Linux a word wonderful question and answer

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  123

A word, wonderful question and answer

2004-04-20 11:10:14

Editor: Mr. Chenxu is from: Sun China Engineering Research Institute

Editor's note: Given the current situation of China Linux development, more than 90% of questions can be answered in a sentence, this is the original intention of this article. Welcome everyone to add your own "one sentence", and then indicate the original provider. For more detailed documentation, please visit the essence or ------------------------ - Network has no articles -------------------------- 0001 Modify host name (bjchenxi) VI / etc / sysconfig / network, modify Hostname one behavior "Hostname = Host Name" (didn't this line? Then add this line), then run the "Hostname Host Name". No matter whether you restart, the host name is successful. 0002 RET HAT Linux Boot to Text Interface (BJCHENXU) VI / etc / initTab ID: x: INITDEFAULT: X = 3: Text Way x = 5: Graphics Method 0003 Linux automatic upgrade update problem (Hutueworm, Netdc For Redhat, find patch at www.redhat/corp/support/errata/, 6.1 later version with a tool Up2date, it can measure which RPM package needs to be upgraded, then automatically download and complete the installation from the Redhat site. Upgrade RPM: Up2date -u upgrade outside Kernel: Up2date -u -f, including kernel: Up2date -u -f due to the red hat network SSL certificate expiration, so I should execute a row of Script before RHN_REGISTER || UP2DATE before updating the certificate: wget -q -O - ​​ | / bin / bash debian is still very different from other distributions, using Debian to do server maintenance more convenient; red hat The upgrade is actually troublesome, of course, if you pay the red hat, the service will be different. Debian Upgrade Software: APT-GET Update Apt-Get Upgrade Premise: Configure network and /etc/apt/sources.list, or you can also use the APT-SETUP settings. 0004 WINDOWS Software (BJCHENXU) PARAGON.EXT2FS.Anywhere.2.5.rar and Explore2FS 1.00-PRE4.ZIP 0005 MOUNT Usage (Sakulagi) partition mount -o codepage = 936, IoCharset = CP936 / DEV / HDA7 / MNT / CDROM NTFS partition mount -o iocharset = cp936 / dev / hda7 / mnt / cdrom iso file mount -o loop /abc.iso / mnt / cdrom floppy mount / dev / fd0 / mnt / floppy USB flash memory MOUNT / DEV / SDA1 / MNT / CDROM All / etc / fstab content mount -a can specify the file format "-t format", the format can be VFAT, EXT2, EXT3, etc. 0006 use local hard drives in the VMware's Linux (BJChenxu ) Share the local FAT partition and use SMBFS hanging in VMware.

You can put the following line to / etc / fstab: // Win_IP / D $ / MNT / D SMBFS DEFAULTS, AUTO, UserName = Win_Name, Password = Win_Pass, CodePage = 936, IOCHAREST = GB2312 0 0 where Win_IP is yours Windows IP address; D $ is the shared name of the D disk shared in your Windows; / MNT / D is the directory of the partition mount to Linux; Win_Name and Win_Pass are users in your Windows to read the partition For example, your administrator name and password. If you run /etc/rc.d/init.d/netfs, you will automatically mount this partition when starting. 0007.A Delete files (BJCHENXU) RM ./-a rm - -a tells RM This is the last option, see getopt ls -i listing inum, then use Find. -Inum inum_of_thisfile -exec rm '{}' /; 0007.B Delete file (BJCHENXU) RM // A 0007.c Delete Name Belt / and '/ 0' File (bjchenxu) These characters are not allowed by the normal file system Character, but may be generated in the file name, such as the NFS file system under UNIX uses 1. Solving the method on the Mac system, remove the NFS file system under the system that is not filtered to filter '/' characters, containing a special file name file. 2. You can also remove the other files of the error file name, LS -ID displays the Inum, Umount file system, CLRI containing the file directory, clear the directory of Inum, FSCK, Mount, Check your Lost Found, Rename The File IN it. It is best to remove any file name of any file name! 0007.D Delete the name with invisible characters lists the file name and dump to file: ls -l> AAA then The content of the editing file is added to the RM command to make its content into the format of the above file: vi AAA [RM -R ******] Plus the file plus the execution permission CHMOD X AAA to perform $ AAA 0007.e Delete file size For zero file (bjchenxu) rm -i `find ./ -size 0` Find ./ -size 0 -exec rm {} /; or find ./ -size 0 | xargs rm -f & or for file in * # You define the file type DO if [! -S $ {file}] Then RM $ {file} echo "RM $ FILE SUCCESS!" Fi DONE 0008 redhat sets the roller mouse (MC1011) After entering X, select the mouse configuration Select Wheel Mouse (PS / 2). If the mouse is exception, restart the computer.

(Or SU, VI / ETC / X11 / XF86Config, change the PS / 2 to IMPS / 2) 0009 Pack XWindow (bjchenxu) Start with Linux CD, select Upgrade, then select the package separately, install 0010 Delete Linux partition ( BJCHENXU) Do a PARTITION MAGIC boot floppy disk, delete it after startup. Or start with Win2000 boot CD, then delete. 0011 How to exit MAN (bjchenxu) Q 0012 does not compile the kernel, Mount NTFS partition (bjchenxu, hutueworm) original RH8, Not upgraded or compiled by the kernel 1. search and download KERNEL-NTFS-2.4.18-14.i686.rpm 2. rpm -ivh kernel-NTFS-2.4.18-14.i686.rpm 3. MKDIR / MNT / c 4. Mount -t NTFS / DEV / HDA1 / MNT / C or read Only: / write: 0013 TAR Split Compression and Merger (Wongmokin) Takes a TAR Split Compression of 500M per volume: TAR CVZPF - MyTARFile.Tar.gz | Split -D -B 500M TAR Multi-volume merge: Cat x *> mytarfile.tar.gz 0014 Finding three ways to retrieve the ROOT password (BJCHENXU) when using LILO / GRUB: 1. Change the system to change the single user status, use passwd root to change 2. Install the disc boot system, carry out the Linux Rescue status, will / Partition hooks, as follows: CD / MNT MKDIR HD mount -t auto / dev / hdax (the partition number where the original / partition is located) HD CD HD chroot ./ passwd root can get it 3. Put the hard disk of this unit Down, hang it to other Linux systems, the method used to use the second identical RH8. LILO 1. Type the Linux Single screen when LILO: Tips Show lilo: Linux Single 2. Enter can enter the Linux command line directly 3. #vi / etc / shad OW will be the first line, that is, ROOT: and next: The first line will be similar to root :: ... Save 4. #Reboot Restart, the root password is Empty two. GRUB 1. When the GRUB screen appears, use the upper and down keys to start the top of Linux (Don't choose DOS 哟), then press E-key 2. Use the up and down button to select the one you usually start Linux. (Similar to kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 Ro Root = Label = /), then press E-key 3. Modify the command line you are now, join Single, the result is as follows: kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4 .18-14 SINGLE RO ROOT = label = / 4. Enter back, then press the B key to start, you can directly enter the Linux command line 5. #vi / etc / shadow will be the first line, that is, the row start with root ROOT: The next: The first line will be similar to root :: ... Save 6. #Reboot restart, the root password is empty 0015 makes Ctrl Alt

