (root volume group is

Lock), resulting in a backup.

Solution To unwield Rootvg, type the following command:

# chvg -u rootvg

How to delete a document in the Documentation Search Service?

Environment AIX V4

Problem When an application is installed to the server, if a document and its index are automatically registered into the system, you must delete it with Uninstall. If you just delete the registered document or its index, it will remain registered in the Search Service, which will generate an error message during the query because the Search Service will try to query the lost index.

Also, if you want to delete the system administrator's manual document, you must first remove its registration status from the Search Service.

How to delete a document in the Documentation Search Service?

The solution can be used in the following ways:

Such as: This example uses cmds01en as an example of an index.

Log in with root;


/ usr / imnsearch / cli / Imndomap / var / DocSearch / indexes -d cmds01en


Cp /var/docsearch/indexes/imnmap.dat / usr / docsearch / indexes



After doing this, you can delete this document and its index.

The display screen is made to perform a similar operation in the above 2.

CDE can't start touched (1)

Environment AIX V4.X

After logging in in the CDE interface, the system hangs or very slow, how to solve it?

The solution can try to solve the following methods:

First restart the machine, and enter it by the command line.

1. Use the DF command to check if there is a full file system, especially / and / var file system, if so, clean or expand it.

2. Use the following command


Uname -n


Check if there is conflict on the machine name setting

3. Use the smitty mktcpip command to check if the TCP / IP settings are correct, such as setting the DNS domain name resolution, to ensure that the DNS server can be accessed.

If the new installed, the network configuration is not perfect, it is recommended to use DNS first.

4. If the above method is still unsuccessful, you can re-install x11.base.rte, x11.dt.rte, and x11.dt.helpinfo.

Only root users can log in to XWindows, but ordinary users cannot log in, how to deal with?

Environmental software: AIX V4

Problem only Root users can log in to XWindows, but ordinary users cannot log in, how to deal with?

If you answer, please check and modify access to the following files:

/ dev / null (666)

/ dev / lft0 (666)

/ dev / tty (666)

/ dev / console (622)

CDE can't start touched (2)

Environmental software: AIX V4.3

After installing or upgrading AIX, the server starts successfully, but the console is a black screen. Sometimes you can see the Welcome window, but you must exit this window, login prompt

Can display it. Or, you can come in and kill and restart the DTLogin process with Kill, and the login prompt can be displayed. In short, you can telnet to this

Server, but can't enter CDE.

Subject from the main control station or telnet to log in to the server with the ROOT user, edit / etc / inittab with the editor (such as vi), with a colon (:) comment out:

Welcome: 2: Wait: /usr/lib/assist/welcome.launch

Use the shutdown -fr to restart the machine.

Note: This problem often occurs because you didn't have a Netscape browser or the browser installed.

Errors occurred when executing EXECD 0826-604

Environmental Products: AIX

Software version: AIX V4

Question error 0826-604: The login is not Correct

Answer modification /etc/inetd.conf file

#vi /etc/inetd.conf


Change to: exec stream TCP6 NOWAIT ROOT / USR / SBIN / REXECD REXECD -C

Finally save the file.

Use the following to refresh the inetd process:

# refresh -s inetd

How to configure Processor Entitlement in AIX 5L

Environmental products, RS6000, PSERIES

Platform, RS

Software version, AIX 5L V5.1

Problem How to Configure the Processor Entitlement in AIX 5L

Solution When configuring the AIX5L, a window will pop up, ask the number of processor entitlement, which can be determined according to the number of CPUs in the system. If the system is equipped with 4 CPUs, the processor entitlement should be disposed 4.

AIX 5L characteristics

Environmental products, RS6000

Platform, RS

Software version, AIX 5L

Problem AIX 5L Features

Solution 1. AIX5L is different from the previous version, and "L" here is Linux. It has excellent affinity with Linux.

2. AIX5L not only supports the IBM Power processor, but also supports Intel's 64-bit ITANIUM processor.

3. IBM AIX5L can support up to 32 processors. Enhanced features are provided on system management, security, and network functions.

4. Some commands of System V can be used in AIX5L

How to mirror rootvg

Environmental Product AIX

Platform RS / 6000

Software version AIX 4.3.3

How is the problem mirror rootvg?

Solution is now as follows:

1. Add new hard drive to rootvg

#extendvg rootvg hdisk1

2. Mirror rootvg

#mirrorvg -c 2 rootvg hdisk1

3. Regenerate Boot Image

#bosboot -ad / dev / hdisk0

4. Update bootlist

#bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1 CD0

5. Repend system


AIX 5L v5.1 adds new features in the network?

Environmental Products: RS / 6000

Platform: PSeries

Software version: AIX

Question AIX 5L v5.1 adds new features in the network?

Solution has added many new features in the network in AIX 5.1, including:

IP Multipath Routing (IP, multipath route)

Dead Gateway Detection (DGD, failure gateway detection)

Network interface backup (NIC backup)

Virtual IP Address (VIPA, virtual IP address)

How is the DEAD GATEWAY Detection (DGD, the invalid gateway detection)?

Environmental Products: RS / 600

Platform: PSeries

Software version: AIX 5L

Question What is DEAD GATEWAY Detection (DGD, failure gateway detection)?

Solution DEAD GATEWAY Detection (DGD, failure gateway detection) is a newly added function of AIX 5.1. When the local gateway fails, it allows the system to detect and adjust the routing table, so that network communication is normal. DGD can work in two modes, Active Mode and passive mode Active mode quick detection gateway is effective, but requires some network overhead.

The network overhead of passive mode is small, but the failure detection speed is slower than the active mode.

Virtual IP Address (VIPA) Virtual IP Address

Environmental Products: RS / 6000

Platform: PSeries

Software version: AIX 5L

Question Virtual IP Address (VIPA) Virtual IP Address

Solution In the previous version of AIX, the application needs to correspond to the actual network interface. When the network card is invalid, the application will not be able to communicate. From AIX 5L V5.1, AIX supports Virtual IP Address (VIPA) virtual IP address, so that the application corresponds to the virtual IP address, when one

When the block network card is invalid, you can use another network card by changing the routing table, so that the application continues to run. The maximum Socket supported by AIX

Environmental Product AIX

Platform RS / 6000

Software version 4.3.3

Question AIX supported maximum Socket

Solution AIX does not directly limit the created (TCP / IP) socket number, but each socket will take a file descriptor (FID) as a socket ID, so the system parameter Nofile (the maximum number of files opened by the single process, in / etc / security / LIMITS Definitions will affect the maximum number of Sockets that can be created.

How to build a second root user

Environment AIX V3, V4

Problem establishment second root user

The solution steps are as follows:

1. Add a user

2. Handmade the User ID and Group ID in the / etc / passwd file

3. Change the USER ID to 0.

As described below, you can change the user RUSS:

Will Russ:!: 206: 1 :: / u / russ: / bin / ksh

Change to: Russ:!: 0: 0 :: / U / RUSS: / BIN / KSH

Users with root privileges execute a command to complete specific tasks. As you can create a user (ShutDown) responsible for the system's restart.

In AIX 3.2.5:

Shutdown:!: 0: 0 :: / u / shutdown: / etc / shutdown -fr

In AIX 4:

Shutdown: !: 0: 0 :: / u / shutdown: / usr / sbin / shutdown -fr

This user is registered, the operating system will restart.

How to view the system's TelnetD daemon has started

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Question If you want to see if the system's telnetd daemon is started normally, what order is used?

Answer You can use the command lssrc -ls inetd | grep telnetd to see if the Telnet daemon is "Active".

How to use DD command backup

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX 4.2 or Above

Question If you want to use the system command backup logical volume (RAW LV), how do you do?

Answer You can use the DD command to pass by the following steps:

1. Determine the Block size of the tape device:

Use the command TCTL -F / DEV / RMT0 Status to view;

Recommended value is 9TRACK / 1 / 4IN = 512

8mm / 4mm / dlt = 1024

Can you use command chdev -l rmt0 -a block_size = modification

2. If a backup without software compression is performed, use the following command:

DD if = of = / dev / rmt0 ibs = 512 OBS = conv = SYNC

If a backup with software compression is performed, use the following command:

DD IF = BS = 512 | compress | DD OF = / DEV / RMT0 IBS = 512 OBS = conv = SYNC

3. You can restore the backup of the bare devices using the following command:

i) Restore no software compressed backups, use the following command:

DD if = / dev / rmt0 Ibs = obs = 512 | DD OF = / DEV / BS = 512 SKIP = 1 Seek = 1

II) Restore the backup of software compression, use the following command:

DD if = / dev / rmt0 IBS = obs = 512 | uncompress | DD OF = / DEV / BS = 512 SKIP = 1 Seek = 1 Note: When using the DD command to back up multiple disk tape, Users must confirm that the bare devices to be backed up can be fully backed up on a tape.

When using the LS or MV * command,

"Arguments too long" or "array list too long" error message

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

The system error is not possible when the user uses the LS to list all files or use the mv * command to move all files to another directory, the system is wrong, the corresponding operation cannot be performed. The error message is: "Arguments Too Long" or "Array List Too Long".

Solution This error is due to the limit value of the arg_max parameter on the /usr/include/sys/limits.h file, the maximum value is 24576, and this limit cannot be changed. Therefore, when the number of files in a directory exceeds 24576, you can use the following command, delete or move all files:

Picture of the file:

Find -name "*" | xargs ls -l

2. Delete the file:

Find. -name "*" | xargs rm {}

3. Move all files to the target directory:

Find -name "*" | xargs -i {} mv {}

Ordinary users cannot perform a Su command

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX V4

Problem When a regular user executes the su command to turn to root or other ordinary users, the system generates an error: Authentication Denied.

Solution This error is due to incorrectness of the SU file. Use the following command to check the permission of the SU file:

LS -L / USR / BIN / SU

The correct authority should be: -r-SR-XR-X root security ...

Use the following command to modify the permissions:

CD / usr / bin


AIX version number introduction

Environmental Products: RS / 6000

Software version: all versions of AIX

Problem Introduction The specific meaning of the digital representatives in the AIX version number

Solution You can use LSLPP to see the FileSet version, use Oslevel to see the version of the job system

AIX version of the format is usually AIX X.x.x.x

For example: AIX The meaning of its number from the previous representative is: Job System Version Number. Release Number (Modification). Correction Version Number (FIX)

In the AIX4.3.3 system, why the OSLVEL command is not

Environmental Products: RS / 6000

Software version: AIX 4.3

The problem is in the AIX4.3.3 system, why is the OSLVEL command output is not

Solution from AIX4.3.3 Product CD installation or upgrade After the OSLVEL command does not display the version of the operating system (,

This may be caused by the following reasons:

1. AIX4.3.3 Product CD The IFOR_LS.COMPAT.CLI FileSet is version This problem can be installed by installing ifor_ls.compat.cli (PTF U466561 can

Http:// is obtained to solve. This problem will not occur when upgrading from a Maintenance Level maintenance package. 2. The BOS.PERF.PMR FileSet version of the upgrade from the AIX4.3.3 product CD is not This problem will only appear when the AIX 4.3.0 and 4.3.1 installed on BOS.PERF.PMR are upgraded to the AIX 4.3.3. Bos.Perf.pmr file set is no longer used in AIX4.3.3, so the installation of the fileset can solve this problem.

3. BOS.CRYPTO * and SYSMGT.SECURITY * FileSet are not included in Maintenance Level because they contain encrypted codes that are exported. These FileSet can only be upgraded by AIX4.3.3 Bonus Pack issued with AIX4.3.3.

How to view the size of the CPU

Environmental Products: AIX V4

Platform: RS / 6000

Problem How to view the size of the CPU time

Solution usage command: SchedTune

This command is in the bos.adt.samples package, after installation in the directory / usr / samples / kernel.

Restore file system super block

Environmental Products: AIX V4

How to recover file system hyper block

Solution When the hyper block of the file system is destroyed, the file system will operate will prompt Superblock Dirty, and the super block is required to run.

DD count = 1 BS = 4K Skip = 1 seek = 31 if = / dev / lv ?? = / dev / lv ??

Can recover .lv ?? is the logical volume name corresponding to the corresponding file system

Synchronous time in the same network segment

Environment AIX V4

How to synchronize during the same network segment

Solution In the same network segment, you can synchronize the time through Timed.

At the Server side: startsrc -s timed -a "-m"

At the Client side: startsc -s timed

TAR backup link file

Environmental Products: AIX

Version: v4

How to use TAR backup link files

When you use a TAR backup link file, you only back up the link by default, and you can back up the files referred to by the link with the -h option.

On RS6000, when using new 7210-025

Can DVD-RAM to back up the volume group, can you write a file across multiple CDs?

Environment RS6000 AIX 4.3.3 / 5.1

The problem is on the RS6000, when you use a new 7210-025 DVD-RAM to back up the volume group, can you write a file across multiple CDs?

Solution When using the "MKCD" command in AIX V4.3.3 OR AIX V5.1, the user will be prompted into additional media if needed. There is such a description in the documentation of the AIX MKCD command: "If you need to build a multi-volume CD (because the volume group is not put in a CD), the MKCD will give the indication to let you change, until all The disk is completed.)

Set the full duplex or half-duplex when setting an Ethernet card?

Environmental Products: AIX V4

Question When setting an Ethernet card, choose a full duplex or half a duplex?

Answer Full Duplex Allows you to send and

Receive Packets At the Same Time. Were Half Duplex

Only allows you to send or received. if you are receiving

You can not send and vis versa.

The Way to Know Which Setting To Use is if you Machineis Connected to A Switch Use Full Duplex. If the Machine

Is Connected to a hub the you use hAlf duplex.

Run the iostat -d command system Returns a warning prompt

"Disk History Since Boot NOT AVAILABLE."

Environmental Product AIX

Platform RS

Software version AIX V4

Question Run the iostat -d command system Returns a warning prompts Disk History Since Boot Not Available.

Solution This is because there is no function of activating the system statistics Disk I / O historical data, you can open this item with the following command:

#CHDEV -L SYS0 -A iostat = TRUE

How to determine the current system 32 or 64 bits?

Environmental Product AIX

Platform RS

Software version AIX V4.3.3

How to determine the current system 32 or 64?

Solution 1. #bootinfo -y

If you return: 32, then it is a 32-bit machine (CPU)

If you return: 64, then the 64-bit machine (CPU)

2. #genkex | GREP 64.ext

If you return to "149BF58 A3EC /USR/LIB/Drivers/syscalls64.ext", the current AIX kernel is 64-bit


Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Version: AIX V4.3

Question AIX Version 4.3 Bonus Pack - April 2001

Solution product name and version

Adobe- Acrobat- Reader 4.05

AIX Certificate and Security Support Version 4.0

IBM AIX Developer Kit, Java - 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3

Chili! Soft ASP- Version 3.6, Evaluation Software

IBM DB2- Universal Database- Version 7.1 and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Starter Kits

AIX FAST Connect Version 2.1.2, Evaluation Software

Geodesic Systems Great Circle-; Enterprise Version, Try and Buy

Graphon Go-Joe- Version

IBM IP Security, Version 4.3.3 (40-bit, 56-bit, Triple des Encryption)

Java- Media Framework

Netscape- Communicator 4.76 (128-bit encryption)

NetWork Authentication Services Version 1.1 (56-bit encryption)

Secureway Directory Version 3.2.1

Secureway-SSL V3.3 (56-bit encryption)

Secureway-SSL v4.0 (56-bit encryption)

SecureWay Directory Client And Server Utilities For Maximum Encryption V3.1.1 (128-bit, Triple DES encryption) SecureWay Directory Client And Server Utilities For Maximum Encryption V3.2.1 (128-bit, Triple DES encryption) includes a Software Developer Kit (SDK) Which provides 128-bit Encryption Supporting Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).

