Create a script program for WIN account.

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  113

A long time ago, a pressure test, analog multi-user access, and massively create a script program for WIN account. The file name is CREATEUSER.JS, and the run command is:

CreateUser.js / User: Share / Password: QAZW / Start: 1 / Count: 120Function Run () {wshshell = wscript.createObject ("") // msg = ("Net user Share1 QAZW / Add / Add) ", TRUE)

var argsUnnamed = WScript.Arguments.Named; var count = argsUnnamed ( "count") userName = argsUnnamed ( "user") password = argsUnnamed ( "password") start = argsUnnamed ( "start") if (start == null) { START = 1} else {start = parseint (start)}

IF (username == null) {wscript.echo ("no username") returnon}

IF (password == null) {wscript.echo ("no password") Return} if (count == null) { ("Net USER" " " password "/ delete", 1, True)} else {count = parseint (count) var i = 0; for (; i


Run ()



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