Del Failure (BJCHENXU) VI / ETC / INITTAB Note Ca :: Ctrlattdel: / Sbin / Shutdown -t3 -R Now, you can do 0016 how to see the redhat version is 7 or 8 (hutueworm) cat / proc / Version or CAT / etc / redhat-release or cat / etc / Issue 0017 file in which RPM is searched on, or the RPM -QF file name get 0018 to save the information of Man or INFO Text file (BJCHENXU) Take TCSH as an example: man tcsh | col -b> tcsh.txt info tcsh -o tcsh.txt -s 0019 utilizes two files to generate a new file (bjchenxu) 1. Remove two files The panegroup (repeated rows reserved) 2. Remove the intersection of two files (only the files existing in two files) 3. Delete the intersection, leave other rows 1. Cat file1 file2 | Sort | UNIQ 2. CAT file1 file2 | sort | uniq -d 3. Cat file1 file2 | sort | UNIQ -U 0020 Sets the COM1 port, allowing the super terminal to log in via COM1 port (bjchenxu) confirmation / SBIN / AGETTY, editing / ETC / INITTAB, Add 7: 2345: Respawn: / sbin / agletty / dev / ttys0 9600 9600bps is because the default of the linkage is generally this rate, or it can be set to 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 Modified / etc / securetty Add a line: TTYS0, make sure that the root user can log in to restart the machine, you can unplug the mouse keyboard display (best to look at the output information when starting) 0021 Delete directory All files include subdirectory (BJCHENXU) RM -RF directory Name 0022 View System Information (BJCHENXU) CAT / PROC / CPUINFO - CPU (IE Vendor, MHz, Flags Like MMX) CAT / Proc / Interrupts - Interrupt CAT / PROC / IOPORTS - Device IO Port CAT / Proc / Meminfo - Memory Information ( IE MEM Used , free, swap size) CAT / Proc / Partitions - All partitions CAT / PROC / PCI - PCI device information CAT / proc / swaps - All SWAP partition information CAT / proc / version - Linux version number is equivalent to UNAME -R UNAME -A - See the system kernel and other information 0023 Remove the extra carriage return (BJCHENXU) SED 'S / ^ m //'>, pay attention to ^ m is getting CTRL_V CTRL-M Or DOS2UNIX FileName 0024 Switch X Desktop (LNX3000) If you log in to Linux in graphic login, you can select GNOME and KDE if you log in to Linux, click Session on the login interface. If you are logged in with a text, then execute SwitchDesk Gnome or SwitchDesk KDE, then startX to enter GNOME or KDE.

(Or vi ~ / .xinitrc, add or modify EXEC GNOME-Session or Exec Startkde, then start X) 0025 Universal Sound Card Driver (Lnx3000) OS Alsa / 0026 Change the system language / character set (BEMING / MC1011) modified / etc / sysconfig / i18n file, such as lang = "en_us", XWindow will display the English interface, lang = "zh_cn.gb18030", xwindow will display the Chinese interface . There is also a method CP / etc / sysconfig / i18n $ home / .i18n modifies $ home / .i18n file, such as lang = "en_us", XWindow will display the English interface, lang = "zh_cn.gb18030", XWindow displays the Chinese interface . This will change the individual's interface language without affecting other users (Debian does not support GB18030 (RH's Zysong Font is copyrighted) Now there is no free GBK and GB18030 Fonts vi .bashrc export lang = zh_cn.gb2312 export lc_all = zh_cn.gb2312) 0027 Setting the screen to 90 columns (BJCHENXU) stty cols 90 0028 Using the MD5SUM file (BJCHENXU) MD5SUM ISOFILE> Hashfile, the MD5SUM file and the Hashfile file content comparison Decompress the multiple zip files (bjchenxu) unzip "*", pay attention to quotation marks less 0030 Look at the PDF file (bjchenxu) Use XPDF or install the Acrobat Reader for Linux 0031 to find the file (bjchenxu) Find. -Type F / (-PERM-04000 -O -PERM-02000 /) -EXEC ls -lg {} /; 0032 installed Chinese input method (BJCHENXU) Take Redhat8 as an example, XWindow and the terminal do not have to say it, the default is installed Out out with Ctrl-Space. Now discuss pure console, please download, in either directory, TAR XVFZ ENCON-0.2.1.tar.gz, CD ENCON-0.2. 1, ./configure, make, make install. End of installation, want to use, run zhcon, want to exit, run the exit. 0033 Receive the pop-up CD (beike) #Eject -t 0034 CD CD Made ISO file (mentally wisdom) CP / dev / cdrom xxxx.iso 0035 Quick Watch the power-on hardware detection (mentally wisdom) DMESG | More 0036 View hard disk use (BJCHENXU) DF -K Displays DF -H in K, M, G, T.. 0037 to view the size of the directory (bjchenxu) du -sh dirname -s only display Total -H is in units of K, M, G, improve information readability. KB, MB, GB is a converter unit at 1024, and -H is converted at 1000.

