C ++ Char Traits Template

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  135


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// generic char_traits clas. Note That this class is provided only

// AS A Base for ExPlicit Specialization; It is unlikely to be useful

// as is for any particular user-defined Type. In particular, IT

// * Will Not Work * for a non-pod type.

Character Features Template, the purpose is to provide a unified method function of the most basic characteristic.

Char_traits inherited __char_traits_base

Template Class Char_Traits

: public __char_traits_base <_chart, _Chart>


// Specialization for char.

// Char character type template offset


: public __char_traits_base



// int type to CHAR type conversion

Static char_type to_char_type (const INT_TYPE & __C) {

Return static_cast (static_cast (__ c));


// CHAR to INT type conversion

Static int_type to_int_type (const char_type& __c) {

Return static_cast (__ c);


// Compare two strings

Static int compare (const char * __s2, size_t __n)

{RETURN MEMCMP (__ S1, __s2, __n);

/ / The length of the character

Static size_t length (const char * __s) {return strlen (__ s);}

// character assignment

Static void Assign (Char & __C1, Const Char & __C2) {__C1 = __C2;}

// string assignment

Static char * assign (char * __s, size_t __n, char __c)

{MEMSET (__ s, __c, __n); return __s;}


// Specialization for Wchar_t.

// Wide character type template offset

__Stl_template_null class char_traits

: public __char_traits_base


// Class __char_traits_base.

// Character characteristic base class

Template class __char_traits_base {


Typedef _Chart Char_type; // Character Type


#ifdef __stl_use_new_ioostreams

TypeDef streamoff off_type;

Typedef Streampos POS_TYPE;


#ENDIF / * __STL_USE_NEW_IOSTREAMS * / / / The character assignment

Static void assign (char_type & __c1, const char_type& __c2) {__c1 = __c2;}

// Character comparison

Static Bool EQ (Const_Chart & __C1, Const _Chart & __C2)

{RETURN __C1 == __C2;}

// Character size comparison

Static Bool LT (const _chart & __c1, const _chart & __c2)

{RETURN __C1 <__C2;}

// string comparison

Static int compare (const _chart * __s1, const _chart * __s2, size_t __n) {

FOR (size_t __i = 0; __i <__n; __ i)

IF (! EQ (__ S1 [__ i], __s2 [__ i]))))

Return __s1 [__ i] <__s2 [__ i]? -1: 1;

Return 0;


// string length

Static size_t length (const _chart * __s) {

Const _Chart __nullchar = _chart ();


FOR (__i = 0;! EQ (__ s [__ i], __nullchar); __ i)




/ / Find characters in strings

Static const _chart * find (const _chart * __s, size_t __n, const _chart & __c)


For (; __n> 0; __ s, --__ n)

IF (EQ (* __ s, __c))


Return 0;


// String to another string

Static _Chart * Move (_Chart * __s1, const _chart * __s2, size_t __n) {

Memmove (__ S1, __s2, __n * sizeof (_chart));

Return __s1;


/ / Copy one string to another string

Static _Chart * Copy (_Chart * __s1, const _chart * __s2, size_t __n) {

Memcpy (__ s1, __s2, __n * sizeof (_chart));

Return __s1;


// string assignment

Static _Chart * Assign (_Chart * __s, size_t __n, _chart __c) {

FOR (size_t __i = 0; __i <__n; __ i)

__s [__ i] = __c;



/ / Judgment is the end of the end

Static int_type not_eof (const INT_TYPE & __C) {

Return! EQ_INT_TYPE (__ C, EOF ())? __c: 0;


// int to Char type conversion

Static char_type to_char_type (const INT_TYPE & __C) {

Return static_cast (__ c);


// CHAR to INT type conversion

Static int_type to_int_type (const char_type& __c) {

Return static_cast (__ c);


// Judgment whether the two int types are equal

Static Bool EQ_INT_TYPE (const INT_TYPE & __C1, Const INT_TYPE & ___C2) {

Return __c1 == __c2;


// Return End Integer Value

Static int_type eof () {

Return static_cast (- 1);




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