Secureway Directory Client Software Development Kit Encryption V3.1.1 (128-bit encryption)

Sco Tarantella- Version 1.4.1 Evaluation Software

System V Commands and Tools for AIX Version 1.0

IBM TechExplorer HyperMedia Browser, Introductory Edition, Version 3.0, Plug-in (packaged with netscape)

Tools to Build Secure Java Applications (Includes Encryption)

The Kernel Group's Zerofault- Dynamic Debugger Version 2.5, Evaluation Software

Tivoli- Management Agent Version 3.2

IBM UltiMedia Services 2.3

IBM Web-Based System Manager Security Version 4.3.3 (40-bit, 128-bit encryption)

IBM WebSphere- Application Server Version 3.5, Standard Edition with IBM HTTP Server Version 1.3.12 (128-bit Encryption) (for Application Server) (for HTTP Server)

AIX V4.3 supports more than 2GB large files

Environmental Product AIX

Platform RS / 6000

Software version AIX V4.3 or Later

How to make AIX V4.3 support more than 2GB large files

Solution 1. Edit file / etc / security / limits, set parameters fsize = -1

2. Create a large file system:

Smit fs -> Add A Japaled File System -> Add A Large File Enabled Journaled File System

3. User logout, then login.

How to start or stop DHCPCD in AIX4.3.3

Environment AIX 4.3.3

How to start or stop DHCPCD in AIX4.3.3

Solution In AIX4.3.3, the control of DHCP is not in the /etc/ file. DHCPCD can be started or stopped via the SMIT interface. As follows:

#smit dhcpcd

Edit a large text file

Environment AIX V4

How to edit large text files with VI editing

Solution VI The maximum file that can be edited by the default cannot exceed 1048560 line. If you need to edit a larger file, use the -y parameter to specify the number of rows, such as Vi -y 2000000.

How to recover the system under the root directory (/)

Environmental Product AIX

Platform RS / 6000

Software version AIX V4

The problem executed RM * under the root directory (/), how to restore the system

Answer 1. Start the system from the bootable CD-ROOTable TAPE.

2. Select Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery (Option 3) to enter the maintenance menu. Then choose the following:

A. Access A root volume group (option 1).


C.ACcess this Volume Group and start a shell before mounting the file systems (option 2).

3. Check and mount root file system

# fsck -y / dev / hd4

#mount / dev / hd4 / mnt

4. Reconstruction of deleted files and directories


#LN -S / usr / bin bin




5. Repend system

#CD /

#umount / dev / hd4


#sync; sync; sync


How to create a fixed-size temporary big file

Environmental Product AIX

Platform RS / 6000

Software version AIX V4

How to create a temporary big file

Solution # / usr / sbin / lmktemp filename FileSize

Smit.log with smit.script files

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: AIX

Question Smit.log with smit.script files

Solution SMIT is a menu system management interface, which includes management of devices, users, networks, file systems, etc. SMIT is an abbreviation for System Management Interface Tool. Using the smit command can avoid tapping a long, complicated command. But not all commands and their options can be executed via SMIT, which includes some common commands and options. To know that the final execution of the SMIT can press ESC 6 in the menu.

SMIT will generate two files when executed: Smit.log and Smit.Script. The result of each layer menu and execution of the entrant are recorded in the smit.log file. The execution command and option are recorded in the smit.script file. These two files are stored under the user's home directory ($ HOME). Use the -s option to change the location where the Smit.log file is stored. Use the -l option to change the location where the smit.script file is stored.

When your system space is not enough and you don't need the content of these two files, you can empty these two files.

How to reduce the broken block in the file system

Environmental Products: RS / 6000

Platform: AIX V4

How to reduce the broken block in the file system?

Solution When there is a lot of small pieces in a file system, although the file system seems to have a lot of space, big files cannot be stored. Use the defragfs command to reduce the broken blocks in the file system and increase the continuous space. Usage is as follows:

# defragfs / vardefragfs has two options:

-q: Displays the current state of the file system.

-r: Display file system The current and status of the defragfs will be turned.

DOS compatible commands for floppy disk operations in AIX

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Version: AIX V4

Problem AIX DOS Compatibility Command for Floppy Disk

Solution The following is some DOS compatible commands in AIX:

a. Format the floppy disk into a DOS format

# dosformat -d / dev / fd0

b. Read the DOS file from the floppy disk to UNIX files in the host

# dosread -d / dev / fd0 / myfile / home / myfile

c. Copy the UNIX file in the host to the DOS file on the floppy disk. At this time, the file on the floppy disk is DOS format, and you can edit any DOS editor.

# doswrite -d / dev / fd0 / home / myfile / myfile

d. View files in DOS format on the floppy disk


View System Launch Information (Alog)

Environment version: AIX V4

Question View System Launch Information (ALOG)

The answer operating system displays some information on the main control desk screen at startup. Once started, you can still use the alog command to view this information and other startup information that is not displayed on the screen, the command is as follows:

# alog -o -t boot

How to view properties of other terminals in multi-user systems

Environment AIX V4

Problem How to view the genus of other terminals in multi-user systems

Solution Use the following command to view the properties of other terminals in multi-user systems

# stty -a

Where DEV / TTYN is the terminal number you want to view.

View correspondence between PDISK and HDISK in the SSA disk

Environment AIX V4

Question How to check the correspondence between PDISK and HDISK in the SSA disk?

The solution SSAXLATE command displays the correspondence between PDISK and HDISK.

#ssaxlate -l logicaldiskname

#ssaxlate -l physicaldiskname

How to see how the machine in the machine and the microcode level (Microcode Level)

Environmental platform: RS / 6000

Software version: AIX 4.3

Problem How to see the microcode level of the card and the microcode level

Solution Use the following command to get a microcode level of the SSA card:

# lrscfg -vl ssa0

Where SSA0 is the device name of this SSA card.

The ROS Level and ID in the output result are microCode Level.

Use the following command to get a microcode level of a hard disk:


How to use Pageup / PageDown up and down in DTTERM

Environment RS / 6000

Software version: AIX V4

The problem is turned on using Pageup / PageDown in the DTTERM window, but does not take effect.

Solution In DTTERM, you should turn the page up or down from Shift Pageup and Shift PageDown.

How to prohibit dynamic routes

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: AIX

Software version: v4.3

Question If you want to ban the dynamic route generated by the system, how to do it?

Solution 1. Use the command lssrc -s routed and lssrc -s gated to check if the routed and gaate subsystems are active. Any subsystem is active, use the command stopsrc -s routed or stopsrc -s Gated to place them in an inactive state.

2. Use the command no -a | grep ipignoreredirects to see if this value is 1, if not 1, use the command no-ipignoreredirects = 1 to set this value to 1, thus disable dynamic routing. 3. You can add the command no-ipignoreredirects = 1 to the /etc/ file so that the setting is still valid after the system is restarted.

Unable to delete file systems

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX 4.3

Problem can Mount or Unmount a file system, but cannot delete the file system, when deleting, the system error: 0516-306: get lvodm: unable to find in The Device ConfGiguration Data.

The reason for this error may be that the definition in the ODM database is inconsistent with the actual. You can check the type of the file system with a command lsvg -l rootvg. If the type is displayed? ? ? Then use the command synclvodm -p rootvg and syncvg -v rootvg, then display the correct file type with the command lsvg -l rootvg. This file system can be successfully deleted at this time.

How to limit some users who cannot ftp to RS / 6000 servers

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX 4.3

Question RS / 6000 system administrator wants to limit some users who cannot ftp to RS / 6000 servers, how to do?

The solution can be limited by the following two methods:

1. Directly edit the / etc / ftpusers file, the user name that is prohibited from performing FTP to this RS / 6000 server operation is listed in this file, and each user is listed.

2. Set the SMIT menu:

SMIT ---> Communications Applications and Services ---> TCP / IP ---> Further Configuration ---> Server Network Services ---> Remote Access ---> Restrict File Transfer Program Uses (/ etc / ftpusers) ---> Add a restricted user

How to expand the space of the file system

Environmental platform: RS / 6000

Software version: AIX V4

The problem can be expanded with the following method when the file system space is full.

Answer 1. Run command


---> Change / Show Characteristics of a Journaled File System

Move the cursor to the file system that needs to be modified, and press the Enter key, the screen is displayed as follows (Example of each field value in the table below):

*********************************************************** *****

Change / Show Characteristics of A Journaled File System

Type Or Select Values ​​in entry Fields.

Press Enter After Making All Desired Changes.

[Entry Fields]

File System Name /

New mount point [/]

Size of File System (in 512-byte blocks) [98304]

Mount group [bootfs]


Mount Options [/]

START Disk Accounting? NO

Fragment size (bytes) 4096

Number of bytes per inode 2048

Compression Algorithm NO

Large file enabled false

Allocation Group size (MBYTES) 8

*********************************************************** ************

2. Direct the cursor to "Size of File System (In 512-Byte Blocks) [98304]", change the total space value of this file system (98304 in the case) (Note: Fill in here) The value is in 512 bytes, press the Enter key, and the command is changed immediately after the end of the modified file system spatial value takes effect. This operation does not need to restart the system.

3. Use the command


You can view the modified file system space value.

Configuration method of PCI couple multi-protocol card (2-Port MultiProtocol PCI Adapter 9-L)

Environmental platform: RS / 6000;

Software version: AIX 3.2.5 - AIX 4.3.3

Problem Two-port PCI MultiProtocol Adapter is often used to connect the interface based on SNA protocol, this article describes how to configure this card in the AIX system.

Solution 1. Install the driver

Use the SMIT command to find and install the following drivers from the AIX system: ibm PCI 2-Port MultiProtocol

Devices.pci.331121b9.diag IBM PCI 2-Port MultiProtocol

Adapter (331121B9) Diagnostics

Devices.pci.331121b9.rte IBM PCI 2-Port MultiProtocol

2. Run the command

# lsdev -cs pci | GREP 331121B9

View the status information of the card, the command output is as follows:

DPMPA0 AVAILABLE 04-05 IBM 2-Port MultiProtocol Adapter

3. Run the command

# lsdev -cs 331121b9

Check the status information of the card on the card, the command output is as follows:

HDLC0 Available 04-05-00 IBM HDLC Network Device Driver

HDLC1 Available 04-05-01 IBM HDLC Network Device Driver

4. Configuration of SDLC Simulation Port

If the card is used for SNA network interface, you need to install the package.

This package provides support for application interfaces compatible with the MPQP driver. The user needs to configure the simulation device of the SDLC COMIO device driver for each HDLC port. This can be done through the SMIT menu. The specific method is as follows:


Smitty sciesdlc_dd

The display menu is as follows:

*********************************************************** ***

Manage SDLC Comio Device Driver Emulator

Move Cursor to Desired Item and Press Enter.

Add A Device Driver

Change / Show Characteristics of An SDLC Device Driverremove a Device Driver DRIVER

Configure a Defined Device Driver Driver

F1 = help f2 = refresh f3 = cancel f8 = image

F9 = shell f10 = exit enter = do

*********************************************************** ***

Select "Add A Device Driver" will create device files "/ dev / mpcx" (such as / dev / mpc0, / dev / mpc1).

Use the command line:

Mkdev -c driver -s sdlc -t scie -a nddname = HDLC0

Mkdev -c driver -s sdlc -t scie -a nddname = HDLC1 'Command

You can also create the device files MPC0 and MPC1.

After the above steps are completed, the system has completed the configuration of the two multi-protocol cards. Users can further configure it for the network protocol used.

User conversion error

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: RS

Software version: AIX 4.3

Problem An ordinary user executes the su command to switch to root or other ordinary users, the system reports error is disabled (Authentication Denied).

The reason for answering this error is that the permissions of the / usr / bin / su file are incorrect. Please check the permission of the file with the following command:

LS -L / USR / BIN / SU

The correct permissions should be: -r-SR-XR-X Root Security / USR / BIN / SU

If the permission is incorrect, modify it with the following command:

CD / usr / bin


SHELL program for killing processes

Environment AIX V4

The problem is used to kill the shell command for the process generated by the user "User1".

Solution # kill -9 `ps -ef | grep user1 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $ 2}'`

How do I in Mount Redhat Linux on AIX?

Any model, operating system AIX 4.3.3, Redhat 6.2

Problem When the NFS of Mount Redhat Linux on R6, the system error:

1831-008: Operation Not permitted

Solution When the NFS of Mount Redhat Linux on R6, the system error:

1831-008: Operation Not permitted

Modify parameter nfs_use_reserved_ports with nfso command, as follows:


By default, the parameters of AIX NFS_USE_RESERVED_PORTS is 0, and Linux

When responding to the MOUNT request of the customer, reserved_ports needs to be used.

After modifying the parameters, troubleshooting.

How to limit users change password

Environment RS6000, AIX V4

Question How to limit users change password?

The solution can be implemented with the command pwdadm -f admin usrname, if you want the user to resume the right to change the password, run the PWDM -F ADMCHG UserName to reset.

How to automatically start and turn off the software

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Question This document discusses how to customize the system to automatically start during the system boot process, and automatically stop when the system is turned off.

Solution 1. Automatically start customized software

At the time of system boot, the init process sequence detects the / etc / inittab file, which is determined what kind of operation is made during the boot process. If the application, process, or other user operations need to be performed during the system boot, then to be in / etc / inittab Add the appropriate entry in the file. The usual approach is to create a script file called Rc.local, write all users who are started during the system boot to the script file. This script file can be in / etc / inittab The file is called, usually after all system applications and service are started, the user login is allowed to be called before the user is allowed. The location is usually a list of the master login. The following is an example:

Rc.local: 2: Wait: /etc/rc.local> / dev / console 2> & 1

In the above entry, init will wait for the scriptor to complete the script before the subsequent entry. If the process, application, or commands need to run through a specific user, add the su command in the running command.

Such as: su myuser "-c / usr / bin / myApp"

It is recommended to add an application start to start and start the output prompt in the scripter.

Such as:

#! / bin / ksh

Echo "Starting User Applications ...."

Echo "Starting Application XYZ"

Su myuser "-c / usr / bin / myApp"

Echo "Startup of User Applications Completed"

2. Automatically stop customized software

The shutdown command is used to turn off the AIX system. All AIX subsystems and file systems are turned off here. If the script named /etc/rc.shutdown exists, the system will first execute the command in this scripter. At this script A command to turn off the user application can be added in the program. It is recommended to add an application to stop running and complete the output prompt to stop running in the scripter.

Such as:

#! / bin / ksh

Echo "stopping user application ...."

echo "stopping application xyz"

[Commands to Stop Application]

Echo "Shutdown of User Applications Completed"

AIX4.3 maintenance package (Recommend maintenance)



Applicable operating system

AIX 4.3 maintenance strategy

Maintenance package (Maintenance level)

Recommended maintenance

Description This article describes the maintenance strategy of AIX4.3 and as a notification for upgrading AIX 4.3-maintain package. This document will be updated when there is a new upgrade maintenance package.

The latest AIX 4.3 maintenance package (Maintenance level) is: 4.3.3

The latest AIX 4.3.3 recommended maintenance package (Recommend maintenance) is: 4330-06

The latest AIX 4.3 Update CD IS: 0011

Maintenance Levels and Recommended Maintenance are available from Base Maintenance Levels in Fixdist. To get more information about fixdist, send an email to and take Fixdist as a title.

The Update CD contains a correction patches, preventive maintenance packages, software functions enhancements, and support drivers for new hardware.

Text applicable operating system

AIX 4.3

AIX 4.3 maintenance strategy


File set


AIX 4.3 is divided into file sets, and the file set also includes a set of logical related files. Each file set can be independently divided into installed and upgraded. The revision of the file set is managed by Version, Release, Modification, And Fix (VRMF). After each time the fileset is upgraded, the version of the FIX will be adjusted.

Every time the maintenance level is upgraded, the version of the Modification Level will be adjusted, while the version of the FIX will be set to 0.

Maintenance package (Maintenance level)


The maintenance package (ML) consists of a series of file sets after updating from the base level set of AIX 4.3.

Updates for each file set are accumulated, ie it contains all the patches of all the file sets since AIX 4.3, and replaces all previous updates.

The naming rule of the maintenance package (ML) is 4-bit VRMF.





AIX 4.3 has 3 maintenance packages (ML):

* ML 4310, also known as AIX 4.3.1

* ML 4320, also known as AIX 4.3.2

* ML 4330, also called AIX 4.3.3

You can use OsLVEL to determine the version of the maintenance package in the current system.

Recommended maintenance


The recommended maintenance package (referred to as RM) is a package consisting of a series of file sets suitable for the latest ML, which consists of a series of files that have been tested by the actual test.

It provides a mechanism for delivering a preventive maintenance package between two complete mls.