0038 Find or delete the process (WWWZC) FUSER FILENAME FUSER-K FileName 0039 installation software (BJCHENXU) RPM-IAA.TAR.GZ; CD AAA ;./configure; make; make install 0040 Character Mode Setting / Delete Environment Variables Under Setting: Export Variable Name = Variable Value Delete: Unset Variable Name CSH Set: STenv Variable Name Variable Value Delete: Unstenv Variable Name 0041 LS How to see hidden files (ie The files of the beginning of the document) (double eyelid) ls -a l. (Suitable for redhat) 0042 RPM where to install (bjchenxu) rpm -qpl aaa.rpm 0043 Using src.rpm (bjchenxi) RPMBuild --Rebuild * .src.rpm 0044 VIM display color or does not display color (bjchenxu) First, make sure the Vim-Enhanced package is installed, then Vi ~ / .vimrc; if there is Syntax ON, the color, Syntax Off, Not displaying color 0045 Linux is a real-time or time-time operating system (BJCHENXU) minute 0046 make bzimage -j's J is meaning in what is mainly used when your system hardware resources are relatively large, relatively rich Time, use this can come to speed up the speed of compilation, such as the -j 3 0047 source package, how do you have no source code, you put on your CD RPM-I * kernel * Source * .rpm, you can see Go to your source code. 0048 Modify System Time (BJCHENXU, LAIXI781211, HUTOWORM) DATE -S "2003-04-14 CST", CST referring time zone, time setting with DATE -S 18:10 modified after modification, execute clock -w Write to CMOS HWCLOCK --SYSTOHC SET the Hardware Clock To The Current System Time 0049 Boots the partition under Windows to automatically hooks the Windows D disk to / mnt / d, open / etc / fstab with VI, add the following line / dev / hda5 / mnt / d vfat defaults, codepage = 936, IoCharset = cp936 0 0 Note Memory made Cache to improve the last two numbers in the last two numbers in the last configuration item IO speed 0051 fSTAB. The first called FS_FREQ is used to determine which file system needs to perform DUMP operation, 0 is not required; The second name is fs_passno, which is a system restart to detect the sequence number 1 of the FSCK program to detect the disk. 1 is the root file system, 2 is another file system.

FSCK Detects Disk by Sequence Number, 0 Indicates that the file system is not detected by the file system of DUMP execution EXT2 FSCK detection and repair file system 0052 Linux to make the user's password must have a certain length, and comply with complexity (EAPASS) VI /etc/login.defs, change Pass_min_len 0053 Translation Software in Linux Star XDict Console, there is a DICT tool, through the DICT protocol to, 11 dictionary, for example: Dict RTFM 0054 Do not let the monitor sleep (bjchenxi) setterm -blek 0 setterm -blank n (n is waiting time) 0055 use DAT query yesterday's Date --Date = 'YesterDay' 0056 = 'YesterDay' 0056 xwindow How to screen capture (bjchenxu) KSNAPSHOT or GIMP 0057 Decompression Small All (Noclouds) TAR-I or Bunzip2 command can decompress .bz2 file tar xvfj example.tar.bz2 tar xvfz example.tar.gz tar xvfz example.tgz tar xvf esample.tar unzip tar -JVXF is the software file-roller that TAR's ZVXF is changed to JVXF ZIP / TAR RH8 with a graphical interface. You can also unnounce the ZIP file with unzip * .rar, unrar * .rar unlined the RAR file, but UnRar is generally unreliable, to download online.

# rpm2cpio example.rpm │ CPIO -DIV # Ar p data.tar.gz | TAR ZXF - Alien offers mutual conversion between .tgz, .rpm, .slp, and .deb and other compressed formats: http: / / Sex provides almost all visible compression format decompression interfaces: 0058 Find a method of a file in a multi-level directory (Qinghai Lake) Find / Dir -Name filename.ext du -a | grep filename.ext locate filename.ext 0059 does not allow ordinary users to change password (MyXFC) [root @ xin_fc etc] # chmod 511 / usr / bin / passwd also wants ordinary users themselves Change password [root @ xin_fc etc] # chmod 4511 / usr / bin / passwd 0060 graphics card really can't be matched (win_bigboy) Go to, the XFree86 4.3 installation can be installed . 0061 Super Deleting Formatting Tools (Moulioma) is safe than pqmagic, establishing deleting formatted gadgets: sfDisk.exe for msdos 0062 How to make XMMS playlist Display the correct Chinese (MyXFC) - * - * - * - * - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - 12 - * - * - * - * - * - GBK-0 , * - r- completely copy this thing into your font: Right-click anywhere to see anywhere in the XMMS play tool, you will see an "option", then select "Fonts" to select "Fonts" and put it on top Font Complete Copy to Play Inventory and "User X Font 0063 Redhat Linux Play MP3 File (Hehhb) The original XMMS cannot play MP3 (silent), to install an RPM package: RPM -IVH XMMS-MP3-1.2. 7-13.p.i386.rpm. Open XMMS, CTL-P, tick in the font column in the upper half of the small box, then select "Fixed (MISC) GBK-0 13 "The font can display the Chinese song name. Select "Open Audio System Driver 1.2.7 [LIOSS.SO] in the audio output plugin, you can play the MP3 file normally. 0064 installation Chinese font (Hehhb) first download George / (Reference: SIMSUN18030.TTC can be downloaded in Microsoft website, Windows2000 / DownloadS / 18 030.asp It is an MSI file, install it in Mswindows, after installing it, you can find it in the fonts directory under the Windows directory.

Copy SIMSUN.TTTC, SIMSUN18030.TTC, Tahoma.ttf, TahomAbd.ttf to / usr / local / temp, then download the shell file in this directory, then open the terminal CD / USR / local / Temp Chmod 755 SM .sh ./ 0065 Fat32 loaded with Windows partitions Enter KDE as root as root, click the "Starting point" icon on the desktop, establish the following folders in / mnt directory: C, D, E , f, g, usb. It is used as partitions and USB flash drives under Windows. Use the text editor to open the / etc / fstab file. Add below: / dev / hda1 / mnt / c vfat ocharset = GB2312, umask = 0, codepage = 936 0 0 / dev / hda5 / mnt / d vfat ocharset = GB2312, umask = 0, CODEPAGE = 936 0 0 / dev / hda6 / mnt / e vfat ocharset = GB2312, umask = 0, CODEPAGE = 936 0 0 / dev / hda7 / mnt / f vfat ocharset = GB2312, umask = 0, codepage = 936 0 0 / dev / hda8 / mnt / g vfat ocharset = GB2312, umask = 0, codepage = 936 0 0 / dev / cdrom / mnt / cdrom udf, ISO9660 NOAUTO, IOCHARSET = GB2312, Owner, Kudzu, RO 0 0 / DEV / SDA1 / MNT / USB VFAT IOCHARSET = GB2312, UMASK = 0, CODEPAGE = 936 0 0 store exits. After restarting, you can access the FAT32 or FAT16 format partition, solve the problem of garbled with the Windows partition and the disc Chinese file name. A total of six columns, each column is used for a Tab key. Note that this method can only mount on the FAT partition format. SDA1 is a flash drive. 0066 uses five pens and pinyin, location input method (HMKART) is installed from, and how to extract the RAR file (hmkart) http: // in Linux Download Rar for Linux 3.2.0, decompressing MAKE can then use unrar e yefilename.rar to extract the RAR file 0068 hard drive How to add / remove the RPM package (Sakulagi) Redhat-config-packages --IDIR = You can specify the directory 0069 character in the ISO file to control the volume (GRUB007, the sky.) Using Aumix. Also, to save the volume size of the OSS, steps are: 1. Adjust the volume to your satisfactory volume 2 with AUMIX, use root users to enter / usr / lib / oss (OSS default installation directory) 3, execute ./savemixer ./ 4, ok, after the OSS is open, you are adjusting the volume in the first step. PS: Reading Readme in this directory to get more useful information.

