Under Linux, Apache + PHP + MYSQL + CGI (transferred from LinuxSir)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  98

In accordance with a number of articles that claim to be changed from the bastard articles that you have experienced, I don't debug it, because I don't like CGI. The column of chmod mysql is both stuck two times. If there is a problem, you can do an experiment. Under Linux, apache mysql php ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^★ Time, modify some errors, the last version is the following Apache1.3.24 php4.21 mysql3.23.49 openssl mod_ssl mod_perl mod_fastcgi Here you should pay attention to the apache 1.3X can be used in static PHP module 2.xx Currently, you can only use dynamics, and there is no Windows version of this installed package: Apache_1.3.24.tar.gzphp-4.2.1.tar.gzmysql-3.23.49.tar.gzmod_fastcgi-2.2.12.tar.gzmod_perl -1.26.tar.gzmod_ssl-2.8.8-1.3.24.tar.gzopenssl-0.9.6d.tar.gz Although the Apache version has reached 2.0.36, it is not really going out of the test phase from other information, and the latest PHP 4.21 is currently unable to compile static modules for Apache 2.0.xx. This installation is compiled as a static module, so there is no new Apache.

######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## # Instal: Place these packages in a directory, such as / usr / local / src then decompress these packages: tar xzvf apche_1.3.24.tar.gztar xzvf php-4.2.1.tar.gztar xzvf mysql-3.23.49 .tar.gztar xzvf mod_fastcgi-2.2.12.tar.gztar xzvf mod_perl-1.26.tar.gztar xzvf mod_ssl-2.8.8.-1.3.24.tar.gztar xzvf openssl-0.9.6d.tar.gz decompressed completion The folder that will appear after the compression after the current directory will now start configuration compilation: 1. First install MySQL requires PTH, don't forget 1) Establish a mysql user group: groupadd mysqluseradd -g mysql mysql2) configuration Compile CD mysql-3.23.49./config --prefix = / usr / local / mysql If you want to use MySQL transaction, you can add --with-berkeley-db, name: ./ Configure / - prefix = / usr / local / mysql / - with-Berkeley-DB configuration After completion, you can compile 3) Compile installation and compilation is simple. There is only one command make install4) Initialization After the installation is complete, there are several steps, first Is initializing the database scripts / mysql_install_db then set the permissions chown -r root / usr / local / mysqlchown -r mysql / usr / local / mysql / varchgrp -r mysql / usr / local / mysql then start MySQL required MY.CNF Copy to / ETC directory CP /usR/local/mysql/share/mysql/My-Medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf (there are three files, my-small.cnf, my-large.cnf, and my-la -huge.cnf, for machine performance, the last one is suitable for 2GB of memory 5) start / usr / local / mysql / bin / safe_mysqld --user = mysq l & You can see the startup information, then you should set your password for the root user, because the default is no password after installation 6) Set password for root / usr / local / mysql / bin / mysqladmin -u root -P password your_new_password Note that the first password is the parameter of the command, and it is based on the original, and Your_New_password is the new password you want to set. For example, to set the root password to 123456, then enter the command: / usr / local / mysql / bin / mysqladmin -u root -p password 123456 Enter the system prompts you to enter the current password, it should be like this: Enter Password: Because there is no password at this time, it will be sent directly. At this time, there is no prompt to return the prompt state, and the password has been set.

At this point, you can verify the password by turning off the MySQL service: / usr / local / mysql / bin / mysqladmin -u root -p shutdownenter password: 123456 system prompts Mysql Closed: 020531 13:14:35 mysql ended [1] DONE / usr / local / mysql / bin / safe_mysqld --user = mysql ##################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #################################################### Configuration Module CD / USR / LOCAL / SRC1) Move the FastCGI Directory to the Apache Module Directory and renamed Fastcgimv MOD_FASTCGI-2.2.12 Apache_1.24 / SRC / MODULES / FASTCGI2) Configure and compile the OpenSSL module CD / USR / local / SRC / OpenSSL-0.9.6DSH Configmakemake Test3) Configure mod_sslcd /usr/local/src/mod_ssl-2.8.8-1.3.24./configure --with-apache = .. / apache_1.3.244) Configuration Compile and install MOD_PERLCD / USR / local / src / mod_perl-1.26perl makefile.pl /apache_src=../apache_1.3.24/src / do_httpd = 1 / use_apaci = 1 / pre_httpd = 1 / everything = 1 then compile Make then test compile results MAKE TEST installation Make Install5) Configuring Apachecd /usR/local/src/apache_1.3.24ssl_base=../openssl-0.9.6d ./configure / - prefix = / usr / local / apache / - enable-module = ssl / Activate-module = src / modules / fastcgi / libfastcgi.a /--act-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a is now In the initial completion of the Apache configuration, you will start to get a PHP6) Configuration Compile installation PHP-4.2.1cd /usr/local/src/php-4.2.1./configure / - with-mysql = / usr / local / mysql /--with-apache=../apache_1.3.24 / - enable-track-vars / - enable-trans-sid / - with-gd then compiles Make Installing Make Install7) Reconfiguring and compiling Apachecd / USR / local / src / apache_1.3.24. / config.status /--activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a Compile Make Installation Make CertificateMake Install8) Final Settings CD /usR/LOCAL/SRC/PHP-4.2 .1cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini You can edit the httpd.conf under the PHP.INI editor / usr / local / apache / conf directory: DirectoryIndex Index .html change to: DirectoryIndex index.html index.php <


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