The naming rule of the recommended maintenance package (RM) is 4-bit VRMF, plus two-digit suffix:





There are 6 recommended maintenance packages (RM) for ML 4330:

* 4330-01

* 4330-02

* 4330-03

* 4330-04

* 4330-05

* 4330-06

You can use the following command to determine if 4330-06 is already installed in your system, Oslevel will still display, indicating that the ML of the system is still 4330:


AIX4.3.2 Install the graphics card GXT130P

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: AIX

Version: AIX 4.3.2

Question AIX4.3.2 Install the graphics card GXT130P

Solution AIX4.3.2 Install the graphics card GXT130P

This version does not support this graphics, you need to install drivers from the Update CD (June 1999 or Later), including:





/ var / adm / wtmp file saves all users login information, and the time will grow to a large, sometimes you need to clean or edit it, to clean it,

Run the cp / dev / null / var / adm / wtmp. To partially clean up, use the fWTMP command to turn the file WTMP into the ASCII format.

Dummy.file: / usr / sbin / acct / fwtmp Dummy.File, after editing, use / usr / sbin / acct / fwtmp -ic / var / adm / wtMP will The ASCII file transitions into binary files. Display settings start boot order

Environment: (product, platform, model, software version, etc.)

Problem Description:

Solution: bootlist -m normal-group shows the boot order, such as HDisk0 CD0

Bootlist -m Normal CD0 HDisk0 Change Boot Sequence is CD0 HDisk0

Install Man

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: AIX

Problem installation

Solution AIX Help MAN needs to be installed from the document disk, and the fileset that needs to be installed is:

Bos.html.en_us.cmds.cmds1 AIX Commands Reference 1 - U.

Bos.html.en_us.cmds.cmds2 AIX Commands Reference 2 -

Bos.html.en_us.cmds.cmds3 AIX Commands Reference 3 -

Bos.html.en_us.cmds.cmds4 AIX Commands Reference 4 -

Bos.html.en_us.cmds.cmds5 AIX Commands Reference 5 - U.s

Bos.html.en_us.cmds.cmds6 AIX Commands Reference 6 -

Bos.html.en_us.nav Online Navigation - U. S.


Change the host IP address resolution order

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: AIX

Question changes the host IP address analysis order

Solution General Host IP Address The resolution order is DNS, NIS, this host host file, change this order, you need to create a /ECT/Netsvc.conf file, and add a row in this file Hosts = local, bind, NIS, so that host The IP address will start searching from the local file, followed by DNS Server, and finally NIS Server, can also change the environment variable by run Export nsorder = BIND, NIS, local to change the environment variables to change the order

Telnet prompt "All network ports have been used"

Environmental Products: RS6000

Question Telnet prompt "All network ports have been used"

Solution 1. Check if pty0 is available: LSDEV-CL PTY0

2. Check if the Telnet daemon is started: lssrc -t telnet

3. Check if MaxLogins in /etc/security/login.cfg is not big enough

4. Smitty Pty checks if the maximum available terminal is enough -a | grep theall Check if the network buffer is enough

LED 223-229 Fault Solution

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Software version: v4

The problem is unable to start normally, the liquid crystal panel LED displays 223-229.

Solution LED 223-229 is usually caused by illegal boot list. Start the machine to enter the maintenance service mode (for the older microchannel machine, the key should be launched after the key should be started after the maintenance mode), change the boot list sequence, shut down and Restart the system.

LED 553 resolution

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Software version: V4

The problem system does not start normally, the liquid crystal panel LED displays 553.

Solution LED 553 is usually due to the damage caused by the / etc / inittab file system. These destroyed file systems should be checked and correct.

Specific steps:

1. Start, enter the maintenance mode;

2. Use the DF command to check the remaining space under the root directory, / var directory and / TMP directory; 3. Check the / etc / inittab file and correct the initTab file error;

4. Check the execution error;

/ etc / environment

/ bin / bsh

/ bin / fsck

5. Restart the system.

AIX version number

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Software version: V4

Question what is the meaning of AIX version number?

The format of the version number of AIX is usually AIX X.x.x.x., for example: AIX The representative meaning is:

Operating System Version. Released. Improved version. Reviant (FIX)

What is the use of /etc/preserve.list file?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Software version: V4

What is the use of the problem /etc/preserve.list file?

The answer /etc/preserve.list file includes a list of system files replicated and saved during the BOS Reserved Installation (Preservation Bos Installation).

LED 201 fault solution

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Software version: V4

The problem system does not start normally, the liquid crystal panel LED displays 201.

Solution LED 201 is usually caused by guiding mirror damage. Check / / TMP file system.

Solve the specific steps of LED 201:

1. Type: LSLV -M HD5 to determine the boot disk;

2. Type: bostboot -a -d / dev / hdiskn to rebuild the boot image;

3. Start the system and restart the system.

LEDs 551, 555 and 557 fault solution

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Software version: V4

The problem system cannot start normally, the liquid crystal panel LED displays 551, 555 or 557.

Solutions LEDs 551, 555, 557 are usually caused by file systems or JFS logs. These destroyed file systems should be checked and fixed.

Specific steps:

1. Check the file system;





FSck -y / dev / hd9var

2. Rebuild JFS logs;

/ usr / sbin / logform / dev / hd8

3. Type LSLV -M HD5 to determine the boot disk;

4. Reconstruction Guide Mirror BOSBOOT -A -D / dev / hdiskn;

5. Restart the system.

LED 552, 554 and 556 fault solution

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Software version: V4

Problem system does not start normally, LCD panel LED display 552, 554 or 556

Solutions LEDs 552, 554, 556 are typically damaged by a super block being destroyed or customized. These destroyed file systems should be checked and fixed.

Specific steps:

1. Replace the Super Block and rebuild the file system with a backup of the super block.

DD count = 1 BS = 4K Skip = 31 seek = 1 if = / dev / hdn of = / dev / hdn

/ usr / sbin / logform / dev / hd8

2. Load (MOUNT) root file system and user file system;

Mount / dev / hd4 / mnt

Mount / usr

3. Configure the system configuration to the backup directory;


CP / MNT / etc / Objrepors / Cu * / MNT / ETC / OBJREPOS

4. Copy the system configuration from the RAM file system;

CP / ETC / Objrepos / Cu * / MNT / ETC / OBJREPOS

5. Uninstall all file systems;

6. Determine the guide disk;

LSLV -M HD5 Command.7. Save new ODM to root logic volume;

Savebase -d / dev / hdiskn

8. Restart the system.

If the system still does not start normally, it can also reload BOS.

How to replace damaged mirroring group hard drive?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Software version: V4

Problem How to replace damaged mirroring volume group hard drive?

Solution To replace the damaged mirror volume group hard drive, you should run the following command:

# unmirrorvg Workvg HDisk7

# xicevg Workvg HDisk7

# RMDEV -L HDisk7 -d

# xtndvg Workvg HDisk7

# mirrorvg Workvg

RS / 6000 LCD screen display code (LED) meaning

Environmental platform: RS / 6000

Version: AIX 4.3

Problem This article describes the meaning of the LCD code on the machine during the RS / 6000 launch process. This document is not targeted for specific models.

Solution ---------- Dump Progress INDICATOR ----------

0c0 the dump completed successfully

0c1 the dump failed due to an I / o error.

0C2 a User-Requested Dump Has Started. You Requested A Dump Using The SysdumpStart Command, A Dump Key Sequence, or The Reset Button.

0c3 the dump is inhibit

0c4 The dump did not complete. A partial dump was written to the dump device. There is not enough space on the dump deviceto contain the entire dump. To prevent this problem from occuring again, you must increase the size of your dumpmedia.

0c5 the dump failed to start. An Unecpected Error Occured to Write To The Dump Media.

0c6 a dump to the secondary dump device WAS Requested. Make The Secondary Dump Device Ready, THEN PRESS CTRL-Alt-Numpad2.

0c7 reserved.

0c8 the dump function is disabled. No primary dump device is configured.

0c9 a dump is in progravel.

0cc unknown Dump Failure

---------- Diagnostics Load Progress INDCATORS -----------

C00 AIX Install / Maintenance Loaded SuccessFully.

C01 INSERT The First Diagnostic Diskette.

C02 Diskettes Inserted Out of Sequence.

C03 The Wrong Diskette is in the drive.

C04 The Loading Stopped with an IrRecoverable Error.

C05 a diskette error.

C08 RAM FILESYSTEM Started IncorRectly.

C07 INSERT The Next Diagnostic Diskette.c09 The Diskette Drive Is Reading Or Writing a Diskette.

C20 An Unexpected Halt Occured, and The System Is Configured To Enter The Kernel Debug Program Instead of Entering Asystem Dump.

C21 The 'IFCONFIG' Command Was Unable To Configure The Network for The Client Network Host.

C22 The 'TFTP' COMMAND WAS UNABLE TO Read Client's File During aclient network boot.

C24 Unable to read client's file during aclient network boot.


C26 Client Did Not Mount The Network Boot.

C29 System WAS Unable to configure the network device.

c31 Select the console display for the diagnostics. To select "No console display", set the key mode switch to normal thento Service. The diagnostic program will then load and run the diagnostics automatically.

C32 A Direct-attached Display (HFT) WAS SELECTED.


C34 A File WAS SELECTED. The Console Messages Store in a file

C40 Configuration Files Are Been Restored.

C41 Could NOT Determine the boot type or device.

C42 Extracting Data Files from Diskette.

C43 DiagBoot Cannot Be Accessed.

C44 InitialYzing Installation Database with Target Disk Information.

C45 Cannot Configure the Console.

C46 Normal Installation Processing.

C47 Could Not Create A Physical Volume Identifier (PVID) on disk.

C48 PROMPTING You for Input.

C49 Could Not Create or form the JFS log.

C50 Creating Rootvg Volume Group on Target Disk


C52 Changing from Ram Environment to Disk Environment.


C55 Could NOT Remove The Specified Logical Volume IN a Preservation Installation.

C56 Running User-Defined Customization.

C57 Failure to restore BOS.


C59 COULD NOT COPY Either Device Special Files, Device ODM, or Volume Group Information from Ram To Disk.

C61 failed to create the boot image.

C70 Problem Mounting Diagnostics CDROM DISC.

C99 Diagnostics Haveted. this code is no console.

-------- Debugger Progress INDCATORS ----------

C20 kernel Debug Program ActiVated. An Unexpected System Halt Has Occured, And You Have Configured The System

TO Enter The Kernel Debug Program Instead of Performing A Dump.

--------- Built-in self test (bist) indicators ---------

100 Bist Completed Success, Control Was Passed to IPL ROS.

101 Bist Started Following Reset

102 Bist Started Following Power-On Reset

103 Bist Could NOT Determine The System Model Number.

104 Equipment conflict. Bist Could Not find the CBA.

105 Bist Could Not Read The OCS EPROM.

106 Bist Detected a Module Error.

111 OCS Stopped. Bist Detected A Module Error.

112 a checkstop occured during bist.

113 Bist Checkstop Count Is Greater Than 1.

120 Bist Starting a CRC Check on The 8752 EPROM.

BACTED A BAD CRC in The First 32k of the OCS EPROM.

122 Bist Started a CRC Check on The First 32k of the OCS EPROM.

123 Bist Detected a Bad CRC on the OCS Area of ​​NVRAM.

124 Bist Started a CRC Check on The Ocs Area of ​​NVRAM.

125 Bist Detected A Bad Crc on The Time-of-Day Area of ​​NVRAM.

126 Bist Started a CRC Check on The Time-of-Day Area of ​​the NVRAM.

127 Bist Detected a Bad CRC on the 8752 eprom.

130 bist presence test start.

140 Bist Failed: Procedure Error

142 Bist Failed: Procedure Error


144 Bist failed; procedure error.

151 Bist Started Aipgm Test Code.

152 Bist Started Dclst Code.

153 Bist Started Aclst Code.

154 Bist Started Ast Test Code.

160 Bad EPOW SIGNAL / POWER Status Signal

161 Bist Being Conducted On Bump I / O

162 Bist Being Conducted on JTAG

163 Bist Being Conducted on Direct I / O

164 Bist Being Conducted On CPU

165 Bist Being Conducted On DCB and Memory

166 Bist Being Conducted On Interrupts

170 Bist Being Conducted On 'Multi-Processor

180 Bist logout failed.

182 Bist Cop Bus Not Responding

185 a Checkstop Condition Occured During The Bist

186 System Logic-Generated Checkstop (Model 250 ONLY)

187 Graphics-Generated CHECKSTOP (Model 250)

195 bist logout completed.

888 Bist Did Not Start

------- Power-on Self Test -------

200 IPL Attempted with Keylock in The Secure Position.

201 IPL ROM Test Failed or Checkstop Occured (IrRecoverable)


203 UNEXPECTED DATA Storage Interrupt.


205 UNEXPECTED External Interrupt.

206 Unexpected Alignment Interrupt.

207 UNEXPECTED Program Interrupt.


209 UNEXPECTED SVC Interrupt.

20C L2 Cache Post Error. (The Display Shows A Solid 20c for 5 Seconds

210 UNEXPECTED SVC Interrupt.

211 IPL ROM CRC Comparison Error (IrRecoverable).

212 Ram Post Memory Configuration Error or No Memory Found (IRRECOVERABLE).

213 RAM Post Failure (IrRecoverable).

214 Power Status Register Failed (IrRecoverable) .215 a Low Voltage Condition IS Present (IrRrecoverable).

216 IPL ROM Code Being Uncompressed Into Memory.

217 end of barlist encounted.

218 Ram Post is looking for 1m bytes of good memory.

219 Ram Post Bit Map is Being generated.

21c l2 cache is not detected. (The Display Shows A Solid 21c for 5 sec)

220 IPL Control Block is Being Initialized.

221 NVRAM CRC Comparison Error During Aix.

Key Mode Switch in Normal Mode.

RESET NVRAM by reaccomplishing IPL in Service Mode. For systems with an internal, direct-bus-attached (dba) Disk, IPL

Rom Attempted to Perform An IPL from That Disk Before Halting with this Three-DIGIT DISPLAY VALUE.

222 Attempting a Normal Mode IPL from Standard I / O Planar Attached Devices Specified in NVRAM IPL DEVICES LIST.

223 Attempting a Normal Mode IPL from SCSI Attached Devices Specified in NVRAM IPL DEVICES LIST.

Note: May Be caused by incorrect jumper setting for external scsi devices or by incorrect scsi terminator.

Refer FFC B88

224 Attempting a Normal Mode Restart from 9333 Subsystem Device Specified in NVRAM Device List.

225 Attempting a Normal Mode IPL from IBM 7012 DBA Disk Attached Devices Specified in NVRAM IPL DEVICES LIST.

226 Attempting a Normal Mode Restart from Ethernet Specified in NVRAM Device List.

227 Attempting a Normal Mode Restart from Token Ring Specified in Nvram Device List.

228 Attempting a Normal Mode IPL from NVRAM Expansion Code.

229 Attempting a Normal Mode IPL from NVRAM IPL DEVICES LIST; Cannot IPL from any of the listed devices, or there

NO VALID Entry in The Devices List.

22c Attempting a Normal Mode IPL from FDDI Specified in NVRAM IPL DEVICE LIST.

230 Attempting a Normal Mode Restart from Adapter Feature Rom Specified in IPL ROM Devices List.231 Attempting a Normal Mode Restart From Ethernet Specified in IPL ROM Devices List.

232 Attempting a Normal Mode IPL from Standard I / O Planar Attached Devices Specified in rom default device list.

233 Attempting a Normal Mode IPL from SCSI Attached Devices Specified in IPL ROM Default Device List.

234 Attempting a Normal Mode Restart From 9333 Subsystem Device Specified in IPL ROM Device List.

235 Attempting a Normal Mode IPL from IBM 7012 DBA Disk Attached Devices Specified in IPL ROM Default Device List.

236 Attempting a Normal Mode Restart from Ethernet Specified in IPL ROM Default Devices List.

237 Attempting a Normal Mode Rest from Token Ring Specified in IPL ROM Default Device List.

238 Attempting a Normal Mode Restart from Token Ring Specified by The Operator.

239 System Failed to Restart from the Device Chosen by the Operator.

23c Attempting a Normal Mode IPL from FDDI Specified in IPL Rom Device List.

240 Attempting a Service Mode Restart from Adapter Feature ROM.

241 Attempting a Normal Mode IPL from Devices Specified in The NVRAM IPL DEVICES LIST.

242 Attempting a Service Mode IPL from Standard I / O Planar Attached Devices Specified in NVRAM IPL DEVICES LIST.

243 Attempting a Service Mode IPL from SCSI Attached Devices Specified in NVRAM IPL DEVICES LIST.

244 Attempting a Service Mode Restart from 9333 Subsystem Device Specified in NVRAM Device List.

245 Attempting a Service Mode IPL from IBM 7012 DBA Disk Attached Devices Specified in NVRAM IPL DEVICES LIST.

246 Attempting a Service Mode Restart from Ethernet Specified in Nvram Device List.

247 Attempting a Service Mode Restart from Token Ring Specified in NVRAM Device List.248 Attempting a Service Mode IPL from NVRAM Expansion Code.