0070 Do ISO (GRUB007) DD if = / dev / cdrom of = / tmp / aaa.iso 0071 (including file name and file in directory) (SHALLY5) Find. -Ctime 3 - Exec rm -rf {} /; or find ./ -mtime 3 -print | xargs rm -f -r 0072 user's crontab where (hutueworm) / var / spool / cron / under file 0073 named file 0073 Different User Item Run Programs (Bjchenxu) Su - Username -c "/ path / to / command" Sometimes you need to run a special identity, you can let SU to do 0074 How to empty a file (bjchenxi)> FileName 0075 Why OpenOffice Don't display Chinese (Allen1970) Change font settings Tools-> options-> font replacement andale sans ui -> SIMSUN 0076 How to back up the Linux system (PURGE) Symantec Ghost 7.5 Support EXT3 NATIVE CD 0077 Linux PARTITION MAGIC (WWWZC Next useful partition tool next to Linux: Parted can modify the partition size, delete / create partitions real-time. 0078 / Proc / Sys / SEM What does every representation mean? (Sakulagi) / proc / sys / sem content below 250 32000 32 128 These four parameters are SemMSL in turn (the maximum number of semapons per user), SEMMNS (maximum number of system semaphes), Semopm (number of SemoP system call operands), SemMni (maximum number of system semons) 0079 GRUB boot What does BIGMEM SMP UP mean in the menu? (LNX3000) SMP: (Symmetric Multiple Processor) Symmetrical Multi-processor Mode Bigmem: Supports 1G Optimized Nuclear UP: (UNI Processor) Single Processor Mode 0080 Oracle installer why garbled? (LNX3000) Now Oracle's installer has problems with Chinese support. You can only use the English interface to install, before executing RunInstaller, execute: export lang = c; export lc_all = c 0081 Linux, the color represents the color of the file and directory " Sakulagi, mentally mini) blue representation directory; green represents executable file; red represents compressed files; light blue represents link files; gray represents other files; red flashing indicates that the file is problematic; yellow is a device file, including Block, including Block, CHAR, FIFO. Use Dircolors -P to see the default color settings, including various colors and "bold", underscore, flashing, etc. 0082 View how many activities httpd scripts (bjchenxi) #! / Bin / sh while (true) do pstree | grep "* / [httpd /] $" | sed 's /.*-/ ([0-9] [ 0-9] * /) / * / [httpd /] $ // 1 / 'Sleep 3 Done 0083 How to add a hard disk (good gentleman) one, shutdown, physical connection hard disk if it is the IDE hard disk, pay attention to the main, slave Setting; if it is a SCSI hard drive, pay attention to selecting an ID number that is not used.

Second, boot, check the hard disk has been detected by Linux DMESG | GREP HD * (IDE hard disk) Dmesg | GREP SD * (SCSI hard disk) or Less / var / log / dmesg If you don't detect your new hard drive, restart, Check the connection and see if the BIOS has recognized it. Third, the partition you can use FDISK, SFDisk, or Partition (Partition Magic under Linux), format MKFS 5, modify how to see the partition under the partition under the FSTAB VI / ETC / FSTAB 0084 Linux (Q1208C) E2Label / dev / hdxn, where x = a, b, c, d ...; how to add a new language package after installation in RH8, 9 (good gentleman) 1. 8.0 1. Put the first CD / mnt / cdrom / redhat / rpms 3.rpm -ivh TTFONTS-EN_CN-2.11-29.NOARCH.RPM (Simplified Chinese, you can use the Tab key to make up Part to avoid input incorrectly) 4. rpm -ivh ttfonts-zh_tw-2.11-15.noarch.rpm (Traditional Chinese) If you still want to weave Japanese, Korean, try the TTFONTS * .RPM on the second CD. 2 .9.0 9.0 is not on the first plate, on the third plate. RPM package name is: TTFONTS-EN_CN-2.12-1.Noarch.rpm (Simplified Chinese) TTFONTS-EN_TW-2.11-19.Noarch.rpm (Traditional Chinese) 0086 Terminal Fricklight (TSGX) CAT / DEV / VCSX> Screenshot where X indicates that the X terminal can also run Script Screen.log, and record the screen information to Screen.log. I will record your exit for a while. This is also a good way to grip. This is seen on the Cookbook on Debian. Can be used on RH9. There is no test on other systems. 0087 Let a program continue to run after exiting landing (NetDC) #nohup program name & 0088 man command is not in the path, how to view non-standard MAN files (bjchenxi) nroff -man /usr/man/man1/cscope.1 | more 0089 Run the program (BJCHENXU) SU - username -c "/ path / to / file" sometimes need to run a special identity program ... 0090 editing / etc / inittab After direct entry into force (BJCHENXU) #init Q 0091 Let Linux continue several commands, error stop (bjchenxu) Command1 && command2 && command3 0092 How to install GRUB to MBR (Bjchenxu, Netdc) GRUB> root (HD0, 0) GRUB> Setup (HD0) can also be installed with # grub-install / dev / hda to install GRUB. 0093 Write GRUB (LILO) to the Linux partition guide or the main boot sector (MBR) (BJCHENXU) If you want your computer to start, you will directly enter the operating system startup menu, write grub (lilo) on the MBR. If you are written to the Linux partition, you have to boot with the boot disk.

