Shield Windows982000XP Tasklet, WIN button, Ctrl + ESC, Alt + Tab, Ctrl + Alt + Del

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  116

There are quite a lot of articles in this regard, the mask, WIN keys, Ctrl ESC, Alt Tabs, the general method is simpler, and the most use of the underlying keyboard hook DLL will be perfectly solved. However, for the masking of Ctrl Alt Del, there are two ways, one is the use of Gina DLL technology, replacing the Msgina.dll with Window itself, not only is not easy to debug (it is easy to enter), and the effect is very bad, Press CTRL ALT DEL three key to do not have a task manager, but the screen flashes; the other is to use DLL injection technology, which is really shielded in the message loop, and the effect is very good, there will be no flash point in the first method. .

This procedure is a second method effectively masked Ctrl Alt Del. In addition, there is a technical difficulty in the shielding task bar, that is, when the user sets the taskbar to automatically hide, it is not a good shielding task bar (sliding to the bottom, the Win2000 mouse, the taskbar will appear), This problem is effectively solved by the API function ShappbarMessage under XP, but the same code does not work in Win2000, and MSDN has a saying that the settings cannot be set in Win2000. You can only set it manually (what is Microsoft to Shield This feature?), So I have no way, use the API function keybd_event to force the issue (if it is not solved, it prompts you to close the taskbar automatic hidden function).

In addition, the biggest change is that I integrated all the features into a 24K control, just two methods can be perfect.

Below is a sample source code:

'********************************************************** *********** '** Module Name: frmDemo' **: YFSoft Copyright 2004 - 2005 (C) '** Created: Ye Fan' ** Japan: 2004-10 -21 15:47:15 '** Modifier:' ** Japan: '** Description: Shielding System Key WIN98 / WIN2000 / WINXP' ** version: v1.0.0 '******* *********************************************************** *** Option Explicit

'********************************************************** *********** '** function name: command1_click' ** input: index (integer) - 0, 1 '** output: no' ** function description: Shield system key '* * Global variable: '** call module:' ** author: Ye Fan '** Japanese period: 2004-10-21 15:47:12' ** Modify: '** Japan:' ** version This: v1.0.0 '***************************************************** ************************ Private submmand1_click (index as integer) if index = 0 THEN YFSYSKEY1.HIDESYSKEY 'Mask Else Yfsyskey1.showsyskey' Show End IFEND SUB ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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