249 Attempting a Service Mode IPL from NVRAM IPL DEVICES LIST; Cannot IPL from any of the listed devices, or the defices list.

24C Attempting a Service Mode IPL from FDDI Specified in NVRAM IPL Device List.

250 Attempting a Service Mode Restart from Adapter Feature Rom Specified in IPL Rom Device List.

251 Attempting a Service Mode Restart From Ethernet Specified in IPL ROM Device List.


253 Attempting a Service Mode IPL from SCSI Attached Devices Specified in IPL ROM Default Device List.

254 Attempting a Service Mode Restart from 9333 Subsystem Device Specified in IPL ROM Device List.

255 Attempting a Service Mode IPL from IBM 7012 DBA Disk'ttached Devices Specified in IPL ROM Default Devices List.

256 Attempting a Service Mode Restart from Ethernet Specified in IPL ROM Default Device List.

257 Attempting a Service Mode Restart from Token Ring Specified in IPL ROM Default DEVICE LIST.

258 Attempting a Service Mode Restart from Token Ring Specified by The Operator.

259 Attempting a Service Mode Restart from fddi specified by the Operator.

25c Attempting a Normal Mode IPL from FDDI Specified in IPL Rom Device List.

260 Information is Being Displayed on The Display Console.

............................. ..

262 A Keyboard Was Not Detected as Being Connected to The System's

Note: Check for Blown Planar Fuses or for a Corrupted Boot on Disk Drive263 Attempting A Normal Mode Restart from Adapter Feature Rom Specified in NVRAM Device List.

269 ​​Stalled State - The System Is Unable to IPL

271 mouse port pos.

272 Tablet port pos.

277 AUTO token-Ring Lanstreamer MC 32 Adapter

278 video rom scan post.

279 FDDI Adapter Post.

280 3Com Ethernet.

281 Keyboard Post Executing.

282 Parallel Port Post Executing

283 Serial Port Post Executing

284 Power GT1 Graphhadapte Post Executing

285 Power GT3 Graphhadapte Post Executing

286 token Ring Adapter Post Executing.

287 Ethernet Adapter Post Executing.

288 adapter card slots being queried.


290 IOCC POST Error (IrRecoverable).

291 Standard I / O POST Running.


293 IBM 7012 DBA Disk Post Running.

. --294 Iocc Bad TCW SIMM in slot location j

295 Graphics Display Adapter Post, Color or Grayscale.

296 rom scan post.

297 System Model Number Does Not Compare Between Ocs and ROS

(irecoverable). Attempting a Software IPL.

298 Attempting A Software IPL (WARM Boot).

299 IPL ROM Passed Control to the loaded program code.

301 Flash Utility Rom Failed or Checkstop Occured (IrRecoverable)

302 Flash Utility Rom Failed or Checkstop Occured (IrRecoverable)

302 Flash Utility Rom: User Prompt, Move THE KEY to THE Service in Order to Perform An Optional Flash Update. LED

Will Only Appear if The key switch is in the secure position. this signals the user what a flash update may be becoming

Initiated by moving the key switch to the service position. if the key is moved to the service position,

LED 303 Will Be Displayed. This Signals The User To Press The Reset Button and SELECT OPTIONAL FLASH UPDATE.

303 Flash Utility ROM: User prompt, press the reset button in order to perform an optional Flash Update LEDonly appear if the key switch is in the SECURE position This signals the user that a Flash Update may be initiated..

By Moving the key switch to the service position. if the key is moved to the service position, LED 303 Will Be


304 Flash Utility Rom Iocc Post Error (IrRecoverable)

305 Flash Utility Rom Standard I / O Post Running.

306 Flash Utility Rom Is Attempting IPL from Flash Update Boot Image.

307 Flash Utility Rom System Model Number Does NOT Compare BetWeen OCS and ROM (IrRecoverable).

308 Flash Utility Rom: IOCC TCW Memory Is Being Tested.

309 Flash Utility Rom Passed Control to a Flash Update Boot Image.

311 Flash Utility Rom CRC Comparison Error (IrRecoverable).

312 Flash Utility Rom Ram Post Memory Configuration Error or No Memory Found (IIRECOVERABLE).

313 Flash Utility Rom Ram Post Failure (IrRecoverable).

314 Flash Utility Rom Power Status Register Failed (IrRecoverable).

315 Flash Utility Rom Detected a Low Voltage Condition.

318 Flash Utility Rom Ram Post is loops for good memory.

319 Flash Utility Rom Ram Post Bit Map is Being generated.

322 CRC ERROR ON Media Flash Image. No Flash Update Performed.

323 Current Flash Image is Being ERSED.

324 CRC Error On New Flash Image After Update Was Performed. (Flash Image Is Corrupted).

325 Flash Image Successful and Complete.

500 querying native I / o slot.

501 Querying Card in Slot 1

502 Querying Card in Slot 2

503 Querying Card in Slot 3

504 Querying Card in Slot 4

505 Querying Card in Slot 5

506 Querying Card in Slot 6

507 Querying Card in Slot 7508 Querying Card in Slot 8

STARTING Device Configuration.

511 Device Configuration Completed.

512 Restoring Device Configuration Files from Media.

513 Restoring Basic Operating System Installing Files from Media.

516 Contacting Server During Network Boot

517 Mounting Client Remote File System During Network IPL.

518 Remote Mount of the root and / usr filesystems failed during network boot.

520 bus configuration Running.

521 / etc / init invoked cfgmgr with invalid options; / etc / inithaen corrupted or incorrectly modified

IrRrecoverable error.

522 The Configuration Manager Has Been Invoked with conflicting options (IRRECOVERABLE ERROR).

523 The Configuration Manager IS UNABLE TO Access The ODM Database (IRRECOVERABLE ERROR).

524 The Configuration Manager IS UNABLE TO Access The Config Rules Object In The ODM Database (IrRecoverable Error).

525 The Configuration Manager IS Unable To Get Data from A Customized Device Object in The ODM Database

IrRrecoverable error.

526 The Configuration Manager IS Unable To Get Data from a Customized Device Driver Objet in The ODM Database

IrRrecoverable error.

527 THE Configuration Manager Was Invoked with the Phase 1 Flag; Running Phase 1 Flag; Running Phase 1 At this Point

IS Not Permitted (IrRecoverable Error).

528 The Configuration Manager Cannot Find Sequence Rule, or No Program WAS Specified in The ODM DATABASE

IrRrecoverable error.

529 THE Configuration Manager IS Unable to Update ODM Data

IrRrecoverable error.

530 The Program "Savebase" Returned An Error.

531 The Configuration Manager IS Unable to Access PDAT Object Class

(IrRrecoverable EROOR)

532 There Is Not Enough Memory To Continue (Malloc Failure);

IrRecoverable Error.533 The Configuration Manager Could Not Find A Configure Method for A Device.

534 The Configuration Manager is Unable to Aquire Database Lock. IrRrecoverable Error.

536 The Configuration Manager Encountered More THE SAME PHASE. (IRRECOVERABLE ERROR).

537 The Configuration Manager Encountered An Error When Invoking The Program in The Sequence Rule.

538 THE Configuration Manager is Going to Invoke a Configuration

539 The Controluration Method Has Terminated, And Control Has Returned To The Configuration Manager.

551 IPL Varyon Is Running

552 IPL Varyon Failed.

553 IPL PHASE 1 IS Complete.

554 Unable to Define NFS SWAP Device During Network Boot

555 Unable to Define NFS SWAP Device During Network Boot

556 Logical Volume Manager Encountered Error During IPL Varyon.

557 The root filesystem will not mount.

558 There is not enough Memory to Continue The IPL.

559 Less Than 2MB of Good Memory Are Available to Load The Aix Kernel.

570 Virtual SCSI Devices Being Configured.

571 Hippi Common Function Device Driver Being Configured.

572 HIPPI IPI-3 Master Transport Driver Being Configured.

573 HIPPI IPI-3 Slave Transport Driver Being Configured.

574 HIPPI IPI-3 Transport Services User Interface Device Driver Being Configured.

576 Generic Async Device Driver Being configured.

577 Generic SCSI Device Driver Being Configured.

578 Generic Commo Device Driver Being Configured.

579 Device Driver Being Configured for a Generic Device.

580 HIPPI TCPIP Network Interface Driver Being Configured.

581 Configuring TCP / IP.

582 Configuring token Ring Data Link Control.

583 Configuring an Ethernet Data Link Control.

584 Configuring An IEEE Ethernet Data Link Control.

585 Configuring an SDLC MPQP Data Link Control.

586 Configuring a QLLC X.25 Data Link Control.

587 Configuring Netbios.

588 Configuring a Bisync Read-Write (BSCRW).

589 SCSI Target Mode Device Being Configured.

590 Diskless Remote Paging Device Being Configured.

591 Configuring An LVM Device Driver

592 Configuring an HFT Device Driver

Sna Device Drivers.

594 Asynchronous I / O Being Defined or configured.

595 x.31 pseudo device being configured.

596 SNA DLC / LAPE PSEUDO Device Being Configured.

597 OCS Software Being Configured.

598 OCS Hosts Being Configured During System Reboot.

599 Configuring FDDI Data Link Control.

5c0 streams-based hardware drive being configured.

5c1 streams-based X.25 protocol being configured.

5c2 streams-based x.25 comio emulator driver being configured.

5c3 streams-based X.25 TCP / IP Interface Driver Being Configured.

5c4 FCS Adapter Device Driver Being Configured.

5c5 SCB Network Device Driver for FCS is Being Configured.

5c6 AIX SNA Channel Being Configured.

600 Starting Network Boot Portion of /sbin/rs.boot

602 Configuring Network Parent Devices.

603 / usr / lib / methods / defsys

/ usr / lib / methods / cggsys, OR

/ usr / lib / methods / cggbus failed.

604 Configuring Physical Network Boot Device.

605 Configuring Physical Network Boot Device Faled.

606 Running / USR / SBIN / IFCONFIG ON Logical Network Boot Device.

607 / usr / sbin / ifconfig failed.

608 Attempting to Retrieve The File with TFTP. Note That A Flaseing 608 INDICES MULTIPLE Attempts

TO RETRIEVE The Client_Info File Are Occuring.

609 The file does not exist or it is zero length.

610 Attempting Remote Mount of NFS File System

611 Remote Mount of the NFS FileSystem Failed.

612 Accessing Remote Files; UNCONFIGURING NETWORK BOOT Device.614 Configuring Local Paging Devices.

615 Configuring of a local paging device failed.

616 Converting from Diskette to DataAss Configuration.

617 Diskless to DataAss Configuration Faled.

618 Configuring Remote (NFS) Paging Devices.

619 Configuration of a Remote (NFS) Paging Device Failed.

620 Updating Special Device Files and ODM in Permanent FileSystem with data from boot ram filesystem.

622 Boot Process Configuring for Operating System Installation.

650 IBM SCSD Disk Drive Drive Being Configured

700 Progress Indicator. A 1.1GB 8-bit SCSI Disk Drive Being Identified or Configured.

701 Progress Indicator. A 1.1GB 16-Bit SCSI SE Disk Drive Being Identified or Configured.

702 Progress Indicator. A 1.1GB 16-Bit SCSI Differential Disk Drive Being Identified or Configured.

703 Progress Indicator. A 2.2GB 8-Bit SCSI Disk Drive Being Identified or Configured.

704 Progress Indicator. A 2.2GB 16-Bit SCSI SE Disk Drive Being Identified or Configured.

705 The Configuration Method for the 2.2GB 16-Bit Differential SCSI Disk DriveBleError Occurs, The System Halts. Identified or Configured.

706 Progress Indicator. A 4.5GB 16-Bit SE SCSI Disk Drive Is Being Identified or Configured.

707 Progress Indicator. A 4.5GB 16-Bit Differential SCSI Drive Is Being Identified or Configured.

708 Progress Indicator: a l2 cache is being identified or configured.

710 Power Gxt150M Graphics AdapterBeing IntifyiED or configured.

711 Unknown Adapter Being Identified or Configured.

712 Graphics Slot Bus Configuration IS Executing.

713 The IBM Artic960 Device Is Being Configured.

714 A Video Capture Adapter is Being Configured.

715 The Ultimedia Services Audio Adapter is Being Configured. This LED Displays Briefly On The Panel.720 Unknown Read / Write Optical Drive Type Being Configured.

721 Unknown Disk OR SCSI Device Being Identified or Configured.

722 Unknown Disk Being Identified or Configured.

723 Unknown CDROM Being Identified or Configured.

724 Unknown Tape Drive Being Identified or Configured.

725 Unknown Display Being Identified or Configured.

726 Unknown Input Device Being Idenor Configured

727 Unknown Adync Device Being Idenor Configured

Cannot add new users, error message 3004-687

Environmental Products: RS6000-AIX

Platform: RS

Version: 3.2 and 4.x

Problem in AIX any solution that cannot add new users (error message 3004-687)

Solution 1. Check if the root file system is full?

2. Check:

- / etc / passwd file has a blank line

- / etc / passwd file part of the line syntax is incorrect

- Nobody users are lost or their group is -2. The line should be as follows:

NoDy:! 4294967294: 4294967294 :: /:

3. If all the above is correct, check the permission license for the following files in the / etc / security directory:

file permission


.ids -rw -------

Environ -RW-r -----

LIMITS -RW-R ------

PASSWD -RW -------

User -rw-r ------

4. The following commands are also very helpful to the trouble (check Man to get detailed help)

Usrck -t all


Grpck -t all

5. The umask attribute in the mkuser.default file is octal, but it is not necessary to have a front 0, so:

Umask = 77 is correct, transferred into octal 077.

Umask = 077 error, transferred into octal 063.

6. If the above is correct, shut down and restart, do FSCK for root and user file systems.

Quick configuration method for dialing access RS / 6000

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Problem AIX / RS6000 supports multiple dial-up access methods. Such as PPP / SLIP, but its configuration is more complicated. It is now introducing a method of accessing RS / 6000 using Win95 Hyper Terminal access RS / 6000.

Solution RS / 6000 end:

1. Define TTY and set Enable Login, Flow Control = RTS

2. Edit / etc / uucp / defices, join a line: Direct TTY # - 9600 Direct

3. Connect Modem to TTY # port

4. #pdisable tty #

5. #cu -ml tty #

6. AT <--- /

7. ATS0 = 1

8. ~ ---- /

9. Penable Tty #

WIN95 / 98:

Dial-numbered RS / 6000

Solve 10/2000 and 11/2000 version of Update CDS caused by NFS and NIM error environments: RS6000

Platform: RS

Version: AIX4.3.3

Problem to solve NFS and NIM errors caused by 10/2000 and 11/2000 Update CDS: 1831-011 Access Denied

After the solution is installed in and, the user may encounter the following error message when using NFS Mount:

1831-011 Access Denied

This problem may cause an error and stop in LED611 when NIM is installed. Updates are included in the 10/2000 AIX Update CD and in the 4330-05 Recommended Maintenance package. The update of version is included in the 11/2000 AIX Update CD and in the 4330-06 Recommended maintenance package.

This problem can be temporarily resolved by deleting all of the "Access =" part of the / etc / exports file and then re-run "Exportfs -a".

The patch for correcting this issue is available in IY13656, you can get from FixDist or the following Web site:

Solve the upgrade to AIX 4.3.3

The startup failure may encounter

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: RS

Version: AIX433

Problem Solving Upgrade Failure Must be encountered when AIX 4.3.3

Solution When upgrading from the previous AIX version to AIX 4.3.3, the system containing the SSA adapter may encounter an error in the startup failed. This is due to the packaging error in the SSA installation image, the error message is as follows:

0301-154 Bosboot: Missing Protofile: / usr / lib / drivers / ssapin

This error is just the installed system installed in the file set, you can use the following command to check if the package is installed:

Lslpp -l

In order to prevent the occurrence of the error, please download the script on the following website before the upgrade is running with root:

FTP: / /

Once this error occurs, you can reinstall the DEVICES.COMMON.IBM.ssa.rte file set, and select the mandatory overwritten option.

