Solaris User Commands Chinese and English Conversation Reference

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  116

Solaris User Commands Chinese in English -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ACCTCOM - Find And print process statistics file ADB - General debugger addbid - created or extended bibli database Admin, scci-admin- created and manage SCCI history file AEDPLOT - Various plotters graphic filters Alias, UNALIAS - Create and Deleting a fake name answerbook2 - online documentation system appletViewer - Browse the Java applet Apropos - Review commands by keywords ar "to maintain portable archives and library Arch - display the current host architecture AS - assembler asa-- FORTRAN Enter Control Output Convert to Printable Format AT, Batch - After execute the command atoplot - Various plotters ATQ - Show the Queuing Job ATRM in the specified time Run ATRM - Delete by AT or Batch Fake offline job AudioConvert - Convert audio file format Audioplay - Playing audio file AudiORECORD - Recording audio file awk - mode scanning and processing language B ----------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Banner - Production Notices Basename, DirName - Display path name part BATCH - later executing the BC - binary calculator BDIFF - Comparison large file BFS - Scan large file BG - Control Process Perform BGPLOT - Various plotters graphics filter BIFF - Notification Received Mail Message Break, Continue-- The housing built-in function is used to interrupt the loop C - -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ CAL - Show Calendar Calendar - Reminder Cancel - Cancellation Print Request Case, Switch, SELECT - The built-in function of the selected function CAT - connection and display file CC - CC-C compiler CD, ChDIR, PUSHD, POPD, DIRS - Change Work Directory CDC, SCCS-CDC - Change SCCS Incremental Changes Incremental Change Description ChDIR - Change Work Directory Checheq - Type of Mathematics Test Checknr - Check NROFF and TROFF Enter File Error CHGRP - Change Document Group Ownership Chkey - Changing the Security RPC Key to CHMOD - Change the Permissions of the File CHOWN - Change the File Ownership CKSUM - Write File Check and Size CLEAR - Clear Terminal Screen CMP - Compare Two File COL - Reverse Wolve Filter COM, SCCS-Comb - Combination SCCS Increment Change COMM - Select or Discard Two Files Command - Execute simple commands compress, uncompress, zcat - compression, Under compression file or display extended file Continue, BREAK - Housing Built-in function CP - Copy file CPIO - Copy and copy file file CPP - C language pre-processor Corntab - user table file, sequential in the year CRTPLOT - Various plotters graphic filter CRYPT - Encryption or decryption files CSH - CSPLIT - Based on the context - Log in to remote terminal CTAGS - Create a tag file,

Use CU to use with EX and VI to call another UNIX system CUT - clip file selection field D ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Date-- Write Date and Time DC - Desktop Calculator Delta, Sccs-Delta - Generate Incremental Change Deroff - Delete NROFF / TROFF , TBL and EQN structures DF - report empty idle drive blocks and files DHCPINFO - Display Parameter Values ​​received through DHCP Diff - Different DIFF3 between two text files - Compare 3 files Different Diffeter DIFFMK - Mark Troff Enter the Different Dircmp - Directory Compare DirName - Provide Path Name Some DIRS - Change Work Content Dis - Target Code Discharge Disable - Disable LP Printer Dispgid - Display all legitimate group name list DISPUID - Display all legal user names list DOS2UNIX - convert the text files in the DOS format to ISO format Download - Download the postscript fonts dpost - PostScript printer's Troff processor DU - Summary Disk Using Dumbplot - Various Draw Degrams DuMP - Selected Some DumpCs for Case Script Dump Target Files - Display Code Table Dumpkeys - Dump Keyboard Conversion Table E ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Echo - Write the parameters to the standard output ED, Red - Text Editor Edit - Text Editor (EX "variants for temporary users) EGREP - Search for file EJECT in a single mode with a complete regular expression - Pop-moving the disc or disk from the drive Media Elfdump - Dumps of the selected section of the target file Enable, Disable - Enable / disable the LP printer ENV - Set the environment EQN, NEQN, Checkeq- Type of Mathematical test EVAL - Perform other commands built in the command call Function EX - Based on the displayed text editor EXEC, EVAL, SOURCE - Perform other housings Built-in functions exit, return, goto - Let the housing ignore the outer casing of its steps in the order of the enclosure, unExpand - expand the tab to space characters, or in turn export-housing built-in environment variable function exportfs - Exprotfs Option Convert to Shared / Non-Shared Command EXPR - Computational Expression EXSTR - Extract Strings from Source Files ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------- Factor - Get the digital placement FALSE - Provide true value fastboot, fasthalt - do not check the disk and reproduce the start / pause system FC - History list fdormat - Format Disk or PCMCIA Memory Card FG - Control Process Perform FGREP - Search Fixed String File in File - Determine File Type FileSync - Synchronous General, Directory, or Special File Find - Find File Finger - Display Information about local and remote users FMT - Simple text FRELOR FMTMSG - Display Message FNATTR - Update and Check the property fnbind - Binding the reference to the fnbind in the standard error or system console Name FNList - Display the name of the FNS context and reference binding fnlookup - Show fnrename on the FNS name - Rename FNS name FNSEARCH - Search with a specific property FNS object fnbind-- Release the binding fold - folded line Fold in the FNS name for FOR, Foreach,

