Internationalization of Java program

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  113

Java supports multiple languages ​​and does not need to modify the program, as long as you write the configuration file outside the program.

Here is an example of distinguishing between different languages

First, an example of a new number of resource files from several different countries outside the program content is:

Greetings = hello.

Farewell = Goodbye.

INQUIRY = How are you? is:

Greetings = Bonjour.

FAREWELL = au revoir.

Inquiry = comment allez-vous?

It can be seen that the front is the key value, followed by a string

It's like this.

Import java.util. *;

Public class test {

Public static void main (String [] args) {

Locale Currentlocale;

ResourceBundle Messages;

CurrentLocale = New Locale ("en", "US");

Messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle ("MessageSbundle",


System.out.println (Messages.getstring ("Greetings");

System.out.println ("INQUIRY"));

System.out.println (Messages.getstring ("FAREWELL");



Display result


How are you?


Localization can also be represented by numbers or currency

This is an example in java-tutorial.chm


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Import java.util. *;

Import java.text. *;

Public class numberformatdemo {

Static Public Void DisplayNumber (Locale Currentlocale) {

Integer QUANTITY = New Integer (123456);

Double Amount = New Double (345987.246);

Numberformat NumberFormatter;

String quantityout;

String amounTout;

Numberformatter = Numberformat.GetNumberinstance (Currentlocale);

Quantityout = NumberFormatter.Format (Quantity);

AmounTout = Numberformatter.Format (Amount);

System.out.println (Quantityout " CurrentLocale.toString ());

System.out.println (Amountout " CurrentLocale.toString ());


Static Public Void DisplayCurrency (Locale Currentlocale) {

Double Currency = New Double (9876543.21);

Numberformat CurrencyFormatter;

String currencyout;

Currencyformatter = Numberformat.getCurrencyInstance (Currentlocale);

Currencyout = currencyformatter.format (currency);

System.out.println (Currencyout " CurrentLocale.toString ());


Static Public Void DisplayPercent (Locale Currentlocale) {

Double percent = new double (0.75);

Numberformat percentformatter;

String percentout;

Percentformatter = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance (Currentlocale);

Percentout = percentformatter.format (percent);

System.out.println (Percentout " CurrentLocale.toString ());


Static public void main (string [] args) {

Locale [] locales = {

New Locale ("fr", "fr"),

New Locale ("de", "de"),

New Locale ("en", "us")


For (int i = 0; i

SYSTEM.OUT.Println ();

DisplayNumber (Locales [i]);

DisplayCurrency (Locales [i]);

DisplayPercent (Locales [i]);




The main code is:

Double Amount = New Double (345987.246);

Numberformat NumberFormatter;

String amounTout;

Numberformatter = Numberformat.GetNumberinstance (Currentlocale);

AmounTout = Numberformatter.Format (Amount);

System.out.println (Amountout " CurrentLocale.toString ());

The output is:

345 987, 246 FR_FR

345.987, 246 de_de

345, 987.246 en_us

You can also customize the output style:

Import java.util. *;

Import java.text. *;

Public class custformat {

Public static void main (String [] args) {

Locale Currentlocale = New Locale ("en", "US");

DecimalFormatsymbols unusualsymbols =

New DecimalFormatsymbols (Currentlocale);


Unusualsymbols.setgroupingseParetor ('^');

String strange = "#, ## 0. ###";

DecimalFormat WeirdFormatter =

New DecimalFormat (Strange, UnusualSymbols);

WeirdFormatter.SetGroupingsize (4);

String bizarre = weirdformatter.Format (12345.678);

System.out.println (Bizarre);



Define matching rules at


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