Note: When upgrading from the previous AIX version to AIX 4.3.3, you must upgrade the file set from all 4 CDs because the basic upgrade installation is only updated on the file set on the CD1. The system starts into multi-user mode. You should use 'smit update_all' to update file sets on other CDs, and SMIT will be inserted into the corresponding CD as needed.

How to determine the block size and type (TYPE) of a backup belt?

Environment AIX V4.X

The problem is facing a backup belt, often need to know the block size and type (TYPE), is there a

What is easy to do this?

Solution Use the following scripts to easily know the block size and type of the backup belt:

#! / bin / ksh


ChDEV -L RMT0 -A Block_size = 0

DD if = / dev / rmt0 BS = 128k of = BLKSZ_FILE Count = 1echo Tape Block size = $ (ls -l ./blks_file | awk '{print $ 5}')

Echo Tape Format = $ (file ./blksz_file | While Read A B; Do Echo $ B; DONE)

How to change the order of disk names?

Environment AIX V4.X

The order of the problem hard disk name generally does not cause errors, but it will often cause confusion of the user. How to change the order of the disk name?

Solution When your hard disk is inadvertent state, such as HDisk0, HDisk2, HDisk3 instead of HDisk0, HDisk1, HDisk2, you can correct it with the following scripts.

After restarting the system, the name order of the hard disk will be determined according to the order in the device configuration process, for example, the hard disk number of the address 00-00-0s-00 will be 00-00-0s-20 and 00-05-00 After -00 hard drive. This file applies to AIX 3.2 and 4.x of RS / 6000. If it is a microchannel (MCA) model, confirm the key in the NORMAL state before running this script.

LSDEV-CC Disk | awk '{print $ 1}' | while read hdname; do

Odmdelete -q "name = $ hdname" -o cuat

Odmdelete -q "Value = $ hdname" -o cuat

odmdelete -q "name = $ hdname" -o Cudv

Odmdelete -q "Value3 = $ hdname" -o Cudvdr

Odmdelete -q "name = $ hdname" -o cuvpd


Rm -f / dev / hdisk *

RM -F / dev / rhdisk *


After execution, restart the machine with the following command, then the hard disk order will become an orderly state:

Shutdown -fr

How to create a / dev / null file?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Question If the / dev / null file is accidentally removed, how to recreate the file?

The answer can be recreated by the following command:


CHMOD 666 / dev / null

Netscape Communicator can't start normally

Environmental Products: Netscape Communicator

Platform: AIX

Question Netscape Communicator can't start normally

Solution Netscape Communicator is a copy of AIX C Library (Libc.a) using yourself, with AIX 4.3.1

Libc.a will have a compatibility with the current Communicator 4.0.4 now, the system will prompt the error as follows: Could Not Load Program / USR / local / netscape4 / netscape_aix4

Symbol __malloc_postfork_unlock in /usr/lib/libpthreads.a is undefined

Symbol __malloc_prefork_lock in /usr/lib/libpthreads.a is undefined

Could Not Load Library Libc.a [shr.o]


To solve the above problems, get help to the next site How to find a fileset corresponding to a file or command in the system?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Question Find a file set corresponding to a file or command in the system.

Answer 1. Confirm that the file set has been installed in the system: bos.content_list

2. You can use the following command to find the fileset corresponding to the file or command:

/ usr / sbin / which_fileset [filename / command]

For example: / usr / sbin / which_fileset iostat

Possible return results are: / usr / bin / iostat bos.acct

3. Use the following command to find which files containing the specified fileset:

LSLPP-F [FileSetName]

For example: lslpp -f bos.acct

Recovered in an error message from the "volume group is locked"

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Question If you get an error message about the volume group is locked, use the following steps to recover.

Possible error information is as follows:

0516-366 Putlvodm: Volume group rootvg is locked, please try again

0516-367 Putlvodm: Warning: Volume group rootvg is locked. This command will continue to try again until the volume group is unlocked. If the lock is ignored and needs to be deleted, execute the varyonvg command to clear the volume lock.

Solution Many Logical Volume (LVM) commands lock the volume group when you operate. Before running any commands discussed in this step, use the ps -ef command to confirm that there is no other LVM command to run on the corresponding volume group.

For AIX version 3.1 or 3.2

Unlock the volume group usage command:

Putlvodm -k `getlvodm -v [vgname]`

Vgname is a locked volume group name. Note that the flag after getLvodm and after [vgname], if the flag cannot be entered, please use the following two steps to complete the unlock:


Getlvodm -V [vgname]

Possible return value is:


2. Enter

Putlvodm -k 00005264C192A1A3

For AIX version 4.x

Enter the following command:

CHVG -U [vgname]

Restore from LED C31

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Model: V4

Problem system starts during LED C31

Answer the meaning of LED C31

If the main control station is not configured, the system will stop in the LED C31 when the system starts, and the prompt information is displayed on the main display. The main control is selected. After the user selects the main control station, the initialization and configuration process of the system will be Continue. If you do not see the message requesting the main control station on the main display, it may be caused by one of the following reasons.

Reason for LED C31

Incorrect main control station configuration

2. Missing device drivers

3. Hardware failure of the main console device or machine

Steps to recover from LED C31

If the problem is caused by incorrect main control desk configuration, use the following steps to solve the problem:

1. If the main control station is a graphic display directly on the machine, confirm that there is no serial device to connect on the S1 or S2 serial port of the machine motherboard because it may hinder the choice of the main console.

2. If the main control station is a serial TTY, confirm its connection correctly, connect to the S1 serial port of the motherboard, allow registration and baud rate is 9600, no parity, a stop bit.

If the problem is caused by the lack of device drivers, confirm that the device exists and the device driver has been properly installed.

If the problem is caused by the hardware failure of the main control station device or machine, please diagnose the hardware from the disc boot machine and contact the hardware maintenance personnel.

A simplicity of whether a patch is installed in the operating system

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Question How to view a patch in the operating system installed?

Solution usage command:


UXXXXXX is the ID of the patch.

Example: lslpp -bl u465241 command can be used to see if the ID is installed in the system installed a patch for U4652241.

What should I do if the .sh_history file is destroyed? Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

The problem of the problem user's .sh_history file is destroyed, and the historical command you entered is not properly recorded.

Solution In this case, you can rename the file with the command mv .sh_history .sh_history.old, after logging out by the corresponding user, then log in to the operating system, then the .sh_history file automatically generates and correctly records the user input command.

AIX installation method and its characteristics

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Question AIX installation method

Solution installation method features

The original data on the dish of the installation destination will be lost

Protection Installation 1. / usr, / tmp, / var, and / (root) file system is deleted and rebuilt. However, /etc/preserve.list will be retained.

2. / Home and user created file system will not be destroyed

Upgrade installation 1. / TMP is deleted and rebuilt

2. All other file systems will be retained.

How to block a user's FTP access?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Question How to block a user's FTP access?

The answer will be added to the / etc / ftpusersw file to the username of the rejected.

SSA card and 7133 configuration case without single failure

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS / 6000

Problem How to implement a DISK / Adapter / Node failure in the HACMP duplex system?

Solutions as shown below AIX 4.3.3 Operating System-level RAID 0 1

Non-root user login problem


Summary This document describes the login and permission issues of non-root users, and how these issues are resolved by checking the permissions of the directory and files, the owner and groups.

Explain the symptoms of problems

The user gets the following error message, it may indicate that the group file is lost or destroyed:

3004-010 Set the terminal owner and the pattern failure

The / etc / passwd file cannot be found in the / etc / group file in the / etc / group file in the / etc / passwd file.

Such as TPS:!: 215: 1 :: / u / TPS: / bin / ksh

In the above example, the group number is 1. Check the / etc / group file confirmation group number 1 exists.

Only root users can log in, general users get the following error message:

3004-009 running login initial procedure failed


System is not available

The following error is returned when executing the command su - [user_name]:

3004-505 Can't set up process environment

After the user logs in, get the following error message:

0653-345 Permissions are rejected

(When you log in, do any action)


KSH: PWD: Cannot access the parent directory

(When the PWD command is executed after login)

These phenomena are caused by the user that the user cannot perform the login initial program or due to the privilege of the user's home directory.

Steps to check the problem file and directory

The following steps explain how to check the file or directory with permission issues.

If any file or directory has a problem, use the command chmod, chown, or chGRP to change the appropriate permissions, the host or group.

If the symbolic link is lost, rebuild it with the ln command.

For example, to create / bin link to / usr / bin, execute the following command:

LN -S / usr / bin / bin


Log in as root

2. If the non-root user is logged in is an error that the system is unavailable, then continue this step. Otherwise, jump to the next step.

Use the command ls -l / etc / noLogin command to check files / etc / nologin.

If the file / etc / nologin exists, use the command RM / ETC / NOLOGIN to delete it.

For AIX 4.x, execution:

CD /


Output example:

DRWXR-XR-X 19 bin bin 1024 DEC 12 21:14.

DRWXR-XR-X 19 bin bin 1024 DEC 12 21:14 ..

LRWXRWXRWX 1 bin bin 8 nov 22 09:37 bin -> / usr / bin

DRWXRWXR-X 4 root system 2048 DEC 12 21:12 Devdrwxr-xr-x 12 root system 2048 DEC 12 21:11 ETC

DRWXR-XR-X 5 bin bin 512 Nov 22 14:51 Home

LRWXRWXRWX 1 bin bin 8 Nov 22 09:37 lib -> / usr / lib

DRWXR-XR-X 20 bin bin 512 NOV 22 13:33 LPP

DRWXR-XR-X 3 bin bin 512 nov 22 09:37 sbin

LRWXRWXRWX 1 bin bin 5 nov 22 09:37 U -> / home

DRWXR-XR-X 20 bin bin 512 Nov 22 14:24 USR

DRWXR-XR-X 12 bin bin 512 Nov 22 12:59 Var

3. Execute:


Output example:

DRWXR-XR-X 3 bin bin 10752 NOV 22 12:53 / usr / bin

DRWXR-XR-X 28 bin bin 4096 DEC 15 17:08 / usr / lib /

DRWXRWXRWT 8 bin bin 2560 Jan 22 14:46 / TMP /

4. Execute:


Output example:

-R-XR-XR-X 2 bin bin 341020 NOV 22 09:37 / USR / BIN / BSH

-R-XR-XR-X 1 bin bin 154412 NOV 22 09:37 / usr / bin / csh

-R-XR-XR-X 4 bin bin 230148 NOV 22 09:37 / usr / bin / ksh

Determine the user's home directory. In these steps, assume that the user's ID and directory are "user_one".

5. Execute:

Ls -ld u / user_one (use path of user's directory)

Output example:

-DRWXR-XR-X 9 User_one system 7680 DEC 24 15:00 / u / user_one

This directory should be owned by this user, and this user should have RWX permissions.

6. Execute:

CD / u / user_one


Output example:

DRWXR-XR-X 9 User_one System 7680 DEC 24 15:00.

DRWXR-XR-X 71 bin bin 1536 DEC 14 09:37 ..

"." The owner of the directory should be the user. ".." The permissions of the directory should be at least R-X for group and other users.

7. If the user still has the problem that is rejected, but there is no login problem, it may be due to the permissions of the file system mount point.

In order to check the permissions of the mount point, the file system must first be used by unmount. Some file systems can only be checked in the case of entering the system maintenance mode.

How to check the physical memory of RS / 6000?

Environmental platform: RS / 6000

Version: AIX V4

The problem can be viewed by the following commands to view the size of the physical memory equipped with the RS / 6000 system.

Solution usage command


Check the physical memory device configured by RS / 6000, below for its output:

Mem0 Available 00-00 Memory

L2cache0 available 00-00 l2 cache

Use the command again


Output as follows

Size 512 Total Amount of Physical Memory In MBYTES FALSE

Goodsize 512 Amount of USABLE Physical Memory in MBYTES FALSE This example shows that the physical memory of the machine is 512MB. If there is a device name MEM1 in the output of the previous LSDEV, use the same command to view its corresponding size and so on. L2cache0 is the device name of the system level 2 cache. Similarly, use commands

lsattr --el l2cache0

You can view its size.

After the user is installed, BOS.NET.NFS.CLIENT /,

When operating the NFS, you will encounter the following prompt:

1831-011 Access Denied

This will cause the NIM installation to fail and have an error indication LED 611.

Bos.Net.nfs.Client is included in 10/2000 AIX Update CD and 4330-05 Recommended Maintenance;

Bos.Net.nfs.Client is included in 11/2000 AIX Update CD and 4330-06 Recommended Maintenance.

To solve this problem, you can manually do the following two steps:

1. Remove the part of "Access =" in the file / etc / exports;

2, run "exportfs -a".

Or, download APAR IY13656 from the following website and install


Communications Server Unable to start

Environmental Products: Communications Server for AIX (V5, V6);

Platform: AIX 4.3.3;

Bos.rte.libc FileSet4.3.3.17;


Question Communications Server for AIX (V5, V6) will not be able to start as follows:

In AIX433, if the file package bos.rte.libc fileset is late at and file package SNA.RTE (CS / AIX V5)

Under, or the file package SNA.RTE (CS / AIX V6) is below

The /var/sna/sna.err file will contain the following error tips:

CS / AIX V5: Unable to start the TN Server Executable SnatNSRVR_MT

CS / AIX V6: Error Reading Configuration: Define_tn3270_ssl_ldap

If you answer, please check the APAR.


IY12351 Communications Server V5

IY12677 Communications Server V6

How to install online manual in AIX 4.3?

Environmental platform: RS / 6000

Software version: AIX 4.3

The problem needs to be installed before using the online manual.

Solution AIX 4.3 Installation Media includes two online document discs: Base Documentation CD and Extended Documentation CD. Use the command man to view the system command before

You need to install the appropriate package by following these steps: 1. Set the value of the environment variable LANG, such as "en_us" as an English environment, "zh_cn" as the Simplified Chinese environment. Can you use command export lang = en_us


2. Use the Man to view the system command before you must install the following packages:

Bos.html.en_us.topnav.navigate - Top Level Navigation

Bos.html.en_us.nav - Online Navigation

Bos.html.en_us.cmds.cmds1 - AIX Commands Reference 1

Bos.html.en_us.cmds.cmds2 - AIX Commands Reference 2

Bos.html.en_us.cmds.cmds3 - AIX Commands Reference 3

BOS.html.en_us.cmds.cmds4 - AIX Commands Reference 4

Bos.html.en_us.cmds.cmds5 - AIX Commands Reference 5

Bos.html.en_us.cmds.cmds6 - AIX Commands Reference 6

Use command

Lslpp -l

Check if the above package has been installed.

3. If you need to query AIX system calls and C language library functions, you have to install the package bos.html.en_us.techref.base - AIX Base Tech Ref

Bos.html.en_us.techref.commo - AIX Commo Tech Ref

4. The Documentation CD also contains many other manuals that can be installed as needed.

Installing a package in the AIX system You can use the SMIT management menu. Enter the command line



1. CD-ROM device (usually / dev / cd0).

2. Move the cursor to "Software to Install" and press or " 7".

3. Move the cursor to the package to be installed and press or " 7" to select the package you want to install.

4. Select all the packages to be installed and press • LT; Enter> to start the installation, follow the following "Enter> to confirm and continue to be installed until success.

You can use the Man to view the system command!

What is AIX 5L

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: AIX

What is the AIX 5L?

Solution AIX 5L is AIX's next-generation product (current AIX V4), which supports IBM Power and Intel 64-bit (IA-64) platform. "L" means Linux Affinity.

How to solve the problem that cannot release the optical drive in AIX

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: AIX

Problem is often encountered in AIX due to abnormal termination or other reasons, often encounters problems that cannot be released normally

Solution #fuser -kxuc / dev / cd #

Or #fuser / dev / cd # lists the process currently accessing this device and then terminates all processes using Kill -9 PID.

Automatically transfer files using FTP

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: V4

Problem uses FTP automatic transfer files

Solution 1. Create a file in the user's root directory .Netrc

2. Set the properties of the .Netrc to 600, Owner is FTP user

3. Customize the contents of .NETRC. Such as:

Machine login password

MacDef init

Get file1

Put file2



Note: .NETRC must end with a space line.

How to quickly install AIX patches?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: V4

Problem How to avoid errors and quickly install AIX and HACMP patches?

Solution 1. Smit update_all <---- /

2. Select the Enter device or file path, and the system will automatically update all installed files.

How do I monitor the busyness of AIX's single file / lv / pv?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Model: V4

Problem How to monitor the busyness of AIX's single file / lv / pv?