Repeat - Built-in repeat function from - Date of the new arrival message message and sender FTP - file transfer program function - Define the housing built-in command G -------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- GCORE - Gets the core image of the running process Gencat - Create a formatted message directory GENMSG - slave Extract the message to generate a message source file GET, SCCS-GET - Retrieve the version of the SCCS file getConf - Get the configuration value getFacl - Display any file getopt - Analysis command option getoptcvt - Convert to getopts to analyze command options Getopts - Analysis Utility Options GetText - Retrieve text string from the message database GIGIPLOT - Various plotters graphic filter GLOB - Expand the enclosure buckle buckle function goto - housing internal function GPROF - display call Graph - Drawing graphics GREP - Search for a mode groups in the file - Print the user group member GRPCK - password / group file checker H ------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Hash, Rehash, Unhash, Hashstat - Calculate the contents of the directory contents Hashcheck, havehmake - report spelling error Hashstat - Calculate the internal hash table head of the directory content, the first few lines of the file, SCCS-Help - seek Handle History, FC - Processing Command History, Hostid - Print Current Host number identifier Hostname - Set or print the current host system name HP7221PLOT, HPPLOT - Various plotters graphic filter I ------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- IAPX286, I286, I386, I486, I860 - Get Processor Type Truth Iconv - Code Set Conversion Utility IF,

TEST - Condition Judgment Implot - Various Drawing Degrelation The Graphic Filter IndXbib - Generates the Reverse Index INSTALL of the Bibliographic Database, INTRO - Command and Application Introduction IPCRM - Delete Message Queue, Signal Set Or shared memory ID IPCS - report inter-report process communication mechanism status isainfo - Description instruction set structure isalist - Show this platform's native instruction set J --------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- JAR - JAVA Archive Tool Javac - Java Compiler Javadoc - Java API Document Builder Javah - C header files and placeholders File Builder Javald - Create Java Applications Packaging Javap - Java Class File Anti-Disassembler JDB - Java Debugger JOBS, FG, BG, STOP, Notify - Control Process Perform Join - Relational Database Operator JRE - Java Running Phase Interpreter JSH - Standard and Job Control Housing and Command Interpreter K -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ KBD - Keyboard Command KDESTROY - Eliminate Kerberos Certificate Kerberos - Introduction Kerberos Security System Keylogin - Decrypt and Store Key Keylogout - Remove Storage with KeyServ - End Process Or on the process signal Kinit - Kerberos login command KLIST - list the currently held Kerberos certificate KSH, RKSH - Korn housing, a standard / restricted command and programming language KSRVTGT - Using the service key to get Store Kerberos Authorization Certificate L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ LAST - Display registration and Logout Information LastComm - Display the Link Editor of the Larger Document Link Editor LDAPAPAdd - LDAP Entry Adding and Modifying Tools LDAPDELETE - L DAP Delete Entries Tool LDAPMODIFY, LDAPADD - LDAP entry Add and modify tool LDAPMODRDN - LDAP Modification Entry RDN Tool LDAPSearch - LDAP Search Tool LDD - List of executables or shared objects Dynamic dependence LD.SO.1- - Dynamic object running phase linker Let - Used Housing Function LEX - For Vocabulary Task Generation Program LIMIT, ULIMIT, UNLIMIT - Set or Get Useful System Resources Limit LINE- - Read a line of Lint - C Program Verifier Listusers - List User Login Information LN - Generate File Hard Link or Symbol Link LoadFont - Display or Change X86 Display Card Font Information LoadKeys, Dumpkeys - Loading or Dump Keyboard Conversion Table Locale - Get regional specific information localedef - Defining Regional Environment Logger - Add entries to the system log - log in to the system logname - Return to the user's login name Logout - housing internal function,