It is recommended to write MBR, convenient point, as to write to MBR is not safe, what explains? Each time Win98, MBR will be modified once, do you think is it unsafe? 0094 How to make multi-system coexistence (BJCHENXU) 98 system, use LILO (GRUB) boot, 2K / NT uses OSLoader boot multi-system 0095 how to switch back and forth between graphical interface and console (character interface) a. Graphics Interface to the console: CTR Alt Fn (n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). b. Switch between each console: Alt Fn (n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). c. Console to Graphics: Alt F7 0096 Redhat Linux Common Command (BJCHENXU) <1> LS: Column Directory. Usage: LS or LS DIRNAME, parameter: -a Displays all files, -l lists files. <2> MKDIR: Build a directory. Usage: MKDir Dirname, parameter :-P build multi-level directory, such as: MKDIR A / B / C / D / E / F -P <3> Mount: Mount partition or mirror file (.IMG) file. Usage: a. Disk Partition: Mount DeviceName MountPoint -O Options, where DeviceName is a device name of disk partition, such as / dev / hda1, / dev / cdrom, / dev / fd0, mountPoint is a mount point, it is a directory, Options is the parameter, if the partition is Linux partition, generally not -O Options, if it is the Windows partition, the options can be IoCharset = CP936, so that the Chinese file name in the Windows partition can be displayed. Use: such as / dev / hda5 is a Linux partition, I want to hang it on the directory A (if you have no directory A, first mkdir a), mount / dev / hda5 a, this directory A is the partition hda5 Things, such as HDA1 is a Windows partition, hung it on B, mount / dev / hda1 b -o iocharset = cp936. b. mirror file: mount filename mountpoint -o loop, filename is the mirror file name (* .Iso, *. img), other don't say, the same is true. Use: If I have an A.iso CD image file, Mount A.iso A -O Loop, so you can browse A.iso's content, *. IMG file. <4> Find: Find files. Usage: Find Indir -Name FileName, Indir is which directory you want to find, filename is the file name you're looking for (you can use wildcard), when using wildcard, FileName is best to use single quotes, otherwise sometimes error, use case: Find. -name test *, find files starting with TEST in the current directory. <5> grep: Find the specified string in the file. Usage: GREP STRING FileName, find String in FileName (available in wildcard) (it is best to use double quotes).

Parameters: -r Find in FileName in all subdirectory. Use: grep hello * .c -r Find Hello in all .c files in the current directory (including subdirectory). <5> VI: Editor. Usage: vi filename. FileName is the text file you want to edit. After using the execution vi filename, you may find that you can't edit the text content, don't worry, this is because VI has not entered the editing state, press A or I to enter the editing state, enter the editing state, you can edit the text . To exit the edit status, press the ESC button. The following operations should be in a non-editing state. Find text: Enter / and you want to find text and enter. Exit: Enter: and Q and Enter, if you modify the text, then you want to use: Q! Enter to you. Save: Enter: W Enter, if it is read-only file, use: w !. Save Exit: Enter: WQ Enter, if you are read-only: wq! Enter. Cancel: Press U. You can cancel one step by one, you can cancel multiple steps multiple times. Copy and paste a line of line: move the cursor anywhere on the line you want to copy, press yy (just twice Y), move the cursor to the previous line to paste, press P, just now, the text will be The next line inserted into the row where the cursor is located, and the original cursor is in the row of all the rows. Copy paste multi-line text: Almost the same line, just yy change to the number of rows to copy to copy, followed by yy, followed. Move the cursor to the specified line: Enter: and the line number and enter, such as moving to 123 lines: 123 Enter, move to the end: $ Enter. 0097 Linux text interface How to turn off the PC speaker (labrun) in front of the / etc / input Bell-Style None, or Echo "Set Bell-style" ~ / .bashrc 0098 to reload Windows cause Linux Cannot lead to solutions (good gentleman) If there is no restrict, take the Linux boot disk (or the first installation disc) to boot, enter the rescue mode. First find where the original / partition mount is. Redhat is usually / mnt / sysimage. Perform "Chroot / MNT / Sysimage". If it is grub, enter grub-install / dev / hd * (depending on the actual situation); if it is LILO, enter LILO -V, then restart. If the partition changes, the corresponding modification /etc/lilo.conf and /boot/grub/grub.conf will then perform the above command.

0099 Why did the Win2K is very slow (LNX3000, good gentleman), you can't see Linux logical disk in 2000, but can not access? In disk management, select this disk, right-click -> Change "Drive Name and Path" -> "Delete" is ok, beware that this disk! 0100 Brake the Linux release version of the ISO file to the CD method (bjchenxu) Borrow the NERO software in Windows, select the image file burning, select the ISO file, burn it! 0101 Linux Braided ISO method (HUTUWORM) method 1: Use XcDroast, choose to make a disc, choose ISO file, burn! See method 2: find Command: CDRecord --scanbus output: 0, 0, 0 0) 'ATAPI' 'CD-R / RW 8X4X32' '5.EZ' Removable CD-ROM burned command: cdrecord -v speed = 8 DEV = 0102 how to do (double eyelid pig) when you can't Cat, this screen will spread when you accidentally Cat, this screen will spread, then you can press Two "Enter" keys, knock "reset", then the screen will return to normal .... 0103 How to uninstall the package (Diablocom) When you know that the command to delete the package is rpm -e xxx, But when we don't know the exact spelling of this XXX, you can query all installed packages or use rpm -qa | grep xxxx with rpm -q-qa | grep xxxx. Add a line in / etc / fstab: NONE / TMP TMPFS DEFAULT 0 0 or add Mount TMPFS / TMP -T TMPFS -O Size = 128M Note: size = 128m represents / TMP maximum 128M Regardless of the way, as long as Linux restarts, the file under / TMP disappears 0105 LS -LF | GREP ^ D LS -LF | GREP / $ LS -F | GREP / $ 0106 in command List this machine IP address instead of getting NIC information (Yulc) ifconfig | GREP "inet" | cut -c 0-36 | SED -E 'S / [A-ZA-Z:] // g' Hostname - I 0107 Modify / etc / profile or $ home / .profile file How to take effect immediately (Peter333) #Source / etc / profile (or Source .profile) 0108 BG and FG Use (bjchenxu) Enter Ctrl Z, current task Will be suspended and pause, while screen Back to the progress number, at this time, use the "BG% process number" to put this process in the background, and "FG% process number" can be used to let this process in the foreground.