Solution Use the Filemon command to generate the file / lv / pv I / O activity report.

Such as:

#filemon -o report_file -o all; Sleep 60; TrcStop <---- /

Customize your own AIX Login screen

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

Model: V4

Problem When the user logs in to the AIX system, it will display the following information:

How do users show their favorite pictures)?

Solution editing / etc / motord file

Check the virus on AIX

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: V4

How to check the virus of the AIX file system?

Solution #virscan Directory

For example: virscan / usr

The system is parked in LED C33

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Model: RS6000

The problem system cannot start normally, stopped in LED C33.

Solution C33 Indicates that the system is configuring the main control desk for TTY. TTY device can include a character terminal or graphics terminal. The character terminal can only be used to display character information, no graphics, no graphics card devices. Graphics terminals can display both characters, also Graphical information can be displayed, there is a graphics card device. This happens is usually because the main console is configured to TTY, but does not actually TTY. In this case, when the boot system enters the maintenance mode and execute the LSCONS command, The main control station will appear as LFT. To confirm this, use the command SmitTty Chcons, the main control station's Pathname item will be set to / dev / tty0. Change the contents of the PathName item to / DEV / LFT0, then restart the system This problem can be solved.

How to view the size of physical memory

Environmental Products: RS6000, AIX

Platform: RS6000

Version: AIX V4

Problem How to view the size of physical memory

Solution Use command: lsattr -el sys0 -a realmem or rms -p. Note that the RMSS command requires root privileges.

Use the command line to install the delete file package

Environmental Products: RS6000, AIX

Platform: RS6000

Version: AIX V4

Question Use the command line to install the delete file package

Solution In AIX, generally use the "smit" command to install and delete the file, but sometimes "SMIT" itself is destroyed, we can use the "installp" command to install and delete the file package.

Installation: installp -ac -q -d / dev / cd0

Delete: Installp -u

Remote customers can log in via "login, ftp", but cannot log in via "Telnet"

Environmental Products: RS6000, AIX

Platform: RS6000

Version: AIX V4

Problem remote customers can log in through "login, ftp", but cannot log in via "Telnet"

Answer 1. Use the command "ps -ef" to see if the "telnetd" process is started;

2. Check if "telnet port" in the file / etc / services is "23", if not, change to "23", then execute "refresh -s inetd" .aix license permission



How to view license privileges

Permission permission letter

How to determine the permissions when a file or directory is generated

How to change the owner or group of files or directories

How to change the permissions of files or directories


File system and directory installation point permissions

NFS installation file system license

This article describes how AIX controls the permissions of files and directories. All files and directory have permission controls: Owners (usually a person who creates files)

User group (anyone who puts this group as part of the set or the main group)

Other people (not owner or any user other than users who do not belong to this group)

AIX version 4.3 and RS / 6000 product information can be obtained in the following URLs:

Http:// html.

Text 1. How to view license permissions

The execution command "is -l file_name" or "is -ld directory-name" displays different data, one with 10 characters on the left:


This string can be broken down into 3 licensee sets:


| | | Other user licenses.

| | |

| | |

This group is licensed as a primary group or as part of one of them.


Document or directory owner license

These commands also display owners and user groups of files or directories.

-RWXRWXRWX Joe Joegroup

License owner user group

The owner name displayed is from / etc / passwd. The file's IdE stores the user's ID. If you see a number instead of the name, this is that the / etc / passwd file cannot be read, or this file does not exist. Similarly, the name of the user group is from / etc / group file.

The system first checks if you are owner; if so, you will get the permissions of the owner, even if this license is strict than the "user group" or "other people" permission.

Then the system will check if you are part of the column as part of the primary group or group. If so, you will get a group license, although these license limits are more stringent than the "other people" permission.

If you are neither owner is not part of the set, you will get the license of "others".

2. Significance of letters of license privileges

Permission permission letters are different from different files or directories. The permissions of the read / write directory are independent of the permissions of the files indicated by the read / write directory.

For the directory, the meaning of the license permissions is as follows:

R --- Refers to the ability to read the list of files in the directory, such as the "LS" command.

Note: If you only have a license for a list of directories, you cannot execute the command inside the directory.

x --- directory search capability. This file can be executed in the directory when known file names. In general, most directory operations require reading (R) and search (X) permissions.

W --- The ability to generate or delete files in the directory as search (X) permissions. If the directory is written, it is not permission to write, you can still delete the file, but you can't modify the file.

T - refers to the link permission. Settings link permissions prevent all users other than file owners, root users, and directory owners, although the permissions in the directory may allow this file to be deleted. In this case, you can set the search (X) bit for the "Other People".

T --- That is the same, but does not set a search (X) bit for other users.

S --- does not apply to the owner. Used in user groups, it becomes the inheritance bit (SGID, also known as set groupid). All files created in this directory are the same group with this directory.

S --- is the same as S, but does not set search (X) for the user group.

For files, licensed letters have the following sense: r - refers to the ability to read files.

W - means the ability to modify the file. You can only create or delete files when there is write permissions in the directory.

x --- refers to the ability to execute the file.

3. How to determine the permissions when generating a file or directory?

User ID (UID) is used to set the file owner. The primary group is used to set the user group (unless the directory is created with the SGID bit setting).

"umask" can set the initial permissions. Type the "umask" command in the command line to view the current settings, if you want to modify the "umask" setting, enter the UMASK number, such as:

Umask 022.

The "umask" command does not set a text file and a script file and set the execution bit in the directory.

If you create a directory or text file, set the permissions as follows:

Take Umask 022 as an example:

777-022 = 755

666-022 = 644

Execute "LS -L", the following permissions are displayed, (r = 4, w = 2, x = 1)

Catalog: RWXR-XR-X

Text file: rw-r - r -

4. How do I change the owner or group of a file or directory?

The "chown" and "chgrp" commands are used to change the owner and group. Only "root" users can change the owner of the file. The owner of the "root" user or file can change the group of this file.

Use the chgrp command: chgrp (new_group_name) (file_name)

Use the chown command: chown (new_wner) (file_name) or chown (new_owner) (file_name)

5. How to change the permissions of a file or directory?

Use the "chmod" command to change the permissions of the file or directory. Permissions can be represented by letters or numbers. Read (R) = 4, write (W) = 2, execute (or search) (x) = 1

These numbers are added to get the numbers for the chmod command. (Note: If you are using the ACL in the file or directory, using the digital mode chmod command will invalidate the ACL).

Sucent: Read write execution = 4 2 1 = 7

Group license: read write = 4 2 = 6

Other user license permission: reading = 4

CHMOD 764 file_name.

To set a special bit such as SuID (setting User ID), SGID, and link digits, the chmod command requires the fourth number.

SuiD = 4

SGID = 2

LINK = 1

To join the Suid license in the previous example, its command is:

CHMOD 4764 file_name

If symbol mode is used, first determine which position owner wants to change which position owner [u], group [g], other [o], or all [A]) and which symbols to add ( ) or minus (-). To increase read and write permissions for the owner, you can use the following two ways:

CHMOD U R u w (file_name) or chmod u rw (file_name)

6. ACL

ACL is an extension of standard rights. Each file or directory is more refined by modifying standard permissions assigned to individual or groups. There are three permission allocations for each group or user:

Permit: Permit specific permissions for files or directories.

DEMY: Restricts specific permissions to files or directories.

Specify: Define files or directory permissions in clearly.

The "acledit" command is used to establish an ACL. The text editor must first be set. Such as: export editor = / usr / bin / vi. Then use: acledit file_name

The screen will be displayed:


Base Permissions

Owner (rcunning): RWX

Group (staff): r-

Others: ---

Extended Permissions


To set the extension permissions, change the "disabled" to "enabled":

Extend Permissions


Use permit, deny, or specify keyword to define extended permissions. The previous example indicates that only the owner can write this file. Group members can read this file and other users do not have any permissions. If you want to enable the user "Joe" to read and write this file, use the following command:

Extended Permissions


Permit RW- U: Joe.

To allow group users Joegroup to read this file, with the following command:

RMIT R - G: Joegroup

You can fine tune the permissions by merged multiple entries in the same row. If you just want to provide read and write rights for Pete, he is part of the system group, use the following command:

Permit RW- u: Pete, G: System

To add permissions for several users or groups, use branch commands:

Permit RW- U: Joe

Permit rw- u: pete

Use the "ls -el" command to see if the ACL is set in the file. If the "ls -el profile" command is displayed:

- RWXW --------

The last indicates that the file has a valid ACL.

Note: The use of a digital controversial chmod command will cause the ACL of the file or directory to be invalid.

7. File system and directory installation point permissions

The file system is installed on the directory installation point. The installation points and file systems have permissions. The permissions of the installation point are determined by the UMASK settings used when creating the file system.

Although the permissions of the installed file system are prioritized on the permissions of the installation point, the installation point must limit each person's search permissions (that is, 111) to avoid unpredictable results. Remember, after installing the file system, you cannot see the permissions on the installation point. Before checking or changing the installation point permission, you must uninstall the (UMOUNT) file system.

When creating a file system, default permissions are from the basic file, while the SGID (group relay) bit is set. User uMask is not used in the file system only for the basic mounting point.

8. NFS installation file system license

Network File System (NFS) is installed in the local directory. The directory installation point is created when creating a network installation file system. The installation point uses the current umask settings when establishing the current umask settings.

The NFS installation file system uses a special user ID called Nobody. This UID is generally a large number so that it does not conflicts with the real user ID. Unless the NFS server has your user ID in / etc / passwd (not the text name), you only use this fake user Nobody when you remotely install the file system. If your user ID happens to match a valid ID of the remote system, you will become the owner of all the files created by the owner. This is likely to cause serious consequences that cannot be foreseen. If you want to create and own files in a remote system, your local system and server system must have a user that matches the / etc / passwd file (user name and the same ID number). And the file system must be output in the form of read and write.

"Root" users are a special case. Since the "root" user ID is 0 in all systems, if there is no special protection, any system for installing the file system will be the root of the server system. Therefore, the output of the NFS file system must have some "root" access of the host name so that you can require special "root" access from these host names. If the file system is not output in this way, "root" becomes user nobody. How to solve "Device Busy" problem

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS6000

How to solve the "Device Busy" problem

Solution When we operate on the network or network card, we often encounter "Device Busy" without letting us operate.



Method Error (/ etc / methods / ucfgdevice):

0514-062 Cannot Perform The Requested Function Because The Requested Function Because

Specified Device is BuSy.

1. First we have to confirm that the network interface has "Down" and "Detached".

Use the following script files to "Down" and "Detach" all TCP / IP network interfaces.

Interfaces = `lsdev -cc if -f name | grep -v lo0`

For Interface In $ Interfaces



IFConfig $ Interface Detach


2. Check if the following applications are running:

1) SNA: LSSRC -G SNA (check if SNA is running)

Stopsrc -g SNA (interrupt)

Stopsrc -f -s SNA (forced interrupt)

If the above two orders don't work: / usr / bin / sna -stop sna -t forced

If still uninterrupted: / usr / bin / sna -stop sna -t cancel


PS-EF | GREP SAPD (IPX is running)

/ USR / LPP / NETWARE / BIN / STOPNPS (Interrupt)

3) NetBIOS: PS-EF | GREP NetBIOS (Whether running)

MCS0 unload (interrupt)

The above steps can be resolved for most "Device Busy" issues.

IPCS Limitation

Environmental Products: RS / 6000;

Platform: AIX 3.2.5 - AIX 4.3.2

Question IPCS Limitation

Solution This article lists the Semaphore / Message Queue / Shared Memory (Shared Memory) from AIX 3.2.5 to AIX 4.3.2

Limited value. These values ​​are dynamically adjusted in the AIX system and do not need manual intervention.

AIX Versions 3.2.5 4.2.x 4.3.0 4.3.1 4.3.2 ------ ------ ------ ------------ Semaphores: maximum number of semaphore IDs 4096 4096 4096 4096 131072Maximum semaphores per semaphore ID 65535 65535 65535 65535 65535Maximum operations per semop call 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024Maximum undo entries per process 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024Size in bytes of undo structure 8208 8208 8208 8208 8208Semaphore maximum value 32767 32767 32767 32767 32767Adjust on exit maximum value 16384 16384 16384 16384 16384 Message Queues: maximum message size 65535 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MBMaximum bytes on queue 65535 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB maximum number of message queue IDs 4096 4096 4096 4096 131072Maximum messages per queu e ID 8192 524288 524288 524288 524288 Shared Memory: Maximum segment size 256MB 256MB 256MB 2GB 2GBMinimum segment size 1 1 1 1 1 Maximum number of shared memory IDs 4096 4096 4096 4096 131072Maximum number of segments per process 10 11 11 11 11AIX user system resources Limit



Applicable operating system

Network configuration steps

This article describes the system resource usage restrictions of AIX users, and modification methods.


Applicable operating system


Network configuration steps

The system resource restrictions used by AIX users include two concepts - hard limits and soft limits.

Hard Limits starts with the AIX version 4.1. Hard Limits should be set by the AIX system administrator, only members of the Security group can increase this value,

The user itself can reduce this qualifier, but its changes will be invalid as the user exits from the system. Use the following command to view the limit value of HARD LIMITS:

Ulimit -ha

Soft Limits is the upper limit of the use of the AIX core to use the system resource. This value can be changed by anyone, but cannot exceed the Hard Limits value. It should be noted here that only the member of the Security group can make changes permanently effective, and the change of ordinary users is exit system.

The post will be invalid. Use the following command to view the settings of Soft Limits:

Ulimit -a

The following is the default value of the system's Soft Limits:

3.2 4.1-4.3

=============== ==================

fsize = 2097151 fsize = 2097151

Core = 2048 Core = 2048

CPU = 3600 CPU = -1

Data = 131072 DATA = 262144

RSS = 65536 rss = 65536

STACK = 8192 stack = 65536

NOFILES = 2000 * Nofiles = 2000 *

* This value (Nofiles) can only be changed in AIX 4.3.1 or later.

The above definition is stored in file / etc / security / limited, which takes effect after the new user is added to the system. Change the definition value in this file directly

You need to restart your system to make changes to take effect. The corresponding value is "-1" means unlimited by Soft Limits.

Below we will introduce each field:

FSIZE user created file size limit. This definition value (512 bytes) is the size of the maximum file that the user can generate.

Core generated Core file size limit (512 bytes).

The CPU user process can use the qualifier of the CPU (in seconds). Ordinary users can only decrease this value, and root can increase this value. It's important to pay attention here

It is the process using the CPU to use the CPU depending on the AIX Kernel process scheduling algorithm. This value is only a reference here.

The DATA process data segment size limits (in bytes).

The STACK process stack segment size limit value (in bytes).

The RSS process restricted value (in bytes) of the resident memory segment. The AIX core is not referred to herein.

The maximum number of files in the Nofiles process is opened. This definition is fixed to 2000 in the version before AIX 4.3.1. In AIX 4.3.1 and after it

This value can be increased to 32767.

Here is three ways to modify the above limitations:

1. Edit file / etc / security / limits to modify each defined value directly. This change takes effect after the system is restarted.

2. Use the command ulimit to modify the default value. E.g:

Ulimit -f value

Ulimit -c

Ulimit -t

Ulimit -d



Ulimit -n

The Soft Limit values ​​for Fsize, CORE, CPU, DATA, Stack, RSS, and Nofiles will be modified.

3. Use the command chUSER to modify the qualifier of a user. E.g:

Chuser fsize =


Chuser Data =

Chuser limit =

Chuser RSS =

Chuser nofiles =

Change the Soft Limits of the User "UserName" to the value "value".

Chuser hard_fsize =

Chuser hard_core =




Chuser hard_rs =

Chuser hard_nofiles =

Change the Hard Limits of the User "Username" to the Value.

[Technical Document] Directory:

[Technical Document] Description / Content Summary:

[Technical Document] Detailed:

AIX 4.3.3 New Command for Monitoring System Activity --Topas

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Version: v4

Question AIX 4.3.3 Monitoring System Activity New Command --Topas

Solution AIX 4.3.3 You can use a single command TOPAS monitoring system activity - Memory, I / O, Paging Space, CPU, Process.

This command is included in the PERFAGENT.TOOLS file set, which can be installed from AIX 4.3.3 CD.

