Output picture as a stream to the browser

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  116


// If you want to include the output in a JSP, you can call this JSP with the IMG tag.


// Image source, from file (file) or database (Database)

String from = Request.getParameter ("from") == NULL? ": Request.getParameter (" from "). Tostring ();

// Picture type, JPEG / GIF / BMP

String type = request.getParameter ("type") == NULL? ": Request.getParameter (" type "). Tostring ();

Response.reset ();

Response.setContentType ("Image /" Type);

Java.io.inputstream in = NULL;

// Method 1: Read the image file in a stream. Pic.jsp? From = file & type = jpeg & file = c: /img/test.jpg

IF (from.equals (") || from.equals (" file "))


IN = new java.io.fileinputStream (Request.getParameter ("src"). TOSTRING ());


ELSE / / mode 2: Read the current from the database. pic.jsp? from = Database & Type = JPEG & SRC = 168


Java.util.list List = dbwrapper.executeQuery

"SELECT Content from Image Where ID = '" Request.getParameter ("src"). Tostring () "'"


IF (list.size ()> 0)


IN = (inPutStream) ((java.util.map) list.get (0)). Get ("content"));



IF (in! = null)


Byte [] b = new byte [1024];

Int Len;

While ((len = in.read (b))! = -1)


Response.getOutputStream (). Write (b);


In.Close ();




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