In addition, the Job command is used to check the current BG's process 0109 Ctrl S and Ctrl Q (bjchenxi) Ctrl-S is used to send data to the terminal, the screen is like death, can be recovered with Ctrl-Q 0110 Directory Statistics Script (BJCHENXU) Save into, then use absolute path to statistical the size of the directory of the directory: #! / Bin / sh du $ 1 --MAX-Depth = 1 | sort - N | awk '{printf "% 7.2FM ---->% S / N", $ 1/1024, $ 2}' | SED 'S: /. ([^ /] / {1, /} / $: / 1: g '0111 grep does not display itself process (bjchenxi) #ps -aux | grep httpd | grep -v grep grep -v grep can cancel the process of the grep itself you execute, the -v parameter is not Display the listed process name 0112 Delete the directory containing a file (WongMokin) Find / MNT / EBOOK / -TYPE F -EXEC GREP "In this input keyword" {} /; -Print -exec rm {} /; 0113 Let the task in CRON not feedback information, this example 5 minutes check one email (wongmokin) 0-59 / 5 * * * / usr / local / bin / fetchmail> / dev / null 2> & 1 0114 in the current Decompression RPM file (BJCHENXU) CAT kernel-ntfs-2.4.20-8.i686.rpm | RPM2CPIO | PAX -R 0115 combined two PostScript or PDF files (Noclouds) $ gs -q -dnopause -dbatch -sdevice = PSWRITE / -SOUTPUTFILE = -f $ gs - q -dnopause -dbatch -sdevice = pdfwrite / -soutputfile = bar.pdf -f foo1.pdf foo2.pdf 0116 Remove Apache's Manual directory All .en suffix names (bjchenxu) entered the Manual directory code: find ./Regex. * /. En | awk -f. '{Printf "MV% s.% S.% S.% S% s.% s.% s / n ", $ 2, $ 3,4,4,1,, worth # 3} '| SH 0117 How to get multiple X (Noclouds) StartX defaults from Display: 0.0 first X By transmitting parameters to XServer can be used to get a plurality of x: # startx -: 1.0 # startx -: 2.0 ... then switched with Ctrl-Alt-F7 / F8 ...

0118 Let a program continue to run after logging in to run (Noclouds, Bjchenxu) # # DISOWN or NoHUP Command & 0119 Look at the display information of the screen when Linux startup (BJCHENXU) After starting, use the command dmesg to view 0120 Let vi Bell (SAKULAGI) Echo "SET VB T_VB =" >> ~ / .vimrc 0121 Let Fedora After boot automatic login (dzho002) 1) RPM -IHV AutoLogin-1.0.0-7mdk.i586 rpm 2) established file / ETC / Sysconfig / AutoLogin plus one line. User = root 0122 How to configure which service starts (Sky Leisure, Q1208C) Method 1 Run NTSYSV or SETUP command, enter the menu to configure the configuration method 2 ChkConfig --List Display Service ChkConfig Name ON / OFF Turns "Name" Service 0123 Security Delete Linux Step 1 DOS Using FDISK / MBR Use FDISK / MBR to start entering the failed recovery console with Win2000 / XP, using the command fixmbr Step 2 Format the Linux partition as Windows Partition. 0124 After guiding the text interface with a GRUB (Sky Leisure Cloud) After entering GRUB, press A. Enter space 3 can boot into the text interface, but do not modify the system's run level, only valid for the same time. 0125 Test whether PATCH is working properly and does not apply changes to kernel (jiadingjun) Patch - Dry-Run ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Network related articles -------------------------------------------------------------------- vi httpd.conf find AddDefaultCharset ISO8859-1 line, instead AddDefaultCharset GB2312 2. * If it is, then, need to change a place, vi httpd.conf AddDefaultCharset ISO8859-1 instead AddDefaultCharset off 0002 permanently change the ip (bjchenxu) ifconfig eth0 New IP then edit / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts / ifcfg-eth0, modify IP 0003 remotely display Windows desktop remotely (LNX3000) from Linux (LNX3000) Install RDESKTOP Pack 0004 Manually Add Default Gateway (bjchenxu) with root users, execute: Route Add Default GW gateway IP wants to change the gateway 1 VI / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts / ifcfg-eth0 Change Gateway 2 /etc/init.d/network rest 0005 redhat 8.0 on MSN and QQ (bjchenxu) Download GAIM 0.58: Gaim- 0.58-2.i386.rpm Download QQ plug-in for GCC2.9: puts the downloaded file in / temp directory, then delete the GAIM existing in the system Type commands in the terminal emulator: rpm -e gaim. Start installing the open terminal emulator, continue to perform the following command to install the GAIM version 0.58, namely: CD / TEMP (enter the temp directory) RPM -IVH GAIM-0.58-2.i386.rpm (installation software) When the installation is successful, you can Establish a GAIM icon on the GNOME or KDE desktop.

Continue to install QQ plug-in, type command: gunzip (decompress file) CP / usr / lib / gaim (Copy plug-in to the GAIM library directory) The Software Settings When the GAIM version 0.85 is first launched, the login interface will appear. First select "Plugin", click "Load" in the Plug-in dialog box, load and file, and turn it off after confirmation. Then select "All Accounts", continue to click "Add" in the account editor that appears, when you appear, we can enter your QQ or MSN number, login name fill in the QQ number or MSN mailbox. The password fills in the corresponding QQ or MSN password, Alias ​​fill in its own nickname, the protocol selects the corresponding QQ or MSN, and other settings can be default. You can log in when all settings are complete. Since MS is often upgraded to MSN's protocol, the GAIM and MSN plugins on Linux must be upgraded, and there is no no longer-lost solution, please forgive 0006 Isors 22-port now run what program (bjchenxu) LSOF -I: 22 0007 Viewbook IP, Gateway, DNS (BJCHENXU) IP: Log in with root, executes ifconfig. Where ETH0 is the first network card, LO is the default device Gateway: Log in to the root user, execute netstat -rn, the Gateway, which is starting with, is the default gateway, you can also view the / etc / sysconfig / network file, inside Have a specified address! DNS: more /etc/resolv.conf, the content is specified as follows: Nameserver Nameserver 0008 RH8.0 Command Line Easily change the TTL value (cgWeb) #Sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl = n ( N = 0 ~ 255), if n> 255, the TTL = 0 0009 RH8.0 command line Easily change the system configuration default value (houaq) editing /etc/sysctl.conf, for example, will be Net.IPv4.ip_forward = 0 Change to Net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 After the restart is restarted, use sysctl -a to see the directory of other Windows machines shared on the 0010 Mount LAN Mount -t Smbfs -o Username = guest, password = guest // Machine / PATH / MNT / CDROM 0011 Allow | Boot ROOT SSH Login (Fun-FreeBSD) modified SSHD_CONFIG: PermitRootlogin No | YES 0012 Let root Telnet login (BJCHENXU) edit /etc/pam.d/login, remove auth request / lib / Security / This sentence 0013 In Linux ADSL device (wind521) requires a normal Linux at least one network card broadband device has been applied, and has been opened. At present, there are a few ADSL equipment on the market, and their way to work has some subtle differences.