The output of TOPAS is as follows:

Tue Dec 5 14:05:40 INTERVAL: 2 CSwitch 142 Readch 1165 Syscall 441 Writech 66Kernel 2.9 | # | Reads 4 Rawin 0user 3.4 | # | Writes 0 TTYOUT 66WAIT 0.4 | | forks 0 Igets 0Idle 93.0 | ##### ############## | EXECS 0 Namei 0 Runqueue 0.0 Dirblk 0INTERF KBPS I-PACK O-PACK KB-IN KB-OUT WAITQUEUE 0.0 Tr0 1.2 12.9 11.9 0.5 0.7 LO0 0.6 7.9 7.9 0.3 0.3 Paging Memory Faults 3 Real, MB 64Disk Busy% KBPS TPS KB-Read KB-WRIT STEALS 3% COMP 74.0HDISK0 0.4 3.9 0.9 3.9 0.0 pgspin 0% noncomp 25.0 pgspout 0% Client 0.0X (2154) 3.0% PGSP: 3.2MB root pagein 0 DTTERM (10374) 2.0% PGSP: 1.0MB root pageout 0 PGING SPAS (12498) 1.0% PGSP: 0.4MB root SiOS 0 Size, MB 128GIL (1032) 0.5% PGSP: 0.0MB Root% Used 12.7ndpd-Host (20382) 0.0% PGSP: 0.1MB Root% free 87.2dtpad (3528) 0.0% PGSP: 1.1MB root Dtexec (4238) 0.0% PGSP: 0.3MB Root Ksh (11624) 0.0% PGSP: 0.2MB root press "H"

For Help Screen. BSH (11262) 0.0% PGSP: 0.1MB Root Press "q" to quit program. Setting Chinese Environment in AIX

Environmental platform: RS / 6000

Software version: AIX 4.2 or Update Version

The problem has an AIX operating system on the RS / 6000 machine, but Chinese cannot be displayed. This is because the AIX Chinese environment requires separate settings.

There are two ways to use Chinese in AIX: The first is to select a Chinese language when installing AIX, and installing the system automatically displays Chinese (this method is not recommended, it does not have a second method to use flexible). The second is to select English when installing AIX. After the system is started, the Chinese environment is manually, the method is as follows:

1. Place the first CD of the AIX system into the optical drive;

2. Run the command:


-> System Environments

-> Manage languange environment

-> Change / Show Primary Language Environment

-> Change / Show Cultural Convention, Language, or Keyboard

Move the cursors to the following fields in the subsequent display menu:



PRIMARY Keyboard

Press , select "IBM-EUCCN" from the pop-up menu to change the above field to Simplified Chinese, and press the back key to install the Chinese environment package from the disc. After this operation is completed, restart the system, and the operation interface is Simplified Chinese.

When you need to enter Chinese, use the following function keys to switch the input method:

AIX 4.3.3 Previous version: F1 --- f4 Switch to various Chinese input methods;

Right --- switches to English input;

AIX 4.3.3: Ctrl [F2]: Intelligent ABC;

Ctrl [F4]: Pinyin input;

Ctrl [f5]: five input;

Ctrl [F6]: Zheng code input;

Ctrl [F7]: Picture input;

Ctrl [f9]: internal code input;

Ctrl [f10]: English half;

In addition, AIX also includes two other Chinese environments, ie "UTF8" and "GBK", which are different from "IBM-EUCCN" that contains traditional Chinese characters. The above three Chinese environments have the same way.

"Volume Group Locked" recovery steps

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS / 6000

The problem encountered the error message "0516-366 Putlvodm: Volume Group Rootvg is locked, try again", can be restored as follows.

Solution This article is described herein for AIX V4.2 or updated versions.

The abnormality of the logical volume operation is sometimes caused by the volume group (VG) being locked, and the command is required.

CHVG -U [vgname]

Unlock the locked volume group. "Vgname" is a locked volume group.

How to add icons in CDE?

Environment RS / 6000; AIX 4.3

Question Need to add icons to CDEs, follow these steps:

Solution In the CDE environment, open the application manager (Application Manager), select "Desktop_APPS", double-click the "Create Action" icon, fill in the icon name and the corresponding execution program name you want to add in the subsequent menu, and select the icon shape After saving and exiting, open the user home directory (such as / home / guest) in "File Manager" under the "Application Manager" menu, you can find the newly added icon. You can directly double-click this icon, or right-click the icon and select "PUT IN WORKSPACE" to drag the icon to the CDE desktop. How to create / dev / null files

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Version: 4

Question If you accidentally delete the / dev / null file, how to rebuild it?

Solution 1. MKNOD / DEV / NULL C 2 2

2. CHMOD 666 / dev / NULL

How to reduce the size of the / var / adm / wtmp file?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Version: 4

How to reduce the size of / var / adm / wtmp file?

The size of the answer file / var / application will grow at each user login, but never automatically decrease. The content of the WTMP file will be used by the command Last, which is used to display the login system and restart the machine. This file cannot be Deleted, but its content can be cleared by using the following command:

#> / var / ADM / WTMP

How to use CDE environments?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS / 6000

Version: AIX 4.2 / 4.3

What is the problem?

Solution CDE "Common Desktop Environment", "Public Desktop Environment" is a graphical interface management program. Prerequisites with CDE are RS / 6000 connected with a graphic display. Install the package x11.dt.rte and x11.dt.helpinfo before use. During the installation process, the system sets the CDE to the default user interface so that AIX will directly display the CDE registration interface, enter the user registration name and password to enter the CDE operating environment.

How to save the current CDE environment

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS / 6000

Version: AIX 4.2 / 4.3

Question How to save the current CDE interface so that the same environment is used next time after entering the system?

Solution Open the "Startup" icon in "Style Manager", select "Resume Current Session" and use the "EXIT" button in the panel to exit the system to make the saved desktop settings take effect.

How do I find one file set in a file in the system?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Version: 4

Question How to find which file set in a file in the system?

Solution When a certain command cannot be executed on the operating system, you can refer to the following method to determine the required file set.

First confirm that the file set is installed in the system BOS.CONTENT_LIST:

# lslpp -l bos.content_list

Then use the following command to find the file set related to the specified file:

# / usr / sbin / which_fileset

Such as, # / usr / sbin / which_fileset iostat

/ usr / bin / iostat bos.acct

Find which files are included in the specified fileset:

# lslpp -f

Such as, # lslpp -f bos.acct


/ usr / bin / iostat


How to make .profile files take effect in CDE?

Environmental Products: AIX Platform: RS / 6000

Version: AIX 4.3

The problem is not taken effect after the environment variable set in the user's .profile file is not taken through the CDE interface. How to make it effective?

Solution Open the file .dtprofile, restore the comment "# dtsourceprofile = true", will be deleted in the "#" in front of this trip.

How to create a shared library?



Applicable operating system

Network configuration steps

Description This article explains how to create a shared library in the AIX system


Applicable operating system

AIX 4.2 / 4.3

Configuration steps

1. Compile and connect the shared library original code:

Here, it is assumed that Share1.c and Share2.c are C language source programs that contain shared library functions. Enter the command in the AIX command line:

CC-C Share1.c

cc -c share2.c

Cc -o shrsub.o share1.o share2.o -be: shrsub.exp -bm: Sre -Bnoentry

The above command will create a shared library named Shrsub.o in the current directory, and Shrsub.exp is a file containing all function names in the shared library. For example: SHARE1.C contains functions FUNC1

And FUNC2, Share2.c contains a function FUNC3, then the ShrSub.exp file format is:

#! /Home/sharelib/shrsub.o

* Above is full pathname to share library object file / * This behavior comment line * /




2. Place the shared library into the archive file using the following command:

Ar QV Libsub.a shrsub.o

This step is optional. Generate a ".a" file to specify the shared library location with option "-l" and "-l" when compiled or connected. For example, command

cc -o main main.c -lsub -l / home / sharedlib

Represents to connect the shared library /Home/sharelib/libsub.a when connecting the main function. If the shared library is not archived, you need to use the command

Cc -o main main.c /home/sharedlib/shrsub.o -l / home / sharedlib

What is COSE?

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS / 6000

Version: AIX 4.2 / 4.3

What is the problem?

Answer Cose is called "Common Open Software Environment", "ie" Public Open Software Environment ". Cose is an organization initiated by Hewlett-Packard, IBM, SunSoft, UNIVEL (Novell), UNIX SYSTEMS Laboratories, and SCO. One of its main purposes is to create standard user interfaces on many UNIX operating systems with standard application programming interfaces. surroundings.

Process KProc

Environmental Products: RS6000 / AIX

Platform: RS

Version: AIX 4

Problem process kProc

Solution When we use the command: "PS AUX" or "PS UG" check the use of the process for the use of CPU and memory, often see the "KPROC" process accounts for high CPU usage. This situation It is normal, this process represents the idle time of the system. Generally, this process accounts for 50% or higher when the system load is not very high.

How to manage Paging Space

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: RS

Version: AIX 4

How to manage Paging Space

Solution * The size of the Paging Space should comply with the needs of the application. Too many conferences are wasting hard disk space, too small to affect the system's run. Principles of Paging Space: 1. The system actual memory is less than 64MB, paging space = 2 * RAM2. System actual memory Between 64MB to 256MB, Page Space = RAM SIZE 16MB

3. The actual memory is greater than 256MB, and Page Space = 512 (RAM - 256) * 1.25

4. For AIX 4.3.3 When memory reaches 4GB to 8GB, because AIX 4.3.3 uses derred (Deferred) Paging Space.paging Space mainly based on the application requirements.

Generally, 3GB can be initially, then observe the use of Paging Space, if the usage exceeds 70%, you will need to add Paging Space.

The above calculation method is only a rough algorithm, and the user can adjust according to the actual situation.

* If the following is the following cases, you need to expand the Paging Space: 1. One of the following error messages:

Init: Paging Space Is Low

Ksh: Cannot Fork No Swap Space

Not enough memory

Fork function failed

Fork () System Call Failed

Unable to fork, TOO MANY Processes

Fork Failure - Not Enough Memory Available

Fork function not allowed. Not enough memory Available.

Cannot Fork: Not Enough Space

2. Use the command "LSPS -A", the result of the% Used column is greater than 80%.

3. Use the command "LSPS -S" its result% USED list greater than 80%.

* You can also check if the Paging Space is enough to use the following command:




Asynchronous I / O (AIO)

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: RS

Version: AIX 4

Problem asynchronous I / O (AIO)

Solution If it is synchronized I / O, the application must wait until this I / O is executed.

Instead, asynchronous I / O operations run in the background, I / O operations and applications can run simultaneously, improve system performance.

Using asynchronous I / O increases I / O traffic, if the application operates for bare devices, this advantage is more obvious.

Therefore, applications such as databases, file servers are often used to utilize asynchronous I / O so that multiple I / O operations are executed simultaneously.

1. How do you know if you need asynchronous I / O?

* Execute the command: "VMSTAT # #" If the "WA" value exceeds 25%.

* Execute the command: "iostat # #" If the "% TM_ACT" value exceeds 35%.

2. Query a few AIO servers: Pstat -a | GREP AIOS | WC -L

3. Which AIO server should I have?

Generally, 10 times the number of hard drives, but do not exceed 80.

4. AIO driver: bos.rte.AIO

5. Configure AIO for available: # ix chgaio ->

State to be configured at system restart [available]

Raw device

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: RS

Version: AIX 4

Naked equipment

Solution bare devices refer to a physical partition on your hard disk, that is, logical volume. Usually the database uses naked devices to improve performance.

It is not controlled and managed by AIX and file system.

Logical Volume Control Block (LVCB): LVCB is used to save the logical volume information. Each AIX logical volume reserves 512 bytes of LVCB at the beginning.

Some database vendors use their own way to manage logical volumes, covering LVCB.

AIX can only use the "DD" command backup device. When using "DD" backup, you must pay attention to whether the database vendor covers the LVCB. In the AIX4.3.3 system, why is the OSLVEL command output is not

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: RS

Version: AIX 4.3.3

The problem is in the AIX4.3.3 system, why the OSLVEL command output is not

After answering or upgrading from AIX4.3.3 product media, the OSLVEL command does not display the version of the operating system (4.3.0), which may be caused by the following reasons:

1. The IFOR_LS.Compat.Cli fileset in the product medium is This problem can be installed by installing ifor_ls.compat.cli (PTF U466561 can

Http:// is obtained to solve. This problem will not occur when upgrading from a Maintenance Level maintenance package.

2. The version of the BOS.PERF.PMR fileset from the AIX4.3.3 product medium is not This issue will only appear when upgrading AIX 4.3.0 and 4.3.1 from the installed Bos.Perf.pmr. Bos.Perf.pmr file set is no longer used in AIX 4.3.3, so uninstalling this fileset can solve this problem.

3. In Maintenance Level, does not contain bos.crypto * and * file sets because they contain encrypted codes that are exported. These file sets can only be upgraded by AIX 4.3.3 Bonus Pack that is issued with AIX4.3.3.

Chinese input in AIX 4.3.3

Environmental Products: RS6000, AIX

Platform: RS6000

Version: AIX 4.3.3

Problem AIX 4.3.3 Chinese input

Solution In AIX 4.3.3, the Chinese input is no longer used to change to Ctrl F1 - F4: Ctrl [F2]: Intelligent ABC;

Ctrl [F4]: Pinyin input;

Ctrl [f5]: five input;

Ctrl [F6]: Zheng code input;

Ctrl [F7]: Picture input;

Ctrl [f9]: internal code input;

Ctrl [f10]: English half;

Ctrl [F11]: Set the input feature;

Ctrl [F12]: Select the menu;

Libc.a file recovery

Environmental Products: RS6000, AIX

Platform: RS6000

Version: AIX V4

Question Libc.a file recovery

Solution When answering a user's question, you often encounter the system that cannot start, error: can't find file or damaged file libc.a. When this is encountered, we can recover by following:

1. Start the system from the CDROM, enter the maintenance mode, and then perform the following command:

# mount / dev / hd4 / mnt

# Mount / DEV / HD2 / MNT / USR

# xit path = / mnt / usr / sbin: / mnt / usr / bin

# CD / MNT

# restore -xvqf /../spot/usr/sys/inst.images/bos


Libpath = / usr / ccs / lib: / usr / lib

Export Libpath

Ln -s /usr/ccs/lib/libc.a /mnt/usr/lib/libc.a

2. Check the file system: fsck / dev / hd1





3. Restart the system:


What is AIX / Montery

Environment: AIX, Monterey

Platform: cross-platform

Version: AIX 5L

What is AIX / Montery

Solution AIX / Monterey is the UNIX operating system of IBM's next phase of development, where AIX cores bring extremely easy to expand, highly available, and has all the advantages of Unix operating systems with extraordinary power. AIX / Monterey is a major UNIX operating system program, which is leaded by IBM and cooperates with SCO and Intel to obtain extensive support for industry-leading software and system manufacturers. AIX / Monterey is a large-scale enterprise UNIX operating system, currently running over a variety of Intel 32-bit architecture (IA-32) and Power architectures. This product will extend this year to the IA-64 INTEL's 64-bit architecture. The system supported by AIX / Monterey is very wide, including from department-level servers to large data center servers. AIX / Monterey combines the best features of a variety of operating systems, including AIX systems, IBM Dynix / PTX, and SCO's unixware, where Dynix / PTX comes from Sequent, running NUMA-Q, and UNIXWARE is currently running in Intel platform today. A UNIX operating system of the largest share. Later this year, for those who prefer Intel64-bit ITANIUM3 systems, IBM will provide AIX / MonteRey / 64 to make it a powerful feature that is equally AIX running on RS / 6000. AIX / Monterey will continue to meet the needs of customers who span all kinds of Intel and Power systems, industry-level Unix platforms. We will build powerful Linux compatibility in AIX / Monteey to help Linux applications easily on AIX / Monterey and help push the AIX / Monterey app to run in the future version of Linux. The application of portability is expected to be achieved in advance than Linux, which will provide a solid foundation for our customers. In addition, we will cooperate with open source communities to apply AIX / Monterey technology to Linux to help build a better Linux system.

IBM is fully able to help customers adapt to Linux's development, and the superior capabilities they have are unable to enter any other UNIX manufacturers. For applications on the powerful new operating system running on AIX / Monterey, IBM plans to easily transplant to Linux in the future and help customers protect their hardware, applications, data, processes, and technology. Investment, therefore, customers today investment AIX / Monterey can confidently deal with Linux's continuous development.

How do I use IBM HTTP Server to support AIX online documentation?

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: RS

Version: AIX4.3.3

Question How to use IBM HTTP Server to support AIX online documentation?