Exit the LOOK from the login session - Find words in the system directory or find line lookbib in the storage list to find the reference Lorder in the Bibliographic database - Find the order of the target or library file LP - Print request LPC- - Row printer control program LPQ - Display print queue's content LPR - Submit BSD print request LPRM - Remove print request from the print queue LPSTAT - Display information about print service LPTEST - Generate line printer pulsation mode LS - list the contents of the directory M --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- M4 - Macro processor MACH - Displays the current host's processor type MACHID - Get the truth of the processor type Mail, Rmail - read the message or send mail mailboat to the user with the Solaris mailbox to provide compatibility Mailq - print mail Queue Mailstats - Print Sendmail Collection Statistics Mailx, Mail, Mail - Interactive Message System Make - Maintenance, Update, and Regeneration Related Programs and File Makekey - Creating a Admiral Key Man - Find and Display Reference Manual Page MCONNECT - Connection to SMTP Mail Server Sockets MCS - Control Target File Note Features MESG - Allow or Reject Message MKDIR - Generate Directory MKMSGS - Create Gettxt Use Message File MKSTR - By Transfer C Source File Message to create an error message file more, page - Browse or turn the MSGFMT in the text file - Create a message from the message file MT - Tape Control MV - mobile file N ------------ -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Native2ascii - this machine to the ASCII converter NAWK - new mode scanning and handling language NEQN - Typography Mathematical Test NEWALIASES - Re-establish the database for mail alias files NewForm - change the format of the text file NewGRP - Log in to a new group news - Print news entry Nice - Call the command Nis , NIS , NIS - Network Information Naming Services Niscat - Displays NIS Table and Object Nischgrp - Change Nis Objects Group Owners NischMod - Change Nis Object Access Nischown - Change Nis Objects Nischttl - Change Nis Object Survival NisDefaults - Display Nis Default NisError - Display NIS Error Information Nisgrep - Search NIS Table NISGRPADM - NIS Group Management Command NISLN - Symbol Link NIS Object NISLS - List NIS Directory NISMATCH, NISGEP - Search NIS Table NismkDir - Create NIS Directory Nispasswd - Change NIS Password information NISRM - Remove Nis object from namespace NisRmdir - Delete NIS Table NisTBLADM - Manage NIS Table Nistest - Use conditional Expression Returns the status NIS Name Space NL - Row Number Filter NM - Output Target Filter Name list Nohup - run command,

Unrelated influence Notify - Control Process NROFF - For display or line printer formatted document O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------- OD - Octa-Binary Dump ON - Command OnInTr in the remote system in the local environment ONINTR - the enclosure of the response signal OPTISA - Determine the optimal instruction set P -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- PACK, PCAT, UNPACK - Compression and Unzip Files Page - Browse or flip the text files Pagesize - Size PASSWD - Change the login password and password properties Paste - Merge files or subsequent line PATCH - Will change to file pathk - Check the path name PAX - Transplantable file files PCAT - Compression and decompression file PCMapKKEYS - Set keyboard extended mapping and scan code conversion - Proc Tool PDP11 - Get Processor Type Truth Values ​​for PC Console in Text Mode Pfiles, Pflags - Proc Tools PG - File Reading Filter PGREP, PKILL - Find Process or Process Send Signal Pkginfo - Display Package Information PkgMK - Generate Installed Package PkgParam - Display Package Parameters Value pkgproto - Generate prototype file entry, the input PkgTrans - Convert PKGTRANS - Convert PKILL - Find Process or Signal PLDD - Proc Tools Plimit - Get or Set the Resource Limit PLOT, AedPlot, Atoplot, BGPlot, Crtplot, Dumbplot, GigiPlot - Various plotters graphic filter PMAP - Proc Tool POPD - Change Work Directory PostDaisy - Diablo 630 Chrysanthemum Wheel file PostScript Converter PostDMD - DMD Bitmap POSTScript Converter POSTIO - POSTScript Printer Serge Port Postmd - PostScript - Plot (4) Graphic file POSTSCRIP T Converter PostPrint - Text file POSTScript Converter PostReverse - Reversing PostScript file Page CHETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEK - TEKTRONIX 4014 file POSTScript Converter PR - Print File prex - Control track of tracking in a process or kernel - Case built-in function, output characters to screen or window Printenv - Display current environment variable printf - write formatted output priocntl - Display or set the scheduling parameters of the specified process Proc, PFlags, PCRED, PMAP, PLDD, PSIG, PSTACK, Pfiles, PWDX, PSTOP, PRUN, PWAIT, PFREE, PTIME - PROC Tool PROF - Display Profile Data PRS, SCCS-PRS - Displays the modification table information in the sccs file Prun - Proc Tools PS - Report Process Status Pig, Pstack, PStop, PTIME,