It is the process of completing the Internet through virtual dialing, that is, using the PPPoE device to perform virtual dial-up calls, it is an automatic dial-up work after power-on, then left to our interface is RJ45. The gateway that is generally left to our Dalian area is This device is most likely to deal with. Finally, it is directly assigned to a fixed IP, which is relatively easy to deal with it. 1. The first need is dialing: Several devices communicate with the computer via the ETH interface, so the connection of the hardware device is first, especially the broadband cat, must confirm the correctness (otherwise, don't go anything in a while, don't just count, you don't think about me) and start the system, Confirm that the software is installed on the system (to find the user via rpm -qa | grep pppoe), if the user is not installed, in the disc or go online to Down, after installing, perform ADSL with root users Setup, this enters the setting status of ADSL data, requires input to apply for broadband usernames and other information, confirm that there is no problem, accept until the end (inside is E text, but can understand, simple, I usually don't have to use a firewall setting, I can choose 0, everyone can consider). After the configuration is complete, the ADSL-START is executed with root users, which will make ADSL's dial-up work, will be online, if there is any specific problem, look at the log (/ var / log / messages) tells you what.

Stop ADSL, execute ADSL-STOP (very simple) 2. The other two are easier to deal with: full-to-day cat: Just set your network card to an IP of a 10 network segment, then the gateway refers to the whole gateway To the IP of the cat, on (, basically no too much problem fixed IP: Like the NIC configuration, the IP, gateway, and DNS can be fixed by the application. 0014 Let Linux automatic synchronization time (shunz) VI / etc / crontab plus a sentence: 00 0 1 * * root rdate -s 0015 Linux online resources What are the online resources? Http:// Big Big Pig) http: // http: // domestic http: / / Http:// http: // www / Software.html http://www.bluei (SQH) 0016 Change SSHD port (bjchenxu) Add a line in / etc / ssh / sshd_config: Port 2222 , / Etc / init.d / sshd restart Restart Triggering Process 0017 Change the Telnet port (bjchenxu) Change the port number 21 of the Telnet in the / etc / service file to the value you want, / etc / init.d / xinetd RESTART Restart Triggering Process 0018 Terminal Mode Is Problem (Sakulagi) Export Term = VT100 0019 Imitation Super Terminal, Linux What Program Connection Router and Switch (Alstone) Minicom 0020 SSH can not automatically disconnect (Wind521) That is Timetou setting ,

Modify TMOUT Variable 0021 What tools use tools to make intrusion detection (BJCHENXU) Snort 0022 Linux CChecker or EFENCE CCHECKER MAR 0023 Linux How to Monveading All Data By NET Data (BJCHENXU) TCPDUMP IPTRAF 0024 Why is root to perform a lot of commands, you are telnet, then SU ​​is root, change your su command format, should be Su - root 0025 Close User POP3 Permissions (TIANSGX) The port of POP3 is off. Find this line POP-3 110 / TCP in the file / etc / services to add this line to the '#', you can comment out. 0026 Linux Play Flash Animation (MYXFC) LINUX Play Flash Animation With this thing, it will not cause the browser to close (other plugin is not easy to use) first download flash play animation at Linux plugin http://www.collaborium. ORG / ONSITE / JOS2000 / Related / Soft / Flash_Linux.tar.gz Tar ZXVF Flash_Linux.tar.gz After opening the package, you will see the Linux folder in the Linux file, there are two files and shockwaveflash.class, These two files are copied into the plugin in your browser (the browser is different, the position of the plugin may be different) /usr/lib/mozilla-1.0.1/plugins, you can lock the WU-FTP user in 0027 Directory Edit FTPAccess file restricted-uid * This sentence is important to limit FTP users in their own directory. 0028 While the server does not allow Telnet (Know Qiuyi) server to start the Telnet service && server's firewall priority should be set to low 0029 to prevent anyone from using the su command to become root (xiaohu0) /etc/pam.d/ Su Auth Sufficient /LIB/Security/ Debug Auth Required /Lib/security/ group = Wheel 2. In / etc / pam. D / su configuration file defined WHEEL group. 0030 How to make Lynx browser can browse Chinese website (Ghost_Vale) Simplified Chinese web browsing modify the following settings on the Save options to disk: [X] Display and Character set Display character set: (!) [Chinese________________________] Assumed document character set: [iso-8859-1 ______] CJK Mode (!): [ON_] Then moved to the bottom ACCEPT CHANGES Press ENTER to save, you can, of course your system is to support Simplified Chinese can 0031 network card is activated, but can't do it, what should I do? (Slock) TRACE, see that it is blinded in that piece.

1.PING DNS 4.PING Gateway 3.PING DNS 4.TRACE DNS IF All = Ok The nslookup ping sina's address TRA 'Address basically knows the result 0032 in redhat9 with Samba, Win2000 can be accessed, Win98 is not accessible? (Squall2003) If it is a Wind98 required to modify the registry: hkey_local_machine / system / correntControlSet / Services / VXD / VNETSUP built a D value: EnablePlainTextPasswd, key value 1 0033 How to get the MAC address of the NIC (bjchenxu, hutueworm) ARP -A | awk '{Print $ 4}' IFCONFIG ETH0 | Head -1 | awk '{print $ 5}' 0034 How to get an IP address of the NIC (MB) ifconfig eth0 | awk '/ inet addr / {split ($ 2, x, ":") Print x [2]} '0035 How to modify the working group (hutueworm) vi /etc/samba/smba/smb.conf in the Linux machine, modify the Workgroup = one, write the group name behind. 0036 a piece of network card how to bind two IP (LinuxLoveu) #CD / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts #cp ifcfg-eth0 IFCFG-ETH0: 1 #VI ifcfg-eth0: 1 Modify IP and device name Debian Next network card binding ip plurality of methods (NetDC) modify / etc / network / interfaces auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway auto eth0: 1 iface eth0: 1 inet Static Address Netmask Network Broadcast Modified / etc / network / ifstate LO = Lo Eth0 = Eth0 Eth0: 1 = Eth0: 1 Then /etc/init.d/networking restart is ok .

