/ / Sometimes the user wants to download the file, but this file type is associated with the browser in the system, and the result is turned on in IE.
// Common Word, Excel, PDF, etc. Therefore, transfer the file into a data stream to make the browser do not know the purpose of the file type.
String root = GetServletContext (). GetRealPath ("/");
String path = Request.getParameter ("path");
String name = Request.getParameter ("name");
Response.setContentType ("unknown");
// Note that if the attachment in the following line code is removed; then the IE will automatically open the file.
Response.addheader ("Content-Disposition", "Attachment; FileName = /" " Name " / "");
Java.io.outputstream OS = response.getOutputStream ();
Java.io.fileinputStream Fis = new java.io.fileInputStream (root path name);
Byte [] b = new byte [1024];
INT i = 0;
While ((i = fis.read (b))> 0)
Os.Write (B, 0, I);
fis.close ();
Os.flush ();
Os.Close ();
Catch (Exception E)