PTree - Proc Tools Pushd - Change Work Directory PVS - Display Dynamic Target Internal Information PWAIT - PROC Tool PWD - Return to Work Directory Name PWXD - Proc Tools R ---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ranlib - convert the file into a random access library RCP - Remote file copy RDIST - Remote file distribution Program read - read from the standard input into the READONLY - housing built-in function, prevent the specified variable from being re-assigned red - text editor Refer - extended and add reference regmbMP - compiling regular expressions Rehash - calculation The internal hash table Remote_Shell, REMSH - Remote Shell RENICE - Change the priority REPEAT - housing internal function of the process, repeat an operation RESET - Set or recover Terminal Features RETURN - Case Built-in function , Skip operation sequence rksh - korn housing, a standard / limited command and programming language rlogin - Remote login RM, RMDIR - Delete directory item RMAIL - read email or send email to users RMDEL- - Remove incremental changes in the SCCS file RMDIR - Delete Directory item RMIC - Java RMI placeholder compiler RMIREGISTRY - Register Remote Java object Roffbib - format and display Bibliographic Database RPCGEN - IPC Protocol Compiler RSH, REMSH, Remote Shell - Remote Shell RUP - Displays host status (RPC version) uptime - host status rusage - Display Command User's User-Show User RWHO - Show users s on logging in to the local system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- SACT - Show the editing of the SCCS file SAG - System Activity Diagram SAR - Display System Activity SCCS - Source Control System (SCCS) Front End SCCS-Admin, Admin - Create and Manage SCCS History SCCS-CDC , CDC - Modify SCCS Incremental Changes SCCS-COMB, COMB - Merge SCCS Increment Changes Sccs-Delta, Delta - Mode SCCSDiff - Compare Two Versions of Same SCCS Files SCCS-GET, Get - Get Some version of the SCCS file sccts-help, help - requests for the help sccts-PRS, PRS-display some SCCS-PRT, PRS-Display SCCS files in the SCCS history file Change table information SCCS-RMDEL, RMDEL - Delete incremental changes in the SCCS file, SCCS-SACT, SACT-Display SCCS editing activity SCCS-Sccsdiff, scctiff - compare two versions of the same SCCS file SCCS-Unget , Unget - Cancel SCCS-VAL, VAL - Valgiver SCCS file Script - Record Terminal Session SDIFF - Sing ---D - stream editor Select- - Housing built-in function, make selection of SerialVer - display serial number version set, unset, setenv, unsetenv,

Export - Case Environment Variable Built-in Function SETFACL - Visual Control Tables (ACL) SETTIME - Change the Document Access and Modification Time SH, JSH - Standard Job Control Housing and Command Interpreter Shell_Builtins- - Case Command Interpreter Built-in SHIFT - Case Built Function, Mobile Case Parameter List or Field Separation Word List SHUTDOWN - Turn off System Size - Display Target File Section Sleep - in a section Temporary SMART2CFG - Compaq Smart-2 EISA / PCI and Smart-2SL PCI Array Controller IOCTL Command Soelim - Resolution and Eliminate NROFF or Troff Enter. So Request Solregis - Solaris User Registration Sort - Pass File Sort, Merge or Check Sequence SortB - Sort the Bibliographic Database Call Source Call Source Call Source Call Source Call Function, You can do other commands SPARC - get the processor type Truth SPELL, HASKMAKE, SPELLIN , Hashcheck - Display spelling error SPLINE - Interpolated Slip Split - Remove the file into data slophtxt - Displays the content of the message database, or search for string STOP-control process in the message database, Strchg, StrConf - Change or query stream Configuring strings - Find a string strip string Strip in the target file or binary file - remove the symbol table, debug information, and line number information from the target file - Set the terminal option SUM-- Display the checksum of the file and the number of blocks - get the processor type true SUSPEND - the housing built-in function, you can stop the current housing to stop the Switch - housing internal function, select a Symorder DRR - rearrange one from the list of operations Symbol sysvv-make - maintenance, update and regeneration program group T --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- T300, T200S, T4014, T450 - Various plotters graphic filter Tabs - Set TAIL TAIL on the terminal TAIL - View the last part of the file Talk - Talk to other users TAR - create tape Archives and add or extract files TBL - for nroff or troff Set the format TCOPY - Copy Tape Teach TEE - Copy Standard Output Tek - Various Drawing Termatics TELNET - Using Telnet Protocol to remote system user interface TEST - Judgment Condition TFTP - Ordinary File Transfer Program Time - Calculate the time of the simple command Times - the housing built-in function, used to report the current housing time Timex - calculate the time of the command, report process data and system activity TIP - connected to remote system TNFDUMP - put binary The TNF file is converted to the ASCII file TNFXTRACT - extract the kernel probe output to Touch - change files in the tracking file and modified the file TPLOT, T300, T300S, T4014, T450, TEK, VER - Terminal of various plotters Output graphics filter TPUT - Initialization terminal or query Terminfo database TR - convert character trap, OnIntr - housing internal function, used to respond to hardware signal Troff - Type or set Document format True, False - Provide true Truss - Tracking System Call and Signal Tset, RESET - Establishing or Restoring Terminal Features Tsort - Topology Sort TTY - Returns User Terminal Name Type - Write command Types TypeSet, WHENCE - The buckle built-in command,