0037 How IP Binds Two NICs (HUTUWORM) assumptions is IP, is gateway: / sbin / modprobe bonding miimon = 100 mod = 1 / sbin / ifdown eth0 / sbin / ifdown eth1 / sbin / ifconfig Bond0 / sbin / ifnslave Bond0 Eth0 Eth1 / Sbin / Route Add Default GW 0038 (double eyelid pig) It is equivalent to, just means Different ... 0039 LINUX Clear ARP Table Command (Netdc) #arp -d -a (for BSD) for Host In `ARP | SED '/ Address / D' | awk '{print $ 1}'`; Do Arp -d $ host; DONE 0040 Using NTP Protocol from Server Synchronization Time (NETDC) NTPDATE NTPDATE NTPDATE: NTPDATE 0041 Host Command Usage (BJCHENXU) Host can be used to query domain names, it can also get more Information Host -t MX EXAMPLE.COM You can query the MX record of, and the name Host -l that handles Mail's Host Host -l will return all registered domain name Host -a All domain information for this host will be displayed. 0042 immediately let Linux support NAT (Platinum) Echo 1> / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / ip_forward iptables -t nat -i postrouting -j masquerade 0043 RH8.0 RCP Usage (ZHQH1) Only take effect on the root user, establish the .rhosts file in both part of the root user root directory, and add the Hostname of the two sides. In this case, the other party's IP and Hostname 2 should be added to the / etc / hosts file. To activate the RSH service, Redhat is not started by default. Method: Use the email to use the space bar before the RSH option is selected, determine exit. Then execute: Service Xinetd Restart. 3, go to the /etc/pam.d/ directory, use "#" to block the auth request /lib/security/ in the RSH file. 0044 On the ETHX device, the Linux supports network broadcast function (the default is not supported) (Platinum) (PLATINUM) IP Route Add dev ethx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Program development -------------------------- 0001 Linux Up debug Core file (bjchenxi) GDB : Error generates an executable of Core Dump.

: Core Dump file name, the default is "core" 0002 GCC ABC.C get a.out can't run (bjchenxu) ./a.out 0003 C compiles why error information says COUT is not defined (BJCHENXU) After the include header file, join using namespace std; 0004 new compilation generated GCC, use the standard connection library under / usr / local / lib, but how the default connection path used is / usr / lib added? (In addition to increasing -L / usr / local / lib) (Sakulagi, Hutueworm) (Sakulagi, Hutueworm) (Sakulagi, Hutueworm) (Sakulagi, Hutueworm) (Sakulagy_path = $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH: / USR / local / lib Write ~ / .bash_profile inside.

Add a simple approach: add / usr / local / lib to /etc/, then run the GCC installation of LDConfig 0005 RH9 (a day, hutueworm) Select one: (1 The CD-1: Compat-GCC-7.3-2.96.118.i386.2.96.118.i386.2.96.118.i386.2.96.118.i386.3- CD-1: LIBGCC-3.2. 2-5.i386.rpm CD-2: Compat-GCC-G77-7.3-2.96.118.I386.RPM CD-2: Compat-GCC-Java-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpm CD-2: Compat -GCC-OBJC-7.3-2.96.118.i386. rpm CD-2: GCC-3.2.2-5.i386.RPM CD-2: GCC-C - 3.2.2-5.i386.rpm CD-2: GCC-G77-3.2.2-5.i386.rpm CD-2: GCC-GNAT-3.2.2-5.i386.rpm CD-2: GCC-Java-3.2.2-5.i386.rpm CD-2 : gcc-objc-3.2.2-5.i386.rpm, such as touched system tips: Warning: GCC-3.2.2-5.i386.rpm: V3 DSA Signature: MoKey Key ID DB42A60E Error: failed dependencies: binutils> = IS NEEDED by GCC-3.2.2-5 Glibc-We> = 2.3.2-11.9 Is Needed by GCC-3.2.2-5 ... Just install the glibc-debc package, The better method is the better way to select the "Main Menu" -> "System Settings" -> "System Settings" ─> "Development Tool" in X-Window -> "Development Tool" ( 3) Up2date GCC can automatically solve the dependency problem --------------------------------------- ----------------- 0001 GNU / Linux Advanced Network Application Service Guide (BJCHENXU) Linuxaid Website Machinery Industry Press Advantages: Also, Ali, All is the actual battle Disadvantages: Low version, for Redhat 6.2 0002 Linux Apache Web Server Administration (BJCHENXU) (BJCHENXU) Charles AULDS Ma Shuqi / Jinyan Translation Electronic Industry Press Society Advantages: At present, I haven't found any questions about Apache This book did not say shortcomings: for 1.3.x, the latest for 2.0. * English version has been out, the Chinese version is waiting for 0003 Linux core scenario analysis (BJCHENXU) Maunde / Hu Ximing Zhejiang University Press Advantages: It is too penetration, I can't understand the shortcomings: still the version problem, the kernel update is too fast, but still must read 0004 UNIX Environment Advanced Programming (BJCHENXU) Richard Steven Machinery Industry Press Advantages: Broad Sector Disadvantages: It is difficult for beginners to understand, otherwise how to call "Advanced Programming"? 0005 Programming Essence - Microsoft Writing High Quality Unlike C Documents Secret (BJCHENXU) Steve Maguire Electronic Industry Press Advantages: Don't say, the author is a Skille Senior Engineer's shortcoming: It is difficult to find,

Daniel P. Bovet & Marco Cesati O'Reilly Published by 1994 Daniel P. Bovet & Marco CESATI O'REILLY Press After reading this book, you will understand that Linux has the best performance, and How it faces challenges, providing advanced system responses when process schedule, file access, and memory management in various environments. By explaining its importance to introduce each topic and links kernel operations to UNIX programmers and user familiar system calls or utilities. 0007 UNIX operating system tutorial (English version) (mentally wisdom) Syed Mansoor Sarwar and other mechanical industrial publishing homes: shallow easy-to-understand, focusing on UNIX fundamental concepts and overall understanding, BCKEA. In addition: Machinery Industry Press has published Chinese version, Name: UNIX Tutorial 0008 UNIX programming environment (mentally wisdom) Brian W.kernighan, Rob Pike Chen Xiangquan and other translation machinery industrial publishing homes: shallow, deep-in-depth explanation how to use UNIX and various tools Briefly introduce the UNIX programming environment; compare "Unix Environment Advanced Programming", this book is suitable for newcomers. 0009 THE ART OF UNIX Programming (HUTUWORM) Eric Steven Raymond Advantages: ES Raymond's classic book 0010 UNIX network programming - Volume set interface API and X / Open Transport Interface API (SLG1972) Richard Stevens Tsinghua University Press Advantages: Detailed Unix Network Programming 0011 Unix Network Programming - Volume 2 Processes Communication (SLG1972) Richard Stevens Tsinghua University Press Advantages: Details Unix process The relationship between threads, and the different standards process programming is the unix network programming - volume three applications (SLG1972, Hutuworm) is not out, because the Richard Stevens master's earnest, no longer completion The third volume in this program is. It is said that it may be written out by Gary R. Wright, but since the master's crane, there has been no audio letter 0013 Based on C CORBA Advanced Programming (SLG1972) Michi Henning, Steve Vinoski Tsinghua University Press Advantages: Middleware For the essential information to the CORBA application.

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