Solution AIX 4.3 provides a component that selects the installed installation --- Web-based documentation and document query services. It allows you to retrieve online HTML documents. You can set a server to a document server, another machine to access and retrieve AIX documents as a client.

The components installed in the RS / 6000 client are:

WEB browser

2. bos.docsearch.client. * File Set

The components installed in the RS / 6000 server side are:

WEB browser

2. Web Server3. Complete Bos.Docsearch. * File Set

4. Documentation Libraries

There are several ways to install and configure the component, but the easiest way is to use the configassist command and select Configure Online Documentation and Search. Of course, you can also use the SMIT menu. The following describes the steps of the Configuration Document Server (login in root).

1. Install a web browser


Netscape Navigator provided in the AIX4.3 Bonus Pack CD with SMIT Install_LATEST. Select the following packages:



2. Install Web Server


In AIX4.3.3 Bonus Pack contains IBM HTTP Server as a web server, instead of previous versions of Netscape FastTrack Server (AIX4.2.1) and Lotus Go Web Server (AIX4.3.2).

Install the IBM HTTP Web Server provided in the AIX4.3 Bonus Pack CD with SMIT Install_LATEST. Select the following package: - http_server.base (IBM HTTP Server)

- http_server.admin (Administration Server - Used to Configure the IBM HTTP Server)

- http_server.msg.xx_xx.admin (where xx_xx is your country code)

- http_server.frca (AIX 4.3.3 or Later, OR AIX 4.3.2 with apar iod01609. This apar cannot be installed on Aix 4.2.1.)

- http_server.html.xx_xx (where xx_xx is your country code)

- (Apache Documentation)

- http_server.modules

3. Install Documentation Search Service


Install all Bos.Docsearch files in the AIX4.3 installation disc with SMIT Install_LATEST.

4. Configure the Documentation Search Service


Set with SMIT Web_Configure

- Default Browser

Select or type commands for the boot browser here, such as Netscape- Documentation and Search Server

Here we set up the document and query the location of the server: Local - this coomputer Enter,

Select IBM HTTP Server Web Server in Web Server Software, Enter.

If this is not AIX 4.3.3, no option, select "Other local server or above in non-default location", press Enter, in the following directory, according to your Web Server path setting changes the corresponding value, Such as HTTP Server 1.3.6, for http server1.3.3, path-to / usr / lpp / httpserver / share / cgi-bin and / usr / lpp / httpserver / share / htdocs) local web server port number [80]


Local Web Server HTML Document Directory / USR / HTTPSERVER / HTDOCS

Press back

5. Install the online manual (Online Manuals)


Install the CD with AIX, there are two documents CD:

The AIX Version 4.3 Base Documentation CD

The Aix Version 4.3 Extended Documentation CD

Use SMIT Install_Latest to install the online manual in the CD to the hard drive. Yes, don't forget to install BOS.Docregister, it is a prerequisite for all online documents.

6. Activate Documentation Search Service


After the Documentation Search Service is configured, log out and re-log in so that environment variables take effect.

In the CDE environment, double-click the Documentation Search Service icon in Application Manager. Or Type DocSearch in the command line to activate the Documentation Search Service, Netscape will start, display the Documentation Search Serviceyemian, then you can use Browser-based AIX online documentation!

A simpler way of use is to type the following URL in the browser, you can use the AIX Documentation Search Service:

http: // [: ] / cgi-bin / ds_form

Where: is only specified when the port is non-80. 7133 hard drive connection verification "good" and "reserved"

Environmental Products: RS6000, SSDAIX

Platform: RS6000, SSD

Version: AIX V4

Question 7133 Hard disk connection verifies "good" and "reserved"

Solution in RS6000 AIX, when entering: Diag - Task Selection - SSA Service Aid --- Link Verification, select the appropriate SSA card, which is displayed, and sometimes the status of the hard disk is "reserved". The phenomenon is normal. This is because, when the SSA hard disk is completed in the operating system, they belong to a specified SSA adapter card, this card is the hard disk of this group

'primary adapter'. If "Primary Adapter" failed, this group of hard drives can adapt to the other SSA in the same ring. SSA PDISK hard disk displays "Good" on "Primary Adapter" and display on another SSA card 'reserved'.

How to recover from LED 553



Applicable operating system

Recover steps

Note This document lists the recovery step from the LED 553. During the IPL started in the RISC 6000 system, if the system cannot read or run the / etc / inittab file, it will stop in LED 553. To recover from LED 553, need Check the spatial problem of / DEV / HD3 and / DEV / HD4 and delete unnecessary files. Check if the / etc / inittab file is destroyed. If the inittab file is not destroyed, you need to check Shell Profiles, such as / bin / BSH Documents and other documents.

Text applicable operating system

Suitable for AIX V4 version

Recover steps

1. Start from the operating system CD to enter the maintenance menu.

2. Select "Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery" (option 3)

The next screen will display the menu "maintenance"

Select "Access A Root Volume Group" (option 1)

In this step, the console will display information about rootvg and will display a menu with two options.

Select "Access this volume group and start a shell" (option 1) If an error is performed in the above steps, do not continue to perform the following steps. Fix the error before proceeding.

3. Use the DF command to check the remaining space in / DEV / HD3 and / DEV / HD4.

DF / DEV / HD3

DF / DEV / HD4

4. If the DF command displays no file system without the remaining space, delete some files in the file system. Three deleted files are /smit.log, /smit.script, and /.sh_history.

5. Next, check whether the / etc / inittab file is destroyed. This file may be empty or lost, or it may have incorrect content.

Please refer to "Sample / etc / initTab files" at the end of this document as the control.

6. If the inittab file is destroyed, please edit the file after setting the correct terminal type. (XXX is the terminal type, such as LFT, IBM3151, or VT100.)

Term = XXX

Export Term

You can now create an / etc / initTab file using the editor. You can see the last "Sample / etc / initTab files" this document.

If the / etc / inittab file has been destroyed, you need to rebuild, you do not have to perform the following steps.

7. Use the following command to check if the file is modified or has a problem.

Ls -al /.profile / etc / environments / etc / profile output example:

-rw-r - r - 1 root system 158 DEC 14 1993 / PROFILE

-rw-rw-r - 1 root system 1389 OCT 26 1993 / etc / environment

-rw-r - r - 1 root system 1214 Jan 22 1993 / etc / profile

"etc / profile" or ".profile" may include a command only in the Korn shell. Change these commands, making them valid in the Bourne Shell. For example, change the following line:

Export Path = / bin: / usr / bin /: / etc: / usr / ucb :.

For the following:

PATH = / bin: / usr / bin /: / etc: / usr / ucb :.

Export Path

"/ etc / environment" situation is special. It contains a simple variable assignment, such as the declaration of = format. Check this file to confirm its format.

8. Use the following command to check the lost or moved files:

LS -AL / BIN / BIN / BSH / BIN / SH / LIB / U / UNIX

Output example:

LRWXRWXRWX 1 root sys 8 aug 5 1994 / bin -> / usr / bin

-R-XR-XR-X 3 bin

-R-XR-XR-X 3 bin


Bin 256224

256224 JUN 4 1993 / BIN / BSH

Jun 4 1993 / Bin / SH


LRWXRWXRWX 1 root sys


5 AUG 5 1994 / LIB -> / usr / lib

AUG 5 1994 / U -> / Home


SYS 18 AUG 5 1994 / UNIX -> / usr / lib / boot / unix

If any files above are lost, the problem may be a lost symbolic link. Use the following command to repair the relevant link.

LN -S / usr / bin / bin

Ln -s / usr / lib / boot / unix / unix

Ln -s / usr / lib / lib / lib

LN -S / HOME / U

9. Use the following command to confirm that fsck and rc.boot have not been lost or destroyed.

Ls -l / etc / fsck /sbin/rc.boot

Output example:

LRWXRWXRWX 1 root system 14 aug 5 1994 / etc / fsck -> / usr / sbin / fsck

-rwxrwxr - 1 root system 33760 AUG 30 1993 /sbin/rc.boot

10. Confirm that the / etc / inittab file is V4 version. In this version, the act begins with BRC:

Brc :: sysinit: /sbin/rc.boot 3> / dev / console 2> & 1

See the last "Sample / etc / initTab file" this document.

11. If no obvious problem is found, try to replace the BSH to KSH with the following command. (The first command backs up before overwriting the BSH.)

Cp / bin / bsh /bin/bsh.orig


If you can start successfully, the following files cause the problem of BSH. Check the following file:




If the above command returns any errors, the BSH cannot bind some commands in the corresponding file.

From the perspective of time and system integrity, the best way to solve this problem may be from the new installation operating system. Sample / etc / inittab file for AIX V4

: @ (#) 49 SRC / BOS / ETC / INITTAB, CMDOPER, BOS411,

: 9430C411A 7/26/94 16.27.45

Init: 2: InitDefault:

Brc :: sysinit: /sbin/rc.boot 3> / dev / console 2> & 1 # Phase 3 of


Powerfail :: Powerfail: /etc/rc.powerfail 2> & 1 | Alog -Tboot>

/ dev / console

RC: 2: Wait: / etc / rc> Alog -Tboot> / Dev / Console 2> & 1

# Multi-User Checks

FBCHECK: 2: Wait: / usr / lib / dwm / fbcheck> alog -tboot> / dev / console

2> & 1

SRCMSTR: 2: Respawn: / etc / srcmstr

# XiStem resource controller

Rctcpip: 2: Wait: /etc/rc.tcpip> / dev / console 2>

& 1 # start tcp / ip daemons

RCNFS: 2: Wait: /etc/rc.nfs> / dev / console 2> & 1 # start nfs daemons

Cron: 2: Respawn: / ETC / CRON

Cons: 0123456789: Respawn: / etc / getty / dev / console

PIOBE: 2: Wait: / usr / lib / lpd / pio / etc / pioinit>

/ dev / null 2> & 1 # Pb Cleanup

QDaemon: 2: Wait: / bin / startsrc -sqdaemon

WRITESRV: 2: Wait: / bin / startsrc -swritesrv

UPRINTFD: 2: Respawn: / usr / sbin / uprintfd

DT: 2: Wait: /etc/rc.dt

Introduction to RAID Technology



Introduction to RAID Technology

Description This article Introduction RAID technology

Text RAID Technology

RAID is combined with data stripping methods to improve data, and start researching this technology as early as 1970.RAID can be divided into RAID level 1 to RAID level 6, usually To: RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 2, RAID 3, RAID 4, RAID 5, RAID6. Each RAID level has its own strengths and weaknes. "Parity" defines redundant information for user data, when hard disk Data can be re-generated when it is invalid.

RAID 0: RAID 0 is not a real RAID structure, no data redundancy. RAID 0 continuously divides data and read / writes in multiple disks in parallel. Therefore, it has a high data transfer rate. But RAID 0 is increasing performance At the same time, there is no data reliability, which will affect the entire data if a disk failure will affect the entire data. Therefore, RAID 0 is not applicable to key applications that require data high availability.

RAID 1: RAID 1 Implement data redundancy by data image, generates data that is backup on two pairs of separated disks. RAID 1 can improve read performance, when the original data is busy, you can read data directly from the mirror copy .RAID 1 is the highest cost in the disk array, but provides the highest data availability. When a disk fails, the system can be automatically swapped on the mirror disk without the need for restructuring.

RAID 2: From the concept, RAID 2 is similar to RAID 3, both of which are distributed on different hard drives, and the block unit is in place or bytes. However, RAID 2 is called "aggravating average correction The code technology is miscible to provide error check and recovery. This encoding technology requires multiple disk storage checks and recovery information, making RAID 2 technology more complicated. Therefore, rarely use it in business environments. RAID 3: Unlike different from RAID 2, RAID 3 Store parity information using a single disk. If a disk failure, parity disk and other data tray can re-generate data. If the parity disk is invalid, it does not affect the data .raid 3 for a large number of continuous data Provide a good transmission rate, but for random data, the parity disk will become a bottleneck written.

RAID 4: Like RAID 2, RAID 3, RAID 4, RAID 5 also puts data stripping and distributed on different disks, but the block unit is block or record. RAID 4 uses a disk as a parity board Each write operation needs to access the parity disk, becoming a bottleneck written. It is rarely used in commercial applications.

RAID 5: RAID 5 does not specify the parity disk independently, but the crossover access data and parity information on all disks. On RAID5, the read / write pointer can operate the array device at the same time, providing higher Data traffic. RAID 5 is more suitable for small data blocks, randomly read and writes data. RAID 3 compared to RAID 5, the important difference is that RAID 3 is transmitted, and all array discs are required. For RAID 5 For most data transmission only to one disk operation, there is a parallel operation. There is "write loss" in RAID 5, that is, each write operation will result in four actual read / write operations, two of which read the old Data and parity information, write new data and parity information twice.

RAID 6: RAID 6 is compared with RAID 5, adds the second independent parity information block. Two independent parity uses different algorithms, the reliability of data is very high. Even if the two disks are invalid, It does not affect the use of data. However, it is necessary to assign a larger disk space to parity. Compared to RAID 5, there is a greater "write loss". RAID 6 is very poor, poor performance and complex implementation Make RAID 6 rarely.

How to reduce HD6 page space

Environmental Products: AIX

Platform: RS

Version: AIX V4

How to reduce HD6 page space

Solution 1. Create a temporary page space: mkps -a -n -s 20 rootvg (-a Indicates that the page space is configured when the system is restarted, and -n indicates immediate activation of page space, the page space created by -S 20 is 20 Logical partition,

Rootvg indicates this temporary page space on the volume group.)

2. Set HD6 Not activated after the system is restarted: chps -a n hd6

3. Change the entry for the page space in the /sbin/rc.boot file: Change from SWapon / DEV / HD6 to swapon / dev / paging00, where paging00 is the temporary page space created in step 1.

4. If the page space HD6 is the main DUMP device, set the Paging00 to the main DUMP device: sysdumpdev -p -p / dev / paging00

5. Create an image file used to boot system: bosboot -d / dev / hdisk0 -a

6. Restart the system

7. Delete HD6 Page Space: RMPS HD6

8. Create a new logical volume for HD6 Space: MKLV -T PAGING -Y HD6 rootvg 10

9. Set the main DUMP device back to HD6: sysdumpdev -p -p / dev / hd6

10. Change the entry for the page space in the /sbin/rc.boot file: from swapon / dev / paging00 to swapon / dev / hd6

11. Create an image file used to boot system: bosboot -d / dev / hdisk0 -a

12. Activate HD6 page space: swapon / dev / hd6

13. Set Paging00 Not activated after the system is restarted: chps -a n Paging00

14. Restart the system

15. Delete the Temporary page space Paging00: RMPS Paging00 When doing the RS / 6000 AIX order configuration, do you need to configure the number of users?

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: AIX

The problem needs to configure the number of users when doing the RS / 6000 AIX order configuration?

Solution AIX 4.3 has no need to match the Designated User, NetWork User, and its quantity. You can configure it according to the actual situation after the installation.

How to download RS / 6000 PTF (Fixes) and Firmware?

Environmental Products: RS6000

Platform: RS6000

Version: AIX4; AIX3

How to download RS / 6000 PTF (Fixes) and Firmware?

Answer 1, PTF means: Program Temporary fixes, used for software upgrade. Downloads steps are as follows:

1. Open by browser:

Http:// (AIX Version 4

AIX Version 3

Catia for Aix).

2. Select the database used

3. Select the retrieval option and enter the corresponding string:

(APAR Number ---- such as: ix85874, iy00411

Fileset Name - such as:

PTF Number ---- such as: U464245

Apar Abstract - such as: HACMP,

4. Press the Find Fix button

5. Use the left mouse button to select the required FIX. (If you need multiple FIX, repeat the following steps.)

6. Select the version of the operating system used (eg AIX 4.3.3, using OsLVEL can detect your AIX version)

7. Select a downloaded server (FIX Server)

8. Select language (Select Languages) means how language packages if needed.

9. Press the GET FIX Package button to get a Fix list that meets the above options.

10. Use the right mouse button to click all FIX and select "Save Link As ..." to the local hard drive.

11. Installing FIX: Can be installed with SmitTall_all in the directory where FIX is located.

Second, download firmware (for hardware microcode upgrade)

1. Open by browser:

2. Select the corresponding RS hardware product, download the microcode in the DOS or AIX format (before upgrading, please read the corresponding description in detail)

3. The downloaded microcode contains password, please visit

Http:// FLICENSE.HTML Get your password.


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