The attributes and values ​​used to obtain / set the housing variables and functions u ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - U3B, U3B2, U3B5, U3B15, U370 - Get the processor type true value ucblinks - Add / dev item UL - to the terminal ULIMIT, Unlimit - Settings for the text displayed by the SUNOS 4.x compatibility Or obtain the housing limit UMASK - get or set the file mode to create a mask UNALIAS - Delete command alias uname - Print the current system name uncompress - unzip or display the unfolded file UNEXPAND - Translate space characters to system Table Unget - Unsained SCCS file unhash - Calculate the internal hash table directory unifdef - parsing and deleting the IFDEF line UniQ - report or filter out files from the C source program- The number of unix2dos expressed in standard units will be converted to other units Unix2dos - convert the text file by the ISO format to DOS format unlimit - Set or get the restriction of the housing system resource unpack - Unzip and expand the file unset, unsetenv - housing internal function Determine environment variable characteristics Until - housing internal function, perform unziP - listed, test, and extract the compressed file uPtime - Display system run UserS - Display the time of login users in the ZIP file in the condition. Listing UUCP, UULOG, UUNAME - UNIX to UNIX system file Copy uuencode, undecode - to binary code or decoding uuglist - Print Available Service Level UULOG, UUNAME - UNIX to Unix System Copy UUPICK - Public UNIX to UNIX file Copy UUSTAT - UUCP Status query and job Control UUTO, UUPICK - Public UNIX to Unix system files Copy UUX - UNIX to Unix system commands to execute v ------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- VACATION - Auto Answers VAL - Verify SCCS file VAX - Get processor type true value v C - version Control VEDIT - Based on the screen, an EX-based visual display editor Ver - Various plotters graphic filter Vgrind - Sets the format VI, view, venit - on the screen, EX-based visual display editor View - screen-oriented, EX-based visual display editor VIPW - Edit Password file Volcancel - Cancel the request Volcheck for uninstalling media in the current drive ,- Check driver Medition - Prompt users, requested volumes are not in the CD-ROMMMOUNT - call RMMount to install or uninstall media vplot - Various plotters graphic filter W ---------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- W- Display System User Information Wait - Waiting for the process to complete the WC - the line in the display file, the word And the number of characters What is to extract SCCS version information from the file Whatis - Displays a line of summary information about the command because-- housing internal function,

To get / set the housing variables and function properties and value whereis - find a command-made binary file, source file, and help page file which - display a command in the user's path While housing internal function, execute the condition Operation WHO --- Display Username WhoAmi - Show Valid Current User WhoCalls - Report The call for a specific process WRISINTERNET - Username Directory Service Write - Send a message to other users x ----------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Xargs - Transfer the standard output of a command to another command to extract XGettxt call from the C program String xstrt - extract string y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- YACC - another compiler ypcat - Displays the value YpMatch in the NIS database YPASSWD in the NIS map YPass WD - Change the network password in the NIS database YPWHICH - Return to the NIS server of the mapping host NIS server name z - -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ZcAT - compression, decompress files or display the file Zipinfo - List the official address about the details about the ZIP files as follows:


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