Use the method of implementing Windows login in ASP.NET.

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  96

Public Bool Login (String Username, String Domain)


String text1 = domain.trim ();

String text2 = username.trim ();

Text2 = text2.replace ("/", @ "/");

INT Num1 = text2.indexof ('//');

IF (Num1! = -1)


Text1 = text2.substring (0, Num1);

Text2 = text2.substring (NUM1 1);




Num1 = TEXT2.INDEXOF ('@');

IF (Num1! = -1)


Text1 = text2.substring (NUM1 1);

TEXT2 = text2.substring (0, Num1);



Return this.authenticateUser (Text2, Password.trim (), Text1);


Private Bool AuthenticateUser (String Username, String Domain)


BOOL flag1 = false;



Int Num1;


IF (! Windowsauth.logonuser (Username, Domain, Password, 2, 0, Out Num1))


Return flag1;


Ptr1 = new INTPTR (NUM1);

Windowsidentity Identity1 = New WindowsIdentity (PTR1);

Windowsprincipal Principal1 = New WindowsPrincipal (Identity1);

HttpContext.current.user = principal1;

Formsauthentication.setAuthCookie (Principal1.Identity.Name, False);

Formsauthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage (UserName, False);

Flag1 = True;


Catch (Exception)



Return flag1;


[DLLIMPORT ("Advapi32.dll")]]]]]

Public Static Extern Bool Logonuser (String Lpszusername);


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