FreeBSD Correct installation of Apache + PHP + MySQL + GD

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  123

The correct installation of Apache PHP MySQL GD from ChinaUnix.Net// The article is very classic, there is no messy content, but if you often install the software, you will understand, it is a good information / / Other, if The following installation may encounter some questions, I hope to refer to the article I used to install Apache PHP MySQL // Mutual reference: / 19/79419.aspx installation mysql: ========================================= ================== ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / mysql make make install ./scripts/mysql_install_db

Chown -r root / usr / local / mysql chgrp -r mysql / usr / local / mysql chown -r root / usr / local / mysql / bin chgrp -r mysql / usr / local / mysql / bin chown -r root / usr / local / mysql / var chgrp -r mysql / usr / local / mysql / var chmod 777 / usr / local / mysql / var chown -r root / usr / local / mysql / var / mysql chgrp -r mysql / usr / local / mysql / var / mysql chmod 777 / usr / local / mysql / var / mysql chown -r root / usr / local / mysql / var / mysql / * chgrp -r mysql / usr / local / mysql / var / mysql / * CHMOD 777 / USR / local / mysql / var / mysql / * chmod 777 /usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a ===================== =========================================

Install Apache 1.3.x ============================================== ============== ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / apache --Nable-module = so make make install ============== ============================================== installed MOD_GZIP == ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ======= Vi makefile (path apxs? = / usr / local / sbin / apxs is changed to apache installation path: apxs? = / usr / local / apache / bin / apxs) make make install == ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= =======

Install zlib ================================================== =========== ./configure make test make install ================================== =========================== installed libpng ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================== ====================================== Cd / usr / ports / graphics / png make install = ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= =========

Install JPEGSRC ================================================ ============== Cd / usr / ports / graphics / jpeg make install ========================= ===================================== installed JPEGSRC ============= ========================================================= CD / USR / PORTS / Print / Freetype make install ========================================= ==================

Install PHP =================================================== ============== ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / php --with-mysql = / usr / local / mysql --with-apxs = / usr / local / Apache / bin / apxs --with-config-file-path = / usr / local / apache / conf - set-track-vars --enable-force-cgi-redirect --Nable-Pic --Nable-inline- Optimiation --Nable-Memory-Limit --enable-debug = no --enable-bcmath --enable-shmop --enable-versioning --Nable-Calendar --Nable-DBX -Enable-Dio --Nable-MCAL --with-TTF --With-gd --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-ftp --with-zlib --with-freetype --with-getText --with-jpeg-dir = / usr / Local / --with-png-dir = / usr / local / / / / / here should pay attention to a problem, if you use apache2.xx, then the above sentence is changed: --with-apxs2 = / usr / local / Apache / bin / apxs make make installcp php.ini-dist / usr / local / apache / conf ============================= ================================


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